MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE In Service Since 1948 A program of Southern Maine Community College located at the Midcoast Campus 19 Sewall Street Brunswick ME 04011 207-844-2070 NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY SPRING COURSE SCHEDULE REGISTRATION MATERIALS PROVIDE AT THE END OF THIS PUBLICATION REGISTRATION MATERIALS FIRE INSTRUCTOR I & II DEADLINE TO REGISTER FEBRUARY 4, 2015 SMCC Registration Card Check/PO $150 Fee FEMA Training Identification Number NFA – General Application Short Form MANDATORY ORIENTATION – MARCH 4, 2014 Class Schedule: Wednesday evening 1800-2100 and 1 Saturday for presentations TBD. Class Location: SMCC Midcoast Campus, Brunswick Me NFA DIRECT DELIVERY WEEKEND- MARCH 14 & 15, 2015 Incident Safety Officer Training Operations in Small Departments DEADLINE TO REGISTER JANUARY 15, 2015 FEMA Training Identification Number NFA - General Application Short Form SMCC Registration Card- No Fee NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY REGISTRATION FORMS AND INFORMATION BOOKLET DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION MATERIALS FROM OUR WEBSITE : WWW.MAINEFSI.ORG /NFA COURSES Pg 1 This page left blank for printing purposes For Fire Instructor I & II select pages 3 to 7 for printing For NFA Weekend at Brunswick Maine select pages 9 to 14 for printing NFA ENDORSED FIRE SERVICE INSTRUCTOR I & II SPRING COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT REGISTRATION DEADLINE - PLEASE RESPOND BY FEBRUARY 4, 2015 MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE SMCC MIDCOAST CAMPUS, BRUNSWICK LANDING Course Description: This 60 + - hour course is designed to meet or exceed Fire Instructor I & II as identified by the National Professional Qualifications Standards. Class time is spent on instructor roles, audience analysis, communication skills, the writing of objectives, simulations and evaluation methods. Each student is required to prepare and deliver both a 10-minute and a 20-minute classroom presentation. Each student will be provided Jones & Bartlett texts and workbooks. This course requires the use of a laptop or computer and access to the internet. Some assignments to be completed online. Recognition /Credit: All students who successfully complete the course of training will receive a certificate of completion as meeting the NFPA 1041 standard for Fire Service Instructor I & II Professional Qualifications. A minimum of 3 credit hours will be available to apply to the SMCC Fire Science Technology Degree program per level awarded. Maine EMS CEH’s may be available along with recognition as an EMS instructor. Check with your regional EMS director for information. Preferred Prerequisites: NFPA Fire Fighter I and II and 3 years of Fire Service Experience. Only those course participants who meet NFPA Fire Fighter I and II and 3 years of fire service experience prerequisites will be eligible to participate in the certification written examination at the end of the course. Copies of your certification will be required before entry into the certification written exam(s). This program, once completed, will provide the student with Fire Instructor I & II certification upon the successful completion of the written certification exam(s). Students are required to attend all class dates scheduled. This course is a very interactive program requiring student presentations. Students are required to speak in front of the class and will be required to present a lesson to their peers in a 10 minute and then a 20 minute format from a prepared lesson plan. There are weekly quizzes with a final examination administered by the MFSI Certification Program Manager. Course Schedule: Orientation March 4th, 2015. Wednesday evenings 1800 2100 with 1 Saturday session 0800 - 1600 (Date TBD at Orientation) Contact Hours: 60 + /- student hours. Class Size: Minimum 10 students / Maximum 20 students. (First come first served) Registration fee: $150.00; the registration fee includes a copy of the Jones & Bartlett textbook, and the J&B Workbook. The J&B Exam Prep Book will be provided on a loan basis to students on request. All checks should be made payable to: SMCC / MFSI. The SMCC refund policy applies to this course. A $100.00 non-refundable amount is assessed after attending the Student Orientation. FMI: Contact James Graves, Deputy Director MFSI 207-844-2078 FIRE SERVICE INSTRUCTOR I & II 2015 MANDATORY ORIENTATION MARCH 4, 