Listening to our Students, Tutors, and Faculty: Applying assessment results to Learning Assistance Center program improvement Nadine Rosenthal, Chair, Learning Assistance Department City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Avenue, R207, San Francisco, CA 94112 415.452.5505 Spring 2003 Learning Assistance Center Mission Statement Mission Statement Learning Assistance Department Our mission is to provide a supportive environment that promotes active learning and encourages collaboration among members of our diverse community. Toward this goal, we assist students in achieving their academic, vocational, and personal goals through our academic-support program offerings: college success courses and workshops, peer-cooperative small groups, student-centered peer and professional tutoring, and open-access computer labs. Student Learning Outcome College Success Courses Students in our college and career courses learn to apply a variety of active learning strategies to their personal growth and values, academic study skills, critical and creative reasoning proficiency, and career exploration and development. 2 Assessment Tools Faculty SWOT Analysis Faculty Needs Survey Slide # 4 5-6 Student Student Needs Survey L.A.C. Student Evaluation 7 8-9 Tutor Tutor Learning Outcomes VTEA Learning Outcomes 10 11-12 Office of Research & Planning Algebra Survey Morale Survey FTES/WSCH/Positive Attendance 13 14-17 18 3 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is an effective way of identifying Strengths and Weaknesses of the LAC, and of examining the Opportunities and Threats the LAC may face. This analysis using the SWOT framework will enable us to focus our activities into areas where we are strong, and where the greatest opportunities lie. Strengths: Weaknesses: What are our advantages? What do we do well? What do other people see as our strengths Consider this from the LAC view and from the point of view of the people we deal with. We shouldn’t be modest here What Opportunities: Threats: Useful opportunities and action plans) can come from such things as: Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale Changes in city, school, or department policy that may affect us. Changes in social patterns, student population profiles, lifestyle changes, etc. Local Events and interesting trends What could we improve? What do we do badly? What should we avoid? Consider this from an internal and external basis. Do other people seem to perceive weaknesses that we do not see? obstacles do we face? What is our competition doing? (Do we have competition?) Are the required specifications for our services changing? Is changing technology threatening our position? Do we have budgetary problems? 4 Learning Assistance Center Faculty Needs Survey – 1st slide CCSF Learning Assistance Center Faculty Needs Thank you for your support for the programs and services in the Learning Assistance Center. Thanks to you, we are a vibrant and successful department at City College. To assist us in our search for new and innovative ways to best support you and your students, would you please fill out this short survey and return it to R207 Check the appropriate box that reflects your impression of the following initiatives. Feel free to add additional comments on the back of this form. Excellent Idea Good Idea Needs more work Learning Strategies Workshop Series – Drop-in workshops in the LAC on specific study strategies. 97% 3% Supplemental Instruction Groups – Peer-led, instructorsupervised study groups specific to your own course content. 80% 20% Curriculum Support – College Success faculty assist you in integrating learning strategies into your specific curriculum. 80% 20% Adjunct Study Courses - .5 unit group tutorial course taught along side your specific course. 67% 33% Not feasible 5 Learning Assistance Center Faculty Needs Survey – 2nd slide Tutor Training in Content Areas – You act as a guest lecturer in the LAC tutor-training course. 65 % 35 % Classroom Presentations – 15 minute and 45 minute presentations in your classroom on a specific learning strategy led by LAC faculty or staff 61 % 39 % Study Buddies – LAC staff members assist you in matching up your students into study partners and leaderless study groups. (Not a dating service.) 60 % 40 % Learning Styles – College Success faculty assist you in assessing and working with your students’ learning styles. 