November (rev) 2015

Nyhetsbrev från Nordiskå polisforskningsnåtverket: November 2015
Allmänt ......................................................................................................... 2
Aftale for Dansk politi afskaffer professionsbachelor ............................... 2
Stort missnöje inom svensk polis ............................................................ 2
Polisforskaren Stefan Holgersson bloggar om polisen ............................ 2
Inspelad föreläsning om rekrytering till polisen........................................ 3
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser ........................................................................ 3
Doktorsavhandling: Personal skills suitable for the police ....................... 3
Kritik af brug af peberspray i dansk politi................................................. 4
Polisens utredningsåtgärder vid hatbrott med antiromska motiv ............. 5
Spillet om norsk politi etter 22. juli 2011 .................................................. 5
Dansk politis strategiske analyse 2015 ................................................... 6
Preventing crime: A Holistic approach .................................................... 6
Cooperation between border officers in the Baltic Sea region................. 6
Artiklar, tidskrifter.......................................................................................... 8
Misinformation via Information Communication Technology (ICT) .......... 8
Police patrols and children experiencing domestic violence.................... 8
Policing the illegal wildlife trade at the Norwegian border ....................... 8
Developing professional knowledge through simulations ........................ 9
Perceptions of Procedural Justice Among Young People ....................... 9
Konferenser, kurser m.m. ............................................................................10
Föreläsning om socialisation till polis Växjö 30.11 .................................10
Tysk polis användning av hemliga tvångsmedel Uppsala 3.12 ..............10
Ledarskap inom polisen Växjö 10-12 maj 2016......................................10
Tjänster, stipendier m.m. .............................................................................11
PhD studentship University of Leeds UK................................................11
Tjänster internationellt ............................................................................11
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev ..........................................12
Bilaga: Ledarskap inom polisen 10-12.5 prel. program ...............................13
Konferens: Forskare möter praktiker – Ledarskap inom
polisen Växjö 10 – 12.5 2016
Aftale for Dansk politi afskaffer professionsbachelor
Regeringen, Socialdemokraterne, Dansk Folkeparti, Liberal Alliance og Det Konservative
Folkeparti har indgået aftale om politiets og anklagemyndighedens økonomi i 2016-2019.
Aftalen medfører at politiets bevillinger øges med 480 mio. kr. årligt. Aftalen har blandt andet
til formål at øge antallet af politifolk og indebærer at politiuddannelsen skæres ned til en 2årig uddannelse og at der optages i alt 300 ekstra studerende i 2016 og 2017. Endvidere skal
der etableres en ekstra grunduddannelse i det vestlige Danmark. Fra og med 1. januar 2016
ophører uddannelsen således med at være en professionsbachelor uddannelse.
Aftalen kan læses her:
Forslaget har været bakket op af Politiforbundets formand, Claus Oxfeldt, gennem hele
forhandlingsperioden. Det har dog også affødt kritik fra dele af politiforskningsmiljøet såvel
som fra enkelte politifolk. Et par eksempler kan ses i følgende kronikker og artikler:
Et af de lidt mere (galgen)humoristiske indlæg kom fra politisk kant:
Stort missnöje inom svensk polis
Det jäser inom svensk polis. Rikspolischefen har fått 2000 brev från poliser om dåliga
arbetsförhållanden. Polisstudenter återvänder efter fältstudier inom polisen med
rekommendation att avbryta polisutbildningen. Orsaken är den pågående omorganisationen
och dåliga löner. Just nu ska avtalsförhandlingar för poliser inledas och Polisförbundet går ut
med en enkätundersökning man gjort bland sina medlemmar. Med en svarsandel på 42%
uppger 81% att arbetsförhållandena försämrats med omorganisationen och drygt åtta av tio
har någon gång funderat på att sluta som polis.
