Southern Cross Early Childhood School Newsletter 5 | Friday, 26 September 2014 Dear Families and Carers DATES TO REMEMBER It has been a busy end of the term but we have made it! I would like to thank the whole team at Southern Cross Early Childhood School for their efforts this term. It has been busy term filled with lots of learning, challenging our brains, special events, a performance or two and swimming lessons!!! Friday 26 September Last day of Term 3 Monday 13 October Term 4 commences Wednesday 15 October | 9.15am-10.00am Whole School Gathering Mugga Mugga + Ginninderra Monday 20 October | 9.00-1.00pm Author Leonie Pye visiting -2 Tuesday 21 October | 10.00am Questacon Excursion- Cotter & Ginninderra Wednesday 22 October | 9.00-11.00am Children’s Week Extravaganza Thursday 23 October | 10.00am Questacon Excursion- Molonglo & Murrumbidgee Friday 24 October | 12.00-1.00pm Author Leonie Pye visiting Preschoo Monday 27 October | 10.30-11.30am Grandparents Day- Open Classrooms + Morning Tea Swimming Lessons It was fantastic to see the increase in confidence and ability of the children who took part in the swimming lessons. It is such an important skill for all children living in Australia and I am sure that the children will benefit from the experience. We would like to thank Aquatots for their close support working with us to ensure that the lessons and buses went smoothly. Outside Learning Environment Consultatio Our Outside Learning Environment Consultation is well underway. Jenny and Phil the consultants from Wellspring have said that the children had some amazing ideas and they were inspired by their thinking. I am not sure that we will be able to do the underground disco but we will see! They have also reported back that the feedback from our families and community was also very interesting and reflected the commitment and knowledge that our community has about the children and the school grounds. My sincere thanks goes to our families who provided input across the process. Phil and Jenny will continue to work over the holidays synthesising and consolidating th data and will come back to us with a draft Masterplan early next term Holidays I know that a number of our families are taking advantage of the long weekends and are travelling for periods of time over the holidays. For those of you who are travelling I wish you all safe journeys and for all of our community I hope that the break is filled with some relaxing timesfor you and the children. As it has been a busy term I know that all of our children would benefit from some time to take things a littl slower. Kind regards, Lyndall Southern Cross Early Childhood School Wirraway Crescent Scullin |ACT |2614 Telephone (02) 6142 0020 Email: Web: Southern Cross Early Childhood School acknowledges that our children learn on Ngunnawal Land. News from SCECS New Phone Number Southern Cross Early Childhood School has a new phone number. When ringing the school or Anglicare please call (02) 6142 0020 Before School Supervision As we approach the warmer weather and term 4, please be advised that children who arrive at school from 8:30am will now be supervised in the outside learning environment. Please drop your child/ren’s bag off in their classroom and deliver your child/ren to the OLE with a hat. If it is raining, before school supervision will occur in the library. ACT Fire and Rescue Last Wednesday 17 September the local ACT Fire and Rescue Service visited our Kindergarten children. They discussed what children should do in an emergency, what to expect from the fire and rescue team and the difference between a good and bad fire. The children were also shown the ‘stop, drop and roll’ and each demonstrated that with the help of their teachers. The children asked some excellent questions including‘What do we do if the door is locked and there is a fire?’ and ‘How do I know where to meet my family?’ Each child was asked to learn three things as part of their ‘homework’: • • • What is their address? Do we have working smoke alarms? Where is our families meeting point? Aniya dressed up in the firefighting outf to demonstrate to the children what they would see in an emergency and to reassure the children that firefighters are there to help! A big highlight was our walk-through of the giant Fire truck and then to hold onto and squirt the big hose. It was a great morning! Leadership Forum at Hawker School On Friday 19 September 2014, 12 children from Southern Cross Early Childhood School joined with Weetangera Primary School at Hawker School for a Leadership Forum. The children discussed in their group ‘what makes a successful leader?’ and ‘What leadership qualities does each of them have?’ The children also completed some teamwork activities including role playing scenarios and what they could do to help solve problems Following the forum the children were asked what they learnt: Amara – You have to stand up for other people. Tyler – I learnt about being a good friend. You could also be helpful with little kids. Lucy – I learnt about how to handle people in a team and how good it is to make new friends. Phoebe – We learnt about what would make a betterleader. For example, team work and not being mean. Aria – I learnt being a leader means that you’re patient and solve problems. Joe – I learnt to be a leader you need to be good. Bronwyn – Being happy. Henry – I learnt how to be a true leader. Emma asked How? Henry – Being nice, that’s just what it’s about, being nice. Hannah – I learnt that being a good leader is to listen to what everybody says to you. Archie – I learnt about what makes a good leader, like being nice and sharing ideas. William – I learnt being a leader is being nice and friendly. Jackson – I learnt anyone can be a leader, it just takes lots of practise. SCECS Children’s Week Extravaganza Wednesday 22 October 2014, 9.20-11.00am All children enrolled in SCECS, Anglicare and Cranleigh School are invited to participate in a