First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg

First Presbyterian Church
300 South Main Street, P. O. Box 1038
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601-5038
Phone: 724.832.0150 fax: 724.832.0152
February 2015
Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Nursery Care provided
In January, the Session and the Board of Deacons held their annual Leadership Retreat for the purposes of
reorganization and planning for the coming year. We had time to reorganize and plan for this coming
year. One of the things we did was to discuss the Six Great Ends of the Church.
What are those Six Great Ends? It’s a fair question, but before I delineate just what is contained in that
list, allow me to provide a brief definition of the mysterious word: “end.”
Email submissions to or mail to church office.
The Coulter Society asks that you please consider
remembering our church in your will!
Rev. Martin R. Ankrum, Pastor / Head of Staff
Rev. Nicole C. Brodeur, Associate Pastor for Youth and Educational Ministries
Rev. Bobbie Hineline, Minister of Visitation
Edgar B. Highberger, Minister of Music and Organist
Taylor R. Barner, Seminary Assistant for Campus Ministry
Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Kimberly A. Stoner, Executive Secretary
Keith L. Huey, Sexton
Stacy A. Somers, FPC Preschool Supervisor
Wendy H. Matchett, FPC Preschool Teacher
Joan L. McGinley, FPC Preschool Teacher
Anita M. Garr, Director of Elementary Music
Michelle Stefl Harbaugh, Assistant to the Minister of Music
Carol A. Scherff, Housekeeper
Richard P. Fabery and Charles L. Diorio, Assistant Sextons
Katie Morella, Nursery Care
End, in this context, is more like our word “purpose” than it means a final finish or the arrival at a locality
after a long journey. End is a word that means both purpose and final goal. The PC(USA) lists Six Great
Ends as a part of our Constitution. They are the following:
The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind
The shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God
The maintenance of divine worship
The preservation of the truth
The promotion of social righteousness
The exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world
The leadership of this congregation spent time at the retreat contemplating how our church is already
fulfilling these ends, how we might improve our fulfillment of them and our own personal efforts to meet
these ends as officers of Christ’s church.
Our work together, both the listing of how we are currently fulfilling the ends and what we could be doing
to improve our witness as a church, created the atmosphere by which our committees could produce their
own set of goals toward fulfilling their work this coming year.
Grace and peace,
PRAYER LIST: Virginia Abraham, Linda Anderson, Nelda Ashbaugh, Sue
Brown, Gail Bupp, Dorothy Casteel, Edna Mary Cox, Michelle King Cushey,
Elaine Davis, Greg Dolan, Richard Enterline, Albert Essey, Shelley Fazi,
Elizabeth Fedele, Robert Folino, Foor family, Janet Glover, Tammy Gray,
Shirley Hawk, Ruth Hershey, Cheryl Highberger, Grace Howard, Charlotte
Jinkner, Bob Kemerer, Ray and Reta Kuyat, George Maser, Lila May, David
McNair, Alex Noel, Bill Noel, Leslie Pelzer, Victoria Piekut, Kay Powers,
Merle Ray, Ron Russell, Pat Salathe, the family of Greg Schwing, John Sember, Liz Sember,
Ellen Sheehan, Liam Sherman, Janet Sutherland, Lance Tacik, Monika Tart, Tom Taylor, Lynda
Turin, Elsie Vanetta, Anh Vu, Cheryl Woods and Marilyn Zielinski.
BIRTHDAYS: Each month we observe the VIP and fourscore or more birthdays: If you are 80 or
older, and would like to be listed in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church. October
birthdays are: Ruth Sizer, 712 Redmont Place, Greensburg, (04)
Charles Hershey Saunders, January 3, 2015, son of Tara & Steven Saunders;
grandson of Tom & Joanne Hershey
Charles Paul Smolenski, January 9, son of Lauren & Joseph Smolenski;
grandson of Karen & Jay Manning
Taimen Paul Hines, January 16, 2015, son of Sarah & Tim Hines
Greg L. Schwing, December 29, 2014
MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS since December 15: Helen Bush, Robin S. Jennings
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED SPONSORING A COFFEE HOUR? Provide your own cookies, muffins
or pastries or underwrite the refreshments for $35. Use the sign-up sheet on the Dining Room
bulletin board. Your contributions and participation are greatly appreciated.