Polisforskaren Stefan Holgersson bloggar om polisen
Polisforskaren Stefan Holgersson fick anställning som polisintendent på Rikspolisstyrelsen
2014. Efter omorganisationen har han emellertid förflyttats till radiobil i Stockholm. Stefan
bloggar varje vecka om polisen. Tidigare artiklar har behandlat:
 Polisens ekonomi och att rikspolischefen påstår att polisen klarar sig med befintliga
 Kommunikationsstrategier, om att polisen köpt in tjänster på 35 miljoner kr från en
PR-byrå och om tendensen att statliga myndigheter bygger upp tilltalande fasader av
sin verksamhet
 Polisens öppenhet, om försöken att tysta whistleblowers d.v.s. de som för ut kritik om
 Repressalier (mot polisanställda som framför kritik)
Fokus på strukturella problem istället för individuella felbeteenden, om att enskilda
polisanställda görs ansvariga för problem som egentligen är strukturella
Inspelad föreläsning om rekrytering till polisen
Stefan Annell föreläste den 26.10 på Polisutbildningen vid Linnéuniversitetet om sin
avhandling ”Hållbar polisrekrytering - Teoretiska, metodologiska och praktiska perspektiv på
rekrytering och urval”. Föreläsningen kommer inom de närmaste dagarna att läggas ut i
Polisutbildningens mediatek över inspelade föreläsningar i polisforskning.
Böcker, rapporter, uppsatser
Doktorsavhandling: Personal skills suitable for the police
Fredagen den 27.11 kl.10:00 disputerar Miguel Inzunza Institutionen för tillämpad
utbildningsvetenskap, Beteendevetenskapliga mätningar på sin avhandling Suitability in law
enforcement: Assessing multifaceted selection criteria. Plats: Hörsal F, Humanisthuset, Umeå
universitet. Språk: svenska.
When selecting applicants for professions with job descriptions involving complex human
interaction, identifying suitable candidates is essential. This strongly applies in police
selection, because police officers must act appropriately at all times, deal with difficult and
sometimes dangerous work situations, and come into contact with people who are in highly
emotional states, such as anxiety, fear, excitement, and shock. However, suitability is a broad
and vague concept that cannot be even defined without understanding the value of various
personal skills and qualities for specific duties, ways that such skills are manifested during
life as an officer (potentially both on- and off-duty), and appropriate ways to assess them.
The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the personal skills and qualities that are
relevant to suitability for the police profession with a special focus on the concept of empathy,
and to investigate how it can be conceptualized and measured in the context of selection. Two
of the four studies focused on different perspectives regarding the personal skills and qualities
of a good police officer, while the other two focused on theoretical aspects and practical
measurement of empathy.
Mixed methods were used, in acknowledgement of the value of using different forms of
data collection, material, and analytical methods to achieve valid information.
The results and findings support several of the personal skills and qualities that have been
identified in previous research and also can be found as criteria in police selection. Empathy
should be considered in the selection process, but it is also important to ensure that there is an
alignment between the definition of the concept and practical outcomes in police work. The
findings indicate that empathy could be conceptualized in a relevant way using a social
cognitive neuroscience (SCN) approach. In particular, a modified, Swedish 4-factor version of
the Empathy Assessment Index (based on recent theoretical advances in SCN) appears to
have considerable potential for further development.
Future studies will focus on areas identified as requiring further research, such as the
development of this instrument by adding complementary measures focusing on
manifestations of empathy and other relevant qualities in actual work-related situations. Other
aspects that require further attention include the definition, assessment, and impact of social
desirability in selection contexts.
För nedladdning
Kritik af brug af peberspray i dansk politi.
Andersen Lisbeth Garly & Kessing Peter Vedel (2015). Brug af peberspray i dansk politi.
København: Institut for Menneskerettigheder.
Fra Institut for Menneskerettigheders hjemmeside:
Vores undersøgelse viser, at politiets samlede brug af magtmidler er steget, siden peberspray
blev indført, og at peberspray er det magtmiddel, der anvendes hyppigst af politiet.
Vi konkluderer, at der på visse områder kan sættes spørgsmålstegn ved, om de danske
regler og politiets brug af peberspray lever fuldt op til de menneskeretlige krav og
I rapporten kan du desuden læse vores anbefalinger.
Politiet har siden 2008 haft adgang til at bruge peberspray som magtmiddel. Der er imidlertid
ikke blevet gennemført nogen større undersøgelse og evaluering af politiets brug af dette
magtmiddel, siden peberspray blev indført.
Institut for Menneskerettigheder har på den baggrund gennemført en større undersøgelse af
brugen af peberspray i politiet for at vurdere, hvordan peberspray bliver anvendt i praksis, og
om anvendelsen stemmer overens med Danmarks internationale menneskeretlige
Internationale menneskerettighedsorganer har udtrykt bekymring over brugen af
peberspray, særligt i lukkede rum og i forhold til personer, som er under politiets kontrol.
