Feb.` 20, 1951 H. B. BARRETT 2,542,616 METAL TURNING AND TRUING MACHINE Filed Aug. 16, 1946 y 5 Sheets-Sheet 1 EFWMÚW‘ Feb. 20, 1951 ' H. B. BARRETT 2,542,616 METAL TURNING AND TRUING MACHINE Filed Aug. 16, 1946 _ 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 [Nl/Furore HAR/er 5 BÄR/@ETT ßr /4/l Í ¿7.4% Feb. 20, 1951 H. B. BARRETT METAL TURNING AND TRUING MACHINE Filed Aug. 16, 1946 2,542,616 Feb. 2o, 1951 H. B. BARRETT 2,542,616 METAL TURNING AND TRUING MACHINE Filed Aug; 1e, 194e '5 Sheets-Sheet 4 HTTOÑA/EY, Feb. 20, 1951 2,542,616 H. B. BARRETT METAL TURNING AND TRUING MACHINE Filed Aug. 16, 1946 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 „n BY m „_ W5T .m„5.Z We@.y w A Patented Feb. 20, 1951 2542516 ’ .PATENT ' OFFICE . l 2,542,616 y TURNING AND TRUIÑG MACHINE ` tHarry,B..l?»_arrett, vSt. Lo.u_is,_Mo. Application VvAugust 16, 1946,-Serial No".'~"690,896 , 5. Claims. (Cl. 771-2) , l ; 'Iëhisïinvention‘relates agenerallygto metal ¿turn vmine. and; truingf machines; and-inxfpartioularrto H_new and-useful improvements in „lathe- typexmetal turning ¿machines-.of a; character.’ adaptedçfonuse ` ~ 2 ~. arfragmentarysectional eleva-tional» viewfof the .z-¿same> corner construction; . ' AFigure '7.Y is an; enlarged zand» partial l» sectional elevational :vievvççofl the mounting arbor,- brake 5; ïdrumlcenteringemeans and adjustable disconnect - :the: like, falthough'fthe «fsarneg>> is- not necessarily :.:iîltting- atfthefoutboard supporting- means when .y limitedtosuch particularuse. l.assembled -and inoperative position with respect - -'l’he'objtìcts of my» inventìonfgreside; in the-pro î. `tofth‘e lathe cutting »toolîassemblm iäfFigure 8- is aview similar` to-.that of -the- pre ~_~_ noted :_whichf, is simp1e;..;durab1e: and economical ~ .lûceding ¿_illustrationy ; but-.indicating a >modiiied -r in,` construction; which; is accurate _.;and freliably ,e _adjustable disconnectfñtting; ;zivision- r,of a.;.lathe for. machine of ¿the-„character preciseqin meta‘ltturning operations, i which; is; ad _, .,justable for; aigwide. variety,` of Work», fand'gvvhichjs ¿"«Figure 9.»y is a ~fragmentary»iView; inelevatìOIL-î. of i etheginboardadjustable assembly =for=attaching the . f Auniversally¿adaptable td‘situationsand, conditions » track=rneans~=vvith «the` lathefstandardr thisrview f.;~.met-:.in..actua1 service?ssuch -asiturnina f grinding, ‘w15 ¿beigngvtaken at line 9f-9 in Figure l; l.truing andk y.vvork-„surfacingaon.various types-.and n Figure 10 is a‘further sectional detail .vievvof f -. sizes'ofibrake-drums. the inboard adjustable attachment means .for-the .ult is a'lfurtherzobiectofgmy present: invention i-.traclç assembly-as î:seen along line i»IIL-TH) inflï‘ig~ - . to Vprovide a brakefdrum lathe which» .canfbe read ¿iure 9; - ily » converted from a 'stationaryzgtype of. machine' 20 Q.; ,to aportable.> machine, .so- that, ¿as the ¿particular -needsfoï- the yjob 4may require; the Work-¿may either .,.:„be `brought -to , the~ machine or z.the:=machine.;may ï ~be.-;br.o.ught; to ' the. .work and, z'furthermoregwhen Figurefllis a perspectiveview of- my invention 1j;illustratingthefsame «in a `form adapted; for port v. “ability of fthe-¿entire - assembly-.auditor adjusting ' --Df its maj or components; I; y«Figure î 12- is> a « fragmentary 1 elevational view. of l¿themachine is brought to _theworkgitisfcapable 125 apart of ¿the fassemblyfshown in `vFigure 11; »and v `Figure .-13 is, af-perspectivev-v-iew of the »portable . » of; handling» rbrake-drums. alone -z' with. the~ :pneu f: matic «.tirefremoved‘.from the/wheel «or brake .. drums; -lon ‘.-Wheels .f from; :+ which: the.: tires.. have arrangement of: myîpresent» invention- set up for «çfroperation'upon-the brake-drumfof a Wheelffrom A , not-_vr been @removed ¿and which . are; accordingly, :1 whichîthetireand Wheel. have »not been removed. ; supported .by,.