2015 COURSE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 1800-2100 1 SATURDAY {TBD} 0800-1600 DEADLINE TO REGISTER 2/4/2015 REGISTER NOW! FILL OUT REGISTRATION MATERIALS INCLUDED. COST: $150 includes books MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE SMCC MIDCOAST CAMPUS 19 SEWALL STREET BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 Phone: 207-844-2070 Fax: 207-725-9079 E-mail: MFSI Instructors: James Millson and Mark Stevens, Jr. DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS FEBRUARY 4, 2015 CLASS LOCATION: MFSI, 19 Sewall Street, Brunswick in the Academic Bldg #150 Be sure to fill out the SMCC Registration Form. It is very important to register for your SID number for the FEMA General Application Forms for each class. Get Instructions here: These courses are subsidized by the NFA State Fire Training Grant Fund and the operating funds provided through the Fire Investigation and Prevention Tax. (FIPT) NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR FY 2015 NFA ENDORSED COURSES For FY-2015 NFA on-campus and off-campus courses, you must register for a Student Identification Number (SID) that will be used in place of the SSN. This number can be obtained through the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Training Administration System (CTAS). Applications for FY-2015 NFA courses that do not include a SID will not be processed. How do I obtain my FEMA Training Identification Number (FTIN)/CDP Student Identification (SID) number? Step 1: To register, go to Step 2: Click on the “Create Account” button on the left side of the screen. Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account. What do I do with this new FTIN/CDP SID number I’ve been assigned? The CDP SID number should be used in place of the SSN on your General Admissions Application (FEMA Form 119-25-1) and the General Admissions Application Short Form (FEMA Form 119-25-2). This number should be used when applying for any FEMA training unless the SSN is required. FEMA forms are being revised to eliminate the need for the SSN and include a field for the training registration number. Why is it important to register in the CTAS? Any applications for FY 2015 NFA or EMI courses that do not include the training registration number will not be processed until FTIN/CDP SID is provided. Application/ Registrations: A copy of the completed NFA application and course registration are to be completed by the Student. Incomplete registrations will not be processed. Both of the forms included must be provided to MFSI no later than February 4, 2015. Spots will be reserved as applications are received. Space is limited to 20. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY THERE IS A MATERIALS COST TO ATTEND THESE COURSES. PLEASE REFER TO THE REQUIRED PREREQUISITES BEFORE REGISTERING. YOU MUST HAVE AS A MINIMUM NFPA FIREFIGHTER I & II AND 3 YEARS OF FIRE SERVICE EXPERIENCE TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CERTIFICATION WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS AT THE END OF THE COURSE. These courses are subsidized by the NFA State Fire Training Grant Fund and the operating funds provided through the Fire Investigation and Prevention Tax. (FIPT) Go to GET SID National Fire Academy Short Form Application 119.25.2 (Complete with SID and signature) MFSI/SMCC registration form. Yes, we will confirm it via email. Please print legibly. Mail forms to: MFSI Attn: Anne Heinig 19 Sewall St. Brunswick ME 04011. DO IT TODAY! DEADLINE IS February 4, 2015. REGISTER NOW! Check your email for receipt of your registration materials. Mark your Calendars! DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY See Reverse for Privacy Act Statement FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY GENERAL ADMISSIONS APPLICATION SHORT FORM O.M.B. No. 1660-0100 Expires August 31, 2013 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION 2. GENDER 1. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo, Day, Yr.) FEMALE 4. RACE (Please check all that apply) 1. AMERICAN INDIAN or ALASKAN NATIVE 4. WHITE 5. 3. U.S. CITIZEN MALE 2. YES ASIAN NO 3. PERMANENT RESIDENT If No, City and Country of Birth: 4a. Ethnicity BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN HISPANIC or LATINO NATIVE HAWAIIAN or PACIFIC ISLANDER NOT HISPANIC or LATINO 5. PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME (Last, First, Middle, Suffix) 6. