Golding October 23-24, 2013 SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS Gladstone Engineering Alliance

Gladstone Engineering Alliance
presented by
October 23-24, 2013
Address: Gladstone Engineering Alliance Inc., PO Box 1506, Gladstone Q 4680
Phone: 07 4972 9060 Fax: 07 4972 4020 Email:
Gladstone Engineering Alliance and Golding Contractors invite your
organisation to participate in the premier industry conference of Central
Queensland. The GEA Industry Conference presented by Golding Contractors
will take place in Gladstone, Queensland on October 23-24, 2013.
2013 marks the Industry Conference 10th year anniversary and promises to
be the most memorable conference yet. This sell-out event draws more than
200 industry leaders, decision makers and project managers from across
Conference sponsorship identifies your company as an industry leader and
provides a powerful opportunity to increase your brand’s visibility through
exclusive exhibitor booth privileges at the event and inclusion in conference
multi-media marketing.
Sponsorship includes an allocation of complimentary conference tickets. The
Industry Conference is renowned as the event for obtaining the most current
and in-depth information on project updates and supplier opportunities in
Central Queensland, delivered directly from project managers and top
procurement professionals.
Participation can occur in several ways. Please consider the following
opportunities to be a part of the 10th Industry Conference.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities or for questions:
T: 07 4972 9060 or Email:
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising and print material
Verbal recognition as Gold Sponsor during the opening and closing addresses and at
regular intervals throughout the conference
Quarter page advertisement inside conference program
50 word company synopsis to appear in conference program
Corporate banner displayed at conference
Opportunity to insert 1 promotional material into the delegates satchels and 1
paper based insert into the delegates satchel
1st choice (after Principal Sponsor) of exhibition stand for duration of the
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Four (4) delegate registrations to the two day Industry Conference
Six (6) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
Four (4) tickets to the Gala Dinner
Four (4) ticket to attend breakfast
Four (4) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
$5500 GST inclusive
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including
television or radio) and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert
into delegate satchel inserts
2nd choice (after Gold Sponsors) of exhibition stand location
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Two (2) delegate registrations to the two day Industry Conference
Two (2) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
Two (2) tickets to the Gala Dinner
Two (2) ticket to attend breakfast
Two (2) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
$3850 GST inclusive
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including
television or radio) and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert
into delegate satchel
3rd choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2013
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
One (1) delegate registrations to the two day Industry Conference
One (1) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
One (1) tickets to the Gala Dinner
One (1) ticket to attend breakfast
One (1) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
Speaker & Sponsor Harbour Cruise
1 Available
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising
and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1
paper based insert into delegate satchel
3rd choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2013
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Ten (10) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset
Harbour Cruise
Four (4) delegate registrations to the two day
Industry Conference
Four (4) tickets to attend breakfast
Four (4) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
$3850 GST inclusive
1 Available
Lunch will be served to all delegates, giving you an exclusive opportunity to promote
your company to the entire conference attendance.
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Basic signage around the lunch buffet
The opportunity to supply branded napkins
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including
television or radio) and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert into
delegate satchel
5th choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
One (1) delegate registrations to the two day Industry Conference
One (1) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
One (1) tickets to the Gala Dinner
One (1) ticket to attend breakfast
One (1) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
Wednesday, October 23 - $3850
The most important meal of the day, breakfast will be served to all delegates who wish
to register. The VIP Breakfast was introduced in 2011, and averages 100+ in attendance.
This is the only sponsorship on offer that provides sponsors with a speaking opportunity.
You will receive:
Standard signage around the breakfast room
The opportunity to supply branded napkins
15 minute presentation during the breakfast
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including television
or radio) and print material
Corporate logo on GEA website
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert into
delegate satchel
5th choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Three (3) tickets to attend breakfast
One (1) delegate registration to the two day Industry Conference
One (1) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
One (1) tickets to the Gala Dinner
One (1) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
Pens and Notepads
$3850 GST inclusive
A vital and heavily utilised tool, the pen and notepad sponsorship is a sure-fire
way to ensure your brand is front and centre during and after the conference.
Every registered delegate will be provided with a pen and notepad set customised
with your company logo.
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including
television or radio) and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert
into delegate satchel
5th choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Your company logo on every notepad used during the two day conference
One (1) delegate registration to the two day Industry Conference
One (1) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
One (1) tickets to the Gala Dinner
One (1) ticket to attend breakfast
One (1) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
Bottled Water
$3850 GST inclusive
1 Available
Take advantage of this exclusive right to have conference water branded with
your company logo.
