STRADBROKE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Koonga Avenue, Rostrevor, SA 5073 Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment Anne Lamont 8337 2861/8337 5349 Student Absence Ph: 8365 5621 8337 0041 8365 5677 Rebecca MacQueen 00018A Principal: Telephone: Fax: email: website: Out of School Hours Care: Director: CRICOS Provider Number: 29th January, 2015 WELCOME Welcome back to the 2015 school year and a very warm welcome to our new students and their families and our new staff. 148 new students from Reception – Year 7 began school on Tuesday. Thank you to our current students, staff and families for the warm welcome they provided to our newest Stradbroke students. 2015 JANUARY th Fri 30 th Fri 30 FEBRUARY rd th Tues 3 – Fri 6 th Fri 6 th Tues 10 R-7 Assembly Year 6/7 Footsteps Dance The school leadership team for 2015 is: Year 1 & 2 Swimming Yr 3-7 Assembly R-5 Acquaintance night 6.30pm R-2, 7.30 Yr 3-5 R-2 Assembly Yr 6-7 Acquaintance Night 123 Magic Parent Workshop Yr 3-7 Assembly 123 Magic Parent Workshop R-2 Assembly th Fri 13 th Tues 17 th Thurs 19 th Fri 20 th Thurs 26 th Fri 27 MARCH th Wed 4 th Thurs 5 th Fri 6 th Mon 9 th Tues 10 th Thurs 12 Fri 13 Governing Council AGM 123 Magic Parent Workshop Pupil Free Day Adelaide Cup Public Holiday School Photo day Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop Family BBQ & official launch of KidsMatter, 6-8pm Yr 3-7 Sports Day Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop R-2 Sports Day Engaging Adolescents Parent Workshop th th Tues 17 th Thurs 19 th Fri 20 th Thurs 26 TERM DATES Term 1 2015 th Term 2 27 Jan th 10 Apr th 27 Apr rd 3 Jul Term 3 Term 4 th 12 Oct th 11 Dec 20 Jul th 25 Sep th th R-5 Acquaintance Night - Tuesday 10 Feb R-2: 6.30pm Year 3-5: 7.30pm PUPIL FREE DAY th Friday 6 March Principal: Anne Lamont Deputy Principals: Tanya Scanlan, Greg Johnston PYP Coordinator: Sue Thalbourne Counsellor/KidsMatter Coordinator: Rachel Pontifex Business Manager: Jean McGuire Congratulations to Greg Johnston, and his wife Bianca, on the birth of their daughter, Audrey, in mid-December. Congratulations also to Christina Francisco (Noli) who was married at the beginning of the summer holidays. Mandy Raymond was appointed to the MYP Coordinator position for 2015 and will be on maternity leave until term 4. The MYP Coordinator for terms 1-3 will be announced soon. We look forward to working with you this year. FIRE FRIDAY 6TH FEBRUARY Throughout January, the recent fires in the Adelaide Hills had enormous impact the fauna and flora in our local area and the wider Adelaide Hills region. Some of our families were either helping to fight the fires as volunteers for the CFS or the fires came dangerously close to their properties. RSPCA are still working to help the animals affected by the bushfires. Apart from domestic animals and livestock, kangaroos and koalas have required medical treatment, rescuing and relocation. Even before the bushfires, over the last year, RSPCA took 2,700 injured or neglected animals into care. th For these reasons on Friday 6 February Stradbroke School is holding FIRE FRIDAY dress up day to support the RSPCA. Please come to school dressed up in your favourite fancy dress with a gold coin donation, which will be collected in the classroom to support our much loved local animals and the work of the RSPCA. Many schools in Adelaide and South Australia will be holding a FIRE FRIDAY fundraiser. You may have seen a recent article in The Advertiser with students from Reidy Park PS from Mouth Gambier.We thank you for your support and will let you all know ASAP how much money our generous Stradbroke students donated to this worthy cause. Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment -1- CLASSES 2015 Class Teachers Reception Year 1 Year 1/2, 2 Jan Sillett Lucy Cameron Catherine Zola Maxine Timbs Carly Verhulst Matt Wilks/Sue Keogh Vanessa D’Angelica Carol Schofield Christina Francisco (Noli) Sue Thalbourne/Emma Green Sue Philp Gillian Cockburn Speech & Language Class (R-2) Anne Pennifold/Gillian Ross Year 2/3, 3 Cathy Kepa Kylie Shipard Maria Thompson/Henri Gizowski Year 3/4, 4 Sarah Button Lia Francescangeli Paul Byford Pete Harrison Year 5 Shae Perilli/Henri Gizowski Sara Scott/Anna Percy Courtney Cox Year 6 Rino Tranfa Janice Flaherty Jason Page Year 7 Kaye Smyth Cheryl Hindle Eli Awwad Shaun Falkenberg Grounds Barry Mercer/Tom Giordano Student Services Mel Sharpe Administration & Finance Anona Burden Kathy Minuzzo Kristen Johnston Amanda Zbierski KIDSMATTER COORDINATOR/SCHOOL COUNSELLOR Welcome back to school everyone! It is with great excitement that I write to you all and introduce myself and my new role at Stradbroke School. This is my tenth year working at Stradbroke and during that time I have had many roles; classroom teacher, EALD support teacher, MYP coordinator and over the last few years I have been teaching Science to our Year 6 and 7 students. This year I will continue teaching Science to the year 6/7 students (and 5’s during term 3) but I have also been appointed as the School Counsellor / KidsMatter Coordinator for two days a week (Monday and Thursday). On these days my role will be to; • • • • Italian Language Teresa Antoniadis Anna Maria Cavuoto Daniel Lettieri/Rina Burke Performing Arts/Choir Penny Kitchen Kay Mathie Debbie Bishop Science Rachel Pontifex (Yr 5-7) Belinda Laver (R/1) EALD Chris Rosenzweig Karen Corbett Belinda Laver JP Reading Support Chris Rosenzweig Ancillary Staff Student support