Document 380527

Th e L e g a l L e c t u r e
The Alumni Pre-Law Advisory Committee was formed in 1988 to support and encourage the interest and advancement of W&J students in the law. The committee’s membership includes practitioners and jurists from diverse backgrounds and experiences who are committed to broaden the
educational and professional opportunities for W&J students and alumni.
The annual Homecoming Pre-Law Lecture Series is officially named The W. Edward Sell ’45 Law
Lecture Series by the Alumni Pre-Law Advisory Committee. The series, previously unnamed, was
chaired and moderated by the late Dr. W. Edward Sell ’45 from 1990 to 2004. The lectures have
highlighted relevant and timely legal issues that affect both the profession and its role in society.
Over the years, this well-attended series has attracted distinguished alumni panelists and guests.
Dr. Sell, dean emeritus and distinguished service professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Law, shared his “encyclopedic knowledge” with students for 50 years. He was a teacher,
legal scholar and mentor to more than 200 W&J/Pitt law graudates. Many of his students have
gone on to become distinguished attorneys, state and federal judges, and members of state legislatures and the United States Congress.
Th e A l u m n i P r e - L aw A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e :
Andrew Aloe, Esq. ’76
Robert A. Johnson, Esq. ’66
Albert Bates, Esq. ’83
Lynn Arko Kelley, Esq. ’77
Frank C. Botta, Esq. ’81
Francis King, Esq. ’77
A. Bradley Collins, Esq. ’98
Christine Kornosky, Esq. ’77
Rebecca T. Colosimo, Esq. ’96
Michelle Mantine, Esq. ’03
Jeffrey J. Conn, Esq. ’86
Mark A. Rush, Esq. ’84
Gina D’Alfonso, Esq. ’83
Hon. Fred Sharer ’60
Rachel Lozosky Friedmann, Esq. ’01
Robert H. Stevenson, Esq. ’64
John P. Friedmann, Esq. ’02
Timothy R. Stevenson, Esq. ’00
Brian S. Green, Esq. ’97
Carla J. Vrsansky, Esq. ’82
Patricia Wozniak Henk, Esq. ’82
Dianne S. Wainwright, Esq. ’86
Charles W. Hergenroeder, Esq. ’69
Joseph DiSarro, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
If you are interested in joining the W&J Alumni Pre-Law Advisory Committee, please contact
Susan Kepler in the Office of Development at 724-223-6095 or
Tackling Concussion:
L aw , M e d i c i n e & S p o rt
D e b at e t h e F u t u r e o f
Athletics in America
A P r e s e n t at i o n o f t h e W & J A l u m n i
P r e - L a w A d v i s o r y C o mm i tt e e
S at u r d ay , O c t o b e r 2 5 , 2 0 1 4
8 - 10:30 a.m.
A l l e n Ba l l r o o m , R o s s i n Ca m p u s C e n t e r
Program Schedule
8 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
P r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e 2 0 1 4 W. E d w a r d
S e l l A c h i e v e m e n t i n L a w Aw a r d t o
Senator J. Barr y Stout ’64
Panel Discussion
M ode rat or :
Jason Luckasevic, Esq., ’97 is a Senior Shareholder at Goldberg, Persky & White,
P.C. in Pittsburgh. He started the NFL Concussion litigation and represents over
500 former NFL players, resulting in a settlement to exceed $765 million. He has
successfully litigated PI cases, wrongful death cases, discrimination, toxic tort,
auto accident and medical malpractice cases. His expertise has been published
and sought by media sources throughout the country in print and video including
ESPN, FOX, ABC, CNN and NBC. He was featured in the documentary “The United
States of Football” for bringing head injury and player safety to our country’s
forefront. He also sits on the board of directors of the Brain Injury Association of
Pa n e l i s t s :
Pa n e l i s t s C o n t i n u e d :
Brant T. Miller, Esq., ’95 is a Shareholder of Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote, P.C. He
concentrates his practice in real estate matters, including real estate litigation, title
insurance defense litigation, title opinions for minerals, oil and gas, commercial
and residential real estate transactions, title insurance, realtor E&O defense, and
title agent E&O defense. He is a licensed Pennsylvania title insurance agent and
operates the firm’s three separate title insurance agencies. Miller coaches youth
football, baseball and basketball.
Leonard Marshall, Jr., is a former American football defensive lineman who
played twelve seasons in the NFL. He played defensive end for the New York Giants
for ten seasons, then played a season each as a defensive tackle for the New York
Jets and Washington Redskins. He was a starter on the Giants teams that won Super
Bowl XXI and Super Bowl XXV. Marshall authored a book, “When the Cheering
Stops”, with writer William Bendetson about the 1990 season and
Super Bowl XXV.
Paul Naussbaum, Ph.D., is the President and Founder of the Brain Health Center,
Inc. (, a center that integrates mind-body-spiritual
wellness with clinical approaches for a holistic program to overall balance and
brain health. He also is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and an Adjunct Professor
of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Naussbaum has 25 years of experience in the care of older persons suffering from
dementia, head injury, and related neuropsychiatric disorders.
Bill Spencer is a Commissioner for the Washington-Greene Youth Football League.
Spencer led the league into joining “Heads Up Football” program administered by
USA Football. He also is a school nurse at Trinity East Elementary School and has
served as a youth, middle school and high school football coach.
Nathan Bennett, M.D., ’86 is the Founder and Medical Director of Preferred
Headache. Bennett is a certified subspecialist in headache medicine and is involved
in the development of headache guidelines and educational programs on a national level. He is a member of the American Headache Society, National Headache
Foundation, and International Headache Society. Bennett is a board-certified family
physician at Preferred Primary Care Physicians in Pleasant Hills, Pa. He also is the
principal investigator and author in many clinical research studies.
Pete Thomson is the President of MedLogic, LLC., leading the legal team and
overseeing legal affairs of the company. His principal areas of focus are: Compliance
and governance, commercial negotiations, logistics, intellectual property and rights
management, national and international legal affairs and providing strategic advice
to the management team and board of directors. He has served on the Institutional
Review Board for Sewickley Valley Hospital/Heritage Valley Health System for more
than 15 years.
Clarence Carlos II, is a Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of RC21X, a
web-based tool that measures and monitors brain performance. His desire to build
a system to monitor human brain performance was a result of the tragic death of
a close friend’s son that resulted from a misdiagnosed brain injury while playing
scholastic football. Carlos is responsible for developing the tactical direction of new
and existing business at RC21X with his experience in project management and
business development in the medical device field.
Lane M. Turturice , Esq., ’96 is a Partner at Berggren & Turturice, LLC. He has
served as an Assistant District Attorney in Washington County and is currently the
solicitor for the City of Washington. He regularly represents clients in the areas
of criminal law, corporate law, real estate law, juvenile law, estate and trusts, and
family law. Turturice is a former solicitor for the Washington County Tax Claim
Bureau and has extensive experience in litigation related to property taxes. A W&J
graduate, Turturice was a four-year letterman of the football team.