News release 4 March 2015 Automotive Technology is moving to Navitas Students from our automotive technology programme are moving in with Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering (AAMS) after the summer holidays. The automotive technologists will become a part of an academic environment that includes marine and technical engineers as well as civil engineers. After the summer holidays there will be full speed ahead for the educational environment in the large Navitas building situated at the Port of Aarhus. By placing the automotive technology programme in this high-profile educational building, the students will become part of an attractive learning environment consisting of marine and technical engineers, automotive technologists and civil engineers. Navitas is also the base of Aarhus University School of Engineering. ‘Moving the automotive technologists to Navitas will strengthen the creation of a highly professional environment composed of permanently employed teachers and specialists from the industry,’ says Principal Christian Mathiasen, from Business Academy Aarhus. The principal from Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering, Anders Hanberg, is also pleased. The automotive technology programme is a higher education programme for among others, technical advisers, and has many professional interfaces with the other engineering and technical higher education programmes offered by AAMS. ‘We are very pleased to welcome the automotive technologists to Navitas. They will have a further positive effect on the synergy of Navitas, which is already firmly established due to the cooperation between Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering, Aarhus University School of Engineering and the Science Park INCUBA. And we are obviously also looking forward to helping to strengthen the auto industry,’ he concludes. Business Academy Aarhus and Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering are already cooperating AARHUS TECH originally developed the automotive technology programme and it has become widely recognised in the industry. However, due to legislation regarding the Danish education system, AARHUS TECH is no longer allowed to offer the programme. Business Academy Aarhus, who has the right to offer the programme, has therefore had to change to Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering. The two higher education institutions already cooperate with each other on another programme, which focuses on robotics and industrial control systems. The automotive technology programme has been based at AARHUS TECH for years, but students who enrol for the programme from now on, will spend their days at Navitas together with the 50 existing students who are currently studying on the programme’s first three semesters. Until summer 2015, teaching will continue at AARHUS TECH in Viby J. There is an information meeting for all students regarding the move on Friday, 6 March at Navitas. For further information, please contact: Principal Christian Mathiasen, Erhvervsakademi Aarhus, Sønderhøj 30, 8260 Viby J. Tel: 7228 6001, 4028 1908 or Principal Anders Hanberg Sørensen, Aarhus School or Marine and Technical Engineering, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10, 8000 Aarhus C. Tel: 4122 7104 or Forslag til billedtekst: Erhvervsakademi Aarhus og Aarhus Maskinmesterskole indleder samarbejde omkring autoteknologuddannelsen, der fra 1. august 2015 flytter fra AARHUS TECH i Viby til Navitas på havnen. Foto: Pressefoto. Fakta: Både Aarhus Maskinmesterskole og Erhvervsakademi Aarhus udbyder praksisrettede, videregående uddannelser rettet mod beskæftigelse i primært det private erhvervsliv. Begge udbyder uddannelser til unge med en gymnasial uddannelse eller en erhvervsuddannelse. Autoteknologuddannelsen i Aarhus har, som de eneste i Europa, særlig vægt på teknik og motorsport. Uddannelsen foregår på engelsk og dimittenderne er efterspurgte i den internationale motorsportsbranche og bilindustri. Læs mere på
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