Reciprocal Lattice & Ewald Sphere Construction Part of MATERIALS SCIENCE & A Learner’s Guide ENGINEERING AN INTRODUCTORY E-BOOK Anandh Subramaniam & Kantesh Balani Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur- 208016 Email:, URL: Reciprocal Lattice and Reciprocal Crystals A crystal resides in real space. The diffraction pattern of the crystal in Fraunhofer diffraction geometry resides in Reciprocal Space. In a diffraction experiment (powder diffraction using X-rays, selected area diffraction in a TEM), a part of this reciprocal space is usually sampled. From the real lattice the reciprocal lattice can be geometrically constructed. The properties of the reciprocal lattice are ‘inverse’ of the real lattice → planes ‘far away’ in the real crystal are closer to the origin in the reciprocal lattice. As a real crystal can be thought of as decoration of a lattice with motif; a reciprocal crystal can be visualized as a Reciprocal Lattice decorated with a motif* of Intensities. Reciprocal Crystal = Reciprocal Lattice + Intensities as Motif* The reciprocal of the ‘reciprocal lattice’ is nothing but the real lattice! Planes in real lattice become points in reciprocal lattice and vice-versa. * Clearly, this is not the crystal motif- but a motif consisting of “Intensities”. Motivation for constructing reciprocal lattices In diffraction patterns (Fraunhofer geometry) (e.g. SAD), planes are mapped as spots (ideally points). Hence, we would like to have a construction which maps planes in a real crystal as points. Apart from the use in ‘diffraction studies’ we will see that it makes sense to use reciprocal lattice when we are dealing with planes. The crystal ‘resides’ in Real Space, while the diffraction pattern ‘lives’ in Reciprocal Space. As the index of the plane increases → the interplanar spacing decreases → and ‘planes start to crowd’ around the origin in the real lattice (refer figure). Hence, it is a ‘nice idea’ to work in reciprocal space (i.e. work with reciprocal lattice) when dealing with planes. As seen in the figure the diagonal is divided into (h + k) parts. We will construct reciprocal lattices in 1D and 2D before taking up a formal definition in 3D Let us start with a one dimensional lattice and construct the reciprocal lattice Real Lattice Reciprocal Lattice How is this reciprocal lattice constructed? One unit cell The plane (2) has intercept at ½, plane (3) has intercept at 1/3 etc. As the index of the plane increases it gets closer to the origin (there is a crowding towards the origin) What do these planes wih fractional indices mean? We have already noted the answer in the topic on Miller indices and XRD. Real Lattice Note in 1D planes are points and have Miller indices of single digit (they have been extended into the second dimension (as lines) for better visibility Reciprocal Lattice Each one of these points correspond to a set of ‘planes’ in real space Note that in reciprocal space index has NO brackets Now let us construct some 2D reciprocal lattices Example-1 Reciprocal Lattice Each one of these points correspond to a set of ‘planes’ in real space 02 (01) 12 1 a2 (11) (21) a1 a1 (10) 22 a2 11 01 * 11 * b2 g 00 * b1 21 * g 21 10 1 g vectors connect origin to reciprocal lattice points 20 a1 The reciprocal lattice has an origin! Overlay of real and reciprocal lattices Note that vectors in reciprocal space are perpendicular to planes in real space (as constructed!) But do not measure distances from the figure! Example-2 The real lattice a2 a1 * b2 * b1 The reciprocal lattice Note that vectors in reciprocal space are perpendicular to planes in real space (as constructed!) But do not measure distances from the figure! Reciprocal Lattice Properties are reciprocal to the crystal lattice The basis vectors of a reciprocal lattice are defined using the basis vectors of the crystal as below BASIS VECTORS * 1 b1 a2 a3 V * 1 b2 a3 a1 V * * bi usuall written as ai * 1 b3 a1 a2 V * b3 * 1 b b3 a1 a2 V Area (OAMB ) 1 Area(OAMB ) Height of Cell OP C * 3 1 b d 001 * 3 a3 a2 P B B * b3 is to a1 and a2 O The reciprocal lattice is created by interplanar spacings M A a1 Some properties of the reciprocal lattice and its relation to the real lattice A reciprocal lattice vector is to the corresponding real lattice plane * * * * g hkl h b1 k b2 l b3 The length of a reciprocal lattice vector is the reciprocal of the spacing of the corresponding real