
Erecting & Dismantling
As a person who erects and dismantles scaffolding, your
safety - and the safety of those who will work on the
scaffold - depends on your ability to closely follow the
minimum safety requirements for constructing and using
The scaffold system you erect will support many workers
and allow them to carry out their job functions. How well
you follow proper procedures and safe work practices
while erecting scaffolds will have a direct affect on their
safety. If you have any questions about erecting or
dismantling scaffolding, ask your supervisor.
It is important that thorough pre-planning takes place
before scaffolding is erected. This should include:
• Evaluation and Preparation of the Site
• Identification of Any Potential Hazards
• Determining the Type of Scaffolding to be Used
• Activities to be Performed and their Weight Requirements
• Weight Capacity of the Scaffold
Evaluating the Site
While evaluating the site there are many factors to
consider. There may be a number of steps you will
need to take to prepare the site.
Some items to check could include:
• Is the surface level and sound?
• Can the ground support the scaffold unit?
• Are there any unguarded openings or potential
underground utility work that may affect the stability of
the scaffold?
• Are there any nearby electrical power lines?
• If so, can the scaffold be erected while keeping a
minimum safe approach distance from the lines?
• Can work be performed on the scaffold while
maintaining a minimum safe approach distance from the
electrical power lines?
• What type of pedestrian, vehicular, or equipment traffic
will be in the area?
• What type of fall protection will be feasible?
• Will safe access while erecting and dismantling the
scaffold be feasible?
• Will conditions such as high winds, storms, or icy
conditions exist?
Scaffolding Inspection
To make sure scaffold components are in good
working order, carefully inspect all scaffolding parts
before and during its erection. A defective or
damaged part could affect the integrity of the whole
Scaffolding Inspection
Items to Check
Some areas to inspect include the following:
• Are planks and wood components free of splits, rot, burns,
warps, splintering, oil, or paint and opaque finishes that
could cover potential defects.
• Are wood planks scaffold grade?
• Are welds and bolted connections in good condition.
Scaffolding Inspection
• Any defective parts must not be used.
• Any damaged or weakened scaffold part must be
immediately repaired or removed from service until it is
• Never risk your safety by using damaged parts.
Load Capacity
The load capacity of a scaffold varies, depending on its
design and application. General capacity requirements
for all scaffolds include:
Load Capacity
• The scaffold and each scaffold component must be capable
of supporting four times the maximum intended load. This
includes all personnel, equipment, and supplies.
• Direct connections and counterweights used to balance
adjustable suspension scaffolds must be able to resist at
least four times the tipping moment of the scaffold,
including stall loads.
Load Capacity
• All suspension ropes and connecting hardware must be
capable of supporting at least six times the maximum
intended load.
• Scaffolds must be designed by a qualified person, and
built and loaded according to that design.
• Never overload the scaffold.
Platform Construction
The platform surface that supports workers and materials
on the scaffold is called planks. Planks are usually made
of steel, aluminum, or wood. Wood scaffold planks
should be 2 by 10 inches, scaffold plank grade, and
stamped by an agency approved by the American
Lumber Standards Committee. Any unsafe planks should
be removed from service and clearly marked or made
Platform Construction
•When erecting scaffolding it is most important to make
sure the first unit of any scaffold is plumb, aligned, and
•Each platform on all working levels of scaffolds are
required to be fully planked or decked, except when used
only as walkways or for erecting or dismantling scaffolding.
Platform Construction
• The platform and walkway must be at least 18 inches
• Install each platform unit (plank, fabricated deck, or
fabricated platform) so that the space between planks,
and the space between the platform and the uprights, is
no more than one inch.
Platform Construction
• The front edge of the platform must be no more than 14
inches from the face of the work, unless guardrails are used
along the front edge and/or personal fall arrest systems are
• Never cover wood platforms with opaque finishes (such as
paint), except for the edges, which may be covered or marked
for identification.
• Never intermix scaffold components by different
manufacturers, unless a competent person determines they
are compatible and the scaffold’s structural integrity is
Platform Construction
• Each end of the platform, unless cleated or restrained by
hooks or other means, must extend over the center line of
its support at least six inches.
• If the platform is 10 feet or less in length, the end cannot
extend over its support more than 12 inches.
• If the platform is over 10 feet in length, its end cannot
extend over the support more than 18 inches.
Platform Construction
• When platforms are overlapped to create a long platform,
the overlap must occur only over supports and must be at
least 12 inches, unless the platforms are restrained to
prevent movement.
• Each abutted end of a plank must rest on a separate
support surface.
• When the platform changes direction, any platform that
rests on a bearer at an angle other than a right angle must
be laid first. Platforms that rest at right angles over the
same bearer must be laid second, on top of the first
Supported Scaffolds
Supported scaffolds have one or more platforms that
are supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles,
legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid supports.
