Provides students with a meaningful Provide clients with access to high

• Provides students with a meaningful
business issue challenge
• Provide clients with access to high
quality project development/analysis
and source of new talent
Jayhawk Consulting Programs
Programs consists of:
Business Consulting Class team approach (during
academic year):
In-class text learning/discussions (25%)
 Students learn effective consulting process, structuring
and executing project engagements
Relevant case study analysis (25%)
 Students study and analyze successful and failed
consulting projects case histories
In-field consulting project development (50%)
 Students confront real business challenges, conduct
real time analysis, determine sales/profit implications
of alternative strategies and deliver fully rationalized
Jayhawk Consulting On-Demand:
Anytime service to address virtually any growth inhibiting
challenges by select MBA teams
Client Commitment
Provide meaningful and significant project
Provide students with ready access to
resources required for successful project
completion (data, personnel).
Provide periodic touch-base sessions with
Faculty Advisor to assess project
No Cost: Voluntary contribution of self
determined amount to Jayhawk Student
Consulting (at the School of Business)
endowment fund.
Jayhawk Consulting:
Typical Assignments
Industry Analyses
Market Sizing, Competitive Analyses
Business Feasibility Studies
Resources Required for Successful Entry
Business Plan Development
Roadmap for creation, entry, growth
Management Consulting
Market Research
Primary Customer Research, Modeling
Marketing strategies
Positioning, Pricing, Product Development
Sales strategies
Distribution Channels, Promotions
Operation Analyses
Cost Containment, Productivity Programs
Financial Strategies
Capital Acquisition
Recent Social Entrepreneurship
Consulting Clients/Projects
City of Lawrence
Palco, KS and Scott County: Wellness Center Design and Development
(together w/ KU School of Architecture)
Identified three economically independent alternative land uses to lessen
water consumption and yield superior profits
KS Parks and Recreation
Prepared feasibility studies for new industry, business opportunities for 50
counties of western KS
Ogallala Aquifer Depletion Study
Develop business plan for rail to truck transportation hub
Western KS Rural Economic Development
Conduct research determine need, facility features for health/recreation center
Harvey County (Wichita) Intermodal Facility
Identify opportunities for economic development/expansion via cluster
analysis, similar market modeling and void identification in bioscience
Provided economic analysis of value of Kansas’ green space
RedTire, LLC new venture
Developing sustainable new business providing management succession to
avoid shuttering of rural businesses
Recent Business
Consulting Clients/Projects
Portfolio management approach to
maximizing SBUs’ assets
Supply chain analysis to enhance
operational efficiencies of world’s
largest online auction house
Ionz Blue Water Systems
Market validation for wastewater
technology startup venture
Business model dynamics: radical
change in channel of distribution
from veterinary clinics to discount
Durrie Eye Vision
Comprehensive marketing planning
Innovative research methodology to
determine barriers to card sales to
millennial generation
Bayer Animal Health
Expand channel of distribution via
entry into internet banking
3 Spoons Yogurt
Identify long term business
investment and expansion strategies
Douglas County Bank
Manion’s International
Develop licensing strategy to provide
branded merchandize
Allen Press
Marketing plan for new client
acquisition in selected industries
Reposition Lance Armstrong
relationship to maximize 401(k) sales
Payless Shoe Source
New market identification, product
line expansion
Digital Evolution Group
New office site evaluation modeling
American Century
Leverage core competencies into new
HiPer Technology
Long term business assessment; exit
NIC, Inc
MarketSphere Consulting
New client acquisition strategy
CD Tradepost:
Competitive encroachment;
defensive marketing plan
Process improvement: increased
throughput with no diminution of
customer satisfaction
Westar Energy
Customer research to support
SmartStar energy metering launch
Jayhawk Consulting can help you:
Expand existing businesses
Accelerate growth from new business
Supply chain improvements
New marketing strategies to drive incremental sales,
New channels of distribution, improved sales strategies
New product development
New category analyses
Merger/acquisition financial assessments
Increase productivity/reduce costs
Process improvement studies
Financial statement analysis to:
Energize and leverage assets
Find true cost of operations, identify improvement
Jayhawk Consulting Client Benefits
Guaranteed results: best and
brightest KU business students
working on your business
improvement plans
Immediate impact: 12 weeks from
start to full plan presentation
No cost commitment
Consulting Project Criteria
Must provide significant learning
opportunity for students
Must provide substantial sales/profit
benefit to client company
Should encourage new job creation
in region
Visit our website:
Wally Meyer; 785-864-7583;