Five years experience and the Groundwork to The Decade of Action for Road Safety in Indonesia GRSP/ASIA Road Safety Seminar Siem Reap, Cambodia, 3-5 November 2010 2010/11/01 GRSP INDONESIA 1 Five years experience 2010/11/01 3 Trend of Motor Vehicles in Indonesia 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 2000 2001 2002 Passenger Car 2010/11/01 Source: BPS Indonesia, 2010 2003 Bus 2004 2005 Truck Motorcycle 2006 2007 2008 5 Indonesia Road Safety Week • 2007: Jakarta, inline with The 1st UN Global Road Safety Week. Opened by President, sponsorship PT. Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia • 2008: Jakarta, opened by Vice President, sponsorship PT. Astra Honda Motor • 2009: Jakarta, opened by Minister of Transport, national budget • 2010: 7(seven) provinces, opened by Governors, national budget 2010/11/01 7 Indonesia 1st Global Road Safety Week Jakarta, 23rd April 2007 Opening by President of Rep. Indonesia President’s instructions on his speech: 1. To establish Road Safety Board 2. To develop Safety Information System 3. To establish Road Safety Blue Print 4. To find funding for road safety 5. To manage education for children 6. To improve public awareness 2010/11/01 8 Symbolically distributed 1,000 SNI child helmets 2010/11/01 9 2010/11/01 12 2010/11/01 13 5 YEAR PROGRAM FOR ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENT (2008 – 2012) STRATEGIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stregthening Coordination and Management of Road Safety Developing Society with high awareness on Road Safety Planning and Evaluation of Road Safety Management Performance Increasing the Discipline and Safety in using the road Creating Risk Guarantee in Safety dan Funding for Road Safety Minimize Risk and Danger in Road Safety through Modern Design and Engineering Better Protection to Group of Road User with High Risk Develop Efficient Emergency Response System SECTORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2010/11/01 Coordination and Management of Road Safety Road Accident Data Systems Road Safety Funding Safe Planning and Design of Roads Improvement of Hazardous Locations Road Safety Education Driver Training and Testing Road Safety Campaign Vehicle Safety Standards Traffic Legislation Traffic Police and Law Enforcement Emergency Assistance to Road Accidents Victims Road Safety Research Road Accident Costing and Prioritising Intervention Prpjects Partnership 14 Indonesia 2nd Global Road Safety Week Jakarta, 20th April 2008 Opening by Vice President of RI Mr. Jusuf Kalla, 2010/11/01 5, 000 SNI child helmets distributed through 15 11 Ministries & Indonesia National Traffic Police Indonesia 3rd Global Road Safety Week Jakarta, 24th June 2009 Opening by Minister of Transport 3,750 SNI child helmets distributed to seven provinces Giving award to private sectors who engaged and supported road safety 2010/11/01 16 1st Remembrance Traffic Victims Day Jakarta, 23rd - 27th November 2009 2010/11/01 17 Indonesia 4th Global Road Safety Week in 7 (seven) Provinces, May- October 2010 North Sulawesi Province East Kalimantan Province 2010/11/01 West Kalimantan Province South Sulawesi Province • Opening by Governor • 4,000 SNI child helmets distributed to seven provinces • Signatory to the Indonesia declaration of road safety 18 Indonesia 4th Global Road Safety Week West Java Province Lampung Province 2010/11/01 19 2010/11/01 20 2010/11/01 21 DEKLARASI UNTUK KESELAMATAN TRANSPORTASI JALAN MENYADARI BAHWA: 1. Keselamatan jalan (road safety) masih menjadi keprihatinan kita semua karena masih cukup tingginya kecelakaan di jalan (road accident) yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa dan raga, kerugian materi, dan beban ekonomi Bangsa yang makin bertambah setiap tahun, 2. Keselamatan jalan (road safety) sangat dipengaruhi oleh kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya memahami dan menerapkan keselamatan dalam memanfaatkan jalan, 3. Keselamatan jalan (road safety) bukan suatu kebetulan serta harus selalu diupayakan, 4. Keselamatan jalan (road safety) adalah tanggung jawab kita semua, 5. Kami mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengambil peran dan memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya meningkatkan keselamatan jalan (road safety), Maka, kami yang menandatangani Deklarasi ini berkomitmen turut serta secara aktiv dalam usaha meningkatkan keselamatan jalan (road safety) melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya yang berada dalam lingkungan kami masingmasing. Semoga Tuhan YME meridhoi usaha kami. Amin. INDONESIA ROAD SAFETY DECLARATION Recognizing that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Road safety remains a concern for us all because it is still rather high level of road accidents resulting in loss of life and body, material losses and economic burden of a