~.the„ztire;„1vvhee1 hubnor: rim,tfthus ..30 Referringnovv in morevdetaiLzand by reference g.: providing afmachine “which is. .capable .of.=.;meet- >»characters to thedrawings»,- Adesignates abrake - ingl prac-ticallyf every type of :brake-.drum turning :encountered in, automotive repair shops. ç _And with . the :above and; other.r> objects infvievv, -;. drum «lathe» comprising-»an . operating» „headflä A„suitably emounted- von a‘fbase» or standard - I6 @adapted-»to Vrest` on a.-leve1 floor or-,support . In army ; inventionfresides. rin ¿thev novel features `ofy ;35 co-operation with the „based 6~ is a- trackway .B çform,.f constructiom; arrangement,v and» combina f: '_tion. of ».partspresently ldescribeclm-and ¿pointed tout in the claims. . -Inthe accompany-ing;drawings; (ñve Sheets), :connected vvith~the Abase meanselß at one of` its ¿zendsand’supported in a :level position-by aleg : likeend-frame orsupport l1. ' f Provided ~for shiftable „movement Valong \ the _; 'Figure 1- is a perspective view of a lathe.- con-n. ‘40„vtrackway B toward and avvayfrom the-'lathe A ystructeo‘l; in . ¿accordance with; and g embodying @my . "is `agmovable voutboard carriage assembly Cl which, ~f;:,.;~inv_ention; f-in >co-operation vvithcertain- other , parts :and ele Eigure 2~ is; an-¿endgelevationaleview, partly-:in @section_.fof the` outboardnsupport ¿and »trackfcar - >ments of¿themachineflater-'tube notedì is adapted ¿i to c_arry-tthe--brakefdru-mgD upon which it: is de '_ iriagerassembly, fthegvíewfgbeing italgen'atathe. zonefë 1145 sired'y to - iperform a nturning;-;truingf,. grindingi or ¿indicated `by line 2-¿2 in'Figure 1; ..1s11rfacing operation.; In ‘other words, the lathe i Figure 3 is a side. îielevational'iview, k:partly-'in Y.operating head` isñxedfandthework or object i' section,A y of the :outboard .support> illustrated in :i .to be-'operated upon is movedor fed into or away :z Figure 2; from - the lathe. Itzis‘çalso essential that» the ;ma -f ¿Figure 4~is aniend elevationalqv-iewfof the-.out--síi `50»..chine Vbe arranged with . the Ltrack-'Way .assembly `:_nboard- track supporticonstituting a-fportion' of :the in level position and that .the axis of the -lathe ¿present invention; Figures 5 and 6 are, respectivelyy va'tfragmentary ìrtop plan» „view ¿ofi-the ~ corner. construction: utilized ~-«,-arbor. >and >itsoutb-oard îsupportxbeexactly in l«alignment with and.` parallel to the track for -pur :iposes of greaterlaccuracy offresults. ’i TheV operating :iheadë l 5. `is more :fullyxicldescribed 2,542,616 3 4 at 48 to receive, in sliding relation, the upper end in United States Patent No. 2,357,803, and gen of an adjustable element 49 carried on the base erally comprises a housing 22 in which are op I6, as shown. Each element 49 is threadedly re eratively mounted power transmission gears (not ceived in a bracket plate 50, the latter being rock shown), an axially or longitudinally shiftable ably mounted upon the forward face f of base I6 arbor 23, a switch panel 24 for mounting controls by means of bolts 5|. Bracket plate 5B is angu whereby to regulate current iiow from electrical larly adjustable relative to the base I6 by means supplyv line 25 tc the motor (not shown) asso of a plurality of set screws 52 which can be elated with the transmission gears, manually op threaded toward or away from the base side wall erable crank means 26 for moving the arbor 23 when desired, and a tool carrier 2l' suitably 10 to move the upper flange 53 of plate 55 into a horizontal or level position. In the arrangement slee'ved on the arbor adjacent the housing 22 and disclosed, each element 49 is mounted in a later operatively connected with the transmission gears ally projecting boss 54 of plate 50 and is capable therein for rotation concentrically about the of vertical adjustment with respect thereto. A arbor in a selected plane. rl‘he arbor 23 is adapted locking nut 55 secures each of these elements in to extend through the housing 22, tool carrier 21 