lattice plane g * hkl * 1 g hkl d hkl Planes in the crystal become lattice points in the reciprocal lattice ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REAL LATTICE Reciprocal lattice point represents the orientation and spacing of a set of planes Going from the reciprocal lattice to diffraction spots in an experiment A Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) pattern in a TEM is similar to a section through the reciprocal lattice (or more precisely the reciprocal crystal, wherein each reciprocal lattice point has been decorated with a certain intensity). The reciprocal crystal has all the information about the atomic positions and the atomic species. Reciprocal lattice* is the reciprocal of a primitive lattice and is purely geometrical does not deal with the intensities decorating the points Physics comes in from the following: For non-primitive cells ( lattices with additional points) and for crystals having motifs ( crystal = lattice + motif) the Reciprocal lattice points have to be weighed in with the corresponding scattering power (|Fhkl|2) Some of the Reciprocal lattice points go missing (or may be scaled up or down in intensity) Making of Reciprocal Crystal: Reciprocal lattice decorated with a motif of scattering power (as intensities) The Ewald sphere construction further can select those points which are actually observed in a diffraction experiment * as considered here To summarize: Real Lattice Decoration of the lattice with motif Real Crystal Purely Geometrical Construction Reciprocal Lattice Decoration of the lattice with Intensities Structure factor calculation Reciprocal Crystal Ewald Sphere construction Selection of some spots/intensities from the reciprocal crystal Diffraction Pattern Crystal = Lattice + Motif In crystals based on a particular lattice the intensities of particular reflections are modified they may even go missing Position of the diffraction spots Lattice Intensity of the diffraction spots Motif Diffraction Pattern Position of the diffraction spots RECIPROCAL LATTICE Intensity of the diffraction spots MOTIF’ OF INTENSITIES Making of a Reciprocal Crystal There are two ways of constructing the Reciprocal Crystal: 1) Construct the lattice and decorate each lattice point with appropriate intensity* 2) Use the concept as that for the real crystal** The above two approaches are equivalent for simple crystals (SC, BCC, FCC lattices decorated with monoatomic motifs), but for ordered crystals the two approaches are different (E.g. ordered CuZn, Ordered Ni3Al etc.) (as shown soon). Real Lattice Decorate with motif Real Crystal Use motif to compute structure factor and hence intensities to decorate reciprocal lattice points Take real lattice and construct reciprocal lattice Reciprocal Lattice Reciprocal Crystal * Point #1 has been considered to be consistent with literature– though this might be an inappropriate. ** Point #2 makes reciprocal crystals equivalent in definition to real crystals SC Examples of 3D Reciprocal Lattices weighed in with scattering power (|F|2) + Selection rule: All (hkl) allowed In ‘simple’ cubic crystals there are No missing reflections Single sphere motif Lattice = SC 001 101 011 111 000 010 = 100 SC crystal 110 Reciprocal Crystal = SC SC lattice with Intensities as the motif at each ‘reciprocal’ lattice point Figures NOT to Scale BCC Selection rule BCC: (h+k+l) even allowed In BCC 100, 111, 210, etc. go missing 002 BCC crystal x 022 x x 202 x 222 x Important note: The 100, 111, 210, etc. points in the reciprocal lattice exist (as the corresponding real lattice planes exist), however the intensity decorating these points is zero. 101 x x x 000 x 100 missing reflection (F = 0) x 011 200 020 x 110 x 220 Weighing factor for each point “motif” F 4f 2 2 Reciprocal Crystal = FCC FCC lattice with Intensities as the motif Figures NOT to Scale 002 022 FCC 202 222 111 020 000 Lattice = FCC 200 100 missing reflection (F = 0) 220 110 missing reflection (F = 0) Weighing factor for each point “motif” Reciprocal Crystal = BCC F 16 f 2 2 BCC lattice with Intensities as the motif Figures NOT to Scale Order-disorder transformation and its effect on diffraction pattern When a disordered structure becomes an ordered structure (at lower temperature), the symmetry of the structure is lowered and certain superlattice spots appear in the Reciprocal Lattice/crystal (and correspondingly in the appropriate