Meet the world VIA University College Rejseinformationer Fredag den 20. marts kl. 14.30 Busafgang fra Grøndalsvej, 8260 Viby til hotel Cab Inn, København. Arrangører Torben Kirkegaard Mobil +4587551926 VIDENS REJSE ONTARIO, CANADA Morten Stokholm Hansen Hotel CABINN Metro ligger centralt i Ørestad City i København med kun få minutters transport fra lufthavnen og det indre København. Hotellet er Mobil +4587551985 beliggende ved siden af indkøbscentret Fields og tæt på Bella Centret. Alle har gratis trådløst internet, bad og toilet samt tv, telefon og mini-café Birgit Rungby Laursen med elkedel. Morgenmad kan købes separat. Mobil +4587551895 Lørdag den 21. marts Mødetid KBH lufthavn check in fra kl. 5.50 Vi flyver kl. 07.50. Vi bor på Hotel Eaton Chelsea, 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z4 Tlf: +1 416 595 1975 Indkvarteringen er i enkeltværelser. Fredag den 27. marts kl. 18.00 Afgang med bus fra hotellet – 19.30 check-in Afgang 21.30 til København via London Ankomst lørdag den 28. marts kl. 12.50. Derefter bus til Viby. Prisen for turen inkluderer – Flybillet – Metrokort udleveres mandag – Intern transport i Toronto i forbindelse med de planlagte aktiviteter – 6 overnatninger inkl. morgenmadsbuffet på – Frokost mandag til fredag – Udflugt til Niagara Falls søndag, den 22. marts UGE 13, 21. – 28. MARTS 2015 Tur søndag den 22. marts til Niagara vandfaldene Niagara Falls hjemmeside Kort over Toronto bymidte Undervisningsministeriet og Eaton Centre ligger i gåafstand til hotellet Undervisningsministeriet, 900 Bay Street College Station Nærmeste subway -Afgang hotel kl 9.30 i to busser -Transporttid: omkring 1,5 timer, hver vej -4 timer ved vandfaldet sightseeing omkring vandfaldene og byen -Frokost for egen regning Eaton Chelsea Hotel 33 Gerrard Street West Elm Tree Restaurant, 43 Elm Street (middag sidste aften) Eaton Centre Shopping Husk VISA kortet :) Bemærk Priser i Toronto er angivet ex. moms. Der lægges 13% oven i beløbet ved betaling. På restauranter forventes der 15% i drikkepenge. Links til emnet Artikler i Folkeskolen om Ontarios skolesystem P1-udsendelse om Ontarios skoler Verdensbedste/ Udsendelser/20120113100416.htm Torontos officielle turistorganisation og Til billetter Nyttige Apps ”See Toronto” “Toronto map and walking tours” “Toronto transport map (subway)” “Niagara Falls” “CityMaps2Go - download offline kort” Afsluttende fælles middag torsdag, den 26. marts på Elm Street Restaurent -Endelig tilmelding mandag den 23. marts i Canada. I hører nærmere - Spisetid kl 19.00 ISL Education Study Tour Program for VIA Højskolen for Videreuddannelse & Kompetenceudvikling – Denmark Contact Torben Møller Kirkegaard and Morten Stokholm, Participants: (70) – March 23-27, 2015 Wednesday, March 25 Headline Understanding the Ontario Leadership Framework (OLF); components of literacy instruction 9:00 – 12:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) OPC Office Ontario Leadership Framework and related topics This seminar will highlight the domains of leadership for school leaders in Ontario; how to acquire strategies used to promote inquiry focused on student learning; build; build school and board capacity in identifying strengths and weaknesses. JONI Heard 12:00 – 1:00 – LUNCH (hotel) 1:00 – 3:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Literacy Workshop Participants will examine the main components of a rich literacy instruction in an elementary school – content, organization, learning ideas of a typical literacy session and the role of the principal as literacy leader. SHERRI Boland 3:00-3.15 Break 3:15 – 4:30 Sharing, reflecting and discuss perspectives in a Danish contex Monday, March 23 Headline Understanding of the bigger context from leader, teacher and ministry-perspective, Professional learning communities 8:00 – 9:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Welcome / OPC overview LINDA Massey 9:30- 11:30 Ontario Ministry of Education (900 Bay Street, Algonquin room) Raising the bar and narrowing the gap: System-wide reform to raise the achievement of all students in Ontario’s publicly-funded schools. MARY Jean Gallagher 1:00 – 3:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Teacher Learning and Collaborative Inquiry Increasing staff capacity is essential to improved student learning. Driven by a moral purpose, the effective administrator needs to strive to learn along with his/her staff to increase their own capacity as an educator. This leadership from within will help pave the way for improved learning among staff and ultimately among students. BOB Jackson 12:00 – 1:00 – LUNCH (hotel) 3:00-3.30 30 minutes in Danish! Thursday, March 26 Headline Theory connected to practice School Visit 9:00-3.00 