CANCER CARE LIBRARY NOW AVAILABLE ----- The Deacons have added a new Care Note
assortment which addresses many of the questions and challenges that individuals and families
face in dealing with cancer. The new library, which consists of nine cancer-related topics, is
located in the dining room next to our current Care Notes Library.
A NEW ARRIVAL in the family is amazing, exciting and can be overwhelming. The Deacons are
offering a meal for the family on a busy day with appointments, etc. The new mother, or a
family member, can contact Peggy Taylor (724-547-6851), Marjorie Pershing (724-837-3614) or
the church office. We do not have a formal network to know of births at the regional hospitals;
however, the church office will forward information as received. Anyone wishing to provide a
meal may also contact Peggy or Marjorie. Thank you for your help with this ministry.
VIP (VERY IMPORTANT PRESBYTERIANS) The Pastoral Care Committee of the Board of
Deacons are asking church members with family or friends who are hospitalized, have health
conditions that have changed, and/or have other concerns to please inform Kim Stoner at the
church office at 724-832-0150.
CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES – If you didn’t receive contribution envelopes and would like a set or
if you currently receive envelopes for yourself or a family member and do not wish to receive
them please let me know. Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Stewardship Report
Total Disbursements through 12/31/14
Total Receipts through 12/31/14
Total Income over/under Expense
($ 70,169.74)
Mission Committee News
SECOND SUNDAY SUPPER has a tradition! Our January meal has been the same for at least three
years. Even the guests remember how tasty it is. The meal started with a basket of bread and
butter followed with a dish of fruit. Then the kolbassi and special sauerkraut shared the plate
with a very large baked potato. About 50 guests left just juice at the bottom of two roasters.
Dessert was ice cream and large “Wallace” cookies. One guest said people like coming to our
dinner because every helper is so happy. That’s a Presbyterian for you!!!
FIVE WISHES…. is a document that speaks about a person's medical, emotional and spiritual
needs at a time when we feel most vulnerable, namely, when we become seriously ill. On the
five Sundays in March, we will gather to consider the desires we want our families to know
should we become seriously ill. This class is led by Rev. Dick Morgan and Rev. Bobbie
Hineline and will meet after worship--around 11:30 in the refectory. (We may even have a little
lunch...) Please let the church office know if you will be attending.
Continuing our education as Christians is vital to an active and informed faith! Here at
First Presbyterian, there are many groups and classes that you can join in order to increase
your understanding of our faith ….
THE FAITH & FAMILY GROUP meets in the Fletcher Room at 9 a.m. every Sunday to discuss
topics related to our faith and family relationships.
ON THE CHRISTIAN LIFE is a class that discusses the influence of theologians and leaders of the
Christian church on the faith. This year we are discussing the life and work of the great German
theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The class meets in the PW Lounge every Sunday morning at
9:00 and is led by Rev. Ankrum.
THE MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY meets at Eat’n Park on Rt. 30 E. each Wednesday
morning at 7:45 a.m. for a time of fellowship, study and, of course, breakfast. We are now
studying the Book of Genesis under the leadership of Rev. Ankrum.
TASTE & SEE! meets at Oliver’s Pourhouse on Pennsylvania Ave. each Wednesday evening at 7
p.m. Rev. Niki Brodeur facilitates this discussion group. There will be no meetings during Lent
but will resume on April 8, 2015.
THE BIBLICAL BOOK OF THE MONTH CLASS gathers on the final Monday evening of each
month at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the church. Rev. Ankrum teaches the class and covers
a single book of the Bible each month. In February, we will meet on Monday, Feb. 23. The
book we will be discussing is: Ecclesiastes. This book of the Old Testament is part of the
Wisdom Literature. Please join us in the Assembly Room on the 23rd at 7 p.m.