diffraction patterns). Superlattice spots are weaker in intensity than the spots in the disordered structure. An example of an order-disorder transformation is in the Cu-Zn system: the high temperature structure can be referred to the BCC lattice and the low temperature structure to the SC lattice (as shown next). Another examples are as below. Disordered Ordered - NiAl, BCC B2 (CsCl type) - Ni3Al, FCC L12 (AuCu3-I type) Click here to know more about Superlattices & Sublattices Click here to know more about Ordered Structures Diagrams not to scale Positional Order In a strict sense this is not a crystal !! High T disordered BCC Probabilistic occupation of each BCC lattice site: 50% by Cu, 50% by Zn G = H TS 470ºC Sublattice-1 (SL-1) Sublattice-2 (SL-2) Low T ordered SC SL-1 occupied by Cu and SL-2 occupied by Zn. Origin of SL-2 at (½, ½, ½) Disordered Ordered - NiAl, BCC B2 (CsCl type) Click here to see structure factor calculation for NiAl (to see why some spots have weak intensity) → Slide 27 Click here to see XRD powder pattern of NiAl → Slide 5 ‘Diffraction pattern’ from the ordered structure (3D) Ordered FCC BCC SC For the ordered structure: Reciprocal Crystal = ‘FCC’ FCC lattice with Intensities as the motif Notes: For the disordered structure (BCC) the reciprocal crystal is FCC. For the ordered structure the reciprocal crystal is still FCC but with a two intensity motif: ‘Strong’ reflection at (0,0,0) and superlattice (weak) reflection at (½,0,0) . So we cannot ‘blindly’ say that if lattice is SC then reciprocal lattice is also SC. Reciprocal crystal This is like the NaCl structure in Reciprocal Space! Disordered Ordered - Ni3Al, FCC L12 (AuCu3-I type) Click here to see structure factor calculation for Ni3Al (to see why some spots have weak intensity) → Slide 29 Click here to see XRD powder pattern of Ni3Al → Slide 6 Diffraction pattern from the ordered structure (3D) Ordered BCC FCC SC Reciprocal Crystal = BCC BCC lattice with Intensities as the motif Reciprocal crystal There are two ways of constructing the Reciprocal Crystal: 1) Construct the lattice and decorate each lattice point with appropriate intensity 2) Use the concept as that for the real crystal (lattice + Motif) 1) SC + two kinds of Intensities decorating the lattice 2) (FCC) + (Motif = 1FR + 1SLR) Motif FR Fundamental Reflection SLR Superlattice Reflection 1) SC + two kinds of Intensities decorating the lattice 2) (BCC) + (Motif = 1FR + 3SLR) Motif Example of superlattice spots in a TEM diffraction pattern The spots are ~periodically arranged [112] [111] Superlattice spots [011] SAD patterns from a BCC phase (a = 10.7 Å) in as-cast Mg4Zn94Y2 alloy showing important zones d [nm] 2 [deg.] I hkl 1 0.2886 30.960 163.1 100 2 0.2041 44.360 1000.0 1 1 0 12 3 0.1666 55.080 33.2 111 8 4 0.1443 64.520 147.1 200 6 5 0.1291 73.280 31.7 210 24 6 0.1178 81.660 276.5 211 24 7 0.1020 98.040 91.0 220 12 8 0.0962 106.400 2.5 300 6 9 0.0962 106.400 10.1 221 24 10 0.0913 115.140 161.7 310 24 11 0.0870 124.560 9.4 311 24 12 0.0833 135.220 64.8 222 8 13 0.0800 148.460 13.4 320 24 Example of superlattice peaks in XRD pattern NiAl pattern from 0-160 (2) Superlattice reflections (weak) Mul. 6 The Ewald Sphere * Paul Peter Ewald (German physicist and crystallographer; 1888-1985) Reciprocal lattice/crystal is a map of the crystal in reciprocal space → but it does not tell us which spots/reflections would be observed in an actual experiment. The Ewald sphere construction selects those points which are actually observed in a diffraction experiment Circular of a Colloquium held at Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung (in honour of Prof.Ewald) 7. Paul-Peter-Ewald-Kolloquium Freitag, 17. Juli 2008 organisiert von: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Physik, Institut für Metallkunde, Institut für Nichtmetallische Anorganische Materialien der Universität Stuttgart Programm 13:30 Joachim Spatz (Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung) Begrüßung 13:45 Heribert Knorr (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg Begrüßung 14:00 Stefan Hell (Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie) Nano-Auflösung mit fokussiertem Licht 14:30 Antoni Tomsia (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Using Ice to Mimic Nacre: From Structural Materials to Artificial Bone 15:00 Pause Kaffee und Getränke 15:30 Frank Gießelmann(Universität