Soccer Science Seminar – Kampanalyser og kamprelevant fysisk træning Praktikerdag i DBU tirsdag den 19. maj 2015 Den 20.-23. maj 2015 afholdes der for ottende gang verdens fodbold-kongres og denne gang i København. I den forbindelse vil DBU samt Center for Holdspil og Sundhed i samarbejde afholde en praktikerdag i DBU dagen før kongressen. Det betyder at vi har fået et stærkt felt af oplægsholdere til denne dag og vi håber du finder tid til at deltage. Dato: Tirsdag den 19. maj kl. 10.00-17.00 (registrering kl. 9.15) Sted: DBU, DBU Alle 1, 2605 Brøndby, Tlf. 43 26 22 40 Sprog: Engelsk Pris: kr. 1.500,Antal deltagere: 140 (først til mølle princippet) Du tilmelder dig via Mit DBU Ønsker du at deltage på hele kongressen kan du få kongresgebyret til en reduceret pris på 300 Euro. I den forbindelse skal du kontakte Peter Krustrup via mail, Program Kl. 10.00 - 11.15 Kl. 11.15 -12.30 kl. 12.30 - 13.30 Kl. 13.30 - 14.30 Kl. 14.30 – 15.45 Kl. 15.45 – 16-15 Kl. 16.15 – 17.00 Indledning af Peter Rudbæk og Peter Krustrup. Dernæst oplæg af Svein Arne Pettersen, Mads Bendiksen og Glen Riddersholm om fysiske/taktiske ZXY-analyser af Superliga-kampen FCM-FCK, samt generelt brug af ZXY til kamp og træning. Praktik 1: Individualiseret anaerob hurtighed-udholdenstræning, baseret på kampanalyser samt kamprelevantsprint og agility-træning. Ved Magni Mohr, Svein Arne Pettersen og Mads Bendiksen. Frokost Oplæg ved Carlo Castagna, Paul Bradley og Morten Bredsgaard Randers Thomsen om testning af anaerob hurtighed-udholdensevne, sprint og agility. Herunder brugen af Yo-Yo IR2, ZXY og GPS målinger under test og træning. Praktik 2: Holdbaseret og individ-baseret testning og træning. Carlo Castagna, Paul Bradley og Morten Bredsgaard Randers Thomsen. Gruppearbejde om kamprelevant fysisk træning. Opsamling og afsluttende indlæg. Peter Krustrup, Denmark Peter Krustrup is Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Honorary Visiting Professor, University of Exeter, UK. He is 44 years old and is a world leading expert in football science. He has authored 170 original research articles, of which 100 deal with physical-tacticaltechnical match analyses, fatigue, recovery, training and testing in elite football, as well as muscle metabolism and fibre recruitment during exercise and its link to cardiovascular and muscular adaptations to training. He has played more than 200 matches in the Danish 2nd and 3rd League and has been a football coach for a total of 15 years. He is UEFA A-license Coach and was assistant coach for the Danish Women’s National Team winning a bronze medal in the Euro 2013. He is chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 8th World Congress on Science & Football in Copenhagen, Denmark, 20-23 May, 2015. Peter Rudbæk, Denmark Technical Director of the Danish FA since 2005. PRO licence holder. Instructor for the Danish FA 1980-2005 at B-, A-, PRO-level. Coach at Top level in Denmark for 20 years, in AaB – Aalborg (7+2 years), AGF – Aarhus (7 years) and in Viborg (3½ years). Elected coach of the year in Denmark in 1987 and 1996. Jira Panel Member, UEFA Technical Instructor and UEFA Technical Observer. Svein Arne Pettersen, Norway Magni Mohr, Faroe Islands Associate Professor, School of Sport Sciences, University of Tromsø, The Artic University. Football coach since 1980, children, adolescents and adults. Fitness adviser for Tromso IL (top level) for 12 years (present) and Rosenborg BK (top level) 2 years. Physical trainer for the Norwegian National team men 2012-2013. Head coach for regional talents and clubs at third and second level in Norway. Advisor/mentor for the physical trainer at the Norwegian Male A-team (present). Advisor for the Norwegian Olympic Committee since 2006. Magni Mohr is Associate Professor at the University of Faroe Islands and University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He has formerly worked at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University of Exeter, UK. He is 41 years old and is a world leading expert in football science. He has authored 85 original research articles, of which 65 deal with physical match analyses, training and testing in football, as well as muscle metabolism and fatigue development during intense exercise and its link to muscular adaptations to training. He has also written four books, of which two latest (Fitness Testing in Football, 2012 and Individual Training in Football, 2014) are used in football coaching courses all around the world. He is a former elite football player and coach, and has for example worked as match analyst for AC Juventus (1999-2003) and scientific consultant for Chelsea FC (2008-2011). He is a FIFA instructor and teaches on Pro Diploma coaching courses all over the world. Carlo Castagna, Italy Morten Bredsgaard Randers Thomsen, Denmark Carlo Castagna PhD is the head of the Football Training and Biomechanics of the Technical Department of the Italian Football Association (FIGC). Since 2007 is the head of the sport science department of the Italian Football Referee Association (AIA). He is a collaborator of the FIFA F-MARC and acted as training load analyst during the London Olympics 2012, the FIFA U-20 World Cup 2013 and the FIFA World Cup 2014 tournaments for the FIFA referees. He authored 110 articles on team sport physiology and training. He is researcher at the School of Sport and Exercise Science of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome). The current research interests of Carlo Castagna are training-load analysis and speed endurance training and testing in football Morten Bredsgaard Randers Thomsen is a Post Doc and former assistant professor at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He has authored 40 original research articles published in international journals. His main research area related to football l is testing, match analysis systems and effects of training. He has many years of practical experience with elite youth football. He possesses a great experience with different match analysis systems and has conducted match analyses for Scandinavian top football clubs during UEFA Champions League games, UEFA Euro League games and national league games as well as for the Danish Women’s National Team. He works a physical advisor for the Danish football referees and was responsible for physical preparation of the referees during the UEFA U-21 Championship in 2011 Mads Bendiksen, Denmark Paul Bradley, England Dr Paul Bradley is a BASES (British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences) accredited Sports and Exercise Scientist/ Chartered Scientist at Leeds Beckett University. His general research area is the physiology of intermittent exercise, with special reference to football. His research focuses on the determinants of fatigue during repeated sprinting, testing and conditioning of elite football players, in addition to match analysis. He also developed his practical skills through his four years as a sports scientist at a Premier League football club, testing and conditioning elite players. Mads Bendiksen is PhD in Human Physiology from University of Copenhagen. He has published more than 15 sports scientific peerreviewed papers as author or co-author. His scientific work has focused on the physical demands in terms of workload in relation to muscle and blood metabolites profiles in elite male and female soccer, as well as optimizing training and testing protocols for the elite soccer player. He is a former elite Team Handball Coach (Denmark and Norway). He is currently working in one of the leading talent development programs in Denmark FC Midtjylland as physical coach for U17 and U19 as well as responsible for the new match analysis tool, called ZXY. Using this tool, FC Midtjylland is aiming to detect individual players fatigue patterns during matches and throughout the season. Through the match analysis tool and fatigue detection we aim to optimize the in-season physical fitness training.
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