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION (SID) NUMBER 7. HOME MAILING ADDRESS (Street, avenue, road no., P.O. box/city or town, and zip code) 8. WORK PHONE NO. ( ) 9. HOME PHONE NO. ( ) 10. FAX NO. ( ) 11. E-MAIL ADDRESS 12a. Enter Course Code and Title 12b. COURSE LOCATION Y101 & Y102 FIRE SERVICE INSTRUCTOR I & II 12c. DATE 03/04/2015 MAR - JUNE 2015 BRUNSWICK 13. DO YOU HAVE ANY DISABILITIES (Including special allergies or medical disabilities) WHICH WOULD REQUIRE SPECIAL CONSIDERATION DURING YOUR ATTENDANCE IN TRAINING? (If yes, indicate & describe any special considerations required on a separate sheet) NO YES SECTION II - EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 14b. NFIRS # (NFA ONLY) 14a. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION BEING REPRESENTED 16. CHECK THE BOX(ES) BELOW THAT BEST DESCRIBE YOUR ORGANIZATION 16a. JURISDICTION .1. STATEWIDE 15. CURRENT POSITION AND NUMBER OF YEARS IN POSITION 16b. ORGANIZATION 4. SPECIAL DISTRICT/TOWNSHIP 7. FOREIGN 1. ALL CAREER 2. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 5. FEDERAL/MILITARY (non-DHS) 8. DHS/FEMA 2. ALL VOLUNTEER 3. CITY/TOWN/VILLAGE 6. INDUSTRY/BUSINESS 9. TRIBAL NATION 3. COMBINATION 16c. CURRENT STATUS 1. PAID FULL TIME 2. PAID PART TIME 3. VOLUNTEER 4. DISASTER RESERVIST SECTION III - ENDORSEMENT AND CERTIFICATION 17a. I certify that the information recorded on this application is correct. Falsification of information will result in denial of a course certificate and stipend (U.S.C. 1001). 17b. I hereby authorize the release of any and all information concerning my enrollment in this course to the chief officer in charge, or designee, of my organization. All requests for information shall be in writing from said chief officer or designee. 17c. Further, I understand that the National Emergency Training Center (NETC), the Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center (MWEOC), and the Noble Training Facility (NTF) are not authorized to provide medical or health insurance for students. I maintain appropriate insurance on an individual basis. 17d. I agree to abide by the rules, policies, and regulations of NETC, MWEOC and NTF. Failure to do so will result in denial of the student stipend, expulsion from the course, and possible barring from future National Fire Academy (NFA) and Emergency Management Institute (EMI) courses. 18a. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 18b. DATE SIGN HERE 19. APPROVAL BY THE HEAD OF THE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION (NOT REQUIRED FOR SELF STUDY PROGRAMS) By signing this application, I certify that my organization does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religious belief, national origin, economic status, or disability in providing educational opportunities for its employees. 19a. SIGNATURE 19b. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE 19c. DATE MFSI DIRECTOR BILL GUINDON 20. ADDITIONAL ENDORSEMENTS FOR APPLICATION TO THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (NOT REQUIRED FOR SELF STUDY PROGRAMS) 20a. SIGNATURE AND DATE (State Office) 20b. SIGNATURE AND DATE (FEMA Regional Office) 21. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE SPONSOR FEMA Form 119-25-2, (2/12) PREVIOUS EDITION FF75-5A OBSOLETE 22a. DISPOSITION ACCEPTED 20b. SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER 22c. DATE REJECTED EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT NFA and EMI are Equal Opportunity institutions. They do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religious belief, national origin, or disability in their admissions and student-related procedures. Both schools make every effort to ensure equitable representation of minorities and women in their student bodies. Qualified minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply for all courses. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT GENERAL - This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), Title 5 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 552a, for individuals applying for admission to NFA Or EMI. AUTHORITY - Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, as amended, Title 15 U.S.C., Sections 2201 et. seq.; Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, Title 42 U.S.C., Sections 5121, et. seq.; Title 44 U.S.C. Section 3101; Executive Orders 12127, 12148, and 9397; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. PURPOSES: To determine eligibility for participation in NFA and EMI courses. Information such as age, gender, and ancestral heritage are used for statistical purposes only. USES: Information may be released to: 1) FEMA staff to analyze application and enrollment patterns for specific courses, and to respond to student inquiries; 2) a physician to provide medical assistance to students who become ill or are injured during courses; 3) Members of the Board of Visitors for the purpose of evaluating programmatic statistics; 4) sponsoring states, local officials, or state agencies to update/evaluate statistics of NFA and EMI participants; 5) Members of Congress seeking first party information; and 6) Agency training program contractors and computer centers performing administrative functions. EFFECTS OF NONDISCLOSURE - Personal information is provided on a voluntary basis. Failure to provide information on this form, however, may result in a delay in processing your application and/or certifying completion of the course. PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 6 minutes per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency,500 C Street, SW,Washington,DC,20472, and Paperwork Reduction Project (1670-0100). NOTE: Do not send your completed form to the above address. Registration Form MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE SMCC ID # TODAY’S DATE LAST NAME FIRST BIRTH/OTHER NAME E-MAIL CELL PHONE: HOME PHONE: MIDDLE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE COUNTY SOCIAL SECURITY # GENDER* FEMALE MALE ETHNIC GROUP* (CHOOSE ONE) RACE* ZIP BIRTH DATE* HISPANIC/LATINO NOT HISPANIC/LATINO AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER (CHOOSE ALL ASIAN WHITE THAT APPLY) *OPTIONAL – THIS INFORMATION IS USED FOR REPORTING PURPOSES ONLY YOUR REASON FOR ENROLLING DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE PERSONAL ENRICHMENT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER COLLEGE SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT OTHER I HAVE BEEN A RESIDENT OF MAINE SINCE ARE YOU A U. S. CITIZEN? YES / MONTH/YEAR NO (PROOF OF MAINE/US RESIDENCY REQUIRED FOR IN-STATE TUITION) DO YOU HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED? REGISTRATION YEAR TERM: COURSE CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE SECTION MFSI 857 01 (FOR NON-EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES) FALL YES NO SPRING COURSE TITLE {FILL IN LOCATION OF CLASS} SUMMER CREDITS A AUDIT OFFICIAL R REPEAT USE Fire Service Instructor I & II YOUR SIGNATURE INDICATES YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONDITIONS STATED ON THE BACK OF THIS FORM. STUDENT SIGNATURE: Terms & Conditions Any change in your *credit load may affect your academic standing (program/graduation requirements) as well as your eligibility for financial aid and/or veterans’ educational benefits. Some MFSI courses provide academic credit towards the Fire Science Associate Degree Program. For more information, please contact MFSI at 741-5555. If you have a disabling condition and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable access to our programs and services, you must register with the ADA Services Coordinator, Mark Krogman, at 207-741-5629; Maine Relay Service 1-800457-1220. You are responsible for the financial obligation related to your registered courses. There is a $125.00 fee for this course. SMCC students who have NOT paid their tuition and fees in full (or enrolled in the College payment plan) by the due date for the current term risk having their registration canceled. NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY DIRECT TO MAINE FIRE SERVICE SPRING COURSES MARCH 14 & 15, 2015 REGISTRATION DEADLINE - PLEASE RESPOND BY JANUARY 15, 2015 Incident Safety Officer (Revised) (F0729) This 2-day course examines the Safety Officer's role at emergency responses. A specific focus on operations within an Incident Command System (ICS) as a Safety Officer is a main theme. Response to all-hazards types of situations will be emphasized. Selection Criteria: Individuals who have a Safety Officer responsibility at emergency operation situations. Persons attending this course should have a working knowledge of the ICS, as taught by NFA, building construction principles, hazardous materials management, applicable NFPA guidelines, and Federal regulations. Training Operations in Small Departments (F0290) This 2-day course is designed to provide students with some basic tools and