Winter 2012-2013 Compiler Principles Lexical Analysis (Scanning) Mayer Goldberg and Roman Manevich Ben-Gurion University General stuff Topics taught by me Lexical analysis (scanning) Syntax analysis (parsing) … Dataflow analysis Register allocation Slides will be available from web-site after lecture Request: please mute mobiles, tablets, super-cool squeaking devices 2 Today Understand role of lexical analysis Lexical analysis theory Implementing modern scanner 3 Role of lexical analysis First part of compiler front-end High-level Language Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis Parsing AST Symbol Table etc. Inter. Rep. (IR) Code Generation Executable Code (scheme) Convert stream of characters into stream of tokens Split text into most basic meaningful strings Simplify input for syntax analysis 4 From scanning to parsing 5 + (7 * x) program text Lexical Analyzer token stream Grammar: E id E num EE+E EE*E E(E) num + ( num * id ) Parser valid syntax error + num Abstract Syntax Tree * num x 5 Javascript example Identify basic units in this code var currOption = 0; // Choose content to display in lower pane. function choose ( id ) { var menu = ["about-me", "publications", "teaching", "software", "activities"]; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { currOption = menu[i]; var elt = document.getElementById(currOption); if (currOption == id && == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } 6 Javascript example Identify basic units in this code var currOption = 0; // Choose content to display in lower pane. function choose ( id ) { var menu = ["about-me", "publications", "teaching", "software", "activities"]; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { currOption = menu[i]; var elt = document.getElementById(currOption); if (currOption == id && == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } 7 Javascript example Identify basic units in this code operator keyword whitespace numeric literal var currOption = 0; string literal // Choose content to display in lower pane. function choose ( id ) { var menu = ["about-me", "publications", "teaching", "software", "activities"]; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { identifier currOption = menu[i]; var elt = document.getElementById(currOption); if (currOption == id && == "none") { = "block"; } else { punctuation = "none"; } } } 8 Scanner output var currOption = 0; // Choose content to display in lower pane. function choose ( id ) { var menu = ["about-me", "publications“, "teaching", "software", "activities"]; for (i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { currOption = menu[i]; var elt = document.getElementById(currOption); if (currOption == id && == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } } Stream of Tokens LINE: ID(value) 1: VAR 1: ID(currOption) 1: EQ 1: INT_LITERAL(0) 1: SEMI 3: FUNCTION 3: ID(choose) 3: LP 3: ID(id) 3: EP 3: LCB ... 9 What is a token? Lexeme – substring of original text constituting an identifiable unit Record type storing: Identifiers, Values, reserved words, … Kind Value (when applicable) Start-position/end-position Any information that is useful for the parser Different for different languages 10 C++ example 1 Splitting text into tokens can be tricky How should the code below be split? vector<vector<int>> myVector >> operator or >, > two tokens ? 11 C++ example 2 Splitting text into tokens can be tricky How should the code below be split? vector<vector<int> > myVector >, > two tokens 12 Example tokens Type Examples Identifier x, y, z, foo, bar NUM 42 FLOATNUM -3.141592654 STRING “so long, and thanks for all the fish” LPAREN ( RPAREN ) IF if … 13 Separating tokens Type Examples Comments /* ignore code */ // ignore until end of line White spaces \t \n Lexemes are recognized but get consumed rather than transmitted to parser if if i/*comment*/f 14 Preprocessor directives in C Type Examples Inlude directives #include<foo.h> Macros #define THE_ANSWER 42 15 Designing a scanner Define each type of lexeme Reserved words: var, if, for, while Operators: < = ++ Identifiers: myFunction Literals: 123 “hello” Annotations: @SuppressWarnings But how do we define lexemes of unbounded length? 