Bev McEgan Phyl Pupi Mattia Sfarra Kris Giles Systems Manager • Specialist Teachers Library Emma Green (R-4) Tali DeLacy (Years 5-7) PE Caroline Svanborg Michelle Hart Nadina Lenzi-Bruno Vonnie Gooding Resource Centre Christina Sapio Coordinate, promote, educate and inform staff, students and our whole school community in KidsMatter (Australian Primary Schools Mental Health Initiative) Guide and support a Student Leaders group of year 6 and 7 students at our school Oversee student attendance Assist teachers with introducing specific programs in their classrooms that support the well-being of all students Work collaboratively with Anne, Greg and Tanya to monitor and support student needs (academically and behaviourally) In each newsletter I plan to keep you all informed and up to date about this fantastic initiative in our school so please keep a look out for regular updates. I have also included an insert within this newsletter that will provide more information about KidsMatter. If you have any queries or would like to discuss my role further please do not hesitate to email me or make an appointment to see me. (Mondays and Thursdays) Rachel Pontifex YEAR 7 TOPS Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 2 th Year 7 windcheaters will be ordered on Friday 30 January. They will be available for collection in 6-8 weeks SCHOOL & LESSON TIMES 8.30am Teachers on duty in the yard. Students who arrive at school before 8.30 need to book into Kids’ Zone. 8.40am All classrooms open 8.50am First lesson begins 11am Recess begins 11.20am Recess ends and lessons begin 1.00pm Lunch play begins 1.40pm Lunch play ends and lessons begin 3.10pm School day ends 3.30pm All students to have left the school grounds unless attending Kids’ Zone or sports practise We ask students not to return to the school grounds until after 5.00pm when all sports practises have ended. Siblings need to be supervised by an adult when sports practises are occurring as they are not the responsibility of the sports coaches. FACILITIES UPDATE Over the summer holidays the administration area of the resource centre was upgraded to create a separate administration and office area. We encourage families to drop in before or after school or on acquaintance night to have a look at the new area. K8 and the Community room had interior hallway windows added and the seating and shade area near the canteen was completed. excursions that each child attends. We anticipate this amount will cover the cost of most incursions or excursions for 2015. At regular intervals throughout the year we will include information in the newsletter about the events students have been involved in and the cost of each event. An invoice for this levy was posted to you last week. The payment of this levy in advance is optional. Families who do not pay the full levy in advance will need to pay for each incursion or excursion before students can participate. Please note this levy does not include swimming or aquatics or Year 7 graduation. 1*2*3 MAGIC & ENGAGING ADOLESCENTS ADVANCE NOTICE: Christina Sapio is a qualified trainer for the 123 Magic Parenting Program and the Engaging Adolescents Program. Later this term Stradbroke parents will be invited to register to participate in a series of 3 workshops. There will be a maximum of 10 places available in each program and the workshops will be held in the Community Room in Koonga Building. 123 Magic: Suitable for parents of children aged 4-10 years Thursday 19 February, 9.15-10.45am Thursday 26 February, 9.15-10.45am Thursday 5 March, 9.15-10.45am Engaging Adolescents: Suitable for parents of children aged 11+ Thursday 12 March, 9.15-10.45am Thursday 19 March, 9.15-10.45am Thursday 26 March, 9.15-10.45am Please phone Anona or Kathy in the front office ph 8337 2861 if you would like to register for these parenting courses. CAR PARKING/KOONGA AVE KISS & DROP ZONE The car parks provided on school grounds are for staff and official visitors only. This includes the drive way near Flexi building which must be clear at all times for the school bus and the special class taxi service. The Flexi driveway is not a parking zone or a drop off and collection area for families. DECD guidelines require us to minimise the movement of traffic on school grounds when children are moving around (between 8.30am-9am and 3.10pm-3.30pm). Koonga Ave Kiss & Drop Zone Traffic management around schools is complex as traffic is extremely busy for 20-30 minutes twice each day. We are fortunate to have a designated kiss and drop zone on Koonga Ave at the front of the school which can accommodate about 10 cars at any one time. The kiss and drop zone works if all drivers follow some simple guidelines. In 2014 the Student Executive raised funds to purchase an extreme weather outdoor clock for children to use during breaks and outdoor lessons. This clock is able to withstand high and low temperatures and has been installed on Forest Building. 1. The maximum waiting time in the zone is 2 minutes and drivers must stay in their cars at all times. 