The following are some general requirements for
supported scaffolds:
Supported Scaffolds
• When using mud sills, the base plates should be attached
to it. For added stability, it is recommended the mud sill be
one continuous sill under both legs. The sill should extend
at least 12 inches beyond the center line of the pole.
Supported Scaffolds
• All supported scaffold poles, legs, posts, frames, and
uprights must bear on base plates, mud sills, or other
firm foundation.
• They must also be plumb and braced to prevent
swaying and displacement.
• Footings must be level, sound, rigid, and capable of
supporting the load of the scaffold without settling or
Supported Scaffolds
• Never use cinder blocks, bricks, gravel, loose fill, or other
means for leveling uneven surfaces, or providing a
foundation for the base plate.
• When supported scaffolds have a height-to-base width
ratio of more than 4-to-1 (four feet of height for every one
foot of width), then guys, ties, or braces must be installed
at locations where horizontal members support both inner
and outer legs.
Suspension Scaffolds
Suspension scaffolds have one or more platforms
suspended by ropes or other non-rigid means from
an overhead structure. Before the suspension
scaffold is used, a competent person must confirm
that the supporting surfaces are capable of
supporting the loads imposed on them.
Suspension Scaffolds
The following are some general requirements for
suspension scaffolds:
• NEVER use repaired wire rope as
suspension rope.
• Ropes need to be inspected by a
competent person for defects before each
work shift and after any occurrence that
could affect a rope’s integrity.
Suspension Scaffolds
• Gasoline-powered equipment and hoists must not be used
on suspension scaffolds.
• Gears and brakes of power-operated hoists used on
suspension scaffolds must be enclosed.
Suspension Scaffolds
Support Devices
• All suspension scaffold support devices (such as outrigger
beams, cornice hooks, and parapet clamps) must rest on
surfaces that are capable of supporting four times the load
imposed on them.
• Two-point and multi-point suspension scaffolds must be tied
or otherwise secured to prevent them from swaying if a
competent person determines it is necessary. Never use
window cleaners’ anchors for this purpose.
Suspension Scaffolds
Outrigger Beams
• When suspension scaffold outrigger beams are used,
they must be restrained to prevent movement. The
inboard ends of suspension scaffold outrigger beams
must be stabilized by bolts or other direct
connections to the floor or roof deck, or by
Suspension Scaffolds
• Never use sand, gravel, or other materials that can
be easily dislocated as counterweights. Only objects
specifically designed as counterweights must be
• Counterweights must be secured by mechanical
means to the outrigger beams to prevent accidental
• Do not remove the counterweights until the scaffold
is disassembled.
Suspension Scaffolds
• Outrigger beams that are not stabilized by both bolts
or other direct connections to the floor or the roof deck
must be secured by tiebacks.
• Tiebacks must be equal in strength to the suspension
• Tiebacks must be secured to a structurally sound
anchorage on the building or structure. Do NOT use
standpipes, vents, or electrical conduits as anchorages.
Access Requirements
Many scaffold-related injuries occur while
improperly getting on or off platforms. Never jump
onto a scaffold.
Access Requirements
• When the scaffold platform is more than two feet above or
below a point of access, then a portable ladder, stairway,
ramp, or other means of access that does not affect the
scaffold’s stability must be used.
• Never use cross braces to climb onto the scaffold or another
level of the scaffold.
• Direct access from one scaffold to another can only be used
when the scaffold surfaces are not more than 14 inches
horizontally and 24 inches vertically from each other.
Access Requirements
Portable, Hook-On, and Attachable Ladders
• Place hook-on and attachable ladders so their bottom rung
is not more than 24 inches above the scaffold support level.
• When hook-on and attachable ladders are used on a
supported scaffold that is more than 35 feet high, rest
platforms must be provided at least every 35 feet.
• The minimum rung length for hook-on and attachable
ladders is 11-1/2 inches. Rungs must be uniformly spaced
with a maximum spacing of 16-3/4 inches between rungs.
Access Requirements
Stairway-Type Ladders
• Place stairway-type ladders so their bottom rung is
not more than 24 inches above the scaffold
supporting level.
• Rest platforms are required at least every 12 feet.
• The step width should be a minimum of 16 inches.
Mobile scaffold stairway-type ladders must have a
minimum step width of 11-1/2 inches.
Access Requirements
Integral Prefabricated Scaffold
Access Frames
• Rungs on integral prefabricated scaffold access frames
must be at least 8 inches long.
• Rest platforms must be provided at least every 35 feet on
supported scaffolds more than 35 feet high.
• Rungs must be spaced no more than 16-3/4 inches apart.
Access Requirements
Stairtowers (Scaffold Stairway/Towers)
• Stairtowers must be positioned so their bottom step is
not more than 24 inches above the scaffold supporting
• Stairways must be installed between 40 degrees and 60
degrees from the horizontal. Each stairway must be at
least 18 inches between stair rails.
