LEGALS LEGALS that subdivision known as FAIRFIELD PARK, according to that survey by Adloe Orr, Jr. & Associates, C.E., dated November 1, 1951, said portion of ground is designated and measures as follows, to-wit: plan of resubdivision by J. J. Krebs and Sons, Inc., C.E., dated October 15, 1979, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council by Ordinance No. 14246 on March 12, 1980, registered in COB 979, Folio 380, and as per Act of Dedication before Odom B. Heebe, N.P., dated June 2, 1980, registered in COB 982, Folio 845; same being designated as follows: LOTS FIFTEEN (15) and SIXTEEN (16), SQUARE NO. SIX (6), bounded by Waltham, Dixon, Bixler Streets and the property line of the subdivision, which said lots adjoin each other and measure each 25 feet front on Waltham Street, same width in the rear, by a depth of 115 feet between equal and parallel lines Lot No. 16 lies nearer to and commences at a distance of 210.2 feet from the corner of Dixon and Waltham Street; all as more fully shown on survey by Adloe Orr, Jr. & Associates, C.E., dated June 2, 1967, New Orleans, Louisiana. All as more fully shown on survey of J. F. Fuello, Land Surveyor, dated February 28, 1986, a copy of which is annexed to Act No. 8618952. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. TONY C. FAZZIO Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 720-623 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Versus MICHAEL E. SAMUEL By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated December 17, 2012, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: A CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, advantages and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF JEFFERSON, in Township 14 South, Ranges 23 and 24 East, Southeast Land District of Louisiana, West of the Mississippi River, known as HARVEY CANAL PROPERTY, JEFFERSON PARISH, LOUISIANA, and designated as PARCEL P-6, as per plan by J. J. Krebs and Sons, Inc., C.E., dated May 15, 1973, revised September 26, 1973, April 11, 1974, May 5, 1975, December 29, 1975, October 19, 1976, March 27, 1978, and July 24, 1978, portion has been resubdivided into WOODMERE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 8, all as per LOT 2323, SQUARE L-1, bounded by Eastview Drive, Whippletree Drive, Oakmere Drive and a 105 foot Canal right of way and Nathan Kornman Drive and said Lot 2323 commences 459.27 feet from the point of curve forming the intersection of Eastside Drive and Oakmere Drive and measures thence 60 feet front on Eastview Drive, same width in the rear, by a depth between equal and parallel lines of 100 feet. Said measurements are more fully shown on a plan of survey by J. J. Krebs and Sons, Inc., C. E. & S., dated March 16, 1981, resurveyed to show improvements May 4, 1981. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. DANIEL A. REED Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 722-160 WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Versus JOAN ANN AUGUSTINE A/K/A JOAN A. AUGUSTINE A/K/A JOAN AUGUSTINE By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated January 11, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: A CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon and all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the PARISH OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, in what is known as CARRIE SUBDIVISION. All in accordance with a plan of resubdivision by Dufrene Surveying & Engineering, Inc., dated June 21, 1994, and approved by the Jefferson Parish Council on December 21, 1994 by Ordinance No. 19283 and registered in the Parish of Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court. Said subdivision is a resubdivision of Lots H-322-A-1A and part of H-322-B, Ames Farms Subdivision. Said lot is designated as follows, LEGALS to-wit: LOT 19, SQUARE 3 is bounded by Carrie Lane, Geranium Drive, South line of subdivision and Ames Boulevard (side) and measures 55’ feet front on Carrie Lane, same width in the rear, and by a depth of 111.77’ feet between equal and parallel lines. Said Lot commences at a distance of 457.16’ from the corner of Carrie Lane and Geranium Drive. All according to survey by Dufrene Surveying & Engineering, Inc., dated June 26, 1998, and revised to show improvements dated August 4, 1998. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. COREY GIROIR Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 722-745 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, FOR CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-NC5 ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES Versus EUGENE CAUSEY By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated August 29, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: A CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, situated in the PARISH OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, in that part thereof known as TERRYTOWN SUBDIVISION, SECTION NO. 2, being a part of OAKDALE SUBDIVISION, SECTION “B”, First Ward, all in accordance with the survey of Adloe Orr, Jr. & Associates, C. E., dated June 3, 1959, revised September 16, 1959, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council, Ordinance No. 4544, adopted April 21, 1960, registered in COB 310, Folio 633, and in Plan Book 30, Folio 85, Office of the Clerk of Court in the Parish of Jefferson, Louisiana, and according to