School Visits Data driven learning, learning goals, success criteria’s Model schools Group will be split into 6 groups to visit 6 schools Focus School visits – in groups (Choose between teaching and leading perspective) 1. In the footsteps of a principal (groups of Danish principals) 2.Teaching and Class-room observations (groups of Danish teachers) Roundtable discussions with school teachers and principals Tuesday, March 24 Headline Capacity building, Professional learning communities and instructional leadership 9:00 – 12:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Professional Learning Communities Participants will have the opportunity to engage in some authentic activities of a PLC. They will examine actual school data to identify a learning need; participate as a team of teachers in moderated marking; discuss rubric formation and share teaching strategies to address learning needs. Steps of the professional learning cycle – plan, act, observe and reflect will be introduced. STEVE McCombe 12:00 – 1:00 – LUNCH (hotel) 1:00 – 3:00 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Data Driven Leadership In this workshop participants will have the opportunity to explore the types of data available in Ontario schools, analyze sample school data and make connections between the data and effective instructional and assessment practices. JONI Heard 3:00-3.30 30 minutes in Danish LUNCH – School Friday, March 27 Headline Theory connected to practice School Visit 9:00-2:00 School Visits PLC-Model Schools Group will be split into 6 groups to visit 6 schools Focus: Visiting PLC-model schools - broad experience with working in a PLC structure (teaching and leading) School tours, classroom visits and roundtable discussions with school teachers and principals LUNCH – School 16.00-17.30 Eaton Chelsea Hotel (room Seymour) Sharing, reflecting and discuss perspectives in a Danish context Thursday March 26. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Names Niels Tange Data driven learning, learning goals, success criteria’s - Model schools Group will be split into 6 (12 people per school) to visit 6 schools Thursday March 26. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Data driven learning, learning goals, success criteria’s - Model schools Group will be split into 6 (12 people per school) to visit 6 schools Focus School visits – in groups (Choose between teaching and leading perspective) 1. In the footsteps of a principal (groups of Danish principals) Focus School visits – in groups (Choose between teaching and leading perspective) 1. In the footsteps of a principal (groups of Danish principals) 2.Teaching and Classroom observations (groups of Danish teachers) (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) 2.Teaching and Classroom observations (groups of Danish teachers) (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) School Foresterhill Junior and Senior Public School (JK - Grade 8) Names Ella Jørgensen Anne Agger School George Webster Elementary School (JK - Grade 7) Address 78 Dunloe Road, Toronto Rundhøjskolen (7) Allan Mellergaard Frederiksen Lise Meyer Mogens Graabæk Toustrup Nina Yuki Abildgaard Per Jørgensen Per Lübbert Pedersen Trine Rohde Address 2 Cedarcrest Blvd, East York School website Læssøesgades Skole (2) Anne Brøns Kruse Helle Vibeke Sønderby School website Names Birgit Rungby Morten Stokholm School Earl Beatty Junior and Senior Public School (JK - Grade 8) Kurt Kristensen (OC) Sølyst Skolen (4) Bjarke Fredberg Dorte Busk Bro Michael Nielsen Ulf Groth Berntsen Address 55 Woodington Avenue, Toronto Skæring Skole (4) Anne Sehested Schwartz Dannie Solkær Solskov Mette Møller Steinmetz Steffen Sax Principal Anastasia Poulis Skødstrup skole (10) Anette Røge Bettina Korgaard Ditte Lyngby Heidi Schjerlund Kathrine Marie Devantier Keld Fihl Mikkel Kruuse-Andersen Peter Kornvig Snabe Randi Brahe Kragelund Torben Slyngborg Tel 416 393-9335 Principal Paula Dodick Tel 416 393-9070 School website Tel 416 396-2375 Principal Kimberley Pividor Names Ellen Brinch Jørgensen Jens Pedersen-Ulrich School Secord Elementary School (JK - Grade 5) Holme Skole (8) Allan Hjortshøj, Principal Annette Gregersen Bonde Janne Jønsson Kirsten Houe Laila Nielsen Lonni Elgaard Sørensen Randi Langballe Hansen Simon Fenger Address 101 Barrington Avenue, East York Thorkil Andersen (OC) Risskov Skole (2) (sygehus uv.) Hanne Berg Sørensen Sannie Ilona Leth Tel Principal Lisa Moser School website Thursday March 26. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Data driven learning, learning goals, success criteria’s - Model schools Group will be split into 6 (12 people per school) to visit 6 schools Focus School visits – in groups (Choose between teaching and leading perspective) 1. In the footsteps of a principal (groups of Danish principals) Friday March 27. 