Introducing… Researched and written for the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists The Evolving Canadian Guidelines • Occupational Therapy Guidelines for Client-Centered Practice – 1983 (concepts, process, assessment) – 1986 (intervention) – 1987 (outcomes) – 1991 (Consolidated) – 1993 (Mental Health) • Enabling Occupation: An Occupational Therapy Perspective – 1997, 2002 (with Updated Preface) • Enabling Occupation II (2007) Outline 1. Project Team & National Consultation 2. Overview of the book 3. Section I-IV key models and reflections I. Occupation II. Enablement III. Occupation-based enablement IV. Positioning OT for leadership Enabling Occupation II Project Team Primary Author, Chair: Elizabeth Townsend Primary Author: Helene Polatajko Project Manager: Janet Craik CAOT Team Members: Claudia von Zweck Kathy Van Benthem 11 National Advisory Panel members 61 Canadian Contributing Authors 12 Reviewers 7 Publication team members National Consultation National Advisory Panel 61 Canadian Contributing Authors CAOT Policy Orientation CAOT Web Page With Updates CAOT Website Survey Plus Bulletin Board CAOT Conference June 2006 Forum National Diversity Review Peer Review: Consumer, National & International French translation/review Authors Primary Authors: Elizabeth Townsend & Helene Polatajko Contributing Authors: Amoroso, Bice Backman, Catherine Baptiste, Sue Beagan, Brenda Brintnell, Sharon Brown, Jocelyn Cameron, Deb Cantin, Noémi Caron Santha, Josiane Clark, Jo Cockburn, Lynn Connor-Schisler, Anne Craik, Janet Davis, Jane Dickinson, Randy Doble, Susan Donnelly, Catherine Drummond, Hilary Dubouloz-Wilner, C.-J. Eftekhar, Parvin Egan, Mary Freeman, Andrew Harvey, Andrew Head, Brenda Iwama, Michael Jarman, Jennifer Jongbloed, Lyn Kirsh, Bonnie Krupa, Terry Kumas-Tan, Zofia Laliberte Rudman, Debbie Landry, Jennifer Law, Mary Lin, Nancy Letts, Lori Liu, Lili Manojlovich, Mary McKee, Pat Molke, Daniel Moores, Patricia Pentland, Wendy Picard, Huguette Purdie, Lisa Quach, Judy Rappolt, Susan Rigby, Patty Rivard, Annette Sedgwick, Amy Shaw, Lynn Stadnyk, Robin Stewart, Debra Stewart, Lynn Sumsion, Thelma Thibeault, Rachel Trentham, Barry Trudel, Louis Versnel, Joan von Zweck, Claudia Zimmerman, Daniel Overview Vision To herald an era of occupational enablement for occupational therapists and our clients. Purpose To honour our past, affirm our present, and profile a future that is focused on occupationbased enablement. Book Structure Acknowledgements Foreword: by Mary Law Prologue: by Thelma Sumsion Overview Guidelines development; Cultural Location Section I Section II Section III Occupation: the core domain Enablement: the core competency Occupation-based Enablement Section IV Positioning Occupational Therapy Epilogue, Glossary, Index, References Why Read This Text? This text honours the past, affirms the present, and profiles a future for occupational therapy focused on occupation-based enablement. With its focus on occupation as core domain and enablement as core competency, this book addresses the age-old question, What is occupational therapy? What is Occupational Therapy? “Occupational therapy is the art and science of enabling engagement in everyday living, through occupation; of enabling people to perform the occupations that foster health and well-being; and of enabling a just and inclusive society so that all people may participate to their potential in the daily occupations of life” (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007, p. 372). How is Enabling Occupation II different from Enabling I? Enabling Occupation (1997, 2002) • Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP), the Person-EnvironmentOccupation (PEO) Model and the Occupational Performance Process Model (OPPM). Enabling Occupation II (2007) presents the scholarship and evidence to firmly ground occupational therapy in occupation and enablement. • Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) which portrays an occupational perspective that includes and extends beyond occupational performance; • Canadian Model of Client-Centred Enablement (CMCE) which portrays a spectrum of enablement skills based on enablement foundations (beliefs, values, assumptions, concepts) to alert practitioners to the core competence and power relations in occupational therapy’s client-centred practice; and, • Canadian Practice Process Framework (CPPF) which portrays eight action points and alternative pathways in the process of practice clients. Enabling Occupation II: The Three Key Models Core Domain of Concern CMOP-E CMCE CPPF Core Competency Core Process Section I Occupation: The core domain of concern for occupational therapy Vision To embrace human occupation as the core domain of concern for occupational therapy. Purpose To present our best understanding of human occupation as it relates to occupational therapy. Occupation: The Core Domain of Concern for Occupational Therapy 1. Specifying the domain of concern: Occupation as core Helene J. Polatajko, Jane Davis, Deb Stewart, Noémi Cantin, Bice Amoroso, Lisa Purdie, Daniel Zimmerman. 2. Human occupation in context Helene J. Polatajko, Catherine Backman, Sue Baptiste, Jane Davis, Parvin Eftekhar, Andrew Harvey, Jennifer Jarman, Terry Krupa, Nancy Lin, Wendy Pentland, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Lynn Shaw, Bice Amoroso, Anne Connor-Schisler. 3. Occupational science: Imperatives for occupational therapy Helene J. Polatajko (Editor), Daniel Molke, Sue Baptiste, Susan Doble, Josiane Caron Santha, Bonnie Kirsh, Brenda Beagan, Zofia KumasTan, Michael Iwama, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Rachel Thibeault, Robin Stadnyk. The Taxonomic Code of Occupational Performance (TCOP) Basic Assumptions Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement CMOP-E Models of Health and Well-Being Characteristics of Occupation Section I: Reflections • How can you embrace occupation as the core domain of concern in occupational therapy? • How can the language systems enhance an occupational perspective? • How can the CMOP-E frame your practice beyond performance to include modes of occupational interaction such as occupational development, capacity, repertoire? • How can occupational science inform occupational therapy practice? Section II Enablement: The core competency of occupational therapy Vision To embrace enabling as the core competency of occupational therapy. Purpose To raise critical awareness about how occupational therapists practice. Enablement: The Core Competency of Occupational Therapy 4. Enabling: Occupational therapy’s core competency Elizabeth A. Townsend, Brenda Beagan, Zofia Kumas-Tan, Joan Versnel, Michael Iwama, Jennifer Landry, Debra Stewart, Jocelyn Brown. 5. Enabling individual change Elizabeth A. Townsend, Barry Trentham, Jo Clark, Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz-Wilner, Wendy Pentland, Susan Doble, Debbie Laliberte Rudman. 6. Enabling social change Elizabeth A. Townsend, Lynn Cockburn, Lori Letts, Rachel Thibeault, Barry Trentham. Occupational Therapy Clients Occupational Therapy Enablement Foundations Canadian Model of Client-Centred Enablement (CMCE) Enablement Continuum Section II: Reflections • How can you imagine the scope of the client beyond the individual level? • How can CMCE help with documentation and communication practices, describing what we do? • How do you define ‘enabling’ in ‘enabling occupation?’ • How do you avoid ineffective enablement? • How does chapter 6 spark new ideas new opportunities for occupational therapy? • How can we broaden our scope and have an impact on a greater number of people if we consider our client as communities, organizations, or populations? • Instead of waiting for referrals to come in how can we act on behalf of populations and uncover situations where there is occupational deprivation and offer solutions that enable? • What stories do you have on enabling social change? Section III Occupation-based enablement Vision To enable our clients to benefit from the full potential of a practice focused on occupational enablement. Purpose To bring structure and form to occupation-based practice and to describe the how of occupational enablement. Occupation-based Enablement 7. Occupation-based enablement: A practice mosaic Helene J. Polatajko, Noémi Cantin, Bice Amoroso, Pat McKee, Annette Rivard, Bonnie