What is `Culture` According to You?

Executive memo
Study Board for Media Technology
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
SV sagsnr.
Rolf Nordahl, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Study Board
The StudyIben
for Media
Telefon: 9940 3762
Email: mediatech@create.aau.dk
Study Board secretary: Iben Keller
Telefon: 9940 3762
Email: mediatech@create.aau.dk
Rules concerning audio and/or video recording of teaching/supervision/lectures
Lectures, teaching, PhD./Doctoral defense, etc. may only be recorded (audio/video recordings) if the
key persons consent (use the template in Word format) .
• In normal teaching on bachelor and master courses there must be a written consent from the
• By PhD/Doctoral defense consent from both the PhD-student/doctoral-defendant and the
assessment committee is required.
• It is the teacher, lecturer, etc. that ensures that third party rights are not violated in connection
with the recordings.
• A consent given for audio or video recording does not imply any form of consent to the
distribution or other kinds transmission to any third party (see below).
• It's recommended that each teacher, lecturer, etc. makes everyone in the room aware that
lecture, teaching, etc. recorded, e.g., by signage.
In which situations may you distribute / pass on audio or video recordings? (E.g. streaming or
via DVD)
• It is necessary to have a separate agreement for the distribution of the recorded material. This
consent is required from all participating in the recording (including audience members that
might be featured in the material).
• It is always the teacher / lecturer who holds the copyright to the recording of teaching/
For futher info:
The situation is extremely educational described at: http://www.ubva.dk/
For further info at AAU click here.
Chairman, Rolf Nordahl,
March 2014
Declaration of Consent - Audio and/or Video recording and distribution (including internetdistribution)
Audio and/or Video recording of:
I hereby authorize:
1. That my lecture or my contribution to the above arrangement will be recorded on Audio and/or
Video by Aalborg University
2. The recording then immediately is submitted to one of the university-driven servers and from there
as streaming video made available on-demand to the public by one of the university's websites.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge, was not with what I have at the event argued fabrics and
materials used are conditions which are contrary to the third party's rights under the law, including
copyright law.
Terms :
I have been informed that consent does not involve any additional limitation of my powers under
legislation relating to the claimed and recorded , including my powers as an author. I have also been
informed that I at any time by writing to the university may revoke the license of making available
over the Internet.
The university is required to store and archive video recording for a period of five years from the time
of admission, unless I have withdrawn my consent within that period.
The University shall not make any other use of the recording than those above mentioned, including
not make commercial distribution.
Date and Name (teacher/author/lecturer)
The undersigned employee/student at Aalborg University, declare that I have obtained the above
Date and Name (employee/student)
SAMTYKKEERKLÆRING videooptagelse og fremførelse på nettet
Videooptagelse af:
Jeg giver hermed tilladelse til:
1. At min forelæsning eller mit indlæg under ovenstående arrangement optages på video af
Aalborg Universitet
2. At optagelsen umiddelbart derefter indlægges på en af universitetet drevet server og derfra
som streaming video gøres tilgængelig on demand for almenheden via en af universitetets
Jeg erklærer, at der efter min bedste overbevisning ikke i det af mig under arrangementet fremførte
stof og i anvendte materialer er forhold, som strider mod tredjemands rettigheder efter lovgivningen,
herunder ophavsretsloven.
Jeg er gjort bekendt med, at samtykket ikke indebærer nogen yderligere begrænsning af mine
beføjelser efter lovgivningen vedrørende det fremførte og optagne, herunder mine beføjelser som
ophavsmand. Jeg er ligeledes gjort bekendt med, at jeg når som helst ved skriftlig henvendelse til
universitetet kan tilbagekalde tilladelsen til tilgængeliggørelse via internettet.
Universitetet er forpligtet til at opbevare og arkivere videooptagelsen i en periode på fem år fra
optagelsestidspunktet, med mindre jeg har tilbagekaldt mit samtykke inden periodens udløb.
Universitetet må ikke gøre anden brug af optagelsen end oven for nævnt, herunder ikke foretage
kommerciel distribution.
Dato og navn
Undertegnede medarbejder ved Aalborg Universitet erklærer herved at have indhentet ovenstående
Dato og navn