
Forskercup 2015
Abstracts – Mundtlige præsentationer
Langtids resultater efter avanceret overflade ablation med excimer laser for nærsynethed.
Rasmus Søgaard Hansen
Medicin, 8. semester
Overflade ablations teknikker er hyppigt brugt til behandling af nærsynethed, men risikoen for post-operative
komplikationer er betydelig. Formålet med denne undersøgelse var at sammenligne to nye overflade
ablations teknikker, cPRK og LASEK, med henblik på sikkerhed, effektivitet, stabilitet og patient tilfredshed,
60-84 måneder post-operativt for høje grader af nærsynethed.
Materialer og metoder
Retrospektiv enkel-maskeret follow-up undersøgelse af patienter behandlet for nærsynethed mellem 2007
og 2009 med cPRK eller LASEK, ved hjælp af en excimer laser med eye-tracker (MEL80, Carl Zeiss, Jena,
Tyskland). Et øje for hver patient blev tilfældigt udvalgt til analyse. Re-behandlede øjne blev ekskluderet.
46 cPRK patienter og 36 LASEK patienter blev inkluderet. Sfærisk equivalent var i gennemsnit -7,69 ± 1,47
dioptri (D) i cPRK øjne og -7,94 ± 2,05 D i LASEK øjne (P=0,37) inden operation. Gennemsnitlig
opfølgningstid var 4,6 år i cPRK patienter og 6,0 år i LASEK patienter (p<0,05). Ved den endelige
opfølgning, havde ingen cPRK øjne og 2 LASEK øjne (P=0,21) tabt 2 linjer i korrigeret-distance-synsstyrke
(CDVA). Arvæv blev fundet i 4 cPRK øjne og 6 LASEK øjne (P=0,44). Ved den sidste opfølgning, var 63% af
cPRK øjne og 36% af LASEK øjne (P=0,18) indenfor ±1,0 D af tilsigtede refraktion. Derudover var 100% af
cPRK patienter og 92% af LASEK patienter (P=0,87) tilfredse eller meget tilfredse med operationen.
Overflade ablation med cPRK og LASEK er sikker, relativ effektiv, og med høj patienttilfredshed 4 til 7 år
efter operation for nærsynethed.
Use of next-generation sequencing in oral cavity cancer: intra tumour heterogeneity and metastasis
Siavosh Tabatabaeifar
Medicin, 11. semester
Background: Oral cavity cancer is a subgroup of head and neck cancer which is the world’s 6th most
common cancer form. Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) are primarily attributed by excessive alcohol
consumption and tobacco exposure. There is a lack of good tools to provide more accurate prognosis;
biomarkers could be such a tool.
Methods: Five patients with stage IV OSCC with cervical lymph node involvement were included and 6
samples were collected: One blood sample, 1 sample from clinically healthy tissue, 3 tumour biopsies and 1
lymph node biopsy. Whole exome sequencing was carried out on the Illumina HiSeq1500 platform with
paired-end 2x100 base-pair reads.
Results: Mean sequence coverage of the target regions across all samples was 93.6x with 84 % of bases
covered by at least 20x. An average of 479.1 somatic mutations were identified; 44.7 mutations per sample
were identified as non-synonymous coding variants or splice site mutations.
The analysis of intra tumour heterogeneity and lymph node involvement shows that the different tumour and
lymph node specimens in each patient are quite homogenous, but evidence of heterogeneous
subpopulations of tumour cells with possible selective advantages in tumour growth and perhaps in drug
resistance exists.
Conclusions: Use of next generation sequencing in oral cavity cancer can give valuable insight into the
biology of the disease. Our results show that the primary tumour exhibits heterogeneous subpopulations with
unique alterations, and that lymph node metastasis contain independent mutations which likely represent
subpopulations of tumour cells.
Maria Kjærgaard
Medicin, 10. semester
Patients with cirrhosis and ascites are at high risk of death and development of complications to cirrhosis.
Biomarkers to make a better risk stratification of these patients are warranted. We therefore investigated two
biomarkers in ascites: 1) Human microfibril–associated protein 4 (MFAP4), an extracellular matrix (ECM)
associated protein related to ECM turnover, and 2) Surfactant protein D (SP-D) which has a protective role in
the innate immune system.