16 Designing a scanner Define each type of lexeme Reserved words: var, if, for, while Operators: < = ++ Identifiers: myFunction Literals: 123 “hello” Annotations: @SuppressWarnings But how do we define lexemes of unbounded length? Regular expressions 17 Regular languages refresher Formal languages Alphabet = finite set of letters Word = sequence of letter Language = set of words Regular languages defined equivalently by Regular expressions Finite-state automata 18 Regular expressions Empty string: Є Letter: a Concatenation: R1 R2 Union: R1 | R2 Kleene-star: R* Shorthand: R+ stands for R R* scope: (R) Example: (0* 1*) | (1* 0*) What is this language? 19 Exercise 1 - Question Language of Java identifiers Identifiers start with either an underscore ‘_’ or a letter Continue with either underscore, letter, or digit 20 Exercise 1 - Answer Language of Java identifiers Identifiers start with either an underscore ‘_’ or a letter Continue with either underscore, letter, or digit (_|a|b|…|z|A|…|Z)(_|a|b|…|z|A|…|Z|0|…|9)* Using shorthand macros First = _|a|b|…|z|A|…|Z Next = First|0|…|9 R = First Next* 21 Exercise 2 - Question Language of rational numbers in decimal representation (no leading, ending zeros) 0 123.757 .933333 Not 007 Not 0.30 22 Exercise 2 - Answer Language of rational numbers in decimal representation (no leading, ending zeros) Digit = 1|2|…|9 Digit0 = 0|Digit Num = Digit Digit0* Frac = Digit0* Digit Pos = Num | .Frac | 0.Frac| Num.Frac PosOrNeg = (Є|-)Pos R = 0 | PosOrNeg 23 Exercise 3 - Question Equal number of opening and closing parenthesis: [n]n = [], [[]], [[[]]], … 24 Exercise 3 - Answer Equal number of opening and closing parenthesis: [n]n = [], [[]], [[[]]], … Not regular Context-free Grammar: S ::= [] | [S] 25 Finite automata An automaton is defined by states and transitions transition accepting state b c a start b start state 26 Automaton running example Words are read left-to-right a b c b c a start b 27 Automaton running example Words are read left-to-right a b c b c a start b 28 Automaton running example Words are read left-to-right a b c b c a start b 29 Automaton running example Words are read left-to-right a b c word accepted b c a start b 30 Word outside of language b b c b c a start b 31 Word outside of language Missing transition means non-acceptance b b c b c a start b 32 Exercise - Question What is the language defined by the automaton below? b c a start b 33 Exercise - Answer What is the language defined by the automaton below? a b* c Generally: all paths leading to accepting states b c a start b 34 Non-deterministic automata Allow multiple transitions from given state labeled by same letter b c a start a c b 35 NFA run example a b c b c a start a c b 36 NFA run example Maintain set of states a b c b c a start a c b 37 NFA run example a b c b c a start a c b 38 NFA run example Accept word if any of the states in the set is accepting a b c b c a start a c b 39 NFA+Є automata Є transitions can “fire” without reading the input b start a c Є 40 NFA+Є run example a b c b start a c Є 41 NFA+Є run example Now Є transition can non-deterministically take place a b c b start a c Є 42 NFA+Є run example a b c b start a c Є 43 NFA+Є run example a b c b start a c Є 44 NFA+Є run example a b c b start a c Є 45 NFA+Є run example Word accepted a b c b start a c Є 46 Reg-exp vs. automata Regular expressions are declarative Offer compact way to define a regular language by humans Don’t offer direct way to check whether a given word is in the language Automata are operative Define an algorithm for deciding whether a given word is in a regular language Not a natural notation for humans 47 From reg. exp. to automata Theorem: there is an algorithm to build an NFA+Є automaton for any regular expression Proof: by induction on the structure of the regular expression For each sub-expression R we build an automaton with exactly one start state and one accepting state Start state has no incoming transitions Accepting state has no outgoing transitions 48 From reg. exp. to automata Theorem: there is an algorithm to build an NFA+Є automaton for any regular expression Proof: by induction on the structure of the regular expression start 49 Base cases R= start R=a start a 50 Construction for R1 | R2 R1 start R2 51 Construction for R1 R2 R1 start R2 52 Construction for R* R start 53 From NFA+Є to DFA