Access Requirements
Stairtowers (Scaffold Stairway/Towers)
• Each side of the scaffold stairway must have a stair rail
that includes a toprail and a midrail. Stair rails must be
between 28 inches and 37 inches in height, from the top
of the stair rail to the surface of the thread.
• The toprail of each stair rail system must also serve as a
handrail, unless a separate handrail is provided. All
handrails must provide a good handhold for employees.
Access Requirements
Stairtowers (Scaffold Stairway/Towers)
• A landing platform at least 18 inches wide and at least
18 inches long must provided at each level. All treads
and landing must have slip-resistant surfaces.
Guardrails must be provided on the open sides and
ends of each landing.
Access Requirements
Ramps and Walkways
• All ramps and walkways that are six feet or more above
lower levels must have guardrails.
• A ramp or walkway that is steeper than one vertical to
eight horizontal, must have cleats not more than 14 inches
apart that are securely fastened to the flanks to provide
footing. Ramps and walkways may not incline more than a
slope of one vertical to three horizontal.
Access Requirements
Access for Supported Scaffolds
• When erecting or dismantling a scaffold, a safe means of
access must be provided, if possible. A competent person
will determine this based on site conditions and the type
of scaffold being erected or dismantled.
• Hook-on or attachable ladders must be installed as soon
as safe installation and use are possible.
Access Requirements
Access for Supported Scaffolds
• When erecting or dismantling tubular welded frame
scaffolds, end frames with horizontal members that are
parallel, level, and not more than 22 inches apart
vertically may be used as climbing devices for access.
Fall Protection
A competent person will determine if fall protection
is feasible during erecting and dismantling
procedures. Check with your supervisor or the
competent person if you are not sure what type of
fall protection is required.
Fall Protection
Guardrail Systems
• Guardrails must be installed along all open sides and ends
of scaffolds that are more than 10 feet above a lower level.
• The top edge height of toprails on supported scaffolds
manufactured or in service after January 1, 2000 must be
installed between 28 and 45 inches above the platform.
Fall Protection
Guardrail Systems
• The top edge height on supported scaffolds
manufactured or in service before that date, and on all
suspended scaffolds where both a guardrail and
personal fall arrest system are required, must be
installed between 36 and 45 inches.
• When midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical
member, solid panels, or similar structural members
are used, they must be installed between the top edge of
the guardrail system and the scaffold platform.
Fall Protection
Personal Fall Arrest Systems
• When engineering controls, such as guardrails and safety
nets cannot protect you from fall hazards, then a personal
fall arrest system must be used. In the construction
industry, a personal fall arrest system is required at
heights of 6 feet or more.
• A personal fall arrest system must be attached by a
lanyard to a vertical lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or
scaffold structural member.
Fall Protection
Personal Fall Arrest Systems
• The personal fall arrest system must limit free fall to
six feet or less.
• Do not attach the personal fall arrest system to the
guardrail system.
Fall Protection
Personal Fall Arrest Systems
• The anchor point must be able to support 5,000 pounds
per attached worker. When vertical lifelines are used,
the anchor point must be independent of the scaffold.
Standpipes, vents, other piping systems, electrical
conduits, outrigger beams, and counterweights are
NOT considered safe points of anchorage.
• Inspect the personal fall arrest system before each use.
Look for wear, tears, cuts, and other signs of damage.
Falling Object Protection
A hard hat must be worn whenever there is a possibility
of being struck by falling objects, impact while handling
material at head level, or other situations where the
danger of injuries to the head exists. OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administrator)
recommends that if a hard hat is needed anywhere on the
job site, then you should wear it at all times.
Falling Object Protection
• If tools, materials, or equipment could fall and strike
employees below, then the area must be barricaded
and unauthorized personnel must not be allowed to
enter. If the platform is more than 10 feet above a
lower level, then toeboards must be used.
• Toeboards must be at least 3-1/2 inches high from the
top edge of the toeboard to the level of the walking
surface, have no more than a 1/4 inch clearance above
the walking/working surface, and solid or have
openings no larger than one inch in size.
Falling Object Protection
• If tools, materials, or equipment are piled higher than
the top edge of the toeboard, then mesh, debris nets,
canopies, or other means of protection must be
Dismantling Scaffolding
All scaffolds must be dismantled only under the
supervision or direction of a competent person who is
• Before dismantling scaffolding, check that it was erected
properly and that no structural alterations were made.
• Make sure the correct number of ties and braces are in place.
• Check that all planks are correctly seated and will not fall as
you remove other planks.
Dismantling Scaffolding
• Lower all components to the ground by rope, hoist, or manto-man. Never throw the parts to the ground.
• If possible, avoid leaving the scaffold partially dismantled,
post warning notices at each point of access.
• Whether erecting or dismantling scaffolding, work should
always be suspended during high winds and storms.
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