2. When driving into the kiss and drop zone please park as far forward as possible. When cars park at the entrance to the kiss and drop zone leaving the rest of the zone empty it causes risk as cars are trying to enter and exit in the same section of road. SCHOOL UNIFORM INCURSION/EXCURSION LEVY The incursion/excursion levy for 2014 is $75 per child. This levy funds the in-school productions, activities and year level Attached to this newsletter is the updated Dress Code and School Uniform Policy. This policy was endorsed by Governing Council in term 4 2014. A copy of the policy is Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 3 also available on the school website We have a uniform shop in Leabrook Building which is open each Wednesday and Friday morning from 8.30am-9.30am and Uniform Management Service also has a store at 1/6 Montrose Ave, Norwood which is open during business hours.. The major changes to our policy include: • Pale blue short and long sleeve polo tops are being discontinued. Students who already have pale blue polo tops can continue to wear them for the next two years. • Denim jeans/shorts are no longer included in the school uniform. Navy blue pants such as track pants, gabardine pants or drill pants are included in the school uniform. • Shoes/sandals and shoe laces need to be predominantly white, black or navy blue. Our policy requires your support to be implemented. Please help your children to adhere to the policy. Please ensure your child knows mobile phone etiquette and uses them safely and wisely. SCHOOL PHOTOS th School photos will be taken on Tuesday March 10 . There are a number of students who live between two households. If these families would like to have two order envelopes for the school photos can you please write a request and send it to Tanya Scanlan at the Front Office. More details about the school photo procedures will follow in a later issue of the school newsletter. Week 2 am pm Dalia Kadem, Michael Lombardi, Max Mercer William Bai, Nick Boiarski, Jacob Campbell. Week 3 am pm Emily Baldasso, Fotini Dimas Elouise Dunn. Eden Henderson, Tiana Parrella, Sohniya Rajan. WEATHER POLICY At Stradbroke we have a hot weather policy for days over 38°C. When the forecast maximum temperature is over 35°C daily fitness lessons will be before 10am. The temperature is checked on the Bureau of Meteorology website just before recess and lunch and if the temperature is 38°C or higher all children remain in their classrooms for the recess and lunch play breaks. STUDENT ABSENCE PHONE LINE A school phone line is used as a message bank for student absence phone calls. This phone line will take callers directly to a recorded message asking them to leave details including their child’s name, class and/or teacher, year level and the reason for their absence. The line will be available from 4pm – 10am daily. This will limit the frustration of finding the school lines engaged during the busy morning times as you will be able to call and leave a message at any time during the night or morning. This line is only for student absences, if you have an urgent message please call the front office number. Student Absence Phone Number: 8365 5621 NEWSLETTERS School newsletters are distributed fortnightly. This term school th th th th newsletters will be available on 29 Jan, 12 Feb, 26 Feb, 12 th th Mar, 26 Mar, 9 Apr. A paper copy is distributed to the oldest child in each family. In addition to this we have an email distribution list. To register for the email distribution list to receive electronic newsletters please send an email to In the email message please include your name and the names and classes of your children. Paper copies of newsletters will still be distributed. MOBILE PHONE POLICY Our school mobile phone policy states that if students need to bring a mobile phone to school the phone needs to be given to their class teacher or handed in to the Front Office as soon as they arrive at school. The school does not take responsibility for students’ mobile phones. Welcome to 2015! The new term 2015 menu will be sent home with this newsletter. It is also available on the school website if you haven’t received one please let me know and I will send a copy home to you. A list of ice blocks and counter sale items and their respective prices are also included in this newsletter. The only change to this terms menu is an increase in price for slushies, they are now $1.50. In our endeavour to keep the overall prices as low and affordable as possible we are pleased that this is the only price change. th PANCAKE DAY 2015 week 4 Monday 16 February until Friday th 20 February. This year we are going to trial selling pancakes, honey and ice cream $2.00 each all week at both recess and lunch. We hope our “pancake week” is popular. They will not need to be pre-ordered. It will be re-advertised in the next newsletter and as a flyer in the classroom. Any queries please pop into the canteen. Canteen volunteers: If you are available on Fridays or Tuesday this term, please let me know if you would like to volunteer in the canteen. The canteen will be open Wednesday afternoon 3.10 pm – 3.25 for Term 1 for the sale of slushies and ice blocks. Thank you Kate Majewski LEARNING THE FLUTE OR CLARINET Cristy Cox runs private group lessons for flute and clarinet after school. If you would like your child to learn the flute or clarinet with her this year please contact her as soon as possible on 0410 717 280 or SPEECH AND DRAMA Limited vacancies still exist in the lunchtime class on Wednesday, starting on February 4. Lois Brimblecombe 0419844798 / Excellence and Achievement in a Supportive School Environment 4 co m po nt 1 ne Introducing KidsMatter Primary Good mental health is vital for life. Children who are mentally healthy are better able to meet life’s challenges and have stronger relationships with the people around them. They are also better learners who are more likely