growing nation each year, Road safety is strongly influenced by public awareness of the importance of understanding and implementing the use of road safety, Road safety is not a coincidence and should always be pursued, Road safety is everybody responsibility, We have the ability to take on the role and contribution in promoting road safety, We , the signatories of this Declaration commit to participate actively in the efforts to increase road safety through the utilization of resources within our respective environments. May God Almighty bless our efforts. Amen. 22 2010/11/01 23 2010/11/01 24 Political Commitment and Role Model Jakarta Governor and Minister of Transport Bandung City Mayor 2010/11/01 East Java Governor and Regional Head Police Jogjakarta Vice Governor Solo City Mayor, DGLT, Police Resorts Chairman of GRSP Indonesia 26 Private Sector Participation 2010/11/01 27 2010/11/01 28 AIHI (Association of Helmet Industry Indonesia) • • • Chairman : Mr. John Manaf (2007-2010) Members : 8 large industries – 50 small industries Address : JDC Business Center 6th Floor Jl Gatot Subroto Kav.53, Jakarta 10260, Indonesia, Tel:62-21-5495164 - Fax:62-21-5742385 • Total production of 8 large industries (members of AIHI): 2009: 14,8 million pcs/year ; 2010: 24 million pcs/year • Export destination : Europe, USA, Canada, UK, South Africa, Australia, Japan, Paraguay, Zimbabwe 2010/11/01 29 SNI (Indonesia National Standard) Helmet • Industries produce two types of child helmet: Kid : 3-5 years old Junior: 5-11 years old • The total production based on demand is 60,000 pcs / year. However, industries have capacity of production of 960,000 pcs / year. • Demand from the market for children's helmet on today is still low. Apparently government still have to work hard to ensure the community considering helmet usage for children. • The price of manufacturer range: USD 8,5 - 9,5 2010/11/01 30 2010/11/01 31 2010/11/01 33 Private Sector Participation 2010/11/01 34 PUBLIC EMPOWERMENT • Road Safety Community Lead Development along the corridors: Sumatra island Java island Kalimantan island Sulawesi island Bali/NTT/NTB Papua 2010/11/01 : Along East corridor : Along North corridor : Along South corridor : Along West corridor : connected corridor : 11 (eleven) corridors 35 Road Safety Community Lead Development Simpang Batu Ampar Simpang Perdau PONTIANAK Tayan Teraju SAMARINDA Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Barat PALANGKARAYA Kujan Runtu SampitKM65 Simpang Runtu BANJARMASIN Kalimantan Tengah Batulicin Pagatan Sebamban Kintap Kalimantan Selatan 2010/11/01 36 Thank You Road Safety Community Lead Development in Province of Kalimantan 2010/11/01 37 Number of Vehicles Involved in Accident 2008 94.979 4456 10435 4320 Passenger Private Penumpang Tidak Umum FreightUmum Public Beban 8774 FreightTidak Private Beban Umum 2879 BusUmum Public Bus 63493 ( 67% ) Passenger Public Penumpang Umum Passenger Public 622 BusTidak Private Bus Umum 72.553 Passenger Private Freight Public Freight Private Bus Public ( 70% ) Bus Private Motor Cycle Motor Cycle Passenger Public 86.298 Passenger Private Freight Public Freight Private Bus Public ( 68% ) Bus Private Dominated by motorcycle Motor Cycle 2010/11/01 38 Person involves in Traffic Accidents by Age Domination: • 16-25 years old •26-30 years old •31-40 years old 2010/11/01 39 Person involves in Traffic Accidents By Education Elementary Elementary Junior High Junior High Senior High Senior High University University Elementary Junior High Senior High Dominated High School University 2010/11/01 40 Groundwork to The Decade of Action 2010/11/01 41 Emerging Issues in Road Safety High motorization rate and motorcycle boom (over 13% per annum in 2007-2008), More than 20,000 deaths each year on the roads of Indonesia, over 79,000 are injured, 61% of deaths are motorcyclists and 15% pedestrians*. *According to ADB Report 2005, the number of deaths is doubled due to under reporting of crashes 2010/11/01 42 Challenges to BINA MARGA To deliver more efficient and safer road networks (especially when facing an inadequate growth rate of road length versus vehicles’); To improve safety in existing road to minimize the number of fatality-crashes caused by road infrastructure and its deficiencies. 2010/11/01 High Disparity between Motorized Vehicle Growth and Road Length Growth 44 Source : Statistic Indonesia, 2009 Architecture for Road Safety • • • • • Pilar 1: Road Safety Management Pilar 2: Infrastructure Pilar 3: Safe Vehicle Pilar 4: Road User Pilar 5: Post Crash Care 2010/11/01 45 Pillar 1: Build road safety management capacity •Establishment of Forum on Road Safety has been stated in the new law no.22/2009 •Eleven new Government Regulations under formulation in which one of them specifically regulate road security and road safety. •Bring the Provincial and Regency/City Government into the bandwagon and take active role in Road Safety. •Bring the Leaders in the society, such as Priest, Ministers, Imam into the campaign on Road Safety. •Bring the Business and Civil Society to take more responsibility in disseminating various technique and information on Road Safety to the people. 