final position, while a second nut or abutment and the object or brake-drum D for connection element 56 carried by each thereof is arranged with the outboard support or base means C as thereon to be engaged by the cross-bar 31. It will appear presently. Therefore, and in order can now be seen that each end of the track-way to cause movement or feed of the brake-drum D into the lathe, the rearward portion of the arbor 20 B is capable of vertical adjusting movement so that an accurately leveled position can be ob 23 which passes through transmission housing 22 tained. Moreover, the track-way B can be ad is formed with teeth 23 which are engageable justed to be parallel with the lathe arbor, regard with a suitable pinion gear (not shown) in such less of the fact that it may not be truly level. ' housing for the purpose of providing mechanical Turning now to Figures 1, 2 and 3, it can be feed thereof longitudinally through the housing ‘ seen that the outboard carriage assembly C in and tool carrier 21. Simultaneously with the cludes a movable base member 58 formed with longitudinal movement of arbor 23, the tool car corner bosses 59 for supporting axles 60 upon rier is rotated so that the tool post or arm 29 with which flanged wheels El are rotatably mounted ` its cutter thereon may rotate relative to the brake to engage the track elements 36, and a centrally drum D. The arm 29 is detachably secured to located, upstanding pedestal column 62 having a the carrier 21 and,'further, can be moved relative central bore 63 and a vertical slot 64 provided on thereto by means of a cross-feed device indicated opposite sides with ears 65, 56, for the purpose of generally at 3l, but which embodies the usual permitting the two parts of the pedestal column type of threaded shaft (not shown) operatively engaging the carrier 21 for effecting movement 35 to be moved or flexed in clamp-wise manner upon proper manipulation of a lever 61 which is rotat of the arm 29 in a direction normal to the axis of arbor 23. ably mounted in boss 65 and threadedly engage able in boss 65, whereby the bifurcated pedestal The housing 22 is preferably integrally formed with a transversely bored depending lug 32 adapted to fit between similarly bored, upstand column can be flexed into and out of engage Llil ing ears 33 on base i5, and is pivotally mounted thereon by a removable pin p extending through the lug 32 and the ears 33. Also integrally formed on and depending from the housing 22 is a fore leg'34 having spaced ears 34’ for embracingly engaging a retention boss 35 formed on and pro jecting upwardly from the base i6. ' Track-way B (Figure l.) comprises a pair of ment with a post 68 which is thus adjustably mounted in the column 62 and at its upper end is provided with a yoke fitting 10 fixed therein by pins 1 I. Each arm 12 of the yoke is apertured to receive a pin bearing 13 which projects inwardly for engagement in recessed and laterally project ing boss formations 14 on a bearing sleeve 15 to allow for pivotal movement of the sleeve 15 in a vertical plane about the axis of pin bearings 13. In turn, the pivotal sleeve 15 carries a ñtting ele spaced and longitudinally extending rails 36 formed of channel shaped members having the 50 ment 13 of the type having an internally threaded collar 11, an integral bearing sleeve of reduced ñanges directed outwardly and set in a horizontal diameter 18, and a pair of diametrically opposed plane so that the upper flanges constitute the track tread. The rails 36 are secured in assem and outwardly projecting locking pins 19 posi tioned adjacent the outer end of the bearing cross-rods 33 spaced along the length of the track, 55 sleeve 13. 