Annual Report 2014 Agenda 2 ● ● ● ● ● Full year results FY 2014 Exiqon Life Sciences Exiqon Diagnostics Corporate objective and investment case Financial calendar and outlook for 2015 Full year results 2014 - Q4 revenue growth driven by newly launched RNA sequencing services 3 Revenue and product and services sales ● Fourth quarter revenue increased 20% to DKK 34.4 million (DKK 28.7 million) o Record fourth quarter products and services sales (excl. OEM) driven by new RNA sequencing services launched early 2014 tDKK 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 ● FY 2014 total revenue increased 7% to DKK 132.4 million (DKK 123.6 million) 40.000 20.000 o Products sales (excl. OEM) increased 1% to DKK 82.3 million (DKK 82.1 million) - Continued decline in array sales off set by growing sales for RNA functional analysis 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 License income and contract research Product and services sales - OEM sales declined 12% to DKK 11.6 million (DKK 13.2 million) Product and services sales - Europe o Services sales increased 32% to DKK 20.5 million (DKK 15.5 million) - Driven by newly launched services for RNA sequencing analysis tDKK 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 o Income from licenses increased 16% to DKK 8.9 million (DKK 7.7 million) 40.000 o Income from contract research and grants increased 76% to DKK 6.7 million (DKK 3.8 million) 20.000 30.000 10.000 0 ● New market opportunities for RNA sequencing and RNA functional analysis driving growth 2010 2011 2012 Europe 2013 2014 o European products and services sales (excl. OEM)) are steadily growing and increased 10% to DKK 52.2 million (DKK 47.6) million during 2014 o North American products and services sales (excl. OEM) increased 6% to DKK 37.3 million (DKK 35.3 million) driven by new market opportunities – and o ROW products and services sales (excl. OEM) decreased 3% in price sensitive markets to DKK 13.3 million (DKK 13.8 million) Product and services sales - North America tDKK 50.000 45.000 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 2010 2011 2012 North America 2013 2014 Full year results 2014 - Increased R&D costs and recent years’ investments hold promise for 2015 4 Gross Profit ● Gross profit improved 13% to DKK 85 million (DKK 75.5 million) o Exiqon Life Sciences’ gross profit of DKK 82.4 million (DKK 70.8 million) was realized at improved gross margins of 63.9% (59.8%) driven by higher volumes and optimizations o Exiqon Life Sciences’ gross profit was negatively affected by planned extraordinary scrapping of DKK 2.1 million. Total cost of scrapping was DKK 3.7 million (DKK 1.7 million) tDKK 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2010 ● Total operating costs increased 5% to DKK 88.3 million (DKK 84.2 million) o R&D costs increased 8% to DKK 26.3 million (DKK 24.2 million) due to new hiring's in support of new market initiatives o S&M costs increased 4% to DKK 43.1 million (DKK 41.3 million) due to new hiring's 2011 2012 Gross Profit 2013 2014 Gross margin R&D Costs tDKK 35.000 30.000 25.000 o Administrative costs decreased 5% to DKK 15.1 million (DKK 15.9 million) excl. non-cash costs of share based payment due to cost savings - Non-cash costs of share based payments increased 34% to DKK 3.9 million (DKK 2.9 million) 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 2010 - Depreciations increased 32% to DKK 6.2 million (DKK 4.7 million) reflective of recent years’ increased investment ● Headcount increased to 91 (83) 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 Depreciation and amortization tDKK 12.000 10.000 o R&D including bioinformaticians hired to support new strategic initiatives within RNA sequencing and RNA functional analysis 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 2010 2011 2012 Full year results 2014 - First ever positive EBITDA and increasing growth following recent years’ investment 5 EBITDA ● EBITDA profitability of DKK 3.1 million (DKK -4.1 million) tDKK 5.000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5% 0 ● EBIT improved 65% to DKK -3.1 million (DKK -8.8 million) ● Net result for 2014 improved 74% to DKK -2.8 million (DKK -10.7 million) o Tax refund amounted of DKK 3.2 million (DKK 0.8 million) 0% -5.000 -5% -10.000 -10% -15.000 -15% -20.000 -20% -25.000 -25% -30.000 -30% -35.000 ● EPS improved 72% to DKK -0.08 (-0.29) -35% EBITDA ● Cash flow from operating activities amounted to DKK -2.4 million (DKK 3.2 million) o Fourth quarter cash flows were affected by record fourth quarter