THE LAST TUESDAY BOOK CLUB gathers on the final Tuesday of every month to discuss a
particular novel. For February, we will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. in the PW Lounge on
the first floor of the CE Wing. We are reading novellas this year and our book for this month is:
Breakfast at Tiffanys, by Truman Capote … it’s different from the movie! Please join us!
THE FLOWER GARDEN ….. Like the flowers that take a break in the winter, we too have decided
to “rest” until May. We will begin meeting again on May 11, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. and will meet
on the second Monday of every month until October. We will gather in various gardens to
appreciate God’s gifts to us. Watch for information on May’s meeting in a future issue of First
News. Call Bobbie Hineline at 724-850-9342 with any questions.
CORNERSTONE….will meet on February 7, at 6:30 p.m. at DeGennaro’s Restaurant, 1402 S.
Broad Street, Greensburg. Cornerstone is a gathering of folks from FPC on a monthly basis for
dinner and conversation on the second Saturday evening. We are meeting a week earlier this
month due to Valentine’s Day. Please join us if you’re available! Contact Sandy Beauregard or
the church office to reserve your spot.
WOMEN'S RETREAT All women are invited to attend an overnight retreat at Camp Laurelville,
near Mt. Pleasant on March 20-21. We will gather on Friday night and stay until around 3 on
Saturday afternoon. The retreat will be led by Rev. Bobbie Hineline and will cost $60. More
details will be forthcoming.
PENNSYLVANIA SINGS!! Saturday, March 7th from 1-4 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Chapel,
dining room and Fletcher Room. Come and join your Presbyterian friends and others for an
afternoon of singing and dancing! Learn to ballroom dance with Pat and Gib Clark. Sing
'traveling songs' with George Kamerer. Learn Pennsylvania songs with Paula Purnell. You can't
have a bad time! You are asked to make a donation to Welcome Home, our local homeless
shelter. Questions? Ask Bobbie Hineline at 724-850-9342.
AN OPEN INVITATION to members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to join the Monday
Morning Sewing Circle that meets at 9:00 a.m. Monday mornings in the Fletcher Room. You
don’t have to be an expert tailor to hem the cotton flannelette baby receiving blankets or to sew
the “little dresses for Africa”. If you are interested, please contact Sylvia Carlson at
724-755-2288 for information. Membership at this church is not a requirement. Everyone is
Y-Fi* Connections in February
*Youth of First Pres.
When is our next Y-Fi?
February 8th, 15th, 22nd (offsite)
5:30-6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm-8:00pm – Growing
Together! (Middle School &
Senior High)
GOT TALENT? Would you like to share it with others? Our youth ministry is putting together a
Variety Show and Silent Auction for Saturday, March 21st (6pm-8pm) to support our youth
summer mission trips. We’re looking for talent, as well as donations for the silent auction
(themed goody baskets, donation of services, etc.) If you’re interested, please contact Niki soon!
And put this awesome event on your calendar! It will be a fun night for everyone!
PRESCHOOL HAPPENINGS The new preschool website is live!!! Check us out at The website contains lots of information about our preschool.
We are excited to spread the word about our school. Be sure to check us out! Registration for
2015/2016 opened on January 5, 2015. Space fills up quickly so please register early. You can
print a form directly from the website.
FPCG FAMILY FUN DAY! Join us at Kerber’s for snow tubing on
Saturday, February 7th from 11am-2pm! All are welcome to come and
have fun together! Bring your neighbor, bring your siblings, bring your
cousins, and bring yourself! RSVP to Niki by Wednesday, February 4,
Recent Addition to Library features writers from FPC!
The Library has obtained a copy of a recent publication that contains contributions from
members of our own community of faith. Seasons of Caring: Meditations for Alzheimer’s and
Dementia Caregivers is a book of over 140 meditations from leaders of the faith across a broad
range of faith traditions. Our own Jerry Cumer, Bobbie Hineline, and Dick Morgan contributed
entries for this book. From a press release regarding this publication: “Each of the 72
contributors – many caregivers themselves – draws upon his or her years of experience to offer
words of hope, encouragement and understanding to those on the dreaded Alzheimer’s journey,
giving voice to the unique challenges confronting Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers. The
authors speak from the perspective of their distinct faith traditions, yet are united in their
support of individuals and families facing Alzheimer’s and dementia.”