58% 42 % Online Learning Strategy Support – Students work on prepared online materials to develop their study techniques 57% 43 % Instructors as Tutors – You lead study groups in your general content area in the LAC. 57 % 43 % LAC Office Hours – You schedule a portion of your office hours in the LAC. 55 % 45 % Online Tutoring – Use of commercially developed software to 49% 51 6 Learning Assistance Center Student Needs Survey CCSF Learning Assistance Center Student Needs Questionnaire We are trying to increase the services that we provide through the Learning Assistance Center. Please help us understand the kinds of services you would use if offered Check the box that best tells us about your interest in each idea. Feel free to add your comments on the bottom of this form. Excellent Idea. I would use it. Good Idea for others Needs more work Learning Strategies Workshop Series – Drop-in workshops in the Learning Assistance Center on specific study techniques and learning strategies 96% 4% Study Groups – Student-led study groups specific to the course content of your particular class. 80% 20% Adjunct Study Courses – ½ unit study course taught as a class you take along with your specific class. 80% 20% Online Tutoring – Use of commercially developed software to tutor on line 68% 32% Online Study Skills Programs – You work on prepared online materials to develop your techniques 64% 36% Not good. 7 Learning Assistance Center Student Evaluation – 1st slide CCSF Learning Assistance Center Student Evaluation Survey This semester I used the LAC mostly for: English/ESL Math Accounting Health-Related Computer Technology Chemistry Anatomy/Physiology Architecture Biotechnology Graphic Arts Foreign Language Other The LAC helped me in these job-related areas: -develop skills I can use in a job. usually often sometimes rarely My major goal for studying at CCSF: 4-yr. degree 2-yr. degree or certificate career skills other -practice problem-solving skills. usually often sometimes rarely My LAC experience helped me toward my goal. usually often sometimes rarely Did the LAC help you succeed in your course(s)? Yes A Lot A Little No -organize my time better. usually often sometimes rarely -recognize areas for improvement. usually often sometimes rarely -add new information to my current knowledge. usually often sometimes rarely I recommend the LAC to other students. usually often sometimes rarely Grade I expected BEFORE using the LAC: A B C D or F Drop or W I would join a study group, if offered. Yes Probably Maybe No Grade I expect AFTER using the LAC: A B C D or F Drop or W 8 Learning Assistance Center Student Evaluation – 2nd slide CCSF Learning Assistance Center Student Evaluation Survey: Results Of 47 surveys completed during the 15th week of the Spring 04 semester: 22 students are studying towards a 4-year degree and 18 students are studying towards a 2-year degree. 46 students agreed that their Learning Assistance Center experience usually/often helped towards their goal. 45 students agreed that their Learning Assistance Center experience helped them succeed in their courses. 10 students expected a grade of A or B BEFORE using the Learning Assistance Center, while 39 students expected a grade of A or B AFTER using the Learning Assistance Center. The Learning Assistance Center usually/often helped students Develop job skills – 27 Organize time – 24 Practice problem-solving skills – 36 Recognize areas for improvement – 36 Add new information to current knowledge – 41 9 Learning Outcomes in Tutor Training Courses Tutor Learning Outcomes By the end of the semester, you will have Tutored students for a minimum of 25 hours By the end of this course you will be able to Demonstrate your ability to use effective techniques in your tutoring/mentoring sessions, and Evaluate your challenges and successes in tutoring. Homework Assignment: A Case Study where you will address the above learning Outcomes. Describe one tutoring session you completed with a student this semester from the first “hello” to the last “good-bye.” Include an analysis of techniques you used in this session, including techniques listed on the next page: roles, responsibilities, processes, questioning, independent learning, direct study, positive reinforcement, listening, student verbalization, learning styles and strategies, problem solving, and diversity issues. Evaluate on your challenges and successes while using the techniques: Why did they work or not work? What techniques do you hope to further develop as you continue to tutor? An analysis of your outcomes in this course. During your first tutor training session you wrote your definition of tutoring. You continued to update your definition at the end of each session. Now, write your current definition of tutoring by discussing how it has developed through the course of this semester. What did you learn this semester that you will take away with you for future personal use? 10 Learning Outcomes: VTEA Tutors – 1st slide VTEA Student Learning Outcomes LERN 10: Introduction to Tutoring – One-Unit course At the first class session of LERN 10: Introduction to Tutoring, Spring 04, I asked my students, all of whom had been hired as tutors in the Learning Assistance Center, the following question: “What are your goals for tutoring this semester?” At the end of the semester, after tutoring for 15 weeks, I asked the following questions: “How has your tutoring developed from your initial tutoring sessions?” “What did you learn this semester that you will apply to your future education and career?” Responses are on the next slide. 