Senior Counseling Center Bulletin Smithtown High School West October 2014

Senior Counseling Center Bulletin
Smithtown High School West
October 2014
Counseling Center - Phone # 382-3020
Mrs. Jeanmarie Wilson (A-CATA)
Mrs. Michele Randall (CATB--D)
Mrs. Michelle Thompson (E-IM)
Mrs. Kate Baker (IN-MARI)
Mrs. Annemarie Freund (MARJ-PERI)
Mrs. Dorothy Caputo (PERJ-SIM)
Mr. Michael Agostino (SIN-Z)
Attention Parents and Students - This bulletin will be published each month by the Counseling Center. The
information contained in this bulletin is exclusively for seniors and provides up-to-date details on a variety of topics
for “college-bound” and “work-bound” students. College information, scholarships and financial aid are just some
of the topics to be included.
Students who are seeking employment or internships and are work-bound are encouraged to establish contact with
Mrs. Grafstein at 382-2977. She can assist them in their career plans and employment contacts.
Copies of the bulletin will be available in the Counseling Center, Naviance and on the high school website. Please
call 382-2954 if you have any questions.
Mini-College Day - October 22, 2014 - AUXILIARY GYM 5TH& 6TH
Financial Aid Update: The date and location for our evening parent workshop will be at SMITHTOWN HIGH
SCHOOL WEST on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:00PM in the auditorium. Please mark your calendar for
this informative presentation. F.A.F.S.A. (financial aid forms) cannot be mailed before January 1, 2015.
The U.S. Department of Education announces the FAFSA Express software. FAFSA Express is a faster and
easier way for students to apply for federal student aid. It is a free Windows-based computer program with easy-tofollow screens that resemble the paper Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA Express can be
downloaded at
Go to your Counseling Center FOR APPLICATION/INFORMATION
On-line Guide to New York’s Independent Colleges and Universities at: –
Research scholarships on the internet at the following website – this page will give you step by
step directions to conduct a scholarship search.
NOMINATIONS - If it is indicated that a scholarship requires a nomination by Smithtown High School, students
must submit their names for consideration to the Counseling Center by the nomination date.
Applications are available in the Counseling Center unless otherwise noted.
The Guidance Office will start accepting college applications on Wednesday, October 1, 2014.
Coca-Cola – is awarding scholarships to well-rounded students with highly developed interests in their community
and a minimum GPA of 3.0. Selection is based on leadership in school, extracurricular activities, academic
achievement and motivation to succeed. Students may apply on-line at Our CEEB
Number is 335221. DEADLINE: October 31, 2014.
New York State PTA Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Education – is for students who plan to attend
a State University of New York college and major in education. Recipients are selected by the New York State
PTA. Two students will be nominated for this scholarship. For nomination consideration come to the Counseling
Center by October 22, 2014.
Boston College – has a Presidential Scholarship Program for students who wish to be leaders with vision and
integrity. This scholarship is based on demonstrated academic merit and is guaranteed to meet full need for four
years. For more information call 1-800-360-2522. Candidates must apply by the Early Action DEADLINE of
November 1, 2014.
Apply for a 2015 Prudential Spirit of Community Award – If you have extensive community service and
volunteer activities go to or to access the online application.
DEADLINE: November 4, 2014.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program – is available to students planning on attending a full
time accredited 4-year college beginning in the fall of 2015. The criteria include a GPA of 3.5 or higher, SATS
(critical reading and math score) of 1200 or above, ACT of 26 or above and demonstrate financial need. For more
information learn more at or call 855-509-5232. DEADLINE: November 4, 2014.
The Suffolk Academy of Medicine (Doctors of Tomorrow Scholarship) – is for students interested in entering
the field of medicine. An introductory symposium, which is a prerequisite for the scholarship competition will be
held at the Charles B. Wang Center at Stony Brook University on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 1:00PM3:00PM. Come to Counseling Center for registration information by Friday, November 7, 2014.
Boston University Trustee Scholarship Competition – Trustee Scholars are typically in the top 5-10% percent of
their high school class and demonstrate exceptional records of service and activity in their school and community.
All Trustee Scholars demonstrate the ability and desire to serve and lead. For application and nomination
information visit their website at or call 617-353-2320. All Trustee application
materials and the Boston University application must be received by December 1, 2014.
The Elks National Foundation 2015 Most Valuable Student Scholarship – has a scholarship based on leadership,
scholarship and financial need. All applications are filled out online at or A hard copy of the application must be sent to: Smithtown Elks #2036, Attn: Betty Boyd, 120
Edgewood Avenue, SPO Box 1222, Smithtown, NY 11787. For more information call 631-360-8681.
DEADLINE: December 3, 2014.
Ithaca College’s Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar Program – is offered to academically exceptional students from
traditionally under represented populations who have demonstrated strong character and leadership through
community involvement. DEADLINE: December 10, 2014.
The NFIB has a 2015 Young Entrepreneur Award – is for graduating high school seniors who operate their small
business. For more information visit DEADLINE: December 18, 2014.
Ithaca College Park Scholars Awards – is for a student majoring in communications and attending Ithaca
College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications. This scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for a total of
four years. The Ithaca College application must be received by January 2, 2015. The Park Scholar application
and supporting documentation must be received by January 15, 2015.
The Skidmore College Department of Music – is announcing the Filene Foundation Annual Music Competition.
The Competition is open to all students specifically interested in pursuing a liberal arts education at Skidmore.
Winners are expected to participate in the activities of the Department of Music. Students should apply to Skidmore
College and submit a CD or tape to the Skidmore College Department of Music by January 15, 2015. For more
information go to their website at or call Michele Koskinen at 518-5805320.
Queens College – Time 2000 – is a tuition-free undergraduate program designed for prospective secondary school
mathematics teachers. Applicants must have an average grade of at least a “B” and four years of college prep high
school courses in mathematics. Applicants must be highly recommended by their mathematics teacher. A wellconstructed essay of approximately 500 words is also required. File a CUNY Freshman Application and list Queens
College as your first choice. For more information please contact Naomi Weinman at 718-997-5377 or by email at DEADLINE: January 15, 2015.
Molloy College – has scholarships for attending students based on academic achievement and community service.
For more information call 516-323-4000. The community service scholarship DEADLINE is February 12. 2014.