“What’s In Your Face and In Your
Y-Fi Plays & Grows! Join the group on Sunday, February 22nd for a special Y-Fi! We’ll meet at
church at 3:45pm and head over to Carmike Cinemas to see “Pass the Light.” We’ll return to
church in time for a 7:30 p.m. pick up by parents. Cost is $8 per person. “Pass the Light” follows
17 year old high school student Steve Bellafiore. Disturbed by a congressional candidate’s use
of religion to spread hatred and fear in his campaign, Steve runs for Congress on a campaign of
uniting the town by spreading the message of love and community. (for more info, check out
their Facebook page or
Y-Fi Grows! During the season of Lent, we will meet together in the youth room to begin
watching “The Bible” miniseries that was done by The History Channel. We will meet at 6pm to
have pizza, viewing, and discussion. We will gather on Saturday, April 4th to finish the
miniseries from 11am-5pm. The Wednesdays we will meet during Lent are: 2/18, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18,
Y-FI PLAYS & GROWS! Join us for our 2015 Y-Fi Retreat! The dates are Friday, April 17th to
Sunday, April 19th. The cost of the retreat is $75 per person (covers lodging, transportation, and
meals/snacks.) Sign up on the sheet in the youth room! **DATE CHANGE!!!**
Save the Date!
Middle School Mission X @ Pine Springs! July 19-23, 2015!
Sr. High Mission Trip to Massanetta Springs! June 21-27, 2015!
Circle Meetings for
Presbyterian Women
Please join us!
This year our Bible study is: “Reconciling Paul”, a contemporary study
of 2 Corinthians. Our study will be presented by our own Alice Ann
Morgan who will make the study come alive! We meet in the Refectory (the small dining room
just off the Dining Room). If you have any questions, please see Peg Carpenter, Circle
LOIS CIRCLE TO MEET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 @ 9:30 A.M. … We’ll gather in the Dining
Room at 9:30 a.m. If you are available, please join our fellowship. We make use of the Horizons
Bible Study and take active part in discussions of topics of interest. And of course, we enjoy
each other’s company and the treats that are brought! If you have any questions, please contact
Eleanor McCamant at 724-853-8165.
Sunday, March 22 at 4 p.m. A MORAVIAN MUSICAL LOVEFEAST
with the Westmoreland Choral Society and the Westmoreland Children’s Choir.
Friday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. SETON HILL UNIVERSITY
Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. ANNUAL GRANT RECITAL—MANUAL MANIA—
Organ Duets/Solos/Works for Violin and Organ with James Riggs and David von Behren.
Friday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. INTERESTINGLY INTERNATIONAL
A Festival of Organ Music Performed by the Seton Hill University Organ Studio and Organ
Alums of the University.
THE E-GIVING SWITCH IS ON! The switch to regular,
scheduled e-Giving is gaining momentum at FPC. It’s
easy to set up. No need for locating envelopes or writing
checks on those hectic Sunday mornings while getting the
kids ready for church. And you’ll find that it’s a snap to
make one-time contributions for special events and
memorials. Hint: Consolidate your weekly giving into
one “Monthly” contribution to keep FPC’s transaction
costs down and to simplify your records.
Those who have switched, report that the process of
setting up giving online is easy and trouble –free. Simply
visit the church website and
click the Online Donations button, or scan the QR code
with your smart phone to create a profile and schedule
your donations. Not computer savvy? Contact Lu Ann
Peters at the church office, who will set up your recurring
donations for you.
