HERITAGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Alexandria, Virginia “. . . I have a goodly heritage” — Psalm 16:6, NRSV Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 VISION STATEMENT Connect ~ Grow ~ Serve MISSION STATEMENT We strive to be a Spirit-led, mission-minded community of Christians, a bedrock for the faithful in an uncertain world and a safe pasture for all of God’s lambs. Celebrating the heritage of our historic setting and our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ, we worship, teach, enjoy fellowship, practice stewardship, and reach out to our Mount Vernon community and the world. Welcome to Heritage We welcome you warmly to Heritage where we strive to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Hearing devices, and large-print hymnals and bulletins are available upon request from the ushers. Childcare is available for children 3 years and younger in our Nursery. During rd Worship, children 4 years old through 3 graders are invited to attend our Children in Worship service in Classroom 1 & 2. At the end of each pew is the “Blue Book” — please take a moment to write down your name and address, e-mail and pass it along the pew and then pass it back for all to know who is sitting next to them. Please greet your neighbors at the close of service! If you still have trouble hearing when using one of the new hearing devices, please make sure that the volume is up on the unit and wait a moment before rendering the unit faulty. Please see one of the sound team members by the sound board if you have any questions. Do you want to get a head start in preparing for Sunday worship? The Sunday bulletin is posted on the Heritage website the previous Friday afternoon. A voice recording in mp3 format of Sunday’s sermon is posted online, normally by the same afternoon, at www.HeritageChurchVA.org/sermons/. You are invited to write your prayer requests (joys and concerns) on the prayer cards in the pew racks. Please place them in the offering plate and they will be honored during the Prayers of the People. The term “voluntary” is used to denote a piece of music or improvisation for instrument, played before, during, or at the end of a church service. The liturgical term “Ordinary” means that which is standard, normative, usual, or typical. Since Ordinary Time is not a season, this period allows Sunday to be preeminent. Twice each year Ordinary Time is heightened by the extra-ordinary time of the Christmas and Easter cycles. They are extra-ordinary in that they intensify the foundational doctrines of incarnation and resurrection. The color for Ordinary Time is GREEN, signifying spiritual growth (except Communion Sundays when the color is white). Assisting in Worship: Acolyte: Heath Thompson Ushers: Charles & DeJuana Jones, John Kohout, Richard Peterson Music: Elder Jeff Taylor, Director; Dan Meyer, Interim Organist Nursery: Christine and Rachel Macey Worship Elder: Ann Strohm Children in Worship: Diana Johannes Librarian: Karen Christenson Counters: Mike & Rachel Messman, P.D. Smith Fellowship Time: Joe & Valerie Sowell The chancel flowers today are given to the glory of God by Mary Lyons and in loving memory of Irving Lyons and their marriage 66 years ago. 2 Blue — The Blue Presbyterian Hymnal People’s response in bold & italic type Red — The Red Worship & Rejoice Hymnal APPROACHING THE THRONE OF GRACE PREPARING FOR WORSHIP “I command you — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NLT). CHIMING OF THE TRINITY Bernard Kluskens CONGREGATIONAL LIFE SHARED Pastors Bill Teng & Holly Davis …The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you. Let us worship God. VOLUNTARY Adoramus te Christe Dan Meyer, Interim Organist CALL TO WORSHIP A. Fletcher (b.1950) Pastor Teng Order of Service Standing for those who are able Leader: Brothers and sisters, boys and girls, young and old… Men: We come with joy to worship God! Leader: Lay down your burdens and come… Women: We come with joy to worship God! Leader: Let’s celebrate and sing God’s praise… Children: We come with joy to worship God! Leader: Discover God’s greatness and your calling… All: We come with joy to worship God! HYMN #Red-507 “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” EIN’ FESTE BURG PRAYER OF ADORATION MAKING OUR CONFESSION CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious Lord: Forgive us for sinking into the brokenness of the culture around us. We tolerate what is wrong instead of driving out all that displeases You. We fail to live as Your holy, blessed and victorious people. Pour out Your mercy and make us new. Remind us again of Your promises and powerful presence. Fill us with courage to boldly face our battles, stepping out in faith and claiming victory through the power of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. SILENT REFLECTION [Reflecting on the Prayer of Confession] ASSURANCE OF PARDON …Friends, believe the Good News. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Amen. 3 AFFIRMATION OF FAITH IN SONG #B-579 Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen, Amen. PASSING OF THE PEACE As forgiven people, please pass the peace of Christ to those around you: The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. GIVING TO GOD CHILDREN’S TIME (Children four years through third grade may go to Children’s Worship in Room 1.) MOMENT FOR STEWARDSHIP Elder Diana Johannes CALL TO OFFERING Elder Ann Strohm “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing” (Malachi 3:10). OFFERTORY Benedictus DOXOLOGY #Blue-592 J. Marsh (b.1939) OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. PRAYER OF DEDICATION “Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains” from Elijah F. Mendelssohn (1846) Women’s Chorus — Elder Jeff Taylor, Director ANTHEM Lift thine eyes, O lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence cometh, whence cometh, whence cometh help. Thy help cometh from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He hath said, thy foot shall not be moved. Thy Keeper will never slumber, never, will never slumber, never slumber. Lift thine eyes, O lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence cometh, whence cometh, whence cometh help. — From Psalm 121:1-3 READING AND HEARING GOD’S WORD FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Hebrews 11:29-34 The Word of the Lord! Thanks be to God. HYMN #Red-348 4 “Softly and Tenderly” New Testament, p. 226 THOMPSON SECOND SCRIPTURE READING Joshua 2:1-13 The Word of the Lord! Thanks be to God. Pastor Davis Old Testament, p. 194 “Courageous Faith” SERMON RESPONDING TO GOD’S WORD PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER … in your mercy… hear our prayer, O Lord…. …Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. HYMN #Red-509 “Onward, Christian Soldiers” ST. GERTRUDE BLESSING RESPONSE #Blue-535 [Sung facing the center] TALLIS’ CANON Go with us, Lord, and guide the way Through this and every coming day, That in Your Spirit strong and true Our lives may be our gift to You. VOLUNTARY Trumpet Major C. Tambling (b. 1964) Congratulations to Patrick & Holly Palmer-Campbell and grandparents, Joe Campbell & Susan Palmer, on the birth of their daughter, Margaret “Maggie” Grace Palmer-Campbell on October 21, weighing in at 6 lb. 3 oz. Stewardship — Doing what God wants with what He has given us. We are in that annual season when we prayerfully consider how the Lord would have us plan for the coming year. Please join with us by praying about making a commitment for your 2015 giving to Heritage. Stewardship Commitment Sunday is November 9. Heritage Fall Family Fun Day — Join us today for an afternoon of Fall fun at Belvedere Plantation in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Corn maze, pumpkin patch, hayrides, pony rides, huge slide on Pumpkin Mountain, and more! We’ll even have our own campfire ring and picnic area from 2:00-6:00 P.M., but you can arrive and leave anytime you like during that 4-hour period. Hot dogs, bratwursts, snacks and S’mores fixings will be provided, as well as skewers. Group discount admission is $15 (under 2 free). There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hall. Checks payable to HPC can be dropped off at the church Office or in the offering plate during the service (please reference: Fall Outing). Bring your family, friends and neighbors! 5 Announcements In place of the Pastors Class, a new Grow Group facilitated by the pastors is meeting on Monday evenings, from 7:30 to 8:30. Please spread the word and invite someone to come as we share, study and pray together to build community. D.i.G. To move, uncover, break up, turn, to bring to light or out of hiding. Let’s Delight in God (& His Word) each Sunday morning discovering how it applies to our lives today. Youth — plan to meet in Fellowship Hall with the adults at 9:45 A.M. and then break out into your own discussion group. You're going to love this! Remembering ALL SAINTS — On next Sunday, November 2, we will remember the lives of those members and friends of Heritage who have died since last November. Please give those names to the church office so that they may be included in the litany. Thank you! Dorcas Circle’s study is Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians. Lesson three is entitled Covenants and God's Enduring Faithfulness. Focus text is 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:6. This lesson explores Paul’s reference to “old” and “new” covenants and the interpretation of their meaning at the time of Paul’s writings compared to our contemporary understanding of relationships with people of different faiths. Dorcas Circle will meet on November 4, at 7:00 P.M. at the home of Elizabeth Tolles. Elizabeth Tolles is the coordinator and can be reached at 703-360-8083. Growing Older — As we enter this season of Thanksgiving we meet in a small group to