'I'he pins 18 are urged outwardly into bly by a cross-bar 31, a plurality of intermediate and the end frame i1. The end frame I1, as more particularly disclosed in Figures 4 through 6, integrally comprises a cross-member 39 and two vertical legs 43. At its ends, the cross-member 39 is bolted to the rails 36, as at 4l, and has a 60 sliding engagement with the endmost tie-bar 38, locking position by means of a resilient element or coiled spring 80 engageable with the butt ends thereof (Figures 2 and 7) while the outer ends of these pins are rounded oiî to act as cam sur faces such that, upon movement of the fitting into or out of sleeve 15, the pins will be cammed inwardly to permit passage therethrough of the bearing sleeve. In its operative position, the fitting 16 is free to rotate in sleeve 15 but is nor ing projections 43 integrally provided on the frame for that purpose. Each of the legs 4D car 65 mally held against axial displacement due to the pins 19 at the outer end and the shoulder formed ries at its floor engaging end van adjustable foot between portions 11 and 18 thereof. In addition element 44 threaded into the leg for permitting as by the notched formation or recess 42 formed in each of a pair of spaced and inwardly extend the iitting 13 is formed with a pair of cross bores 8l, in 90° relation, for the reception of a turning the track in obtaining a level position thereof. A lock nut ‘i5 is utilized to retain the foot element 70 tool 82 whereby the ñtting may be threaded upon or released from engagement with the outboard in adjusted position. threaded end 83 of the lathe arbor 23, as will As disclosed in Figure l and in detail in Fig ' presently appear. ures 9 and IG, the inner end of the track-way B, With reference to Figures 1 and '7, the outboard and more particularly the cross-bar 31, is formed with spaced bosses 41, each of which is recessed 75 support post 68 is vertically adjustable in pedestal ` the requisite amount of vertical adjustment of its ’column 'i6 2vv zand. :arrangedA rior-i translatory :move - 7V-fhavingierect:xmountingmcstsä-afll'n'npcm wvliichsan ment on carriage or truck .Saga-andiitslfitting‘flû ¿elevator carriageiäß nisïslidably A„mcuntedifor :ver isa'dapted: 1to1-support ïstheffoutboarduend 83 of tical: wcrkï'îalignina adjustment ¿ofrthesassembly M'overnentfoftthe` carriageíeß is had'zthrough lathe v`arbor 2 3,.’ as fbyß- the. threadedconnection- «be »tweeiifthel end'off the varbor .and-the sleeve?? 'l ‘.ï J'Butf a ack:shaft ;9'Ly arranged-’to `turn~ inlfplaceïin f ¿prior >to. this- connection ‘beings-made; the:y brake framacßfl‘ gandc'threadí through.: azzzsuitable frboss fï‘druinf D is lñrst moved:intoiapproximate; 'position f’ f (notxifshownhfformed ati-.the =reari ofJthe': carriage afcasting-Fé96.-tf lïìramei; 9d: :hasLíñangedvîiwheelsïi98 Whicheengagertrackïmembersîggyof :the trackeway onto" the arbor and> isrpositioned in.abutm‘ent‘with> 103.01' frame'ïassembly IUI) forßtran‘slatorymovement r. on î the: ’arborï î.2%. f': In raccomplishingilxthis‘:ilatter :operation ' an innen! centering l-cone‘l 85 is‘îslipped ai seatv formed> by. a1: flanged. shoulde'rzfßß. 'The f. `‘brake-'druin'D is .then :passed over the íarbor until - therealongziwhen soïdesired: “The outboardk sup ïfftheßinnerr-endf off its .central bearingL aperture a „ ¿comprises azbase lmeans yor carriage in the` form :zport ¿carriage ."Cfr -of :this :present arrangement rests on the inclined face ofîth'e-I-conef 35S-fît is ïîof- af‘zcasting ."I ll'tirhaving;fflangedilroller 'elements 15f. :5I B2 fors engagement" with thez'tracksi 99; iandian r ïalent means should beselectedffrom atnumber of :aipstandingzpedestal :[03 for 'adjustable :support :.f'graded sizesand. shapestesuitfthe dimensions r; "of :theimosteââç the ¿latter :ebeingi: fully'fidescribed "understood, "ofcourse, thatßcen’eîââ’ror any equiv ‘ ‘l 'of ,the vsurface Vof . engagement: on -the'-v particular czinîzcconnection withaî'liëigures‘ 2 :and 3„ " ‘ .-Postc‘ßß ubrakeëdruni D. i A‘secondf»'conefïß‘lg/.or equivalent .carries-cthezpitoted; ssleeyedA head î'l5ïand ntting tovwhichfthe:workzïsupporting x:end of `arborf23 ~ means', is ' next brought. into -Jposition ladj acent- rthe .1;20w .