sales of products and services (excl. OEM) leading to 57% increase in year end receivables of DKK 24.7 million (DKK 15.8 million) EBITDA margin EBIT tDKK 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0% -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% -35% -40% -45% -50% -5.000 -10.000 -15.000 -20.000 -25.000 ● Accelerating growth in services sales hold promise for 2015 -30.000 -35.000 (DKK ’000) Investments Services sales Growth (six months delay) : H1 2012 H2 2012 H1 2013 H2 2013 H1 2014 H2 2014 1130 6.910 471 11.752 582 8.812 3.856 6.670 3.239 7.576 1.592 12.931 70,07% -25,02% -24,31% 13,58% 70,68% -40.000 -45.000 EBIT EBIT margin Growth in services sales compared to investment - six months delay tDKK 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 - 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% H2 H1 2012 2013 Investments -40% H2 H1 H2 2013 2014 2014 Growth (six months delay) Agenda 6 ● ● ● ● ● Full year results FY 2014 Exiqon Life Sciences Exiqon Diagnostics Corporate objective and investment case Financial calendar and outlook for 2015 Changing market dynamics have affected Exiqon Life Sciences’ markets 7 2010: Hypothesis driven Array content defined based on what is expected to be relevant Microarray analysis qPCR verification Functional analysis • Content defined by tool provider • Content defined based on what is expected to be relevant (the hypothesis) • Product defined and validated based on array content • Products in stock • Product defined and validated based on array content • Products in stock 2015: Hypothesis free No need for initial hypothesis, just ask what is in the sample? RNA seq (NGS) qPCR verification Functional analysis • No need to define content prior to experiment • Hypothesis formulated at this point • Products designed to verify hypothesis • Products manufactured upon request • Bioinformatics enabled • Product designed based on outcome of the above • Products and experiments are enabled by bioinformatics • Products manufactured upon request New unmet customer needs will be addressed by new strategy 8 RNA seq workflow Sample preparation Library preparation RNA seq (NGS) Data analysis Hypothesis generation Verification & RNA functional analysis Exiqon’s flexible solutions for RNA analysis (end 2015) Customer challenge • Isolation of RNA with adequate quality for NGS analysis • • Strand specific library preparation High throughput library preparation • • Longer reads Lack of sensitivity • • • • Overwhelming amount of data Data analysis not transparent Complicated algorithms Data often biased • • Lack of integrated assay design Needs for customer defined assays • Repositioned Exiqon’s existing products for high quality NGS analysis • • Sensitive library preparation kit incl. pre-amp Service: High throughput preparation • None planned • • • Cloud solution Best in class RNAseq pipeline Advanced reporting • • Cloud integrated assay design Integrated and easy ordering of customer defined assays Integrating product offering with cloud based bioinformatics during 2015 9 Exiqon Products & Service RNA seq (NGS) • Sample preparation • Library preparation • RNAseq Service • Custom products for all RNAs qPCR verification RNA Functional analysis January 29, 2015 Exiqon Cloud & Apps ● ● ● Service reports RNAseq pipeline Cross database searches ● Design custom qPCR validation assays based on RNAseq qPCR pipeline Apps ● ● • Custom products for all RNAs ● ● Custom functional analysis based on RNAseq Apps Leveraging existing competences to capture the new opportunities 10 Proven capabilities Existing competences New opportunities: New business initiatives Existing business miRNA Services Technical sales RNA seq services miRNA products Manufacturing RNA seq products LNA oligo’s OEM business Product development RNA functional analysis Bioinformatics App bioinformatics Logistics IT IPR Finance HR Agenda 11 ● ● ● ● ● Full year results FY 2014 Exiqon Life Sciences Exiqon Diagnostics Corporate objective and investment case Financial calendar and outlook for 2015 Exiqon Diagnostics - Third party financed opportunity with leading partners 12 ● Third party financed opportunity - mitigates risks ● DKK 197 million in total consortium budgets and leading medical competences to address large unmet needs ● Exiqon Diagnostics’ current grant financing is set out in the table below: Program Total budget Exiqon grant Remaining 31.12.14 2014 Colon cancer biomarker discovery 42.270 16.908 0 Colon cancer, recurrence 35.000 2.304 2.241 Pain biomarker discovery 