REPORT WRITING AND PARENT & TEACHER INTERVIEWS Rene Cahill PAS Deputy Principal Lurnea High School KWL ACTIVITY Already Know?? Want to Know?? Complete on PINK post –it Complete on BLUE post-it Is this a typical report in your school? WORKSHOP INTENDED OUTCOMES Report Writing Greater understanding of: - Purpose of reports - Audience we are writing reports for - Structure required to write a comprehensive report for the intended audience - Language required Confidence to write a report that is comprehensive and speaks the language the intended audience will comprehend Parent & Teacher Interviews Greater understanding of: - Purpose of the interview - What makes a successful interview - The importance of planning Confidence to hold an interview that could potentially be difficult REPORT WRITING ACTIVITY Attempt 1: Think about a student that you teach Write his/her half yearly report comment in your workbook PURPOSE Parents OF REPORT WRITING? Students School TEACHING & LEARNING CYCLE WHAT DO OUR PARENTS ACTUALLY VALUE? Plain English – no educational jargon Information about their child's strengths and areas for improvement What they can do to help Comments that complement grades Parents want to know what was learnt and how well, where improvement is needed and what should be done next REPORTS & STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Hatties‘top 20’ influences in student achievement from his list of 100 - Feedback is # 8 with effect size .72 Steve Dinham - How to get your school Moving and Improving REPORT WRITING STRUCTURE –4 STEPS 1. Clear information on what the student has achieved 2. Suggestions for areas of improvement that the student should work on next 3. Information on how the school will help the student to improve 4. Suggestions on how parents can help the student to improve REPORT 1. WRITING STRUCTURE – STEP 1 Clear information on what the student has achieved This section of the report focuses on each students progress on the basis of assessment evidence gathered by the teacher over a semester. - - Use your mark book (formal assessment) Use notes from any informal tasks Observations made in class when the student is working in groups Use observations made about the students bookwork Homework completed Your comments will need to reflect PDH and PE Ensure the words reflect the students ability eg extensive for an ‘A’ ability REPORT WRITING STRUCTURE – STEP 2 2. Suggestions for areas of improvement that the student should work on next This section of the report focuses on future learning to be addressed in the following reporting period - Literacy/Numeracy skills Bookwork Homework Attendance Work ethic Contribution to class discussions/group work Bringing PE uniform Participation in PE lessons Behaviour REPORT WRITING STRUCTURE – STEP 3 3. Information on how the school will help the student to improve This section of the report makes recommendations for actions to be taken by the school to help the students future learning - - This might include what you have already done, for example, you may have put a seating plan in place Collect draft assessment work and provide feedback Set student up with a buddy Modify student work Provide homework once a week to develop certain skills Tutoring services after school (our school has a homework centre which operates 3 afternoons for free) REPORT WRITING STRUCTURE – STEP 4 4. Suggestions on how parents can help the student to improve This section of the report suggests specific ways in which parents can support the student, taking account of the areas for improvement or future learning - - - Ensure child is packing PE uniform, other equipment Check homework every Tuesday (you might have a specific day you give out homework) Encourage your child to read Sign up for school based support eg homework centre REPORT SAMPLE Read the report on page 4 of your workbook Discuss - What do you like? - How does it achieve the 4 steps? - Would you change anything? ________ is a capable student in PD/Health/PE contributing well in class, demonstrating a sound understanding of course work. Unfortunately this level of knowledge is very rarely reflected in his assessment tasks including the yearly exam. ________ did attend a study day in the holidays and did study for the yearly exam but this conscientious attitude needs to be consistent throughout the year to ensure he is completely prepared and able to show depth of knowledge in all short and extended response questions. _______ needs to be encouraged to complete all set homework and follow a regular weekly study program which will assist with the preparation necessary for exams. He also needs to ensure he takes advantage of submitting draft assessment items for feedback prior to the assessment task due date. REPORT SAMPLES What do you like? What would you change? Sample 1 – group 1 Sample 1 – group 1 Sample 2 – group 2 Sample 2 – group 2 Sample 3 – group 3 Sample 3 – group 3 Sample 4 – group 4 Sample 4 – group 4 REPORT WRITING ACTIVITY Attempt 2: What do you need to change –re-writing this comment based on what you have learnt today
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