special event to celebrate Children’s Week! Students will be in groups and rotate through a range of activities until 11am when everyone wi meet on the blacktop for a special lunch. Lunch details will be provided in the first week of term 4. Parents, carers and siblings are welcome to take part in the fun by joining in with their child’s group. Younger siblings must be supervised by their parents or carers. Children must wear appropriate footwear, sun screen and a SunSmart hat and bring a labelled water bottle We hope to see you there! Grandparents Day 2014 To celebrate Grandparents Day, 26 October 2014, Southern Cross Early Childhood School is holding an Open Classroom morning followed by morning tea for Grandparents and other special people that play an important role in young children’s lives. WHEN: Monday 27 October TIME: 10.30-11.30am WHERE: Children’s classrooms, followed by morning tea in the Café. Come along to be shown through the classroom, meet the teacher and spend time together at school Look out for invites early in Term 4. Anglicare A note from Tara Dear Families, It is with great sadness and excitement that I inform you of my resignation from my position as Director at Souther Cross Early Childhood School as of Friday the 19th of December 2014. My partner and I will be starting ur newly married life in London, teaching and travelling Europe for 12- 18 months. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at Southern Cross, getting to know all of the educators, children and familie It has been a great learning journey, of which I have learnt so much, and enjoyed every moment. There will be plenty of time for goodbye’s, however in the meantime I want to reassure you that there will be a han over with the new director to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved. We will advertse for the position shortly, and I will update you when I know more Thank you for your support over the years, and please do continue to contact me if you have any questions o concerns. Thanks Tara Carey Staff Update We would like to welcome our two new Room Leaders Carie-May to our Playschool Room, and Courtney Leitch to our Toddler Room. Please join me in welcoming these two experienced educators to our team. Congratulations to Julie Webb on her recent appointment s Assistant Director. Julie has been at Southern Cross since Anglicare became the provider in 2012. If you need to contact Julie please email at or phone 61420020. We are currently advertising for an Educational Leader. Once we fill this role we will update yo 2015 Childcare Placements Please remember, if you haven’t already done so, to return your 2015 request form ASAP in order for us to complete our enrolments for next year and give confirmation on your placements. KidsMatter This year Preschool families have the opportunity to contribute to school planning through the Kids Matter School Survey. This survey allows families to share with us their wants and needs in relation to the areas of Mental Health and Wellbeing. In the past, the responses given in this survey have led to the implementation of the Class Carers program and we are always exploring more ways that we can make families feel connected to school and each other. The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and if you are unable to access the internet at home please see Nicole at the front desk and she will log you into a school computer. Please click on the link below and have your say. The survey is open now until 26 Septembe 2014. Thank you, Aimee Hunter , KidsMatter Cordinator Building Resilience in Young Children – Part 5 Part 5 of our series about resilience from a booklet developed by the Best Start: Ontario’s Maternal, Newborn and Early Child Development Resource Centre, Toronto, Canada. You can find more information at The booklet was developed for parents of children from birth to six years. Many of the ideas will also help families with older children. Some of the tips apply to all children from birth through six years. Other tips ha been given an age range that refers to general stages of child development. Please note that the age range is only a guideline. Every child develops at his or her own rate. Whilst the booklet refers to “parents”, it will help anyone who cares for children – like grandparents, relatives, foster parents and other adults Last newsletter we learnt about gathering community resources. This newsletter will talk about developing secontrol and building self-regulation Developing Self-Control and Building Self-regulatio Why is self-control important? Self-control is an inner strength that plays an important part in developing self-regulation. Sel-regulation is how we adjust our feelings, actions, attention, thoughts and bodies so that we can handle differ situations without getti overwhelmed. We need to “regulate” ourselves to make sure we have enough energy, alertness or calmness to deal with everyday life or extra stress. Children learn to self-regulate through their daily interactions with caring aduts. Self-regulation helps us handle life’s disappointments, worries and frustrations. It makes it easier to focus on goals finish what we start and wait for things we want. These are all important to building resilience. Self-control skills help us develop our ability to self-regulate. There are simple ways that you can help your children develop self-control skills. Tips for helping children develop self-control to build self-regulatio • Make sure your children get enough sleep and eat healthy food. When children are tired or hungry, it is very hard for them to practice sel-control skills and regulate their behaviour. • Practice deep breathing to calm yourself down and focus your attention. You can use any of the following ideas help children 3 years and older learn deep breathing, too: Pretend to blow up a balloon in their bellies (“belly balloons”). When they take a slow, deep breath “in”, their belly inflates