Passion Party Time! Superstar Really Worth the Money? Animals or Fur? Summer Fling: Time for a New Wardrobe? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Editor’s Letter A New Wardrobe? Celeb Gossip Hot or Not? Elegant Or Funky? Animals or Fur? You? Winner? Superstar Worth the Money? Covergirl Worth the Effort? Is Shopping Crime? Party Time Beautiful Me Shoes!!! A Real Relationship? Thank You Editor’s Letter: Welcome to the first issue of Passion Magazine, printed by Fame Productions. A fresh new magazine is just what Stardoll needs, especially since fashion isn’t all people care about. This magazine is going to include more than just the fashion news and must-haves, just because we at Stardoll like dressing dolls and designing clothes doesn’t mean that’s all there is to us. Fashion is part of our lives, not our whole lives, I think a lot of you agree with me, that’s why this magazine is going to include more. I am working independently at the moment, and everything in this magazine will be written by me, but when I’m very busy, I will have a few assistants helping me. This magazine is a hobby, not a job, so I don’t expect it to be as popular as some magazines on Stardoll, such as Style_Magazine’s, but, as the old saying goes, the more, the merrier! Summer is coming, with gives us a blank slate to start with. I’ve decided we will not have a theme this issue, but include random articles and tips. From saving animals to planning a party, summer is going to be better than you’ve ever expected this year. Passion might not be the most fashionable magazine, but it is definitely a magazine with variety! I hope you enjoy reading this and come back eagerly for the next issue. That’s it for now, -xxx- Selene, owner, writer and editor A New Wardrobe? Summer is back! Does that mean everything in my wardrobe needs to be thrown out and put away? Of course some of your thick jackets and sweaters needs to be stored away for next year, but not everything you wore in the winter needs to be thrown away! Boots are too warm for the summer, but with the right clothes, you could get away with it! New looks are essential, but that doesn’t mean new clothes. If you have a tight budget, why don’t you just change some of your warm winter shirts to a trendy new t-shirt, print words or pictures on it and design away! After all, you don’t want to be caught with the same clothes as someone else! Every season is a signal for you to clean out your closet, but that doesn’t mean everything goes to the attic, some of the old shirts you were meaning to throw away can be cleaned, and designed, you will be amazed with what a creative mind can do! Cut the sleeves of a shirt diagonally, or cut jeans to make Capri's! Everything is possible, cause it’s your old shirt, and since it’s going to be thrown out anyway, why not try something new with it. If it doesn’t go well, who cares, just stuff it in the trash, and try better next time! But, if you do have the money, new clothes would be great as well. Buy a cute top to wear with a new miniskirt. Show off your excellent figure and let the boys see what they have missed this winter! Sandals, flipflops, dresses, make sure you make the best of this summer! If it’s just an old top that you redecorated, or a new pair of designer jeans, show it off and don’t be afraid of what you’ve got! Celeb Gossip
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