For download:
Polisens utredningsåtgärder vid hatbrott med antiromska motiv
Schoultz Isabel (2015). Polisanmälda hatbrott med antiromska motiv – en studie av polisens
utredningsåtgärder. Lund: Lunds universitet, Rättssociologiska institutionen.
Andelen av de polisanmälda hatbrotten med antiromska motiv som personuppklarats var 2
procent år 2012 och 3 procent år 2013. Denna rapport syftar till en analys över faktorer som
ligger bakom att antiziganistiska hatbrott inte uppklaras i högre utsträckning än vad som sker
utan istället i stor omfattning läggs ned. Studien ska mot denna bakgrund också ge förslag på
åtgärder hur tillgången till rättvisa för romer kan stärkas. Studien baseras på en genomgång av
de av Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå) identifierade polisanmälningar om hatbrott med
antiromska motiv från 2012 och 2013, sammanlagt 219 polisanmälningar och tillhörande
dokumentation av de utredningsåtgärder som Polisen vidtagit. Preliminära resultat av studien
presenterades och diskuterades med en romsk referensgrupp som bidragit med kunskaper och
erfarenheter. I rapporten presenteras inledningsvis grundläggande statistik om de händelser
som anmäls, geografisk spridning och om målsäganden till brottet. Därefter presenteras en
analys av polisens utredningsåtgärder i de studerade ärendena. Mot den bakgrunden pekar
rapporten på sex möjliga orsaker till att inte fler hatbrott personuppklaras. Det råder låg
uppklaring generellt för de brott som anmäls, kvaliteten på utredningarna är ojämn,
identifieringen av hatbrott är otillräcklig, hatbrottsmotiven utreds långt från alltid,
problematiken kring brott med enskilt åtal och att målsäganden av olika anledningar inte
deltar i utredningen. Slutligen presenteras de slutsatser som kan dras av studien och förslag på
förbättringar. Rapporten understryker att Polisen behöver förbättrad kunskap om hatbrott och
antiziganism samt förbättrade möjligheter till utredning av de polisanmälda hatbrotten.
Dessutom krävs ett gott bemötande av och information till de romer som anmäler hatbrott till
Polisen för att kunna öka anmälningsbenägenheten och upplevelsen av att de anmälningar
som görs tas på allvar.
För nedladdningälda-hatbrottmed-antiromska-motiv-en-studie-av-polisens-utredningsåtgärder.pdf
Spillet om norsk politi etter 22. juli 2011
Johannessen, Stig O. (2015). Politi i Krise. Spillet om norsk politi etter 22 juli 2011. Bergen:
Fra forlagets omtale:
Under terrorangrepene i 2011 brøt politi og maktapparat sammen. Hvilke konsekvenser har
det fått? Stig O. Johannessen retter i denne boka et kritisk blikk mot utviklingen som har fulgt
i politiet og samfunnet i kjølvannet av 22. juli 2011. Forfatteren gir et unikt og overraskende
innblikk i prosessene, maktkampene og spillet i og rundt politiet de senere årene. Boka gir
svar på flere spørsmål som har vært lite diskutert:
- Hva var det med kulturen og ledelsen i politiet som sviktet den 22. juli?
- Hvorfor har det blitt samlet mer makt sentralt i politiet?
- Hvorfor har det blitt mer bevæpning og overvåking?
Stig O. Johannessen er forfatter og professor i ledelse ved Universitetet i Nordland, med politi
og beredskapsorganisasjoner som spesialfelt.
Dansk politis strategiske analyse 2015
Dansk politi har offentliggjort sin første strategiske analyse, der belyser udfordringer i forhold
til politiets operative indsatsområder.
Analysen findes her:
Preventing crime: A Holistic approach
Bjørgo, Tore (2015). Preventing crime: A Holistic approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Fra forlagets omtale:
Traditional "schools" of crime prevention, like the criminal justice model, social crime
prevention or situational crime prevention, have proved to be too narrow and do not combine
well with other approaches. However, each of these models provides important insights and
contributions for reducing crime. By extracting the main preventive mechanisms of these
diverse approaches, this book develops a more holistic, general model that consists of nine
preventive mechanisms: building normative barriers to crime, reducing recruitment,
deterrence, disruption, incapacitation, protecting vulnerable targets, reducing benefits of
crime, reducing harm, and facilitating desistance.