11 Learning Outcomes: VTEA Tutors – 2nd slide Microbiology and Physiology Tutor: Pre: My goal is to help other students…myself…improve my skills…challenge myself… Post: My goal became learning how to talk less, yet explain more… grouping students for the best discussions…using different learning styles for different students. Nursing Chemistry (CHEM 32)Tutor: Pre: My goal is to help others and understand the material better…work on my communication skills…meet people….build my self-esteem and self confidence Post: I am now better at managing my time in the sessions…being a leader…listen actively…sense of accomplishment. Anatomy (ANAT 25) Tutor: Pre: I want to help lost of people…get a sense of self-worth… Post: Tutoring is a heart-warming experience…I’ve made a difference…meet diverse set of students…increased my ability to adapt myself. Accounting ACCT 1) Tutor: Pre: My goal is to achieve self-confidence…be more competent. Post: I learned that my students were my teachers…I learned through their questions…amazed at how appreciative students were. 12 Algebra Study Effectiveness of Math 840 tutoring Algebra Students: Tutoring Works! 90% 80% You WILL PASS Math 840 with 12 hours of tutoring each week. That’s only 15-30 hours of tutoring during the semester. 70% Percent of students passing 60% 50% Pass Rate 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 10 20 30 40 Number of hours tutored per semester 50 60 13 Faculty-Staff Morale Survey – 1st Slide Learning Assistance Center Survey The purpose of this survey is to assess morale. Please respond to the following questions candidly. Responses are anonymous and only group data will be reported. (For the purposes of this questionnaire, supervisor means immediate and most frequent supervisor.) CCSF Surveys can be found at COMMUNICATION 1. I have a cooperative working relationship with my coworkers. 2. I can comfortably express my concerns to my supervisor. 3. My job description is clear and I am expected to perform within the scope of my job description. Always Usuall y Seldo m Never No Answe r 14 Faculty-Staff Morale Survey – 2nd Slide RECOGNITION and LEADERSHIP 4 My supervisor listens to and follows through on . concerns raised by the LAC staff. 5 My supervisor communicates job responsibilities . clearly. 6 Always Usuall y Seldo m Never Always Usuall y Seldo m Never No Answ er I feel that my work is valued. . 7. I feel that my opinions are valued. 8 I am invited to participate in making decisions that . affect the operations of the LAC. STAFFING 9. The workload is distributed fairly between coworkers. 10. Staffing/Student assistance is adequate. No Answer 15 Faculty-Staff Morale Survey – 3rd Slide FACILITIES, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT 11. The LAC complies with health and safety regulations. 12. The LAC is comfortable and adequately furnished. 13. My co-workers are professional in their use of shared space and equipment. 14. The computer equipment and software I have access to are sufficient for my duties. 15. The amount and kind of other equipment and supplies available for my work are adequate. Always Usuall y Seldo m Never No Answe r 16 Faculty-Staff Morale Survey – 4th Slide TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL GROWTH 16. I receive necessary orientation and support to successfully carry out my duties. 17. I am informed of and understand the role of the LAC in relation to the college at large. 18. I receive necessary training and support in the use of new equipment and software (e.g., Banner, computers and medical equipment, other technology). SUMMARY 19. Overall, my morale at work is: 20. Overall, I feel that the commitment and ability of the staff to meet students' needs is: Always Usuall y Seldo m Never No Answe r Excelle nt Good Averag e Poor No Answe r 17 Learning Assistance Department FTES – WSCH Report TERM YEAR DEPT FTES WSCH POS. ATT. Fall 1998 LERN 183 5507 84,671 Spring 1999 LERN 198 5948 90,114 Fall 1999 LERN 212 6363 97,812 Spring 2000 LERN 227 6816 106,858 (Peak of era) Fall 2000 LERN 173 5189 77,532 Spring 2001 LERN 222 6659 104,835 Fall 2001 LERN 244 7329 111,077 Spring 2002 LERN 239 7169 110,160 Fall 2002 LERN 296 8877 138,818 Spring 2003 LERN 320 9609 146,891 18
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