to succeed at school. Good mental health in childhood provides a solid basis for managing changes as they grow. On the other hand, children who are exposed to multiple stressors – such as a family breakdown, poverty, abuse, racism, bulling, or the mental illness of a parent – are at a higher risk of developing emotional or behavioural problems that can continue into adulthood. It’s not always possible to tell which children will develop of all children. The good news is that KidsMatter Primary is all about growing healthy minds. KidsMatter is a mental health and wellbeing framework that helps schools focus on the development of all their students in partnership with families. It was developed by mental health and education experts and has already made a big difference to the lives of Australian children. Does KidsMatter Primary work? KidsMatter Primary works because it unites all the families, school staff and the wider community. KidsMatter Primary can help improve: • the mental health and wellbeing of students1 • the quality of their school work1 • the ability of parents, carers and teaching staff to help children deal with problems1 • NAPLAN results2 – when schools implement KidsMatter Primary well. KidsMatter Primary was developed in collaboration with beyondblue, the Australian Psychological Society, and the Principals Australia Institute, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and beyondblue. How does KidsMatter Primary work? When schools take on KidsMatter Primary, they build on the work they are already doing to support students’ mental health and wellbeing. Firstly, they form an Action Team to represent the whole-school community and to coordinate and lead the implementation of the initiative. The Action Team reviews the schools’ current efforts across four focus areas (or ‘components’). They look for ways they can strengthen these efforts, and then take action using a step-by-step planning process. Every school is different, with different needs for their students and families. The KidsMatter Primary framework covers four components that have shown to be highly successful in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children. 1 2 3 4 1 Positive school community How can families help? mental health and play a very important role in Positive and respectful relationships at school help children and families feel that they belong and that their contributions are valued. A positive school community also gives children a sense of security that their needs will be met. Research shows that when children and families feel connected to school, children are less people in their lives work together and have a shared understanding of their development and their needs. KidsMatter Primary has developed a range of information sheets with parenting tips and strategies to help all Australian families support the wellbeing of their children. View them online at likely to succeed academically. Social and emotional learning for students If your child’s school is participating in KidsMatter Primary, there are many things you can do to help make it a success: 2 • Read the KidsMatter Primary information sheets to further your understanding about children’s mental health. Learning how to manage feelings and get on with others is an important part of children’s development. It helps them become better learners and feel good about themselves. Teaching children social and emotional skills as part of the school curriculum gives them tools for coping with emotions, solving problems and learning more effectively. Working with parents and carers • Develop relationships with staff, so you can share knowledge and information about how they can support your child. • Get involved in the Action Team. • Ask staff how KidsMatter Primary is being implemented. • Participate in school activities to build a sense of community. 3 • Respond to any school requests for ideas or information. • Talk to other parents and carers about ways the school can support your needs. In order to promote children’s mental health and wellbeing, it makes sense for families and schools to work closely together. Schools can support parents and carers by providing useful parenting information and resources, and by connecting them with further assistance if required. Helping children with mental health difficulties • Let the school know what skills or talents you are happy to share. 4 families are able to access mental health intervention early. KidsMatter primary schools learn to respond by recognising and responding to concerns that may need following-up. They can provide information to families and develop links with health and community agencies in their local area. 1 Slee, P. T., Lawson, M. J., Russell, A., Askell-Williams, H., Dix, K. L., Owens, L., Skrzypiec, G. & Spears, B. (2009). KidsMatter Primary Evaluation Final Report. Adelaide SA: Centre for Analysis of Educational Futures, Flinders University of South Australia. 2 Dix, K.L., Slee, P.T., Lawson, M.J. & Keeves, J.P. (2011). Implementation quality of whole-school mental health promotion and students’ academic performance. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. This resource is part of a range of KidsMatter Primary information sheets for families and school staff. View them all online at Copyright: © Commonwealth of Australia 2012-13. This work is copyright. You may use this work in accordance with the terms of licence available at
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