The measures to activate the preventive mechanisms may differ according to the type of
crime, as may the actors in charge of implementing the relevant measures. However, Tore
Bjørgo demonstrates how his model of crime prevention can be effectively applied to diverse
forms of crime, from domestic burglaries to criminal youth gangs and driving under the
influence to organized crime and terrorism.
Cooperation between border officers in the Baltic Sea region
Project Turnstone is a collaborative project funded in part by the European Commission. The
project is an initiative by the Stockholm Police. Collaborating partners in the project are the
Swedish Coast Guard, Region Northeast; the Helsinki Police; the Gulf of Finland Coast
Guard District; the Police and Border Guard Board in Estonia; the State Border Guard of the
Republic of Latvia; and the State Border Guard Service at the Ministry of the Interior of the
Republic of Lithuania. The purpose of the project is to improve day-to-day cooperation
between border officers in the Baltic Sea region, decrease trans-boundary criminality, and
increase security for passengers in the Baltic Sea area without compromising freedom of
movement. Two reports:
Yakhlef, Sophia; Basic, Goran & Åkerström, Malin (2015). Successful Collaboration and
Collaboration Obstacles in Police, Border, and Coast Guard Cooperation. Lund: Lund
University Department of Sociology
From abstract:
This study analyses this collaborative project, especially the intelligence and operative joint activities conducted
during the implementation of Project Turnstone. What is unique about the Turnstone model is the
implementation of the operative action week, during which officers have the chance to exchange, share, and
cooperate with immediate action in the same office using their own information channels. The purpose of the
study is to map and analyse how the staff of the different organizations experience, understand, and define
successful cooperation and the collaboration obstacles encountered during cooperation with neighbouring
organizations. The study is qualitative and based on ethnographically gathered material, including field
observations at the different border agencies and qualitative interviews. A total of 73 interviews were conducted
with border officers, police officers, border guards, and coast guard officers from the participating organizations.
The interviewed officers view Project Turnstone as a rare opportunity for close, personal cooperation through
which officers can build strong police, border, and coast guard networks and increase and strengthen previous
cooperative practices. This cooperation is possible due to colocation and interpersonal interactions in which
officers can learn about each other’s organizational practices, establish trust, and achieve the same goals. On the
other hand, language and communication difficulties, differences in national legislation, and fear that the
opportunities for joint action weeks and close cooperation will diminish after the termination of Project
Turnstone were raised as obstacles to collaboration. Nonetheless, interviewed officers shared a common sense of
purpose and motivation and viewed close interpersonal cooperation as the best way of protecting the EU and
Schengen area from criminality in the Baltic Sea area.Arbetsmodellen som används i Turnstone framställs vara
unik på grund av införandet av operativa veckor där deltagarna kan byta och dela information samt samarbeta
med omedelbar verkan. Deltagarna arbetar på samma arbetsplats med tillgång till sina respektive
informationskanaler och databaser.
För nedladdning:
Yakhlef, Sophia; Basic, Goran & Åkerström, Malin (2015). Project Turnstone: Freedom of
Movement and Passenger Experiences with Safety and Border Control in the Baltic Sea Area.
Lund: Lund University Department of Sociology.
From abstract
Within the framework of Project Turnstone, the purpose of this study is to map and analyse how travellers
experience, interpret, and define freedom of movement in the northern part of the Baltic Sea region. This
qualitative study is based on empirically gathered material, including field interviews and fieldwork observations
at Stockholm’s Arlanda airport in Sweden, a Tallink Silja Line ferry between Stockholm and Riga in Latvia, and
a Tallink Silja Line ferry between Stockholm and Tallinn in Estonia. The findings of this study suggest that
many passengers are positive regarding the idea of freedom of movement in Europe but are scared of threats
from outside of Europe. Several interviewees viewed Sweden and the northern parts of Europe as safe and
mostly identified threats as coming from outside of Europe. Passengers generally identified political and
collective threats, such as terrorism and cross-border criminality, but did not mention airplane or ferry accidents
as possible risks. Freedom of movement is described as a potential risk for society and passengers, thereby
placing risk in a larger societal context. Nevertheless, all but three of the interviewed passengers claimed that
they felt safe during their travels, though many also added that they might feel safer if there were consistent
passport controls regarding all travellers. The respondents in this study construct safety by distinguishing
themselves from others outside of Europe. Passengers emphasized that freedom of movement is positive for
personal gain because it is easier for EU citizens to travel in Europe, but at the same time it is regarded as
facilitating the entry of potential threats into the EU.