9:00 am – 2:00 pm PLC-Model Schools Group will be split into 2 to visit 6 schools Focus Visiting PLC-model schools - broad experience with working in a PLC structure (teaching and leading). (earlier departure time) School tours, classroom visits and roundtable discussions with school teachers and principals (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) 2.Teaching and Classroom observations (groups of Danish teachers) (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) Names Lotte Gottlieb Torben Kirkegaard School Queen Alexandra Middle School (Grade 6-8) Names Ella Jørgensen Ove Christensen School George Harvey Collegiate Institute (Grade 9-12) Risskov Skole (5) Anne Littauer Jeppe Hübertz Eriksen Kristine Ravn Fogemann Lars Blaabjerg Poulsen Michael Korsgaard Lund Address 181 Broadview Avenue, Toronto Tel 416 393-9535 Address 1700 Keele Street, York Tel 416 394-3180 N.J. Fjordsgades Skole (5) Lene Wintoniak Anne Birgitte Baggesen Jette Bjørn Hansen Tina Christiansen Karin Høgfeldt Thomsen School website Holme Skole (8) Allan Hjortshøj Annette Gregersen Bonde Janne Jønsson Kirsten Houe Laila Nielsen Lonni Elgaard Sørensen Randi Langballe Hansen Simon Fenger Names Ina Rathmann Ove Christensen School D.A.Morrison Middle School (Grade 6-8) Strandskolen (4) Lise Nielsen Marie Thellufsen Nicol Lynch Trine Tarpø Address 271 Gledhill Avenue, East York Tranbjergskolen (6) Charlotte Hammer Karen Marie Hauge Mie Clemmensen Ørtvig Stefan Christiansen Thorbjørn Dahl Morten Tuan H. Jørgensen Principal Marc Mullan Principal Emma Nichols Principal Anthony Vandyke Schoolwebsite Kurt Kristensen (OC) Tel 416 396-2400 School website Names Ellen Brinch Jørgensen Jens Pedersen-Ulrich School Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute (Grade 9-12) Skødstrup skole (10) Anette Røge Bettina Korgaard Ditte Lyngby Heidi Schjerlund Kathrine Marie Devantier Keld Fihl Mikkel Kruuse-Andersen Peter Kornvig Snabe Randi Brahe Kragelund Torben Slyngborg Address 1550 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough M1V 1S6 Thorkil Andersen (OC), Area Manager Tel 416 396-6684 Principal Carol Richards-Sauer School website Friday March 27. 9:00 am – 2:00 pm PLC-Model Schools Group will be split into 2 to visit 6 schools Focus Visiting PLC-model schools - broad experience with working in a PLC structure (teaching and leading). School tours, classroom visits and roundtable discussions with school teachers and principals (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) (earlier departure time) Names Torben Kirkegaard Morten Stokholm School Duke of Connaught Junior & Senior PS (JK - Grade 8) Rundhøjskolen (7) Allan Mellergaard Frederiksen Lise Meyer Mogens Graabæk Toustrup Nina Yuki Abildgaard Per Jørgensen Per Lübbert Pedersen Trine Rohde Address 70 Woodfield Road, Toronto M4L 2W6 Læssøesgades Skole (2) Anne Brøns Kruse Helle Vibeke Sønderby Tel 416 393-9455 Principal Beverly O’Brien School website Names Lotte Gottlieb Ina Rathmann School Parkdale Junior and Senior Public School (JK - Grade 8) Tranbjergskolen (6) Charlotte Hammer Karen Marie Hauge Mie Clemmensen Ørtvig Stefan Christiansen Thorbjørn Dahl Morten Tuan H. Jørgensen Address 78 Seaforth Avenue, Toronto N.J. Fjordsgades Skole (5) Lene Wintoniak Anne Birgitte Baggesen Jette Bjørn Hansen Tina Christiansen Karin Høgfeldt Thomsen Tel 416 393-1280 Principal Miriam Zachariah School website Friday March 27. 9:00 am – 2:00 pm PLC-Model Schools Group will be split into 2 to visit 6 schools Focus Visiting PLC-model schools - broad experience with working in a PLC structure (teaching and leading). School tours, classroom visits and roundtable discussions with school teachers and principals (Transportansvarlige er markeret med blåt) (earlier departure time) Names Niels Tange Strandskolen (4) Lise Nielsen Marie Thellufsen Nicol Lynch Trine Tarpø Skæring Skole (4) Anne Sehested Schwartz Dannie Solkær Solskov Mette Møller Steinmetz Steffen Sax School Parkside Elementary School (JK - Grade 5) (only 200 students – this group should be smaller) Address 401 Cedarvale Avenue, East York Tel 416 396-2425 Principal Katherine Noel School website Names Birgit Rungby Anne Agger School Crescent Town Elementary School (JK – Grade 4) Risskov Skole (7) Anne Littauer Jeppe Hübertz Eriksen Kristine Ravn Fogemann Lars Blaabjerg Poulsen Michael Korsgaard Lund Hanne Berg Sørensen Sannie Ilona Leth Address 4 Massey Sq, East York Sølyst Skolen (4) Bjarke Fredberg Dorte Busk Bro Michael Nielsen Ulf Groth Berntsen School website Tel 416 396-2340 Principal Harpreet Ghuman
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