-16 ' .outer surfacev of «the ibrake’~drurn.D,a‘followed> by ~ .an'»,:adapter :sleeve 88: which. abutsnagainstf rthe i . ~.latter.zcone,"the length‘fof adapter iëö'being selected «-' to provide aV suiîìcient iprojection‘o'f! thai arborY end f S83 outwardlyfthereoiï fori.threading` engagement;v25 is secured when an object, such as that shownî‘at :D: ini-Figure 13 isîproperly :positioned: for 'a .Work operation. ' " "Ihre ftr'ack'lframe .assembly ¿l UQ kis constructed :.'Within the `sleeve '11' oíi‘l‘lttingff 16.\ Afterï'this fonstherpurpose .of "rendering itk easilyv portable andi comprises ‘rails .esrsecured in spacedfparallel @approximate assembly .hasfbeenfcarried out, the ,fr'elation'by a number‘of ithebarstl?ß, a rpair of - '.toolfîßzA isV 'utilized'.-~ to‘ï'turny collar "ll Y upon the --handle“l members ‘l 06 fsecuredîfagainst .the 'web " ¿arborfuntilfadapter sleeve'iîBSA-has' pressed cone'ßl - >oftthe‘track` elements;i a‘spre'aden member 4I 01 at :into a hrm-'seat with :brake'-clrurnV Dfit being :une f 30 >>thetopposite :endsaof “the ètrackï elements from derstood that the innerrcome?ESÈ-Will‘alsoahave a îiflrm seat withlilangeA 861and alsofwith the .inner :margin ofthe aperture a. r; yhandles 1:1106 >and‘rfvei‘ticalljáz-.oiïset ‘armsifîl G Secon .nectedto the»web:offthe?trackrelements¿adjacent -iirtheispreaderfmember -:l 012 . v'liîa'ch1garr?'~1 08: mounts a roller element or Wheel |09 upon whichithe -"Figure 1i 8, «comprises/r i alf: sleeve fïf‘90,'f 'internally r35: whole machine'canspbe transported’when sol. de threaded at its inner'enlargedfendç-:and provided ^ siríed.v` tas-indicated in=Eigure ¿2y-:each :arm "Il |38 4 :with spoke „handles“` SLi'integr'ally formed there is vertically: Íoll‘set sucht that’fits wheel? 109 - ,nor `"yi/ith. A brak'eedruni D’inay be thussecure'din '-»mally is'fheld-out of contactfwith “the” floor or «centeredzz and clamped. position'vbyfandV »between 'f supporting> surface` ~whilei~the‘tracks 'are resting theishouldered seatißßsandV sleevefëßßflupon turn-.. 140 thereon. «"I-Ioweveryewhen "fthe #track frame` VI BEI ; eingzup of;theisleevelgßgßwhich.is suitablycarried fis; bodilyfelevated »orf-lifted* by‘fthe »handles vIllli *.1 at the upper'end of> outboard support-:pcs’t'î65;"all ; the-frame I:temporarily r‘pivots “ abouty ” the “lower .. 'as "hereinbefore :described inrconnection 'with'Fig `>Yedge~ll0 'of the'tracks~»9eî'until» wheelmlûß'can ¿cures 2, 3;î_and.'7. a be brought into rolling vengagement Withfthe floor z-Ini practice, >:.thei> above described ßllatheï Vtype 45K. to carrytheweight ofthe-machine? This feature machine is. initially'ilset‘r up ‘andconditioned' for is-advantageous--inf thatf~the1machine is 'rendered . turning,"`l tru-ing: orfigrindingnworklfbyv adjusting f îth’e track-way B so- that it isrbrought into‘paral ~ lelismzwith. the axisfîof. arborï:23,sbyI vertical-‘ad 1 »immobile :while i theftracksh »are-»s resting at -iull e lengthfgon inthe-zfñoorfforî’supporting rsurface. At other times the machin-excan-fbe transportedy from justment of fpos't :Q5 of:> -assemblyfl 3 whereby `.the 50 place to~îplacewithoutt‘irnposing aload at’fthe y-icollar` 'l‘lïof‘ñttingf '5S is, in'truef’axial alignment l» handles# 96 4'which' = will :befbeyond fthe 'capability with the arbor. ir‘Accompli'shing-thisgïthelbrake ofthe avenage individual to lift. Jdrum‘D can be moiinted~~-upon thearboi‘“ 231a`nd VA'In rfurtherancew of:Y thea-universal# adaptability clamped in 4position as-"pointed out; Thereafter, . c :of _myc-invention; 'fther memben'ïl 01 is formeelA with the arbo1‘.