Stuttgart) Von ferroelektrischen Fluiden zu geordneten Dispersionen von Nanoröhren: Aktuelle Themen der Flüssigkristallforschung 16:00 Verleihung des Günter-Petzow-Preises 2008 16:15 Udo Welzel (Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung) Materialien unter Spannung: Ursachen, Messung und Auswirkungen- Freund und Feind ab 17:00 Sommerfest des Max-Planck-Instituts für Metallforschung The Ewald Sphere The reciprocal lattice points are the values of momentum transfer for which the Bragg’s equation is satisfied. For diffraction to occur the scattering vector must be equal to a reciprocal lattice vector. Geometrically if the origin of reciprocal space is placed at the tip of ki then diffraction will occur only for those reciprocal lattice points that lie on the surface of the Ewald sphere. Here, for illustration, we consider a 2D section thought the Ewald Sphere (the ‘Ewald Circle’) See Cullity’s book: A15-4 Bragg’s equation revisited n 2 d hkl Sin hkl Rewrite Sin hkl 2 d hkl 1 d hkl 2 Draw a circle with diameter 2/ Construct a triangle with the diameter as the hypotenuse and 1/dhkl as a side (any triangle inscribed in a circle with the diameter as the hypotenuse is a right angle triangle: APO = 90): AOP The angle opposite the 1/d side is hkl (from the rewritten Bragg’s equation) Now if we overlay ‘real space’ information on the Ewald Sphere. (i.e. we are going to ‘mixup’ real and reciprocal space information). Assume the incident ray along AC and the diffracted ray along CP. Then automatically the crystal will have to be considered to be located at C with an orientation such that the dhkl planes bisect the angle OCP (OCP = 2). OP becomes the reciprocal space vector ghkl (often reciprocal space vectors are written without the ‘*’). g * hkl * 1 g hkl d hkl The Ewald Sphere construction Which leads to spheres for various hkl reflections Crystal related information is present in the reciprocal crystal Sin hkl 2 d hkl 1 d hkl The Ewald sphere construction generates the diffraction pattern 2 Chooses part of the reciprocal crystal which is observed in an experiment Radiation related information is present in the Ewald Sphere Ewald Sphere When the Ewald Sphere (shown as circle in 2D below) touches the reciprocal lattice point that reflection is observed in an experiment (41 reflection in the figure below). Reciprocal Space 2 Ki KD The Ewald Sphere touches the reciprocal lattice (for point 41) Bragg’s equation is satisfied for 41 02 01 00 DK 10 20 (41) DK = K =g = Diffraction Vector Ewald sphere X-rays Diffraction from Al using Cu K radiation Row of Rows of reciprocal reciprocal lattice lattice points points The 111 reflection is observed at a smaller angle 111 as compared to the 222 reflection (Cu K) = 1.54 Å, 1/ = 0.65 Å−1 (2/ = 1.3 Å−1), aAl = 4.05 Å, d111 = 2.34 Å, 1/d111 = 0.43 Å−1 Ewald sphere X-rays Now consider Ewald sphere construction for two different crystals of the same phase in a polycrystal/powder (considered next). Click to compare them (Cu K) = 1.54 Å, 1/ = 0.65 Å−1 (2/ = 1.3 Å−1), aAl = 4.05 Å, d111 = 2.34 Å, 1/d111 = 0.43 Å−1 POWDER METHOD Diffraction cones and the Diffractometer geometry In the powder method is fixed but is variable (the sample consists of crystallites in various orientations). A cone of ‘diffraction beams’ are produced from each set of planes (e.g. (111), (120) etc.) (As to how these cones arise is shown in an upcoming slide). The diffractometer moving in an arc can intersect these cones and give rise to peaks in a ‘powder diffraction pattern’. Click here for more details regarding the powder method ‘3D’ view of the ‘diffraction cones’ Different cones for different reflections Diffractometer moves in a semi-circle to capture the intensity of the diffracted beams THE POWDER METHOD Understanding the formation of the cones Cone of diffracted rays In a power sample the point P can lie on a sphere centered around O due all possible orientations of the crystals The distance PO = 1/dhkl Circular Section through the spheres made by the hkl reflections The 440 reflection is not observed (as the Ewald sphere does not intersect the reciprocal lattice point sphere) Ewald sphere construction for Al Allowed reflections are those for h, k and l unmixed The 331 reflection is not observed Ewald sphere construction for Cu Allowed reflections are those for h, k and l unmixed
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