THE BIG PICTURE - THE FUTURE OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN DENMARK PROGRAM FOR THE BIG PICTURE - FREDAG DEN 25. SEPTEMBER kl. 11-15 i Turbinehallen, Kalkværksvej 12, 8000 Aarhus C. 10.45-11.00: Check-in: Kaffe og registrering 11.00-11.10: Velkomst ved: – dagens moderator, Søren Dahl – Aarhus’ borgmester, Jacob Bundsgaard – Rådmand for Kultur- & Borgerservice i Aarhus Kommune, Rabih Azad-Ahmad 11.15-11.35: Præsentation af klyngeundersøgelse for den digitale visuelle industri v/Andreas Linnet Jensen, Manto 11.35-12.00: Mega-trends v/ digital trendanalytiker Christiane Vejlø, Elektronista 12.05-12.35: Case Study: The Power of the Creative Industries in the UK v/Richard Parkes, stifter Rinova (UK) 12.35-13.00: Frokost 13.00-13.20: Erhvervscase: Home v/Relationschef Mads Ellegaard 13.30-14.15: Paneldebat: Hvordan understøtter vi den kreative industri som markant vækstmotor i Danmark? 14.20-14.50: Strategipræsentation Filmby Aarhus: Fra filmby i Aarhus til samfundsudvikling i Danmark v/Carsten Holst, leder Filmby Aarhus 14.50-15.00: Afrunding og opsamling på dagen 15.00-15.20: Kaffe og lidt sødt 15.20: Show-OFF event v/Kulbroen (valgfri deltagelse) Denne invitation er personlig. Det er gratis at deltage (vi tillader os tage et no-show gebyr på 500 kr. ved manglende fremmøde). Tilmelding skal ske til: senest mandag den 21. September. Vi håber at se dig på dagen til nogle inspirerende timer! BEDSTE HILSNER Carsten Holst, leder Filmby Aarhus KONFERENCEN PRÆSENTERES i samarbejde med nedenstående aktører: THE BIG PICTURE - THE FUTURE OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN DENMARK PRASENTATION AF KEYSPEAKERS TIL THE BIG PICTURE - FREDAG DEN 25. SEPTEMBER kl. 11-15 i Turbinehallen, Kalkværksvej 12, 8000 Aarhus C. SØREN DAHL Dagens moderator. Vellidt radiovært på Café Hack, men derudover forfatter, musiker, komiker og foredragsholder. ANDREAS LINNET JENSEN Cand. soc. og rådgiver hos Manto, der har foretaget klyngeundersøgelse af den digitale visuelle industri. Andreas vil præsentere os for resultaterne heraf. CHRISTIANE VEJLØ Elektronista-redaktør, radiovært og digital trendanalytiker. Hør hvilke afgørende digitale trends din virksomhed SKAL kende for overhovedet at blive taget i betragtning, når den moderne bruger vælger brand, indhold og likes. Her vil I blive præsenteret for nogle af de seneste, afgørende teknologitrends, og en stærk række af konkrete eksempler på fremadskuende brands og innovatører, som allerede trækker på disse trends. RICHARD PARKES, RINOVA (UK) “Rick is a music graduate from York. Having spent much of his early career ‘on the ground’ in community arts and venue management, he has always been passionate about the way that arts, culture and the creative industries foster social economic and cultural development. In the last 20 years, his companies have supported more than 5,000 creative startups and cultural NGOs with business support and capacity building. He has also been the architect of a number of cultural learning programmes concerned with the non-formal sector in the creative industries, including a range of European initiatives. He has been an THE BIG PICTURE - THE FUTURE OF CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN DENMARK adviser to the Arts Council of England as well as a range of public bodies in the UK. He also works closely in partnership with Collage Arts - the operators of the Chocolate Factory complex in North London - the catalyst of creative regeneration in the region, and home to more than 70 creative businesses and a range of cultural and social projects” Talk around Rick will do a ‘talk around’ starting with the story in (North) London and the Chocolate Factory - how the arts and creative industries became a ‘cluster’ catalyst for social, cultural and econo mic development in the 2000s and how cultural industries, creative industries, social inclusion is contributing to social and economic cohesion in a post-industrial Europe. Beyond co-creation - the ‘apex’ (or ‘helix’) of social, economic and cultural development (why they can work together) is a particular focus for Rick – in other words: the big picture. MADS ELLEGAARD Relationschef hos Home giver os et indblik i, hvordan den digitale visuelle industri skaber værdi for Home og deres kunder. CARSTEN HOLST Leder Filmby Aarhus: Carsten præsenterer Filmby Aarhus’ strategi frem mod 2020 under titlen: Fra filmby i Aarhus til samfundsudvikling I Danmark. PANELDEBAT: Rasmus Nordquist, MF, Alternativet Niels Højberg, stadsdirektør Aarhus Kommune Konstantin Lassithiotakis, direktør VIA Erhverv Niels Lehmann, AU: Institutleder for Kommunikation og Kultur Mads Ellegaard, relationschef Home Allan Aagaard, Direktør for Region Jylland Midt/Nord Erhverv, Danske Bank Carsten Holst, leder Filmby Aarhus KONFERENCEN PRÆSENTERES i samarbejde med nedenstående aktører:
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