â223` is :longitudinally shifted manually 55»tvertical clamping'jelements-Hl which arezdirected by crank 26 until the lathe tool or ily-cutter t f1 tozoverhang-ïthe ?framefëlßlî adj acent' the- :rear track is set for the-#proper Adepth-of cut." At this point, vzwheels: ßßfsuchzthate clampscrews“ l |'2 :threaded .e _1 electrical-:I current. @can 1¿beifsupplied:,toritheza lathe iithereinîmay¿zengageîìthegframefand 4prevent its motor (not shown) and thesmachinefivillzfunc wmovement't alongffthevztracksiï @99. „Likewise the tion automatically to-.rotate thecutting' tool and 6u- rcarriage ` :l 0 Ivmay-¿bei :clamp'edïtolfthe tracks`A y99 . feed theV arbor axially inwardly to move the Work .f‘rthrou'ghïappropriatetadjustment of hooked straps toward. the cutter. It wilL-'of course, be under 'istood‘that -the-arbon 23 ìahd rbrake-drum` D do r ynot rotate: but> simplytmove longitudinallyìi thus “if " causing 1 carriage C-A to v roll inwardly -> along' the ‘ ‘."tracks 36 duringiithe operationof» the machine. " ' `Thebrake-drum-lathe of -thefpresent'inve‘ntion :>"1maylbef1readily converted into afportable’forrn; as illustrated in Figures 1l, 12, and 13, wherein the working head or power operated tool and arbor assembly l5 is substantially identical with thev form disclosed in Figure 1. The essential diner ence of this second arrangement over the ñrst described form resides in the utilization of a base assembly which is in the form of a frame 94 31¿carried?.therebyïforíf'sliding _movement rela tivef.; to'v as.. clamp'i` screwi‘l fl IE: threaded.' into the ercarriage;l I ü l . _ 65 v-l"(Dperationfrof¿thisë.lattensassernblyî is #capable :fofisomewhat greaterfñexibility- as either'the lathe ahead -'| âf'orïthe:outboardïsuppcrt'carr-iagei C’. may «rbe timniobiliz'edfa'relative-L: tol?l the@l tracks?v SSwand operation of the lathe will effect feeding move 70 ment of Whichever of such members is free, so that the fly-cutter t may be fed into the work or the Work may be fed to the cutter, whichever is most suitable. Where it is desired to turn the brake-drums 75 on truck wheels where the tire and Wheel as , 2,542,616 7 justable means provided in the lower ends of said support frame. 3. A lathe comprising, in combination, a sup porting structure providing a base, an extended track-Way, an operating head carried on said base and having a Work-carrying arbor movable longitudinally through the head in the direction sembly is relatively large and heavy, the brake drum lathe in its portable form may be rolled over into close proximity to the Wheel or the wheel may be rolled over to it, whichever is most convenient. In either case, the Wheel W with tire attached, as shown in Figure 13, is set down and cradled, so to speak, between the rails 99 which serve to hold it in upright position. The arbor 23 is then brought into substantially ac curate alignment With the center line of the ^ of, and parallel to, the extended track-Way, a bracket plate rockably mounted on one face of the base, adjustable elements on the inner end of brake-drum II5 by elevating the carriage cast ing 96 and its associated operating head i5 by said track-Way engaging said bracket plate, and a vertically adjustable support frame adapted to suitable rotation of the threaded jack shaft 91. The arbor 23 is thereupon secured concentrically in place by suitable centering cones H6, sub stantially similar to the previously described centering cones 85, 81, and the clamp screws H2 released, so that the frame 94 may be free to move toward the wheel W and the operating head will thereby in effect “feed itself” into the work. Moreover, in a machine of the type herein dis closed, it is obviously possible to substitute for the ñy-cutter t shown a grinding wheel, hone ele rest on a fixed surface provided at the outer end of said track-way. 4. A lathe comprising,- in combination, a sup porting structure providing a stationary base, an extended track-Way, an operating head carried on said base and having a work-carrying arbor movable longitudinally through the head in the direction of, and parallel to, the extended track way, a bracket plate rockably mounted on the face of said base adap-ted for angular adjust ment relative to said base, the lower ends of vertically adjustable