like a balloon. When they let their breath “out”, their belly deflates just like letting the air out of a balloon. Imagine breathing in their favourite smell (like chocolate) and then slowly blowing out an imaginary candle. “Breathe in chocolate, blow out the candle.” Blow bubbles together (just mix liquid dish soap and a little water or check the Internet for other “bubble recipes”). Hold younger children “belly-to-belly” and do deep breathing – this is a wonderful way to calm yourself and your infant or toddler at the same time! It’s important for children to practice using deep breaths when tey are not upset so that they can do it easily when they are upset. You can practice anytime, anywher– waiting in lines, at a red light, after reading a book together etc. • Help your children picture something pleasant (like a favourite animal or a special place). This helps them to focus on something soothing and calming when they are feeling upset or afraid. • Help your children practice waiting. Learning to develop the patience to wait for things is an essential life skill. Th are many ways you can help children 2-1/2 years and older practice waitin Teach them little rhymes like “Count to eight, it helps me wait: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8!” Ask them to say it with you. Rhymes, chants and songs help children focus their attention on something else while they are waiting. Put routines into place that help your children practice waiting. For example, give them something regular to look forward to like seeing their cousin. Waiting all week for this treat teaches children that it is possible for them to wait. Praise your children for waiting. “It’s hard to wait to play with your cousin, but you did it! You are learning how to wait calmly for things you want!” Play waiting games with them like “Red light-Green light” or “Freeze.” • Encourage your children to keep on trying even when it is hard or frustrating. “You can do it! Keep on trying… it just takes a little practice • Let your children know it’s OK to have strong feelings, but not OK to hurt others. You can teach your children how to express their feelings with words when they’re upset. For example, you can say, “We don’t hit. Hitting hurt Jeffery’s body. You can tell him you feel mad. Tell him you want a turn when he is finished playing with the truck.” • Tell your children that you are there to help calm their strong feelings, if they need you. • Help your children learn to stop and think before they act. Children 3 years and older can begin to learn that their actions have an effect on others. For example, if they are rough or grab toys, other childrenmay not want to play with them. • Read or tell children stories about how others use self-control. Community Information School holidays at the Arboretum The National Arboretum Canberra will host a series of exciting activities throughout the ACT and school holidays Saturday 20 September to Sunday 12 October 2014 to allow visitors from interstate as well as the locals to enjoy the Arboretum during their break. School holiday activities include Clydesdale hor-drawn carriage rides, kite making, bonsai workshops and guided walks for the kids. There will also be a State Emergency Services storm awareness open weekend and a free creative corner at the Village Centre open every day between 10 am and 3 pm throughout the school holidays. There will be something for everyone at the Arboretum these school holidays. The full program of events is available at the National Arboretum Canberra websit or by calling Canberra Connect on 13 22 81. Chill Skills for Kids My name is Tracy Byron and I am one of the owners and wellbeing trainers from Green Lotus Therapies, Massage and Wellbeing Centre located at Higgins shopping centre. Our Chill Skills for Kids Program will be running again in Term 4. The program is beneficial for children who are finding it difficult to manage their emotions, including children who are being bullied, those with low sel-esteem, absentee parents, illness or death in a family. The Chill Skills for Kids Program provides a structured and supportive environment for children, helping them learn to be calm, confident, creative and resilient. Each class is limited to a maximum 8 children. The program runs for 6 weeks during the school term and is designed for children aged between 5-12 years old with classes broken down into a 5-7 year old group and an 8-12 year old group. Small classes enable me to provide each child support and guidance through gentle movement exercises, meditations, creative art, journaling and discussion which form the basis of each class. I am the only trained Path of Calm Coach qualified to deliver the Chill Skills for Kids Program in the Canberra region. As the program is new to Canberra in 2014 I am running a number of free trial sessions over the next 3 weeks with the Term 4 program commencing on 16 October 2014. Attached s a copy of the program flyer. Additional information is available from our website kids. The aim of Green Lotus Therapies is to provide an opportunity for all family members to build a happy and healthy life. We hope the introduction of this program will assist children to develop coping mechanisms early in life Lake Burley Griffin 50th Birthday Family Bike Event Lake Burley Griffin turns 50 on Friday 17th October and Canberran families are invited to get on their bikes and join in the celebrations Pedal Power and ACT Government are holding a family cycling event on the shores of the Lake and you are invited along anytime between 5pm– 7pm. The ride will include an exciting ‘clu hunt’ taking in historic landmarks along the way with volunteer guides bringing the history of the lake to life. There’ll be prizes and goody bags for the kids as well as family entertainment at Regatta Point- plus a VIP will be cutting the Lake’s th Birthday Cake! For more information
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