November 2014 Messenger Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ From the Pastor Inside this Issue: From the Pastor 1 Church Staff 2 Messenger Deadline 2 From Pastor, cont’d. 2 Calendar 3 Circle of Prayer 4 From Margo, DCE 5 Messenger Articles 5 Altar Flowers 6 Coffee Hour Hosts 6 Birthdays 7 MYLO 7 Church Financials 7 Kids Page 8 Friends: I’ve been thrilled with all the new people who’ve been coming around Millburn Church recently and I’m looking forward to welcoming many of them as new members soon. To that end, I’m planning a New Members’ Class on Thursday, November 20 (details coming soon) and a new members’ reception on December 7. During my new members’ class I share a lot of information, not only about Millburn Church specifically, but also about the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church Universal. One of the things I share is the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith. I’ve always found it to be a truly outstanding summary of what we hold near and dear and in common. Thinking that many of you haven’t seen it in a while, I decided to include it here. I invite you reflect on it: United Church of Christ Statement of Faith in the form of a doxology We believe in you, O God, Eternal Spirit, God of our Savior Jesus Christ and our God, and to your deeds we testify: You call the worlds into being, create persons in your own image, and set before each one the ways of life and death. You seek in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin. You judge people and nations by your righteous will declared through prophets and apostles. In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Savior, you have come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to yourself. You bestow upon us your Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races. Continued on page 2 Nov 2014 Page 2 Worship 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Church Staff Nursery Care and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Pastor Jed Watson Monday – Thursday9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wednesday Pastor’s study day Friday Day Off =============================== Church phone : 847-356-5237 Church fax: 847-356-5669 Margo Paramski, Director of Christian Education Monday and Tuesday – 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Laura Dragin, Office Coordinator Monday 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Tues, Wed, Fri — 8:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m. Becky Fuller, Music Director ********** Messenger Team Editor/Publisher—Kris Franks Collators; Toots Bennett, Lynnette Bratzke, Ron Bratzke, Barb Coon, Donna Geiger, Ruth Young MESSENGER DEADLINE Millburn Church Early Learning Center Julie Zehner, Preschool Director The deadline for article submission is the 2nd Sunday of each month. Next deadline is Sunday, Nov. 9th. You may email your articles, comments, kudos, and other correspondence to Kris Franks , Messenger Editor ( or to the Church Secretary. You can also drop off your submissions to the church office. ***************** From Pastor Jed, cont’d. You call us into your church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be your servants in the service of others, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ's baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory. You promise to all who trust you forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, your presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in your realm which has no end. Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto you. Amen. Peace and Love, Pastor Jed Nov 2014 Page 3 November 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 3 2 Daylight Savings 4 Election Day 8:30 Worship/Communion 9:15 Choir 6:30 pm Pack 87 6pm Millburn 10:00 Worship/Commun. Dens 1,2,5,7 Clovers 4-H mtg Sunday School WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 5 6 6:15 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Adult Choir 8:00 pm House Band 5:30 pm Girl Scouts 40994 FRIDAY 7 1 8 CHURCH AUCTION 11:00 Coffee Hour 11:30 CLUB 9am preview 10am auction 10 9 11 Veterans Day 8:30 Worship 7pm Boy Scout 9:15 Choir 7pm Church Council Committee Mtg 10:00 Worship/Sun School 7pm Boy Scout 11:00 Coffee Hour Council Mtg 7pm Boy Scout MESSENGER DEADLINE Den 9 mtg 12 13 6:15 pm Handbells 7:15 pm Adult Choir 8:00 pm House Band 6:30 pm Girl Scouts 41106 7:30 Compassionate Friends 17 16 18 8:30 Worship 9:15 Band 6pm Clovers 4-H 9:15am Messenger 10:00 Worship/Sun School 6:30pm Boy Scouts Collating 11:00 Coffee Hour Den 3 mtg 1pm Town & Cntry 11:30 Mission CLUB Homemakers Assoc. Mtg 19 24 23 25 8:30 Worship 9:15 Choir & Handbells 6:30pm Girl Scouts 10:00 Worship/Sun School 41106 11:00 Coffee Hour 7pm Pack 87 26 Thanksgiving 30 NOISY OFFERING 8:30 Worship 9:15 Handbell Choir 10:00 Worship/Sun School 11:00 Advent Faire and Lunch provided by Sr. High SATURDAY 14 8 20 21 15 27 28 22 6:15pm Handbells 7:15 pm Adult Choir Nov 2014 Circle of Prayer Concerns Deborah Halterman’s friend, Joseph Murray In hospital for over 2 months and has undergone 4 surgeries Steve Strang Glenda Class’ friend, Barbara After surgery Sharon Cooper Suffering kidney disease Barb Coon’s cousin, Sue Recurrence of cancer Penny Tate’s Aunt Joyce Sarah Storaasli Recovering from knee replacement surgery Vi Miller Recovering from surgery Continued Prayers Norma Welch Recovering from cancer surgery Ann Harding Recovering from a fall Alicia Rayner Undergoing treatment for malignant tumor Sue Watson’s mom, Eileen Recovering from knee replacement surgery Avery Frentz Recovering from a broken wrist Warren Wells In rehab at Rolling Hills Meryl Perlstrom Nila Schmeling’s mom, Annette Recovering from a stroke Deb Morrissey’s friend, Rich Cancer has returned Cindy Rendl’s brother-in-law, Steve After a heart attack Margie Petroff Recovering from a shoulder injury Don Kenimer’s step-son, Brian Struggling with boils Sue Heinlein’s friend, Kathy In hospice care Dave Force’s sister, Eileen Diagnosed with early stage breast cancer