För nedladdning:
Artiklar, tidskrifter
Misinformation via Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Holgersson, Stefan (2015). How the use of ICT can contribute to a misleading picture of
conditions – A five-step process. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and
Management, 10, 193-215.
This paper contributes to the limited research on roles ICT can play in impression-management strategies and is
based on case studies done in the Swedish Police. It also gives a theoretical contribution by adopting a holistic
approach to explain how ICT can contribute to giving a misleading picture of conditions. Output generated by
ICT has nowadays a central role in follow-up activities and decision-making. Even if this type of output, often in
colourful, presentable, graphical arrangements, gives the impression of being accurate and reliable there is a risk
of defective data quality. The phenomena can be described as a process divided into five steps. The first step is
about how the data is generated and/or collected. The second step is linked to how the data is registered. The
third step is about the output generated from the ICT-systems. The fourth step is how the output of ICT is
selected for presentation. The fifth step concerns how output generated by ICT is interpreted. This paper shows
that ICT can easily be used in impression-management strategies. For example, that personnel take shortcuts to
affect the statistics rather than applying methods that may give the desired effects.
För nedladdning:
Police patrols and children experiencing domestic violence
Överlien, Carolina & Aas, Geir (2015). The police patrols and children experiencing domestic
violence. Police Practice & Research. doi: 10.1080/15614263.2015.1086879
Using data from a study on police officers’ encounters with domestic violence victims and a study on children
experiencing domestic violence, this article examines how officers decide whether and how to communicate with
children in emergency situations, and how children experience these encounters. Officers’ views on such
communication diverge; usually, communication is motivated by the need to determine next actions. Children
recall little communication and describe officers as faceless, nameless and genderless. The authors argue for
recognizing the preventive role of officers on emergency calls. Official policies and guidelines should formally
acknowledge and clarify the importance of communication with children.
Les i fulltekst i PIA:
Policing the illegal wildlife trade at the Norwegian border
Runhovde, Siv Rebekka . (2015). Seizures of inconvenience?: Policy, discretion and
accidental discoveries in policing the illegal wildlife trade at the Norwegian border. Crime,
law and social change, 64, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s10611-015-9596-0
The illegal wildlife trade is among the fastest growing categories of transnational crime and is increasingly
characterized as a problem by law enforcement authorities internationally and in Norway. This article examines
the policing of illegal trade in wildlife at the Norwegian border. Wildlife trade is regulated by the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Observations and interviews with
Norwegian customs inspectors show that the detection of wildlife is not a priority when inspectors make risk
assessments of control objects. I argue that this is largely because the Norwegian Customs and Excise’s
organizational strategies and distribution of resources are directed towards other flows of illegal goods at the
expense of wildlife. The considerable professional discretion the inspectors are allowed to exercise does not
promote the enforcement of CITES. The inspectors see such cases as complicated, time consuming and
unrewarding in terms of penalties upon prosecution. Seizures of wildlife are often accidental rather than planned.
The findings indicate a need to reinforce and fully implement existing legislation on illegal wildlife trade at both
the policy and on-site levels.
Les hele artikkelen (access krävs):
Developing professional knowledge through simulations
Sjöberg, David, Karp, Staffan & Söderström, Tor (2015). The impact of preparation:
conditions for developing professional knowledge through simulations. Journal of Vocational
Education and Training. Volume 67, Issue 4, 2015
This article examines simulations of critical incidents in police education by investigating how activities in the
preparation phase influence participants’ actions and thus the conditions for learning professional knowledge.
The study is based on interviews in two stages (traditional and stimulated recall interviews) with six selected
students and video analysis of one student police patrol’s short-term preparation. The results showed that
simulation and associated activities informed the students of their responsibilities and pre-determined tasks
without effectively helping them to cope with the situation. The analysis suggests that an understanding of the
social and interactional requirements for producing the kind of situation that the students were to be trained for
and learn from were not mediated. Thus our conclusion is that good conditions for learning in and through
simulations require a simulation competence among the participants and that it is a responsibility of the
instructors to consider how this competence is to be developed.