If you would rather receive an electronic version of the First News, please let us know at and we’ll add you to our email list and remove you from
the paper copy list. Then you will receive the First News through your computer rather
than the mail box, but you’ll have to let us know!! A copy of the latest First News can
also be found at our website:
A Significant Journey
The Lenten Season is a significant journey for all
Christians. The season is one of forty days that call
us to contemplate the life of our Lord and Savior. It is
traditional for followers of Jesus Christ to make use of
this season to rededicate themselves to active
discipleship of Christ. Join with the members of your
congregation as we journey together, following our
Lord Jesus Christ towards a deeper understanding of
God’s love in Christ and a firmer faith!
Ash Wednesday 2015
February 18 – 7:30 p.m. - Main Sanctuary
We begin our Lenten journey together as Christ’s Church in worship. Join with us this
Wednesday evening for this simple service of repentance and recommitment.
Sundays in Lent …
Lent 1 – February 22 – 10:00 a.m.
Lent 2 – March 1 – 10:00 a.m.
Lent 3 – March 8 – 10:00 a.m.
Lent 4 – March 15 – 10:00 a.m.
Lent 5 – March 22 – 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Nicole C. Brodeur will preach
“Our Purpose in God’s Light”
“Both Priest AND Sacrifice”
Five Wednesdays in the Chapel …
Hearing the Words of Jesus: A Significant Journey through the Parables
Wednesdays in Lent – 7 p.m. – The Memorial Chapel
This Lenten Season, we will journey along with Christ as we listen again and afresh to the stories
that Jesus taught his followers. Some of our favorite parables will be revisited and will be the
focus of each of this mid-week worship services. Make it a Lenten discipline to join us in
worship each Wednesday evening of Lent in the Memorial Chapel at 7 p.m.
The purpose of the Coulter Society is to encourage and recognize planned gifts to the church
through wills and bequests, as a way of investing in the future of FPC Gbg.
Why is this being called the Coulter Society? The name is in honor of a family that goes back to
the founding of this congregation in 1788. To put that date in perspective, the following year on
April 30 in NYC, GW was sworn in as the first President of our country. From the beginning,
the Coulters were a family intent on leaving a legacy. The family played a very active role in the
life of this church for almost 150 years, as well as in the community, county, and state.
The first church building was constructed in what is now St. Clair Park. In 1847, this plot of
ground, on the corner of Third and Main, was purchased by Mss. Margaret and Rebecca Coulter
and three other women and the title was turned over to the church trustees. In 1848 a church was
built on this site. The congregation continued to grow and in 1882 it was decided that a new
building was needed. General Richard Coulter made the lead pledge to fund that building. The
congregation continued its growth and in 1913 it was decided again to replace that building with
a new structure, which is this church. General Coulter’s widow, Emma Coulter, stepped forward
and donated almost 1/2 of the cost of this building. The building was completed in 1917. In
1921 the first stained glass window, the War Memorial Window, was installed and dedicated.
This was a gift of Col. Henry Coulter and is the window over the balcony. This window is in
honor of the 98 men from this congregation that served in WW 1, five of whom did not make it
In 1928, Emma Coulter, the General’s widow, donated the Passion Windows, over the choir loft.
The family continued to make benevolent gifts to the church, including the Richard Coulter Trust
in 1937 which has continued to provide some income for the operating budget every year for the
last 75 years. They were not the only family or individuals to generously support this church
over the years but they certainly set a good example. The Coulter legacy is with us today 224
years after our founding. We have this beautiful place of worship today because of their
generosity and the generosity of others like them.
I doubt that any of us can do things on the scale that the Coulters did but we can do small things,
and many small things add up. Let us leave a legacy as well so that this congregation can
continue its ministry in the future in this place. We ask that you consider naming the church in
your will, any amount, small, medium, or large. Over the coming months you will hear more
about what others have already done and what opportunities are available to us. If you have
already made arrangements through estate planning to leave something to the church or if you
have questions or are considering doing this please let us know. You can do this through the
church office and either Martin or I will respond, or you can contact us directly. Let’s all
become members of the Coulter Society.
-Art Caramella
Please welcome the newest members to our congregation!
The Michael & Sarah Vannatta Family also joined as part of this class
but will be received in worship at a later date.