58.538 3.510 2.690 Prostate cancer biomarker discovery 22.572 9.029 5.975 NGS & cancer 38.549 12.194 7.479 196.929 43.945 18.385 Total (DKK’000) 2015 2016 2017 2018 Exiqon Diagnostics - Promising pipeline addressing large unmet needs ● Exiqon’s Life Sciences products used for the discovery of new diagnostic biomarkers ● Addressing large unmet needs for better diagnostics; future focus will be on prostate cancer ● Commercialization of validated biomarkers depends on industry partners DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT miRSign colorectal Cancer test (Cancer cells versus normal cells ) launched RUO Colorectal Cancer (Recurrence stage II test ) launched RUO Colorectal Cancer (Early detection test) Colon cancer (Treatment selection) Prostate cancer (Early detection) 13 Agenda 14 ● ● ● ● ● Full year results FY 2014 Exiqon Life Sciences Exiqon Diagnostics Corporate objectives and investment case Financial calendar and outlook for 2015 Long term objectives - Achievable over the coming three year period 15 Corporate financial objectives ● Annual double digit growth in own products and services sales ● Gross profit of 65-70% ● R&D costs ~15% of revenues ● SG&A costs ~30% of revenues ● Sustainable profitability with current share capital ● Third party funded diagnostic programs that address large unmet needs FY 2015 objectives FY 2016 objectives FY 2017 objectives • Double digit growth in own sales Increased innovation (R&D costs) New products for new markets; miRNA market leader • Sustainable revenues Continued growth driven by RNA sequencing and functional analysis miRNA market leader • Unique value proposition Broad portfolio of products for RNA analysis Revenues from both segments New sales channel based on app’s • First diagnostic RUO product launched Prioritize prostate cancer programs Commercial partnership/new grants • Second diagnostic RUO product launched Continued financing New diagnostic programs initiated • Diagnostic product marketed Colorectal or, Prostate cancer product • Positive cash flow from operations Positive EBITDA Negative EBIT • Profitability Positive EBIT Capitalized tax asset • Profitability R&D costs ~15% of revenues SG&A ~30% of revenues Investment case - Pursuing double digit growth and near term news flow from diagnostics programs Investment case: Leading provider of flexible solutions for RNA analysis Our unique investment proposition is the combination of a proprietary Life Sciences business combined with a third party financed diagnostic opportunity: ● Established provider of high-quality RNA research products: o Short-term (2015) potential in newly launched RNA Sequencing Services o Mid-term (2016) potential in leveraging the company’s existing competences to capture new market segments with new products for RNA sequencing and RNA functional analyses o Long-term diagnostic potential within prostate and colorectal cancer ● Attractive Risk/Reward profile for the development of groundbreaking novel molecular diagnostic products to be marketed in collaboration with world-leading diagnostic companies. ● Operating margin expansion potential with increased scale ● Financed until profitability 16 Agenda 17 ● ● ● ● ● Full year results FY 2014 Exiqon Life Sciences Exiqon Diagnostics Corporate objectives and investment case Financial calendar and outlook for 2015 Summarized financial outlook and calendar for 2015 18 Financial outlook for 2015 Financial calendar for 2015 Exiqon’s financial outlook for 2015 does not include any potential one-time payments from significant new license agreements or one-time costs*: Announcement of full-year results 2014: Revenue from 3 sources in the 2 segments: Deadline for shareholders’ proposal to 1 February 2015 the annual general meeting: Life Sciences Diagnostics Products incl. Services √ >2015 Contract Research √ √ Royalties and upfront √ √ MDKK Revenue EBITDA 2015 30 January 2015 The annual general meeting is scheduled to be held on: 19 March 2015 Interim report for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2015: 7 May 2015 Interim report for the period 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2015: 25 August 2015 Interim report for the period 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2015: 26 October 2015 150-160 5-10 *The outlook for 2015 is based on an average USD/DKK exchange rate of DKK 6.50. Thank you! Contact information: CEO Lars Kongsbak Cell: +45 4090 2101 CFO Hans Henrik Chrois Christensen Cell: +45 4090 2131
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