elements threadedly re ment, or the like, whereby the machine can be 25 ceived in the upper face of said bracket plate, the upper ends of said vertically adjustable elements readily made to perform a variety of duties in engaging the inner end of said track-way, a sup connection with wheel brake-drums and the like. port frame adapted to rest on a fixed surface pro While the foregoing detailed description relates vided at the outer end of said track-way, and to presently preferred arrangements for the sub ject machine, it will be clear that modifications, 30 vertically adjustable means provided in the lower ends of said support frame. , rearrangements, and substitutions may be made 5. In a lathe, in combination, a supporting structure, providing a stationary base, an oper ating head carried on said base, a Work-carrying Having thus described my invention, what I 35 arbor provided on said operating head yand mov able longitudinally therethrough, a track-way claim and desire to secure by Letters Patent ist extending laterally from said base, a bracket 1. A lathe comprising, in combination, a sup plate rockably mounted on said base, adjustable porting structure providing a base, an extended elements provided on the inner end of said track track-way, an operating head carried on said base and having a work-carrying arbor movable 40 Way for engagement with said bracket plate for permitting vertical adjustment of said inner end longitudinally through the head in the direction of the track-way, a vertically adjustable support of, and parallel to, the extended track-way, a frame adapted to rest on a fixed surface provided Work-surfacing tool rotatably sleeved on said at the other end of said track-way, an outboard arbor, a bracket plate rockably mounted on one carriage slidably disposed upon said track-way face of the base, adjustable elements on the in comprising a base, a vertically adjustable post, ner end of said track-way engaging said bracket and a bearing sleeve adapted for detachable plate, and a vertically adjustable support frame connection with said arbor whereby said out adapted to rest on a fixed surface provided at the board carriage may be moved along said track cuter end of said track-way. ' Without departing from the scope of my inven tion as defined in and by the claims hereto an nexed. way to and away from the stationary base in re 2. A lathe comprising, in combination, a sup porting structure providing a stationary base, an extended track-Way, an operating head carried sponse to movement of the arbor, said arbor be ing maintained in parallelism with said track way by means of the adjustable element and on said base and having a Work-carrying arbor vertically adjustable support frame. movable longitudinally through the head inthe direction of, and parallel to, the extended track HARRY B. BARRETT. way, a work-surfacing tool rotatably sleeved on said arbor, means movable along said track-way adapted for connection with one end of said arbor in support thereof during a work-surfacing oper ation, a bracket plate rockably mounted on the face of said base adapted for angular adjustment relative to said base, the lower ends of -vertically adjustable elements threadably received' in the upper face of said bracket plate, the upper ends of said vertically adjustable elements engaging REFERENCES CITED - The following references are Yof record in the ñle of this patent! UNITED STATES PATENTS Number 326,049 734,639 D (il Name Date Mancaster ________ __ Sept. 8, 1885 Wallenstein ______ __ July 28, 19,03 926,612 Rundle _____'_ ____ __ June 29,1909 the inner end of said track-Way, a support frame adapted to rest on a fixed surface provided at'the 1,374,320 1,925,177 Pettkoske ________ __ Apr. 12, 1921 Delf _____________ __ Sept. 5, 19313 outer end of said track-way, and vertically ad 2,357,803 Barrett __________ __ Sept. 12, 1944
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