Kirsh, Debbie Laliberte Rudman, Patty Rigby, Nancy Lin 8. Occupation-based practice: The essential elements Helene J. Polatajko, Jane Davis, Noémi Cantin, Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz-Wilner, Barry Trentham 9. Introducing the Canadian Practice Process Framework (CPPF): Amplifying the context Janet Craik, Jane Davis, Helene J. Polatajko 10. Using the Canadian Process Practice Framework: Amplifying the process Jane Davis, Janet Craik, Helene J. Polatajko The Breadth of Occupational Therapy Focused on Enablement Canadian Practice Process Framework (CPPF) Fit Chart Section III: Reflections • • • • • • Do you see how your practice fits into figure 7.1? How do the five essential elements of practice help you define your scope of practice (along with you knowledge, skills, regulations)? In the absence of evidence to support our practice, consider how abductive reasoning legitimizes what we do. How can Figure 8.2 Fit Chart help you in abductive reasoning and lead you to sound clinical decisions to help address client occupational issues? How can you structure documentation practices around CPPF? How can you use CPPF interprofessionally in your practice? Section IV Positioning occupational therapy for leadership Vision To position Canadian occupational therapists as world leaders in advancing an occupational therapy vision of health, well-being, and justice through occupation Purpose To advance the vision by escalating scholarship in practice, accountability, and access to occupational therapy Positioning Occupational Therapy for Leadership 11. Escalating participation in scholarly practice for enabling occupation Elizabeth A. Townsend, Mary Egan, Mary Law, Mary Manojlovich, Brenda Head. 12. Accountability for enabling occupation: Discovering opportunities Elizabeth A. Townsend, Andrew Freeman, Lili Liu, Judy Quach, Susan Rappolt, Annette Rivard 13. Funding, policy, and legislative opportunities Elizabeth A. Townsend, Lyn Jongbloed, Robin Stadnyk, Hilary Drummond 14. Occupational therapy workforce planning Elizabeth A. Townsend, Claudia von Zweck, Sue Baptiste, Terry Krupa, Huguette Picard, Louis Trudel Section IV: Reflections • How can we escalate enabling occupation using critical thinking, scholarship and experiential evidence? • What data & other documentation can we critically examine & use for accountability in enabling occupation? • How might we assert power using the language of occupation, enablement and occupational enablement? • What funding opportunities exist at present to advance practice toward enabling occupation? • What new funding strategies would advance enabling occupation initiatives in new settings or programs? • How might we profile the 'right' to meaningful occupation to influence funding and workforce planning? • What are ideal 'teams' and ideal 'practices' for enabling health, well-being and justice in diverse settings? • How might we *Celebrate* past accomplishments, “Challenge” ourselves, and “Create” ideal practices Critical Reflections • How can you “herald an era of occupational enablement for occupational therapists and our clients”? • How can you attend to diversity in the profession and clients? • How can you position the profession – politically, strategically, economically? Articles relating to Enabling Occupation II Craik, J., Townsend, E., & Polatajko, H. (2008). Introducing the new guidelines – Enabling Occupation II: Advancing an Occupational Therapy Vision for Health, Well-being,& Justice through Occupation, OT Now, 10 (1), p. 3-5. Fazio, K., Hicks, E., Kuzma, C., Leung, P., Schwartz, A., & Stergiou-Kita, M. (2008) The Canadian Practice Process Framework: Using a conscious approach to occupational therapy practice, OT Now, 10 (4), p. 6-9. Stadnyk, R., Phillips, J., Sapeta, S., MacAulay, A., Champion, M., Tam, L. & Craik, J. (2009). The Canadian Model of Client-Centred Enablement: Reflections from diverse occupational therapy practitioners. OT Now, 11(3), 26-28. Zhang, C., McCarthy, C. & Craik, J. (2008). Students as translators for the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement, OT Now, 10 (2), p. 3-5.
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