2nd National Gastrointestinal Nursing Conference

In association with
Organised by
2nd National
Advancing the role of the
gastrointestinal nurse
30 January 2015
America Square Conference Centre, London
Advancing the role of the gastrointestinal nurse will bring together
leading experts in the fields of gastroenterology and stoma care to
discuss the current issues and practical management of patients. It is
anticipated that participants will benefit from:
•A review of what is expected of a gastrointestinal nurse in today’s NHS
•A debate on whether GPs should have increased knowledge of stoma care
•An understanding of drug and product commissioning in light of
budget cuts in the NHS
•Key advice on demonstrating the value of stoma care and colorectal
nursing services
•An understanding of contraception, fertility, and the issues faced by
pregnant women with gastrointestinal problems
•A review of the methods used to manage and care for ostomists who
have fistulae and wounds
Follow us on Twitter: @MAHealthEvents
Tweet about the conference: #gastro2015
To book your place:
email: conferences@markallengroup.com
Website: www.gastronursingconference.co.uk
National Gastrointestin
Who should attend?
The National Gastrointestinal Nursing
Conference will be of interest to:
Advancing the role of th
•IBD nurse specialists
•Clinical nurse specialists
(stoma care, hepatology, IBD,
gastroenterology, endoscopy)
Friday 30 January 2015 AM
•Stoma care nurses
08.30 – 09.00
Registration, refreshments and exhibition viewing
09.00 – 09.05
Welcome and introduction
CHAIR: Penny Harrison
•Nurse endoscopists
•Liver nurses
•Colorectal nurses
Senior Lecturer, De Montfort University, Leicestershire
•Upper GI nurses
•Lower GI nurses
09.05 – 09.40
•Enhanced recovery nurses
Extending the role of the gastrointestinal
Helen Griffiths
Nurse Consultant Gastroenterology, Hereford Hospitals
NHS Trust
09.40 – 10.20
Educating the GP about stoma care
Kate Howlett
Nurse Manager, Salts Healthcare
Joanne Haines
Senior Nurse Manager, Salts Healthcare
10.20 – 10.25 Discussion
10.25 – 11.05
Session open to industry sponsorship
11.05 – 11.30
Refreshments and exhibition viewing
11.30 – 12.10
Commissioning of drugs and products:
medical ethics
Catherine Stansfield
Advanced Practitioner, Salford Royal Hospitals NHS
Trust, Lancashire
Yvette Perston
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
12.10 – 12.50
How to demonstrate the value of stoma
care and colorectal nursing services
Theresa Porrett
Senior Medical Manager, Coloplast
12.50 – 12.55
nal Nursing Conference
he gastrointestinal nurse
Friday 30 January 2015 PM
12.55 – 13.55
Lunch and exhibition viewing
CHAIR: Pat Black
Senior Lecturer, St Marks Hospital, Harrow
13.55 – 14.35
Dermatological problems in inflammatory
bowel diseases
Marian O’Connor
Lead Inflammatory Bowel Disease Specialist Nurse,
St Marks Hospital and North West London Hospital
NHS Trust
14.35 – 14.40 Discussion
14.35 – 15.10
Session open to industry sponsorship
15.10 – 15.30
Refreshments and exhibition viewing
15.30 – 16.10
Contraception, pregnancy, and
gastrointestinal problems
Dr Kate Wiles
Doctoral Research Fellow in Obstetric Medicine, St.
Thomas’ Hospital, London
Caring for fistulae and wounds in
Sian Fumarola
Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, University Hospital of
North Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent
16.50 – 17.00
Summing up by Chair
Close of conference
In association with
To book your place:
( Call Jennifer on +44(0)20 7501 6786
8 www.gastronursingconference.co.uk
Organised by
National Gastrointestinal Nursing Conference
In association with
Organised by
30th January 2015 | America Square Conference Centre, London
Ways to book:
online at: www.gastronursingconference.co.uk
Booking line:
+44(0)20 7501 6762
to the address below
an invoice
Payment Details:
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Title (Dr, Mr, Mrs etc)
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+44 (0)207 978 8319
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• Invoice
Requesting an invoice and signing this form will secure your place at the conference.
All invoices must be paid in full before the event. See booking condition 1. Invoices
can only be raised for bookings over the sum of £100. All bookings of a lower value
must be pre-paid.
Work address
If you have authorisation from your trust/department to attend this event
and require an invoice, please provide the correct billing address or shared
services address (including the relevant payable codes) and a purchase
order number.
We are unable to process any bookings without this information.
We are unable to send out invoices to home addresses.
Post code
PO Number
Delegate Rates
Please tick the box as applicable
Full invoice address
Full rate:
£120 + VAT = £144
Subscribers to Gastrointestinal Nursing:
£80 +VAT = £96
ASCN members
£100 + VAT= £120
All rates inclusive of VAT at the current rate of 20%
Conference fee includes
Entrance to the conference, lunch & refreshments on both
days, full conference documentation and certificate of
Once your booking is confirmed we will send you
a list of recommended hotels.
Confirmation of booking
All bookings will be confirmed by email, unless otherwise
stated. Please contact us if you have not received your
confirmation 5-7 days after submitting your booking.
Exhibition & Sponsorship
If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring this event
contact: Katie Smith on +44 (0)2075016340
The Venue
America Square Conference Centre, 1 America Square,
17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB
A map of the venue will be sent with your booking.
Post code
How did you hear about the conference?
nDirect mailing
n Email
n Recommendation
n MA Healthcare Events website
n Other website (please specify)
n Advert in Journal (please specify)
n Other (please specify)
Booking conditions
MA Healthcare Ltd (The Company) accepts bookings under the
following conditions:
1 Returning the signed registration form constitutes a firm booking.
2 The Company reserves the right to cancel a booking if payment
is not made six weeks prior to the conference taking place. Any
outstanding payment becomes the responsibility of the signatory
made on the reservation form
3 Written cancellations received six weeks prior to the conference
will be accepted and a refund less a 10% administration fee
will be made. After this date, no refunds can be given. Verbal
cancellations will not be accepted. If written cancellation is not
received six weeks prior to the conference full payment will still
be due irrespective of whether the delegate attends the conference.
Substitute delegates are welcome at any time.
4 MA Healthcare Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the
speakers and programmes without prior notice. Speakers
approached at time of print.
5 MA Healthcare Ltd shall not have any liability, except for death or
personal injury caused by its negligence, beyond the value of the
conference. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence
and accommodation relating to the conference are made by
delegates at their own risk.
6 We will be seeking support from pharmaceutical companies for
this conference
Full terms and conditions can be viewed at:
For more information visit www.gastronursingconference.co.uk
or telephone +44 (0)207 501 6762 email: conferences@markallengroup.com
Please return to: MA Healthcare Ltd, National Gastrointestinal Nursing Conference,
Freepost Bfh1337, London, Se24 9Br
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