The Venn’s daughter After relapse into alcoholism Laura Nelson In hospice If you wish to have someone added or removed from prayer list, contact the church office or Pastor Jed. PLEASE NOTE: A new Circle of Prayer list will begin the 1 st Sunday of each month. Page 4 Page 5 Nov 2014 argo’s Message Advent Faire is held on the first Sunday of Advent, which will be November 30. This is a day we all gather for a time of fellowship as we prepare for Christmas. Children will begin in Church with their families and dismissed after Sharing Time with Pastor Jed. They will have time to shop the Precious Gift Sale and work on Christmas crafts. The children will then join their parents to decorate our Church family Christmas tree and have lunch that is provided by the Senior High. Please join us on this very special day. Parents: Please fill out the form to let us know if your child will or will not be here for the Christmas Program December 14. Return it to the classroom teacher as soon as possible. Youth: We will be switching our Club schedule for this year. On November 2 we will have regular Club and meeting in the Chapel. On November 16, we will have Mission Club and will be helping with the P.A.D.S. meal. At both we will start with lunch and conclude at 2:00. Messenger Articles Wanted Do you: Have an interesting short story or announcement to share Want to say “thank you” to your church family Have a committee event or upcoming meeting the church family should know about Send your stories, thank you’s, committee news, etc. to Messenger Editor, Kris Franks via email or drop them off at the church office (mark them “for Messenger”). Please refer to page 2 for deadline for submissions. Nov 2014 Page 6 ALTAR FLOWER PURCHASE INSTRUCTIONS Our Altar Flower Chart is posted on the Bulletin Board in Lauren Hall. For those of you unaware of the procedure for purchasing flowers for a specific date here is the way it works. Very simple - you choose the Sunday and Laura, the Church Office Coordinator, does the rest. Our flowers are ordered and delivered from Floral Acres out of Antioch. The charge is $27. During the week you’ve signed up for, Laura will contact you. You need only indicate to her whether you want fresh flowers in a vase or the triangular dish arrangement. If you have color choices she can specify that, as well. Really a nice way to participate in decorating the altar but still able to take home and enjoy yourself after the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. COFFEE HOURS HOSTS Special thanks to all the Coffee Hour Hosts/ Hostesses who served and/or provided refreshments during the month of October. They include: October 5 – MYLO October 12– Overocker and Majerowski Families October 19 – Szpylman and Schmeeling Families October 26 – NONE Please consider signing up to provide refreshments for coffee hours. It is a vital part of Millburn UCC. It is a meaningful, intergenerational gathering – held regularly after our 10:00 Sunday Worship Service. The sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in Lauren Hall. Groups, committees and individuals are encouraged to volunteer. LOT'S WIFE The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot 's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, "My Mommy looked back once while she was driving," he announced triumphantly, "And she turned into a telephone pole!" Nov 2014 Page 7 November Birthdays 2 MYLO Cindy Hightower Audrey Szpylman 3 Mikkel Storaasli 4 Alison Grandos 7 Luke Etienne 8 Sue Watson 10 Michelle Crombie Liam Benson Katelyn Tipler 12 Kevin Gniadek MYLO will NOT have a meeting in November. We will hold our Christmas Party on December 9th at 7 p.m. (note the date). Vera Myers will be telling us a story for our program. Our next meeting will be January 27, 2015. All ladies of the church are invited to join us. Jake Slade Ava Doner 13 Michael Jesse 14 Sarah Cardinell Jeff Frentz 15 Emily Szpylman Church Financials 18 Lucille Engh Mary O’Young 19 Scott Zradicka Year to Date through Sept. 30,2014 20 Amanda Warren Pledges and Offerings $154,770 22 Todd Schmeling Preschool Income $ 24,938 Fundraising and Other Income $ 17,731 Total Income $197,439 Total Expenses $218,041 Kyle Paramski 24 David Cunningham 26 Margo Paramski 30 Lynn Doolittle Jack Frentz Nov 2014 Page 8 Kids Page Thanksgiving Word Search Find the words listed at right in puzzle below. T G O B B L E R A P I K E P V CRANBERRIES H I C C Z A O P E S D J U U H FALL A Y E R S M E A L L R L L M S N Y E J A H I R T G E D L P K K A D K S N Q O C R Y E A K N S U O P R M B S L I A E F I A MEAL G S F S Z U M E L M R E R N H NOVEMBER I M N L O P T A R S P S L S T PILGRIMS V N O V E M B E R R D G L S E I E F D M E R F A M I L Y A V N S A N O I E E R L S E T Z I THANKSGIVING G A F R I E N D S I P S S E G TURKEY D N M I P U M P K I N P I E I Help your parents decorate the table for your Thanksgiving meal. Collect colored leaves from outside, place between layers of paper towels or white paper. Press flat by placing 2 or 3 heavy books on top. Let sit undisturbed for 4 to 5 days or until flat. On Thanksgiving scatter down middle of table to add color to your dinner table. FAMILY FRIENDS GIVE THANKS GOBBLE PRAYER PUMPKIN PIE PUMPKINS How many turkeys can you find hidden on the pages of this Messenger? Answer on page 9. Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ 19073 W. Grass Lake Rd. Lake Villa, IL 60046 Phone: 847-356-5237 Fax: 847-356-5669 Website: www. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we worship God as a spiritually alive church, welcoming all and reaching out with love as Christ’s disciples. Inside this issue: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS STARTS NOVEMBER 2nd Pastor’s Message—page 1 Birthdays—page 7 MYLO news—page 7 Kids page—page 8 Please our earth. Don’t forget to put your clocks back 1 hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, Nov. 1st or you will be early to church on Sunday! Answer to kids page: 17 turkeys Messenger articles needed—page 5
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