continue our discussion of growing older in our study of the book I Love Growing Older but I'll Never Grow Old. The group will gather in the church Library to explore the topics of our outer appearances and valuing inner beauty and making progress and growing in our spiritual journey. Meetings are Thursdays, November 6 and 20, at 10:00 A.M. Come join the conversation and prayer time. For information contact Elder Mary Oliver at 703341-6179. Rebecca Circle will continue their video series by Jessica LaGrone entitled Broken and Blessed — How God Used One Imperfect Family to Change the World. This is a six week study that traces the story of the Genesis family and shows how God can use our brokenness to bring blessing in a hurting and broken world. The third lesson will focus on Sarah and Abraham. Rebecca Circle will meet on November 10, at 10:00 A.M. in the church Library. Fran Myers is the coordinator and can be reached at 703-360-0916. Fall Work Day — The Heritage Fall Work Day will take place on Saturday, November 15. Work will start at 8:30 A.M. and hopefully should be complete by about 12:30 P.M. Please join us. There will be interior and exterior work for all. Beside usual leaf-raking, window washing and trash removal, outside work will focus on spreading a full truck load of new wood chips around the children’s play apparatus. Interior work will neaten and clean throughout the building. November 22 is the back-up date in case of bad weather. Contact Elder John Kohout with any questions. Volunteers are needed to sponsor the Fellowship Time — This is a great opportunity to celebrate a special event and to meet and greet our church family. If you are interested in hosting a Fellowship Time after the worship service, please sign up on the chart in the lobby. Instructions for Fellowship Hosts are posted on the bulletin board and in the kitchen. 6 READ THROUGH THE BIBLE & PRAY FOR THE WORLD CHALLENGE Mon. 10/27 Tues. 10/28 Wed. 10/29 Thur. 10/30 Fri. 10/31 Sat. 11/1 Sun. 11/2 Judges 5-7 — Slovenia Judges 8-9 — Solomon Islands Judges 10-13 — Somalia Judges 14-17 — Somalia Judges 18-21 — South Africa Ruth 1-4 — South Africa 1 Samuel 1-5 — Spain For more detailed information on these countries, please visit http://www.operationworld.org/prayer-calendar HERITAGE PRAYER BOX Today we pray for Slovakia: Geography Area: 49,035 sq. km landlocked central European state, ranging from fertile Danube shores to the Tatra Mountains. Population: 5,411,640; Annual Growth: 0.10%; Capital: Bratislava; Urbanites: 56.8%. Religion Christian Other Number 5,118,388 297,640 Pop. % 94.5% 5.5% Challenges for Prayer — Pray for all the Christians in Slovakia that they would persevere in faithfulness to God and love for one another. Pray for our neighbors…Rising Hope United Methodist Church — Rev. Keary Kincannon. Lift your prayers this week to the throne of grace for Barbara Beardsley Bubp (Karen Rudolph’s mother), George Fenney (Florence’s son), Florene Forrester (Pam Budde’s mother), Eddie Keating (Steve’s father), Jeff Loughridge, Glen Miller, Porter Normand (friend of Tim Salter), Barbara Ruble (friend of the Trimbles), Allen Tenney (Harriet’s son), Harriet Tenney, Holli Vaughan, Sylvia & Marie Wasylyk, and for members and friends of our congregation: Bill & Kay Lee, Larry & Jeanne Leggett, Carl & Carolyn, Catie and Cameron Liebeck. HERITAGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8503 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22308 703-360-9546 / Fax: 703-360-7389 www.HeritageChurchVA.org office@heritagechurchva.org Pastor Bill Teng’s pastor@heritagechurchva.org 703-899-0725 Pastor Holly Davis’ ap@heritagechurchva.org 703-799-5350 7 HERITAGE CHURCH CALENDAR October 26-November 2, 2014 Office Hours: 9:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M., Monday – Friday Sunday 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:05 PM 1:30 PM Sunday School for All Ages Worship Service — Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fellowship Time Hispanic Congregation Worship (Fellowship Hall) Monday 10:00 AM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM HPC Coordinating Team Meeting (Library) Small Grow Group (Library) Boy Scout Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Thursday 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Hispanic Congregation Worship (Classroom 1/2) Heritage Ringers Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Friday 8:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Saturday 7:00 AM 5:30 PM Men’s Fellowship & Prayer Breakfast (Denny’s) Hispanic Congregation Worship (Fellowship Hall) Sunday 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:05 PM 1:30 PM Sunday School for All Ages Worship Service — Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time with Holy Communion Fellowship Time Hispanic Congregation Worship (Fellowship Hall) SERMON NOTES 8
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