För nedladdning:
Perceptions of Procedural Justice Among Young People
Saarikkomäki Elsa (2015). Perceptions of Procedural Justice Among Young People:
Narratives of Fair Treatment in Young People’s Stories of Police and Security Guard
Interventions. British Journal of Criminology, doi: 10.1093/bjc/azv102
This article examines how young people conceptualize typical narratives of fair and unfair treatment by police
and security guards. It offers new insights for procedural justice research of how to constitute trust between
citizens and authorities by including private security and by using qualitative methods. 31 youths in 9 focus
groups continued stories towards (1) fair and (2) unfair encounters. The key difference in these stories was
related to how authorities treat people. Fair narratives consisted of peaceful and predictable interactions and
mutual respect. Intervening did not challenge trust when young people perceived that the control agents’ work
task legitimated the intervention. Unfair narratives consisted of impolite and aggressive treatment. Narratives
about the police were closer to fair treatment than narratives about security guards. The article also suggests that
prior procedural justice research has neglected the importance of the emotional state of the control agent: ideal
control agents had an ability to be empathetic and to control their negative emotions. The findings support the
procedural justice in highlighting the importance of fair treatment.
For download (access required):
Konferenser, kurser m.m.
Föreläsning om socialisation till polis Växjö 30.11
Den 30.11 kl. 13.15 -1430 föreläser Otto Pettersson om sin avhandling: Att bli polis. Från
utbildningens förväntningar till gatans norm. Plats: Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö Lokal:Myrdal.
Föreläsningen är gratis och alla är välkomna.
Otto Peterssons avhandling presenterades i septembers nyhetsbrev. Se även:
Tysk polis användning av hemliga tvångsmedel Uppsala 3.12
Centrum för polisforskning Uppsala universitet inbjuder till seminarium den 3 december.
Dr. Thorsten Weztling and Mr. Jan-Peter Kleinhans, research fellows at the German stiftung
neue verantwortung, will hold a lecture on:
SIGINT governance and reform and the use of surveillance technologies by law enforcement
Signals intelligence governance and reform is a topical subject in a number of states since the
“Snowden revelations”. Another separate, but related issue is the use law enforcement
agencies make of surveillance technologies (e.g. metadata, IMSI catchers). The issue of
regulating access to metadata is highly topical following the CJEU judgment in Digital Rights
Ireland (see, for Swedish developments, Datalagring och integritet, SOU 2015:31). The
lecturers will give a German perspective on the issues of when such technologies should be
used, and what sort of control and oversight systems should be in place to regulate their use.
Thereafter, there will be an opportunity for general discussion of the issues.
Plats: Sal 128, Munken Hus 4 (ingång från Trädgårdsgatan, eller Västra Ågatan 26).
Tid: 3 december 2015, kl. 17.15-19.00
Därefter, kommer en lättare middag att bli serverad i personalrummet, Munken, hus 1.
Anmälan till senast 30 november. Var vänligt och uppge om du har
för avsikt att delta även i middagen.
Ledarskap inom polisen Växjö 10-12 maj 2016
Den 10-12.5 anordnar Polisutbildningen sin tredje konferens Forskare möter praktiker. Denna
gång på temat Laedarskap inom polisen. Anmälan kan ske från 15 februari. Ett preliminärt
program bifogas.
Tjänster, stipendier m.m.
PhD studentship University of Leeds UK
The School of Law at the University of Leeds invites applications from prospective PhD
students for up to four full-time or part-time fully funded scholarships commencing October
2016. Two of these scholarships are funded by the ESRC, for which we invite applications in
the fields of socio-legal studies and/or criminology and criminal justice.
Closes: 22nd January 2016
For further information:
Tjänster internationellt
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Crime and Investigative Studies, Anglia Ruskin University Faculty of Science & Technology
Closes: 9th December 2015
Principal Lecturer - Deputy Head of Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University - Department
of Law and Criminology
Closes: 3rd December 2015
Lecturer in Criminology, Anglia Ruskin University - Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences,
Closes: 9th December 2015
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverket utgår från polisutbildningarna i Norden. Nätverkets syfte
är att stimulera polisforskning i Norden. Utöver nyhetsbrevet anordnas vartannat år nordiska
Nordiska polisforskningsnätverkets nyhetsbrev har funnits sedan 2008 och erbjuder en
översikt över vad som händer inom polisforskning i Norden.1 I uppläggningen eftersträvas att
ge snabblästa, kortfattade och överskådliga presentationer med kompletterande webbadresser
alt. bilagor för ytterligare information. Bl.a. presenteras nyheter, publicerade texter och
evenemang med anknytning till polisforskning.