Construction requires O(n) states for a regexp of length n Running an NFA+Є with n states on string of length m takes O(m·n2) time Solution: determinization via subset construction Number of states worst-case exponential in n Running time O(m) 54 Subset construction For an NFA+Є with states M={s1,…,sk} Construct a DFA with one state per set of states of the corresponding NFA M’={ [], [s1], [s1,s2], [s2,s3], [s1,s2,s3], …} Simulate transitions between individual states for every letter NFA+Є s1 a s2 s4 a s7 DFA [s1,s4] a [s2,s7] 55 Subset construction For an NFA+Є with states M={s1,…,sk} Construct a DFA with one state per set of states of the corresponding NFA M’={ [], [s1], [s1,s2], [s2,s3], [s1,s2,s3], …} Extend macro states by states reachable via Є transitions NFA+Є s1 Є s4 DFA [s1,s2] [s1,s2,s4] 56 Scanning challenges Regular expressions allow us to define the language of all sequences of tokens Automata theory provides an algorithm for checking membership of words But we are interested in splitting the text not just deciding on membership How do we determine lexemes? How do we handle ambiguities – lexemes matching more than one token? 57 Separating lexemes ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* ONE =1 Input: abb1 How do we identify ID(abb), ONE? 58 Separating lexemes ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* ONE =1 Input: abb1 How do we identify ID(abb), ONE? a-z start ID a-z 1 ONE 59 Maximal munch ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* ONE =1 Input: abb1 How do we identify ID(abb), ONE? Solution: find longest matching lexeme Keep reading text until automaton leaves accepting state Return token corresponding to accepting state Reset – go back to start state and continue reading input from there 60 Handling ambiguities ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* IF = if Input: if Matches both tokens What should the scanner output? a-z start a-z ID NFA i f IF 61 Handling ambiguities ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* IF = if Input: if Matches both tokens What should the scanner output? a-z a-z\i start i ID a-z a-z\f ID f DFA IF ID 62 Handling ambiguities ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* IF = if Input: if Matches both tokens What should the scanner output? Solution: break tie using order of definitions a-z\i ID Output: ID(if) start i a-z a-z a-z\f ID f IF ID 63 Handling ambiguities IF = if ID = (a+b+…+z) (a+b+…+z)* Input: if Conclusion: list keyword token definitions before identifier definition Matches both tokens What should the scanner output? Solution: break tie using order of a-z definitions a-z\i ID Output: IF a-z start i a-z\f ID f IF ID 64 Implementing scanners in practice 65 Implementing scanners Manual construction of automata + determinization is Very tedious Error-prone Non-incremental Fortunately there are tools that automatically generate code from a specification for most languages C: Lex, Flex Java: JLex, JFlex 66 Using JFlex Define tokens (and states) Run Jflex to generate Java implementation Usually MyScanner.nextToken() will be called in a loop by parser Stream of characters MyScanner.lex Regular Expressions JFlex Tokens 67 Common format for reg-exps Basic Patterns Matching x The character x . Any character, usually except a new line [xyz] Any of the characters x,y,z Repetition Operators R? An R or nothing (=optionally an R) R* Zero or more occurrences of R R+ One or more occurrences of R Composition Operators R1R2 An R1 followed by R2 R1|R2 Either an R1 or R2 Grouping (R) R itself 68 Escape characters What is the expression for one or more + symbols? (+)+ won’t work (\+)+ will backslash \ before an operator turns it to standard character \*, \?, \+, … Newline: \n or \r\n depending on OS Tab: \t 69 Shorthands Use names for expressions letter = a | b | … | z | A | B | … | Z letter_ = letter | _ digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | … | 9 id = letter_ (letter_ | digit)* Use hyphen to denote a range letter = a-z | A-Z digit = 0-9 70 Catching errors What if input doesn’t match any token definition? Trick: Add a “catch-all” rule that matches any character and reports an error Add after all other rules 71 Next lecture: parsing 72
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