Se her - Mantrailing

Lørdag den 18. april 2015 til og med mandag
den 20. april 2015 i og omkring Horsens.
Alle tre dage arbejdes fra kl. 9 til ca. 17 med en times frokostpause.
Lørdag aften bliver der arrangeret en teoriaften kl. 19 til 21.
Pris med hund: kr. 2.900 (Det er ikke muligt at nøjes med en enkelt dag eller to)
Pris uden hund: kr. 400 pr. dag
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indtryk af, hvordan der trænes. Deltagelse som sporlægger er gratis.
Prisen er uden forplejning, men der arrangeres fælles frokost og aftenspisning.
Tilmelding til Din deltagelse er først sikret, når der er betalt.
John Salem is a retired police officer from the Dearborn
Police Department (Detroit, Michigan). He was a police
officer for 25 years and a K-9 handler for 15 years,
handling Bloodhounds Chester & Max. He was also Jeff
Schettler’s primary urban trailing instructor for the first
California POST certified training of its kind in the
1990’s. Due to operating in a large, urban environment,
John specializes in training for the hard surface, high
contamination, extreme conditions encountered when
searching for persons in the city. During his career, he
has more than 1,500 actual case deployments ranging
from missing persons to homicide suspects. John has
been qualified as an expert witness for local, state, and
federal courts of law.
John is an active instructor and training coordinator for the Law Enforcement Bloodhound
Association (LEBA). He is also an instructor for the German Bloodhound Mantrailing
Association (GBMA). In addition, John is an evaluator for trailing certification for these
organizations. He has assisted organizations all over the country, including the FBI Canine
Assistance Program.