You will receive:
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo on all conference signage, media advertising (not including
television or radio) and print material
1 promotional material insert into delegates satchels and 1 paper based insert
into delegate satchel
5th choice of exhibition stand for duration of the conference
First option of same sponsorship category 2014
Sponsorship post campaign report from GEA
Your company logo on every notepad used during the two day conference
One (1) delegate registration to the two day Industry Conference
One (1) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Sunset Harbour Cruise
One (1) tickets to the Gala Dinner
One (1) ticket to attend breakfast
One (1) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour
Delegate Satchels
Few sponsorship opportunities have quite the lasting presence as being the satchel sponsor.
The well make bags will not only be in abundant supply during the event, but are likely to be
used by many delegates for a considerable time after the event all around Australia.
Every registered delegate will be provided with an official Industry Conference Satchel upon
registration at the University.
As the Golding Industry Conference satchel sponsors you will have input into the type of satchel
bag & your logo on the bag, as well as;
Corporate logo on GEA website
Corporate logo printed on the satchel with the Golding Industry Conference logo
Corporate logo on Golding Industry Conference Signage
Corporate logo on Golding Industry Conference print media advertising
Corporate logo on Golding Industry Conference Registration brochure
Corporate logo in Golding Industry Conference Program
Inclusion in Media and Promotional Coverage
One (1) delegate registrations to the two day Golding Industry Conference
Two (2) tickets to the Speakers & Sponsors Harbour Sunset Cruise
One (1) tickets to the GALA Dinner
Two (2) tickets for the Gladstone Industry Tour (October 18)
1 x opportunity to insert promotional material into the Conference delegates satchels
Exhibition Stand in Industry Exhibition for duration of the conference
1 x paper based insert into the Conference delegate satchel inserts (Provided by you)
Sponsorship Application Form
Contact Person:
Postal Address:
State: ____________ Postcode: ______
Mobile: ___________________________
Check Box
GST Included
Bottled Water
*Payment is due within 60 days of entering this agreement or by August 31, 2013.
Please accept this completed application form for sponsorship of the Gladstone Engineering Alliance Golding
Industry Conference, held on October 23-24, 2013. I have read and agree to all the terms and I warrant that
I am authorised to sign on behalf of the Sponsor listed on the sponsor application form and that all
information I have provided is complete and accurate.
(Signed on behalf of Sponsor)
______________________________Position: _________________________
*Please Note: as some sponsorship categories are offered on a exclusive basis, sponsorship offers will be
allocated on a first received basis.
Please fax form through to (07) 4972 4020 or email through to For any
enquires please contact Annabel Johnson at the GEA Office on (07) 4972 9060.
Sponsorship will be considered and allocated only after receipt of a signed sponsorship
application form.
All sponsors must engage in behaviors at the conference that align with the core values of the
GEA. These values are shared across all stakeholders to ensure effective partnership.
Business excellence & commitment to promoting a genuine safety culture
Environmentally responsible behavior and respect for individual and stakeholder rights
Highest standards of corporate governance and unquestionable ethics
A confirmation letter together with a tax invoice for the full sponsorship amount will be provided
to sponsors to endorse their sponsorship. All sponsorships must be paid 7 days from date of
invoice unless otherwise approved by GEA staff.
No sponsor will be listed as a “SPONSOR” in any official conference material until full payment
has been received by the GEA.
In the event of sponsorship cancellation or withdrawal by the sponsor, the GEA reserves the
right to retain 50% of sponsorship paid unless that particular area of sponsorship is resold. All
cancellations must be advised in writing. No refunds of sponsorship monies will be given for
cancellations received after August 31, 2013.
Sponsors must negotiate and receive written approval from the GEA prior to assigning,
subletting or appointing the whole or any party.
GEA will assign sponsor corporate display space. Display space will be assigned on
sponsorship level basis.
Sponsors are encouraged to distribute literature, run demonstrations, and market products and
services within the boundaries of the sponsors assigned display space. All booth furnishings must
be within the confines of the assigned space and may be in no way interfere with adjacent space.
Displays must be constructed safely, occupied and dismantled in accordance with GEA’s agenda.
The GEA reserves the right to review all display materials provided by a sponsor and may
refuse permission to market and products or services GEA deems objectionable or unsuitable for
the event.
The GEA accept no responsibility for damage to display by loss, damage, theft, fire, water,
storms, strikes, riots or any cause whatsoever. Sponsors are advised to insure against and such
liability. The Sponsor will indemnify the GEA in respect of any claims and demands in respect
Sponsors are encouraged to make available marketing flyers or promotional material to be
placed in approximately 250 delegate satchels. All satchel material is to be delivered to the GEA
office. The GEA will make every effort to ensure the care of promotional material; however, no
responsibility will be taken for loss or damage.
Note: note pads and pens as well as bottled water and caps cannot be accepted as promotional
material for satchels as these items are exclusive sponsorship categories .
The GEA reserves the right to change the venue and/or duration of the conference if
exceptional circumstances demand. In the event of a change of venue and/or duration, the
agreement to participate will remain in force so long as the sponsor is informed at least one month
prior to the changes.