skills to coordinate training in a small fire/EMS organization. A training function in a smaller department typically may include conducting training drills and coordinating training with a nearby larger city or State training function. Course content includes: Leadership issues in fire service training, such as why and how the local training officer must be a catalyst for change, and personal motivators within the department. Identifying the legal issues affecting the training function, including an understanding of a standard of care, and the impact of OSHA and NFPA standards. Safety considerations in training. Marketing training internally. Identifying ways to justify training needs. Resolving training conflicts using appropriate conflict resolution techniques Selecting and evaluating training curriculum and materials from outside sources. Effective delivery and evaluation of training. Selection Criteria: Fire and rescue personnel who coordinate training in small departments.* Volunteer firefighters and officers who instruct in small fire and rescue departments.* Fire personnel serving on training committees.* Training officers in volunteer fire departments. NOTE: Students who have taken NFA's Challenges for Local Training Officers through the Volunteer Incentive Program are not encouraged to take NFA's Training Operations in Small Departments. NFA 2015 A strong partnership exists between NFA and state and local fire training systems to advance the professional development of fire service personnel. This partnership has resulted in the ongoing development and delivery of the Academy's distance delivery curriculum. DEADLINE TO REGISTER JANUARY 15, 2015 REGISTER NOW! FILL OUT REGISTRATION MATERIALS INCLUDED. NO FEE - LUNCH INCLUDED MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE SMCC MIDCOAST CAMPUS 19 SEWALL STREET BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 Phone: 207-844-2070 Fax: 207-725-9079 E-mail: These courses are subsidized by the NFA State Fire Training Grant Fund and the operating funds provided through the Fire Investigation and Prevention Tax. (FIPT) NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR FY 2015 NFA ENDORSED COURSES For FY-2015 NFA on-campus and off-campus courses, you must register for a Student Identification Number (SID) that will be used in place of the SSN. This number can be obtained through the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Training Administration System (CTAS). Applications for FY-2015 NFA courses that do not include a SID will not be processed. How do I obtain my FEMA Training Identification Number (FTIN)/CDP Student Identification (SID) number? Step 1: To register, go to Step 2: Click on the “Create Account” button on the left side of the screen. Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account. What do I do with this new FTIN/CDP SID number I’ve been assigned? The CDP SID number should be used in place of the SSN on your General Admissions Application (FEMA Form 119-25-1) and the General Admissions Application Short Form (FEMA Form 119-25-2). This number should be used when applying for any FEMA training unless the SSN is required. FEMA forms are being revised to eliminate the need for the SSN and include a field for the training registration number. Why is it important to register in the CTAS? Any applications for FY 2015 NFA or EMI courses that do not include the training registration number will not be processed until FTIN/CDP SID is provided. Application/ Registrations: A copy of the completed NFA application and course registration are to be completed by the Student. Incomplete registrations will not be processed. Both of the forms included must be provided to MFSI no later than JANUARY 15, 2015. Spots will be reserved as applications are received. NFA REQUIRES 60 DAY ADVANCE SUBMISSION OF THE ROSTER – WAITING TO REGISTER MAY CAUSE THE COURSE TO BE CANCELLED IF WE DO NOT MEET THE MINIMUM. THERE IS NO COST TO ATTEND THESE COURSES. LODGING IS ON YOUR OWN. BREAKS AND A LUNCH MEAL IS PROVIDED. These courses are subsidized by the NFA State Fire Training Grant Fund and the operating funds provided through the Fire Investigation and Prevention Tax. (FIPT) Go to GET SID National Fire Academy Short Form Application 119.25.2 (Complete with SID and signature) MFSI/SMCC registration form. Yes, we will confirm it via email. Please print legibly. Mail forms to: MFSI 19 Sewall St. Brunswick ME 04011 Attn: Anne Heinig DO IT TODAY! DEADLINE IS JANUARY 15, 2015. REGISTER NOW! Check your email for receipt of your registration materials. Mark your Calendars! DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY See Reverse for Privacy Act Statement FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY GENERAL ADMISSIONS APPLICATION SHORT FORM O.M.B. No. 1660-0100 Expires August 31, 2013 SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION 2. GENDER 1. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo, Day, Yr.) FEMALE 4. RACE (Please check all that apply) 1. AMERICAN INDIAN or ALASKAN NATIVE 4. WHITE 5. 3. U.S. CITIZEN MALE 2. YES ASIAN NO 3. PERMANENT RESIDENT If No, City and Country of Birth: 4a. Ethnicity BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN HISPANIC or LATINO NATIVE HAWAIIAN or PACIFIC ISLANDER NOT HISPANIC or LATINO 5. PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME (Last, First, Middle, Suffix) 6. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION (SID) NUMBER 7. HOME MAILING ADDRESS (Street, avenue, road no., P.O. box/city or town, and zip code) 8. WORK PHONE NO. ( ) 9. HOME PHONE NO. ( ) 10. FAX NO. ( ) 11. E-MAIL ADDRESS 12a. Enter Course Code and Title 12b. COURSE LOCATION 12c. DATE MAR 14 & 15, 2015 BRUNSWICK ME 13. DO YOU HAVE ANY DISABILITIES (Including special allergies or medical disabilities) WHICH WOULD REQUIRE SPECIAL CONSIDERATION DURING YOUR ATTENDANCE IN TRAINING? (If yes, indicate & describe any special considerations required on a separate sheet) NO YES SECTION II - EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 14b. NFIRS # (NFA ONLY) 14a. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION BEING REPRESENTED 16. CHECK THE BOX(ES) BELOW THAT BEST DESCRIBE YOUR ORGANIZATION 16a. JURISDICTION .1. STATEWIDE 15. CURRENT POSITION AND NUMBER OF YEARS IN POSITION 16b. ORGANIZATION 4. SPECIAL DISTRICT/TOWNSHIP 7. FOREIGN 1. ALL CAREER 2. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 5. FEDERAL/MILITARY (non-DHS) 8. DHS/FEMA 2. ALL VOLUNTEER 3. CITY/TOWN/VILLAGE 6. INDUSTRY/BUSINESS 9. TRIBAL NATION 3. COMBINATION 16c. CURRENT STATUS 1. PAID FULL TIME 2. PAID PART TIME 3. VOLUNTEER 4. DISASTER RESERVIST SECTION III - ENDORSEMENT AND CERTIFICATION 17a. I certify that the information recorded on this application is correct. Falsification of information will result in denial of a course certificate and stipend (U.S.C. 1001). 17b. I hereby authorize the release of any and all information concerning my enrollment in this course to the chief officer in charge, or designee, of my organization. All requests for information shall be in writing from said chief officer or designee. 17c. Further, I understand that the National Emergency Training Center (NETC), the Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center (MWEOC), and the Noble Training Facility (NTF) are not authorized to provide medical or health insurance for students. I maintain appropriate insurance on an individual basis. 17d. I agree to abide by the rules, policies, and regulations of NETC, MWEOC and NTF. Failure to do so will result in denial of the student stipend, expulsion from the course, and possible barring from future National Fire Academy (NFA) and Emergency Management Institute (EMI) courses. 18a. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 18b. DATE SIGN HERE 19. APPROVAL BY THE HEAD OF THE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION (NOT REQUIRED FOR SELF STUDY PROGRAMS) By signing this application, I certify that my organization does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religious belief, national origin, economic status, or disability in providing educational opportunities for its employees. 19a. SIGNATURE 19b. PRINTED NAME AND TITLE 19c. DATE MFSI DIRECTOR BILL GUINDON 20. ADDITIONAL ENDORSEMENTS FOR APPLICATION TO THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (NOT REQUIRED FOR SELF STUDY PROGRAMS) 20a. SIGNATURE AND DATE (State Office) 20b. SIGNATURE AND DATE (FEMA Regional Office) 21. SUBMIT APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE SPONSOR FEMA Form 119-25-2, (2/12) PREVIOUS EDITION FF75-5A OBSOLETE 22a. DISPOSITION ACCEPTED 20b. SIGNATURE OF REVIEWER 22c. DATE REJECTED EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT NFA and EMI are Equal Opportunity institutions. They do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religious belief, national origin, or disability in their admissions and student-related procedures. Both schools make every effort to ensure equitable representation of minorities and women in their student bodies. Qualified minority and women candidates are encouraged to apply for all courses. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT GENERAL - This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), Title 5 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 552a, for individuals applying for admission to NFA Or EMI. AUTHORITY - Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, as amended, Title 15 U.S.C., Sections 2201 et. seq.; Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, Title 42 U.S.C., Sections 5121, et. seq.; Title 44 U.S.C. Section 3101; Executive Orders 12127, 12148, and 9397; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. PURPOSES: To determine eligibility for participation in NFA and EMI courses. Information such as age, gender, and ancestral heritage are used for statistical purposes only. USES: Information may be released to: 1) FEMA staff to analyze application and enrollment patterns for specific courses, and to respond to student inquiries; 2) a physician to provide medical assistance to students who become ill or are injured during courses; 3) Members of the Board of Visitors for the purpose of evaluating programmatic statistics; 4) sponsoring states, local officials, or state agencies to update/evaluate statistics of NFA and EMI participants; 5) Members of Congress seeking first party information; and 6) Agency training program contractors and computer centers performing administrative functions. EFFECTS OF NONDISCLOSURE - Personal information is provided on a voluntary basis. Failure to provide information on this form, however, may result in a delay in processing your application and/or certifying completion of the course. PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 6 minutes per response. The burden estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency,500 C Street, SW,Washington,DC,20472, and Paperwork Reduction Project (1670-0100). NOTE: Do not send your completed form to the above address. Registration Form MAINE FIRE SERVICE INSTITUTE SMCC ID # TODAY’S DATE LAST NAME FIRST BIRTH/OTHER NAME E-MAIL CELL PHONE: HOME PHONE: MIDDLE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE COUNTY SOCIAL SECURITY # GENDER* FEMALE MALE ETHNIC GROUP* (CHOOSE ONE) RACE* ZIP BIRTH DATE* HISPANIC/LATINO NOT HISPANIC/LATINO AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER (CHOOSE ALL ASIAN WHITE THAT APPLY) *OPTIONAL – THIS INFORMATION IS USED FOR REPORTING PURPOSES ONLY YOUR REASON FOR ENROLLING DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE PERSONAL ENRICHMENT TRANSFER TO ANOTHER COLLEGE SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT OTHER I HAVE BEEN A RESIDENT OF MAINE SINCE ARE YOU A U. S. CITIZEN? YES / MONTH/YEAR NO (PROOF OF MAINE/US RESIDENCY REQUIRED FOR IN-STATE TUITION) DO YOU HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED? REGISTRATION YEAR (FOR NON-EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES) TERM: FALL YES NO SPRING COURSE CODE COURSE NUMBER COURSE SECTION MFSI NFA 01 INCIDENT SAFETY OFFICER {FO729} MFSI NFA 02 TRAINING OPERATIONS IN SMALL DEPTS {FO290} COURSE TITLE {FILL IN LOCATION OF CLASS} SUMMER CREDITS A AUDIT OFFICIAL R REPEAT USE YOUR SIGNATURE INDICATES YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONDITIONS STATED ON THE BACK OF THIS FORM. STUDENT SIGNATURE: Terms & Conditions Any change in your *credit load may affect your academic standing (program/graduation requirements) as well as your eligibility for financial aid and/or veterans’ educational benefits. Some MFSI courses provide academic credit towards the Fire Science Associate Degree Program. For more information, please contact MFSI at 741-5555. If you have a disabling condition and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable access to our programs and services, you must register with the ADA Services Coordinator, Mark Krogman, at 207-741-5629; Maine Relay Service 1-800457-1220. You are responsible for the financial obligation related to your registered courses. There is a $125.00 fee for this course. SMCC students who have NOT paid their tuition and fees in full (or enrolled in the College payment plan) by the due date for the current term risk having their registration canceled.
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