resubdivision plan of J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., C.E., June 8, 1973, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council, under Ordinance No. 11278, adopted July 18, 1973, recorded in COB 795, LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS Folio 959, and survey by J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., C.E., dated November 26, 1973, resurveyed April 11, 1974. feet from the corner of Bradford Place and Manhattan Boulevard and measures thence 60.03 front on Bradford Place, 60 feet in width in the rear, by a depth of 115.50 feet on Manhattan Boulevard side and 116.29 feet on the opposite side line. Krebs, Professional Land Surveying, L.S., dated July 2, 1998, last revised September 23, 1999, and that plan entitled Privacy Entry Gate for Village Green, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council on January 12, 2000, under Ordinance No. 20847 filed and registered under Instrument No. 10005777 in COB 3024, Folio 583 and according to which said property is designated as Village Green, Phase I, as shown on plan of subdivision, dated July 2, 1998, and revised as follows: June 30, 1999, August 11, 1999, August 19, 1999, September 2, 1999, September 7, 1999, September 17, 1999, September 23, 1999 and December 15, 1999, and is more particularly described as follows: thereon, and all of the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF JEFFERSON, in that part thereof known as OAK FOREST SUBDIVISION, in accordance with a plan of subdivision by J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., C.E. & S., dated March 16, 1978, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council July 17, 1978, under Ordinance No. 13442, registered in COB 933, Folio 351 and according to said plan lot is designated as follows: Subdivision No. 4-A, and according to a plan of subdivision by Adloe Orr, Jr. & Associates, C.E., dated October 15, 1959, revised July 11, 1960, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council on August 4, 1960, under Ordinance Number 4687, registered in COB 512, Folio 599, said portion of ground is designated as Lot 40, Square 47. The said portion of ground is further designated as LOT 24A, SQUARE 24, bounded by Wright Avenue, Cherry Blossom Lane, Coral Avenue and Cedar Wood Avenue, and said lot commences 338 feet from the corner of Wright Avenue and Cedar Wood Avenue, and measures thence 27 feet on Wright Avenue, thence a second frontage of 24 feet on Wright Avenue, a first width in the rear of 40.49 feet, thence a second width in the rear of 37.46 feet, by a depth of 121.49 feet on the sideline adjoining Lot 23-A by a depth of 121.50 feet on the opposite sideline. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. J. DONALD MORGAN Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 723-462 SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF WASHINGTON, D.C. Versus COLIN W. SYLVIEN, SR. AND DIONNE C. SYLVIEN By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated February 21, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all of the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, situated in the PARISH OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, in that subdivision thereof known as LAKE TIMBERLANE ESTATES, SECTION NO. 3 EXTENSION, all in accordance with a plan of resubdivision by J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., dated October 21, 1988, approved under Ordinance No. 17660, said ordinance being filed COB 2133, Folio 67 on February 2, 1989. And according to said plan, said lot is designated, located and measures as follows: LOT 38 of SQUARE “G”, which square is bounded by Bradford Place, Manhattan Boulevard, Timberlane Estates Drive (side), Timberlane Way (side), PARCELS DD-2, CC, and 4, and which said lot commences 245 The improvements thereof bear the Municipal No. 1836 Bradford Place, Harvey, Louisiana. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. ANNE E. RAYMOND Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 723-897 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE ACQUISITION TRUST 2007-CH4, ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007=CH4 Versus LUCCES SATAILLE INDIVIDUALLY AND AS EXECUTOR OF TRE SUCCESSION OF RAOUL SATAILLE AND MARIE ISELANDE LUCCES SATAILLE By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated December 30, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: ONE CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, advantages and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the STATE OF LOUISIANA, of D E S T R E H A N DIVISION, formerly designated as PARCELS D, E AND M, as shown on a plan of resubdivision by J. J. Krebs & Sons, Inc., C. E. & S., dated September 18, 1980, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council, under Ordinance No. 14580, adopted January 15, 1981, filed in COB 996, Folio 812, in the records of Jefferson Parish, LA, which said plat was last revised January 30, 1985, said Parcel D being further resubdivided into Parcel D-1 as per plan of resubdivision by Richmond W. Krebs, Professional Land Surveyor, dated May 26, 1998, approved by the Jefferson Parish Council under Ordinance No. 20430, recorded in the Clerk of Court’s Office for being further subdivided as per plan of resubdivision by Richmond W. LOT 19 is bounded by South Village Green Street, Murphy Canal (side), Snowbird Drive (side) and Manhattan Boulevard (side) and measures 50 feet front on South Village Green Street, has the same width in the rear by a depth of 109.41 feet on the Murphy Canal side and 109.44 feet on the Manhattan Boulevard side. All in accordance with survey by Johnson Professional Land Surveyors, Inc., dated March 7, 2001, resurveyed April 10, 2001, to locate forms, resurveyed May 8, 2001, to locate slab. Which has the address of 1954 South Village Green Street, Harvey, LA 70058. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. L. GRAHAM ARCENEAUX Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 725-568 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS INC. ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-26 Versus RENEE MARIE CORTEZ PARKS AND KEITH A. PARKS By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated April 25, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements LOT 25, SQUARE 10, is bounded by White Oak Drive, Varnado Street (side), Ridge Drive (side), and Collette Drive. Lot 25 measures 65 feet front on Collette Drive, same width in rear, by a depth of 95 feet between equal and parallel lines. Lot 25 commences at a distance of 710.74 feet from the corner of Collette Drive and White Oak Drive. All as more fully shown on survey made by Gilbert, Kelly & Couturie, Inc., dated May 5, 1988; subject to restrictions, servitudes, rights-ofway and outstanding mineral rights of record affecting the property. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. CHARLES K. WATTS Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 725-636 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Versus ELLEN PALMER WILLIAMS, DIVORCED WIFE BY FIRST MARRIAGE TO LIONEL WILLIAMS, NOW WIFE OF GREGORY DAWSON By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated May 3, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL OF GROUND, together with all of the buildings and improvements thereon, and all of the rights, ways, means, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances, advantages and component parts thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto, lying and being situated in the PARISH OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, in that part thereof known as TERRYTOWN SUBDIVISION, Which has the address of 2109-11 Emerson Street, Gretna, LA 70056. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. L. GRAHAM ARCENEAUX Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 726-085 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Versus KARL EDWARD RICHARDSON AND SANDRAL KNOX RICHARDSON By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated October 24, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PORTION OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, advantages and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the PARISH OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, in that part thereof known as FLORAL ADDITION # 3 EXTENSION, all as per Ordinance No. 10440, by Jefferson Parish Council, dated November 18, 1971, and according to a plan of Adloe Orr, Jr., & Associates, dated March 23, 1971, said property is designated as follows: LOT 296, SQUARE 13, which said square is bounded by Jasmine Lane, Dandelion Drive, Primrose Lane, and Buttercup Drive, said Lot forms of Jasmine Lane and Buttercup Drive, and measures thence 60 feet front on Jasmine Lane, same width in the rear, by a depth of 100 feet between equal and parallel lines. All as more fully shown on survey of Don a Garland, Land Surveyor, dated October 28, 1978, resurveyed June 27, 1979, Resurvey by Dading Marques & Associates, dated September 5, 1989, and said lot has the same measurements as stated LEGALS above. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. CHARLES K. WATTS Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 726-527 CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY Versus ESTATE OF ANTHONY L. PEPPO By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated June 5, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Complex, 1233 Westbank Expressway, Harvey, Louisiana, 70058 on October 29, 2014, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property to wit: ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND IN JEFFERSON PARISH, STATE OF LOUISIANA, being fully known and designated as LOT 42 and 43, SQUARE 13 and being more fully described in Deed Inst. # 10450291, recorded 8/18/04 Jefferson Parish Records, State of Louisiana. This sale is subject to all superior security interests, mortgages, liens and privileges. TERMS-CASH NOTE: All funds must be Cash, Cashier’s Check, Certified Check, Money Order, or Personal Check with Irrevocable Bank Letter of Credit. DAYNA M. EDWARDS Attorney for Plaintiff NEWELL D. NORMAND Sheriff Parish of Jefferson The New Orleans Advocate September 19, 2014 October 24, 2014 JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO. 729-055 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Versus CHRISTOPHER H. ROME A/K/A CHRISTOPHER HUEY ROME AND MARY HESTER ROME A/K/A MARY GWENDOLYN ROME By virtue of and in obedience to a writ of SEIZURE AND SALE from the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana in the above numbered and entitled cause, dated July 24, 2013, I have seized and will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public
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