Professor Jukka Riekki Dean, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering University of Oulu, Finland TEACHING ITEE Faculty in Numbers Electrical Engineering & Communications Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Information Processing Science Nearly 5000 MScs have graduated SPEARHEAD AREAS Networked Environments Connected Health Connected Industry Connected Citizens WORLD CLASS RESEARCH Machine vision Wireless communications High-speed electronics and optoelectronics ICT electronics components Ubiquitous computing Empirical software engineering ICT in health and wellbeing ITEE’s STRATEGIC RESEARCH MAP INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANIES AND THE SOCIETY NETWORKED ENVIRONMENTS PILOTING ENVIRONMENTS SHARED RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH LABORATORIES CONNECTED HEALTH CONNECTED INDUSTRY CONNECTED CITIZENS BUSINESS COMPANY R&D COLLABORATION WITH COMPANIES ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES Research is collected under strategic portfolio NEW KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGIES APPLIED RESEARCH BASIC RESEARCH FOCUSING ON CONNECTED HEALTH Connected Health is a joint theme for all key ITEE research teams Large academic, medical and commercial project network Collaboration with Oulu University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine 3 MAIN AREAS IN CONNECTED HEALTH RESEARCH SERVICES PERSONAL SENIOR CITIZEN CARE DIGITAL BIOBANK SERVICES PARTICIPATORY DESIGN REHABILITATION SYSTEMS WELLBEING SERVICES LARGE-SCALE ICT ARCHITECTURES PERSUASIVE TECHNOLOGY MOBILE APPLICATIONS METHODS HEALTH DATA ARCHITECTURES SYSTEMS NOVEL HCI TECHNOLOGIES SENSING FOR HEALTH PRINTED ELECTRONICS FOR DIAGNOSTICS BIG DATA FOR HEALTH ANALYTICS User driven methods, applications and practices TRANSFORMATIONAL Convergence of health and ICT solutions MEDICAL IMAGING BIOSIGNAL PROCESSING ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS WIRELESS HOSPITAL BODY AREA NETWORKS TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGICAL Enablers for smart health technologies THE 4P’s OF CONNECTED HEALTH: SHIFTING THE EMPHASIS FROM DISEASE TO WELLNESS CONNECTED HEALTH CONNECTION DIGITAL REVOLUTION TECHNIQUES SENSING & DATA Note: 4P’s courtesy of Leroy Hood (P4MI.ORG) SERVICES SYSTEMS MEDICINE METHODS ARCHITECTURES CONSUMER-DRIVEN HEALTHCARE EXAMPLES OF ITEE’s HEALTH ICT RESEARCH PROJECTS Our effort in realizing the 4P’s OPTICS IN PRECISE HEALTH ANALYTICS Noncontact trapping and manipulation of micro and nanoparticles with optical tweezers Calibration of optical trapping and test setup Optical tweezers are focused laser beams TEST SETUP EXPERIMENT Drag velocity to decompose cells Full disggregation of red blood cells CELLULAR LEVEL ANALYSES Contact: Dr. Matti Kinnunen, PRINTED DIAGNOSTIC SENSORS Fabricating low cost activity sensors using printing technologies (R2R) Biosensors, activity and movement sensors by printing Printed optics for imaging applications SAMPLES Movement sensor prototype New materials combined to with printed electronics technologies POLYMER OPTICS Measuring glucose concentrations on water LOW-COST DIAGNOSTICS Contact: Dr. Tapio Fabritius, ULTRA PRECISE MEASUREMENTS Time-gating method resolves Raman spectrum Raman spectroscopy Absorption and time-transit imaging SOLUTION 2D SPAD ARRAY EXAMPLE 256 channel TDC HIGH-SPEED ELECTRONICS Contact: Prof. Juha Kostamovaara, WIRELESS MEDICAL COMMUNICATION On-body and implanted antennas COGNITIVE APPROACH SECURITY WBAN NANOSCALE COMMS MEDICAL On-body and in-body communications WiMeC LOCATION IMPLANTED Wireless communications for medical ICT MOBILE CLOUDS VISIBLE LIGHT COMMS WBAN DENSE NETWORKS Room access point WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK Body access point Link inside WBAN Body sensor Contact: Prof. Jari Iinatti, WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORKS NANOSCALE COMMUNICATIONS Health monitoring by nanodevices in blood vessels Nanomachines communicate wirelessly Nanoscale wireless communications Molecular communications EM communications Terahertz and Room access point VHF bands WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK Body access point Link inside WBAN Body sensor Contact: Prof. Markku Juntti, WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORKS Developing services and business models for future wireless networks Open 5G Test Network at the university campus; closed one at VTT Oulu Developing 5G technologies TARGET TEST NETWORKS NEW SERVICES 5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION 5G MULTIMEDIA SERVICES NOVEL BUSINESS MODLES CLOUD SERVICES LOW LATENCY FLEXIBLE BASE STATION USAGE REDUCED