We prospectively enrolled 54 patients with verified cirrhosis, who had undergone therapeutic or diagnostic
paracentesis that were followed for 12 months or until death. The outcome evaluated where death,
hepatorenal syndrome, hepatic encephalopathy, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), non-SBP infections
and readmissions. MFAP4 and SP-D where measured by ELISA technique.
In this cohort neither CP- nor MELD-score were predictors of death or risk of complications. However, in
patients with low MFAP4 (≤15 U/ml); 8/16 patients died compared to 10/37 in the group with MFAP4>15
U/ml (P=0.079). Among patients with low MFAP4; 13/16 versus 18/37 patients with MFAP4>15 U/ml
developed complications to cirrhosis (P<0.001). In a Cox proportional hazard model including CP- and
MELD-score, age, gender, SP-D and MFAP4; low-MFAP4 and gender were the only predictors of
complications. Of the four patients with SBP at inclusion, three had low MFAP4 and two died. SP-D was not
able to predict survival, nor was it associated with risk of complications.
Conclusion: Low MFAP4 in ascites predicts individual 1-year survival and risk of complications in patients
with advanced cirrhosis and ascites better than standard scoring systems as CP- and MELD-score. Further
investigations are warranted to confirm the prognostic accuracy of MFAP4.
Do Stress, Health Behavior, and Sleep Mediate the Association between Loneliness and Adverse
Health Conditions among Older People?
Julie Christiansen
Psykologi, 10. Semester
Prior research has established an association between loneliness and a variety of negative health conditions
among older people. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this association. The
Loneliness Model seeks to explain the mechanisms through which chronic loneliness may affect the
development of adverse health conditions. The present study was designed to test the explanation proposed
by the Loneliness Model. The sample consisted of 8,593 elderly ranging from 65 to 103 years of age
participating in the 2013 Danish Public Health Survey “How are you?”. Findings show that loneliness was
significantly associated with poor self-rated health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and migraine. In
addition, high perceived stress, physical inactivity, problems with alcohol, and poor sleep had an indirect
effect on the association between loneliness and adverse health conditions. These findings lend support to
the theoretical mechanisms proposed in the Loneliness Model.
Effects of Perivascular Adipose Tissue on the Reactivity of Pericardial Resistance Arteries
Katrine Nissen
Medicin, 7. Semester
Background: Adipose tissues (AT) secrete vasoactive hormones. In obesity, the patterns of these adipokines
change. We studied effects of perivascular AT (PVAT) on vasomotor responses of resistance arteries from
healthy pigs and human cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients.
Methods: Parietal pericardium biopsies were obtained from 9 pigs (local slaughterhouse) and 9 patients
(coronary artery bypass and/or valve replacement). Isolated resistance arteries with or without their PVAT
were studied in wire myographs. Vessels were contracted with the thromboxane A2 analogue U46619 (1nM1μM) or endothelin-1 (ET-1; 62.5 pM-26 nM) and endothelium-dependent relaxations were studied with
bradykinin (10pM-1μM) and insulin (100nIE/mL-10mIE/mL).
Results: Pig pericardial microvessels surrounded with PVAT were 5 fold less sensitive to U46619 (P=0.0018)
compared to vessels denuded of PVAT. Their sensitivity to ET-1 tended to be reduced (P=0.06) and their
maximal contractile responses to the peptide were significantly reduced (P=0.036) by PVAT. No statistically
significant effects of PVAT were found in patient resistance arteries. PVAT did not affect endotheliumdependent relaxations in pig and patient arteries.
Conclusion: Pig PVAT reduces contractile responses of pericardial arteries in an agonist-dependent fashion.
PVAT from CVD patients has no effect on vasoconstriction suggesting that their illness affects either or both
the vessel and the PVAT. This is under investigation.
Hæmning af glykogen phosphorylase nedsætter Na,K pumpernes funktionsevne på trods af høj ATPkoncentration
Rasmus Jensen
Idræt og Sundhed, 10. semester
Introduktion: Vedligeholdese af Na-K homeostasen er afgørende for, at eksitations-kontraktionskoblingen
kan fortsætte under gentagne kontraktioner og til dette spiller Na,K-pumperne en nøglerolle. Det er blevet
foreslået at glykolytisk ATP er en vigtig energikilde for Na,K-pumperne, og glykogen spiller måske en
afgørende rolle i dette. Der er dog aldrig blevet påvist en direkte forbindelse mellem Na,K pumpe-funktionen
og glykolytisk flux.