2010/11/01 46 Pillar 2: Influence safety road design and network management • Road Improvement/Rehabilitation 2010/11/01 Sumatra island : Along East corridor Java island Kalimantan island Sulawesi island Bali/NTT/NTB Papua : Along North corridor : Along South corridor : Along West corridor : connected corridor : 11 (eleven) corridors 47 BINA MARGA’s Road Safety Programs BINA MARGA aim to create road with high level of safety consideration, and to reduce number of crashes caused by road infrastructure. Improve engineering standards and manuals; Produce road safety manuals; Create a road safety engineering unit, increase capabilities of human resources dedicated to road safety; Create a road preservation fund management unit and apply an exclusive budget for safety improvement; Integrate safety concern in earliest stage of road development through series of road safety audit; Identify black spots, road deficiencies, and improve safety condition of existing roads. (Long Term Strategic Plan of Bina Marga, targeting the reduction of 250 blackspots throughout Indonesia in 5 years time); 2010/11/01 48 Bike lane BALIKPAPAN BALIKPAPAN BALI 2010/11/01 BALI BALI 53 SPECIAL SPACE LANE JAKARTA JAKARTA BALI JAKARTA JAKARTA 2010/11/01 JOGYAKARTA 54 Pillar 3: Influence vehicle safety design 1. Adherence by member states to motor vehicle safety standards as developed by the UN’s world forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulation (WP 29) , Indonesia was applied : - Standard Euro 2 for motor vehicle exhaust gas emission - ECE R51 (cars) and ECE R41 (motor cycle) for Noise regulation. 2. Encourage agreement to ensure that all new motor vehicles are equipped with seat belts was applied since 1993 with Law 14/1992 that revised with Law 22/2009. 3. Technical requirement of Safety Belt was issued by transport minister decree(2002 ) . 4. Compulsory to apply emergency exit and tools for public transport (public bus) was issued by DGLT (2004) 5. Compulsory to equip the secondary brake for heavy duty (1993) 6. Compulsory to complete side bumper for truck and heavy duty (1993) 7. Compulsory to assembly safety glass for all vehicle 8. Compulsory to complete lamp or reflector for high vehicles. 9. Compulsory to remove door beside the driver for bus (2006) 2010/11/01 55 Pillar 4: Influence road user behaviour Indonesia Road Safety Week • 2010: 7(seven) provinces, opened by Governors, national budget • 2011: min 7 provinces, opened by Governors, national budget • 2012 – 2020 the rest of the Province and Kabupaten/Kota (Regency/City) Increase Government Agency participation Increase public participation Increase corporate participation 2010/11/01 56 2010/11/01 58 2010/11/01 59 2010/11/01 61 Plaque of Pledge of Member of Community of Four Wheeler Owner and Road Safety Association 2010/11/01 62 Brieving on the important of keeping the vehicle in good condition and road worthy 2010/11/01 63 Radio Talk Show on The Importance of Good Behaviour in the Street 2010/11/01 64 TV interview . Part of the means to campaign for Road Safety. 2010/11/01 65 2010/11/01 66 PREVALENSI CEDERA LALU LINTAS DARAT Pillar 5: Improving post crash care PER PROVINSI DI INDONESIA TAHUN 2007 PREVALENSI (%) 0-20 21-30 > 30 2010/11/01 INDONESIA = 25,9 NCD’S SPECIAL VEHICLE 67 SOURCE : BHS, 2007 Function on NCD’s Special Vehicle 1. EDUCATION SUPPORTING EQUIPMENTS 2. EARLY DETECTION 2010/11/01 3. EVACUATION 68 INTEGRATED POST CRASH HANDLING AND CARING PUBLIC SAFETY CENTRE 2010/11/01 72 Experiences in regional road safety management within ASEAN • Workshop on Management of Road Safety • Technical visit for the exchange of knowledge, experience and skills. • Sharing technical guidelines and information. Technical visit of SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) with participants from 9 countries in a helmet factory in Cikarang Industrial Park, Indonesia 2010/11/01 74 SIDA PARTICIPANTS Participants were Medium Level Manager of Road Safety from : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2010/11/01 Myanmar Laos Nepal Srilanka Ghana Indonesia Tanzania Uganda South Africa 75 Five years experience and the Groundwork to The Decade of Action for Road Safety in Indonesia GRSP/ASIA Road Safety Seminar Siem Reap, Cambodia, 3-5 November 2010 2010/11/01 GRSP INDONESIA 77 Yesterday one Speaker mention a slogan: “Big Idea – Start Small” I use the following: “Think Big – Start Small – Move Fast – In The Right Direction” THANK YOU 2010/11/01 79
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