MATERIAL AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION Room access point Body access point Link inside WBAN Body sensor Contact: Prof. Matti Latva-aho, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION ADVANCED BIOSIGNAL UNDERSTANDING Recognition of emotions Diagnostic methods for brain damage Cardiovascular condition HEARTRONIC Sensorial Matrix Sensors Array GPRS UMTS Data Acquisition Unit Data Elaboration Unit Bluetooth Module Piezoelectric accelerator NN for filtering ECG pattern recognition fMRI EEG NIRS ECG Host Server BIO INDICATOR METHODS Contact: Prof. Tapio Seppänen, COMPARING TREATMENTS High-throughput drug screening Machine vision based analysis Cellular samples ANALYSIS SAMPLES SPECIMEN PERSONALIZED MEDICINE Contact: Prof. Janne Heikkilä, DIGITAL BIOBANK AS A SERVICE Preventive value of data increases exponentially when associated with mass population Biobanks generate massive amount of data continuously Digital Biobanks are required by law PRECISION CARE BIG DATA DIGITALIZATION PRECISION AND PREVENTIVE CARE Contact: Prof. Jaakko Sauvola, ARCHITECTURE FOR HEALTHCARE ECOSYSTEM Scalable and controlled architecture with standard big data and customer access interfaces Healthcare and wellbeing convergence with ICT interoperability guarantees Health services digitalization PERSONALIZED COVERAGE REGIONAL 1M population Long distances Legacy migration Cost – Quality Master Big Data EFFICIENT MASS HEALTH SERVICES Contact: Prof. Jaakko Sauvola, DIGITAL TRACES IN HEALTH Enabling four P’s: Personalized, Predictive, Preventive and Participatory service ecosystem RELEVANCY Expediting the “liberation of data” enabling new personalized services My health data 360O OF LIFE DIGITAL HEALTH REVOLUTION Contact: Prof. Jaakko Sauvola, Prof. Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Prof. Minna Isomursu, ( INFLUENCING HEALTH BEHAVIOURS THROUGH ICT Choosing software features related to primary task, HCI dialogue, credibility, and social influence Studying HRV, blood samples, and fMRI with systems usage Computerized health interventions NEURO-IS BSSD SYSTEMS Behavior change support systems for weight management, smoking cessation, depression, sleep deprivation, and others Contact: Prof. Harri.Oinas-Kukkonen, PERSUASIVE SYSTEMS FOR HEALTH FUTURE WELLNESS SERVICES Mobile wellness service that combines easy tracking with a holistic view on well-being Wellness Wallet offers new sport and culture prepaid Mastercard WELLMO WALLET WELLMO SERVICE Consumer case Offers key indications • Sleep • Weight • Steps • Exercise • Alcohol Co-operative use of wellness platforms WELLBEING DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS Contact: Dr. Kari Liukkunen, PERSONALIZED WELLBEING CONCEPTS Service concepts for packaging intelligent products and services Digital tools and interactive components IOT components and data in health CONVERGENCE Consumer experiences Digital Maternity Package Knowledge for services PERSONALIZING HEALTH Contact: Prof. Minna Isomursu, CARE FOR PEOPLE HAVING SPECIAL NEEDS Smart glasses concept Assistive navigation tool for remote caretaking Attention control and remote care VISUAL CUES DETECTION Voice guidance QUALITY OF SENIOR LIVING Contact: Prof. Petri Pulli, TANGIBLE USER INTERFACES Tested by up to 104-year-old users Audio recordings from 50’s played when photographs are touched with a phone Activating elderly people’s memory PHOTOGRAPHS FROM 50’S WITH NFC TAGS QUALITY OF SENIOR LIVING Contact: Prof. Jukka Riekki, COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR THROUGH ICT USAGE Real-time community and city-level sensing Community level activity mapping Sensing behavior via use of ICT ANALYSIS USAGE PATTERNS E.g. Facebook METHODOLOGY Instrumenting mobile platforms Human subjects studies Real-time city-sensing Large scale deployments Contact: Prof.Vassilis Kostakos, URBAN COMPUTING RESEARCH IN THE WILD Studying the effect of technology to everyday life in a realistic environment Rich data set to study mobility in urban environment City infrastructure USERS Oulu Traffic Pilot URBAN COMPUTING Contact: Prof. Timo Ojala, ITEE LEADS SEVERAL LARGE PROGRAMS STARGATE Strategic partnering between ICT research and business hubs •Executive networks •Strategic research projects •Commercial collaboration FABLAB Cutting edge concept facilities and ways of working •Part of FABLAB (MIT) concept •Students, researchers and companies •Joint projects HILLA National level ICT change R&D programme •ICT leveraged in wireless, health, automotive and heavy industry •5 years, 50M€ (research) + company funds •Smart specialization and business driven
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