Formål: At undersøte betydningen af glykolytisk flux på Na,K-pumpe funktionen under kontraktioner med høj,
konstant intracellulær [ATP].
Metode: Mekanisk skinnede enkeltfibre (n=34) blev inkuberet i opløsninger med og uden hæmmer af
glykogen phosphorylase (GP, hæmmer: CP) under kontrol- og depolariserede forhold. Ved brug af et parret
design blev Na,K-pumpe funktionen undersøgt ved at måle re-aktiveringstiden under dubletstimuleringer
med stigende afstand mellem stimuleringerne.
Resultater: I fuldt polariserede fibre (kontrol) var re-aktiveringstiden 4 ms, og der var ingen effekt af GP
hæmning. I depolariserede fibre steg reaktiveringstiden fra 6 ms til 8 ms ved GP hæmning (p<0.001).
Konklusion: Resultaterne viser en vigtig forbindelse mellem glykolytisk flux og re-aktiveringstiden (en kraftig
indikation på nedsat Na,K pumpe-funktion). Glykolytisk flux er således vigtig under forhold, hvor Na,K
pumpen på forhånd var forventet at være aktiv og vigtig for bevarelsen af muskelfunktionen. Resultaterne
støtter desuden hypotesen om en opdelt energiforsyning i fiberen.
Math for the Brain-Connectedness in a quantifiable space
Eivind Antonsen Segtnan
Medicin, 6. semester
The French polymath Henri Poincaré once stated: “Mathematicians do not study objects, but the relation
between objects.“ Cerebral FDG-PET images harbor vast quantifiable biologic information about brain
glucose metabolism; however their enigma is yet to be retrieved. One challenge is the accuracy of the
absolute numbers, another where to point ones crosshair, as the brain has 89 sub-regions and a 3D PET
images can consist of 3,080,192 different points of measurement. To address these challenges we
hypothesize that relations between numbers and inclusion of the whole brain might yield the best biologic
information and provide a solid methodology. Further, this approach might depict more precisely diaschisis,
meaning that a lesion in one place of the brain can affect distant cerebral parenchyma. Consequently, we
calculated the ratio of global hemispheric to cerebellar activity, as these are two robust regions of
assessment. Analysis was made of FDG-PET images obtained prospectively in 14 glioma patients ,
examined before and after surgical resection, after radio-chemotherapy and 1 year after baseline. In total
100 hemispheres and correlating cerebellums were assessed with automated software. We found 4 events
with a ratio above 5:1 ( Hemisphere/ Cerebellum) , 13 in relation 5:1, 25 in relation 4:1, 52 in relation 3:1, 2 in
relation 2:1, 2 in relation 1:1 and 2 in relation 0,5:1 All who survived >1 year had relations of 4:1-3:1,
whereas 50% of glioma patients with survival <1 year after diagnosis had ratios above 5:1 or less than
3:1.Thus, a metabolic ratio shift beyond the narrow mean range may indicate global brain trauma and poorer
prognosis, whereas further studies are needed to heighten our understanding of global brain
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Acute Ischemic Stroke – NESA
Henriette Busk, Fysioterapi
Lopermide vs. placebo’s effect on ileostomy output: A clinical double blinded randomized crossover
Katrine Poulsen, Medicin
Motiverende samtale som intervention for overvægtige kvinder med polycystisk ovarie syndrom og
BMI over 30 kg/m2 - et pilot projekt
Lærke Vendelbo Møller, Medicin
Kan leddegigt og kardiovaskulærsygdom forudsiges i anti-CCP og/eller IgM RF positive patienter
med artralgi ved hjælp at PET/CT og kliniske/metaboliske variable (PETRACOR): Et kohorte studie.
Stine Bjørn Kristensen, Medicin
Evaluation of liver disease in patients receiving home parenteral nutrition using fibroscan,
shearwave elastography, ultrasonography and serological markers
Sofie Hasling Skadegaard, Medicin
Iodine impregnated incise drapes and bacterial re-colonization in simulated knee surgery. An
experimental RCT.
Nikolaj Milandt, Medicin
The clinical value of FDG-PET/CT in bacteraemia of unknown origin: a retrospective study
Mette Brøndserud, Medicin