PSHE & RE Wellesbourne CE School Computing We are Programmers- The children have enjoyed creating their own animation using ‘scratch’. They understand the terms algorithm and program. The children have learnt about the importance of having rules in society. They have also identified ways to help calm themselves down when they are angry or upset. We are Communicators- The children learnt how to email and the how to be safe using email. Science Animals including humans: Children have learnt about human and animal skeletons. They have considered what a balanced diet is. Light: The children have explored light through a number of experiments. Children have considered the importance of light in Hinduism and Christianity. Year 3 Autumn 2014 settlements they lived in. The children worked well as a team and thought about exercise improves muscle strength. Dance: The children have used pathway cards to produce a dance routine to Firework music. They have considered working in unison and canon. ‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’ Literacy and Maths are taught using a skills-based approach and making links to the curriculum wherever possible. Music (wider ops) The children have learnt many new songs and musical vocabulary. They have worked hard to play simple notes on the recorder. Outdoor Learning and Trips History & Geography Anglo-Saxons Children have learnt who the Anglo Saxons are and the difference between settlers and invaders. They have also learnt about their daily lives, jobs and Rugby: Animal Wire sculptures D&T: Moving Alien Light in Religion: PE Art and Design Alexander Calder Languages The children are becoming more confident and have learnt some everyday spoken phrases and vocabulary. The children had a FAB time on our trip to the Safari Park and learnt how animals adapt to suit their environment.
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