CV – Lene Holm Pedersen CV Lene Holm Pedersen Born: September 3, 1968 Professor mso in Public Management Employed at Department of Business and Politics, 2013 Department of Business and Politics Steen Blichersvej 22, 1 sal 2000 Frederiksberg Phone: +45 38153595 E-mail: Educational background PhD in Political Science Visiting scholar Master’s degree in Political Science (Cand.scient.pol.) Visiting student University of Copenhagen, Denmark SCANCOR – Scandinavian Consortium of Organizational Research, Stanford University, USA University of Aarhus, Denmark 2003 2001 Department of Public Administration, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK 1994 Department of Business and Politics, CBS and KORA – Danish Institute of Governmental Research AKF - Danish Institute of Governmental Research Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen AKF - Danish Institute of Governmental Research Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen 2013 1996 Professional experience Professor mso Director of Research Associate Professor in Public Administration Assistant Professor in Public Administration Researcher External Associate Professor 2008 2007 2004 2003 2003 1 CV – Lene Holm Pedersen PhD-student Includes a stay at Stanford University and three periods of maternity leave Research fellow Memberships and committees Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen 1998 AKF - Danish Institute of Governmental Research 1996 The Danish Council for Independent Research 2009 Research Management Experience Department of Business and Politics, CBS. Ph.D. coordinator and member for the coordination group at DBP AKF: Strategic Research on leadership, innovation and red-tape with focus on the Free Commune Experiments Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv (FSE): Managing Public Sector Reform Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv (FSE): Public Service Motivation – Concept, Causes and Consequences (FSE) Den Kommunale Momsfond: Lokalpolitikernes rolle og råderum FOKUS: De samfundsmæssige konsekvenser af detailregulering Styregruppen for tema-klynge 1, Københavns Universitet til projektet: Et bæredygtigt europæisk CO2-kvotesystem – institutionalisering og effekter. (A sustainable emission trading sheme) Efteruddannelsesudvalget for længerevarende uddannede (ELU) til projektet: ’Vidensudvikling mellem forskning og praksis – en efteruddannelsesmodel for akademikere’ (Knowledgeproduction in the interface between research and practise) Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv (FSE) til projektet ’Med borgeren i centrum – udbredelse og udformning af borgerservicecentre i forbindelse med strukturreformen’ (Putting the citizen at the center – the diffusion of citizen service centres in the Danish structural reform). Det strategiske miljøforskningsprogram (SMPII) til PhD-project om indførelsen af grønne afgifter (The power of environmental economic ideas) 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 1997 List of teaching and supervision at university level Year 2014 2014 2014 2012 Discipline and level Ph.D. supervisor for Henrik Maniche Supervision of three MPG master thesis Motivation and regulation in the public sector, vocational training MPG (Styring og motivation i den offentlige sector) This course is planned, but to be completed in the autumn Motivation and regulation in the public sector, vocational training MPG (Styring og motivation i den offentlige sector) This course is planned, but to be completed in the autumn Responsibilities and language Main-supervisor (Danish) Supervision (Danish) Lecturer (co-teaching with Ivar Friss), responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2 CV – Lene Holm Pedersen 2009 Public sector reform and administration in the Danish Municipalities, Masters level (Kommunerne efter kommunalreformen (overbygningen – udbud) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2007 Central steering and local democracy, Masters level (Central styring – lokalt råderum – overbygningen udbud) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2006 Public Administration, bachelor level (National Forvaltning – 2005 ordningen, grunduddannelsen) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2006 Organisational analysis and local government reform, Masters level (Organisationsteori og kommunale forandringer – overbygningen, seminar) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2006 The concept of ideas in the new institutionalism, Masters level (Idebegrebet inden for nyinstitutionel teori – overbygningen, udbud) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2005 Organisational analysis and local government reform, Masters level (Organisationsteori og kommunale forandringer – overbygningen, seminar) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2004 The concept of ideas in the new institutionalism, Masters level (Idebegrebet inden for nyinstitutionel teori – overbygningen, udbud) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2004 Public Administration, bachelor level (National Forvaltning – spor 1, 2000 ordningen grunduddannelsen) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2003 Public Administration, bachelor level (National Forvaltning – spor 1, 2000 ordningen grunduddannelsen) Lecturer without teaching assistants, responsibility for course planning and exams, Danish 2007 20 bachelor dissertations In total 20 master dissertations Teaching and supervision, examination Supervision and examination Most recent evaluation report 3 CV – Lene Holm Pedersen 4
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