Bidrag till nyhetsbrevet mottages tacksamt.
Rolf Granér,
Tatanya Valland,
Redaktion/ kontaktpersoner:
Danmark: Anne-Stina Sørensen
Lars Nørr Mikkelsen
Vesa Huotari,
Jarmo Houtsonen,
Mette Berg,
Jonas Hansson:
Oscar Rantatalo:
Alla intresserade kan anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet. Anmälan kan göras här:
Tidigare nyhetsbrev kan ses här:
Vid problem med att anmäla sig till nyhetsbrevet kan detta ske direkt till
1 För generell information om vad som händer inom det kriminologiska området i Norden rekommenderas det
månatliga nyhetsbrevet Nordisk Kriminologi. Prenumeration kan ske här:
Bilaga: Ledarskap inom polisen 10-12.5 prel. program
Dan Eliasson
Att leda en organisation i förändring
Mac Tristan
11.50 -12.30 Kommentatorspanel
Chief of Police, the City of Coppell Police
Department USA
Klas Friberg
Regionchef, Polismyndigheten Region
Stig Ole Johannessen, professor i ledarskap Bodø, Lena Nitz
ordförande Polisförbundet, Jerzy Sarnecki professor i kriminologi
Utmaningar för det polisiära ledarskapet
Mats Alvesson
Professor företagsekonomi, Lunds
Maurice Punch
Professor London School of Economics
Magnus Forslund, universitetslektor organisation och ledning
Växjö, Rune Glomseth, førsteamanuensis ledelse og
organisasjonsutvikling PHS Oslo
Ledarskap och genus inom polisen
Marisa Silvestri
Associate Professor, Kingston University
Ulrika Haake
Universitertslektor Umeå Universitet
Bl.a. Gunno Gunmo fd länspolismästare och förbundsordförande
Polisen som lärande organisation
Andersson Arntén
Max Lutteman
11.40-12.40 Lunch
12.40-15.45 Mellanchefers villkor
13.30- 14.10
15.10-15.45 Kommentatorspanel
Ph.D. Forskare Polismyndigheten
Chef kompetensförsörjning
Lena Fritzén professor pedagogik Linnéuniversitetet Växjö, Lars
Erik Lauritz föreståndare Polisutbildningen Umeå,
Tatanya Valland
Ph. D. Oslo Norge
Martin Marmgren
Polis Stockholm
Lena Matthijs
Chef för Polisområde Västra Älvsborg
Bl.a. Niklas Eklund universitetslektor statsvetenskap
programansvarig polisens direkta ledarskap ,Umeå
Styrning av polisens Jerzy Sarnecki
arbete i
Professor kriminologi, Stockholms
16.15 –
Parallella seminarier (ordning ej fastställd)
Aktuellt från BRÅ
Aktuellt från
Otto Pettersson: Att bli
polis. Från utbildningens
förväntningar till gatans
Malin Wieslander:
Ordningsmakter inom
ordningsmakten, om
blivande polisers samtal om
Stig Ole Johannessen och Rune
Politiledelse presentation av norsk
bok om polisens ledarskap
Christin Thea Wathne:
Som å bli fremmed i eget hus –
Politiets opplevelse av mening og
motivasjon i lys av nye
Polisreformen så här långt
Lena Landström
Marcus Hellgren,
Oscar Rantatalo
Universitetslektor juridik, Umeå
Professor företagsekonomi
management, Umeå universitet
Universitetslektor Polisutbildningen,
Umeå universitet
Projektledare, chefsjurist,
Ordförande Polisförbundet
Johan Sørensson
Lena Nitz
12.00--12.45 Kommentatorspanel
Bl.a. Micael Björk, unversitetslektor sociologi Göteborg, Paul
Larsson professor kriminologi Politihøgskolen Oslo
Betty Rohdin
Prefekt, Polisutbildningen
Linnéuniversitetet Växjö