Europass Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Gender Date compiling CV 2. Contact INFO Nationality Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Mervi Aulikki Heikkinen female 22.9.2015 Finnish WORK: Women’s and Gender Studies, P.O.Box 2000, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, FINLAND HOME: Pitkänmöljäntie 36 A 3, 90510 Oulu, FINLAND +358-294-48 3817 Mobile: +358-50-543 8686 3. Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates 20.12.2012 Doctor of Philosophy (Education) Research, Gender Equality University of Oulu 10.6.2003 Title of qualification awarded Master of Education Principal subjects/occupational skills Educational sciences, Class teacher certificate covered Women’s and Gender studies Name and type of organisation University of Oulu providing education and training 4. Other education and competences Intensive fifteen years work in international research, development and education projects' design, external funding application and administration. Organisational Development and Innovative Project Work Studyprogramme (25 ects) completed in the University of Oulu during the academic year 1996-1997 Technical skills and competences ICT in education (10 ects) University of Oulu 2001 Computer skills and competences Good, daily usage of web-based learning environments such as Discendum Optima, Social media, Artistic skills and competences Driving licence Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of Heikkinen Mervi Fine art studies 20 ects + Minor in Arts 25 ects at University of Oulu Yes, AB For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 5. Language skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Finnish Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding European level (*) Listening Speaking Reading Writing Spoken interaction Spoken production English x good x good x good x good x good Swedish x average x average x average x average x average German x elementary x elementary x elementary x elementary x elementary (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages 6. Current Affiliation University of Oulu: Postdoctoral researcher 1.1.2015 - onwards 7. Previous Affiliations University of Oulu: 8. Research grants: Page 2/3 - Curriculum vitae of Heikkinen Mervi Project Manager, Women’s and Gender Studies 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2014 Project Coordinator, Women's and Gender Studies, 1.1.2010 – 30.12.2012 Project Researcher, Women’s and Gender Studies; TASUKO - Equality and Gender Aware Teacher Education, part time 1.1.- 31.12.2010 Project Coordinator, Women’s and Gender Studies; Daphne Operating Grant, 1.3.200931.12.2009 Project Coordinator, Women’s and Gender Studies; APROPOS and GVEI-projects, 1.6.2007-28.2.2009 Researcher, Women’s and Gender Studies, 1.2.-31.5.2007 Project Planner, Women’s and Gender Studies; SINNI –project, part time 19.9.2005 31.1.2007 Project Researcher, Women’s and Gender Studies; WORK SAFE PLACE -project, part time 2005-200 Project Researcher, Women’s and Gender Studies; EQUAL –project, 12.5.2003-31.1.2005 Project Planner and Educator; Women’s and Gender Studies; WomenIT –sub-project, Equality education, 13.8.2002-31.12.2002, 1.1.2003 - 11.5.2003 Project Secretary, Women’s and Gender Studies; AWARE –project, 15.3.2001-30.6.2001, 1.7.2001-15.7.2001 Project Secretary, Women’s and Gender Studies; national WGS conference Trainee, Teaching Development Unit, 15.5.-31.7.2000 THULE research school, University of Oulu: 4 months 2012 Faculty of Education, University of Oulu: 3 months 2012 Alfred Kordelin foundation: 1 year 2010-2011 Faculty of Education, University of Oulu: 3 months 2007 For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628 9. Teaching experience 13. Positions of Trust and Expertise Page 3/3 - Curriculum vitae of Heikkinen Mervi Gender equality and equity –course in WGS (5 ects) Gender Equality and Diversity at Compulsory School in-service education for educators 2014 Master’s thesis supervision Mira Kemppainen and Outi Huttunen 2015 Master’s thesis supervision Jose Adan Cardona Lopez 2011 Faculty of Economics: Human Resource Management –course visiting lecture on Gender equality planning 2011, 2012, 2013 University of Cyprus: Erasmus teaching exchange 2010 University of Helsinki: SUMO -project lecturer 1.1.-31.5.2006 (about 20 h) Faculty of Education: Societal contexts and value principles in education and teaching – course [Kasvatuksen ja opettajuuden yhteiskunnalliset kontekstit ja arvolähtökohdat] series of lectures 2008, 2009, 2010 Key note: From Violence to Caring –conference 2009 University of Oulu APROPOS multisectoral and multidisciplinary on-line program on gendered and sexualised violence, content designs coordinator and web-tutor 2007-2008 Women’s and Gender Studies: visiting lecturer on courses related to violence and equality Master of Education, Classroom teacher certificate 2003 University of Oulu Gender Equality and Equity Prize 2014 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) member 2014 - National Gender Studies Association’s board member 2012- AtGender - The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation member. The City of Oulu Multisectoral Workgroup on Family and Intimate Partner Violence 2010 - 2011 HILMA University network for Gender Studies assembly member 2008 - onwards The Violence researchers (Väkivaltatutkijat) –network representative from Oulu 2006-2009 ATHENA Advanced Thematic Network in European Women's Studies, 3B Re-conceptualising the notion of equal opportunities, work group member 2003-2009 Femina Borealis - Barents area umbrella organisation, National research coordinator 2002- Expert member on The University of Oulu Gender Equality Board 2008-2012 Oulu Mother and Child Home and Shelter board member 2004-2010 For more information on Europass go to © European Communities, 2003 20060628
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