Google groups for educators

Google groups for educators
Please check with your district tech before creating
Google Groups. You may need parent permission or
district approval to conduct online discussions.
Google and I are here to help!
(support for Google Groups)
(Google Group Tour)
Advantages of working in Google
• Connect with students in a controlled, secure
• Conduct discussions and chats (where/if allowed).
• Moderate responses to discussions to ensure safety and
• Post links and questions quickly and easily.
• Use a medium in which students feel comfortable and
• Provide teachable moments on netiquette (professional
language vs. Facebook language) in context.
• Demonstrate real world applications with networking.
I. Creating a Google account and
registering for Gmail (Google’s e-mail)
1. Choose a user ID that represents your school or subject area. My
Gmail account is called “mvhsfrench” and my e-mail is
2.When creating an account, you may choose to use an
alternative first/last name on the account. You do not
need to use your real name! My mvhsfrench first name is
“french” and my last name is “mvhs.” In this way, your
name is not used. A few teachers were concerned about
this situation.
I. Creating a Google account and
registering for Gmail (Google’s e-mail)
3. If you need to change anything in your account, visit this site:
However, you should know: “If you use Gmail with your Google
Account, it's not currently possible to change your Gmail
username after you've registered. You can, however, create
another Google Account with a different Gmail username.”
4. Verify your account by text message or alternative e-mail.
II. Create your groups/classes: Google has
a limit on how many groups you can make in
a certain time period. 3/hour seems to be
the limit. I make a group for each period.
A. To make a Google Group, sign into
Google with your gmail information.
1. At the top of the page, you will see a toolbar with gmail,
calendar, documents, reader, web, and more
A. To make a Google Group, sign into
Google with your gmail information.
2.Click on “More” and find the link for “Groups.”
a. Click on “Create a group.”
b. Name your groups with simple names: “fr1p2” is an
example. Do not use apostrophes or long names. Your
group name may also be the e-mail for that address. If
you want a different e-mail address, change it below.
III. Managing Group settings:
the settings for each group. Keep the groups
private, unlisted, and restricted to members
Group settings (on the right side of the
page)  Access  Manage each category.
1. At first, I lock down all options to “Manager
only” until I am sure that students understand
and comply with all parameters.
Managing Group settings
• You may choose to distribute a paper
copy of your Google Group expectations,
• i. Language expectations
• ii. Harassing / inappropriate language
• iii. Inappropriate links
• iv. Time limits for discussions
• v. Use of translation sites…
Managing Group
b. As your students become more
accustomed to and responsible about
the parameters, you may choose to
allow them to post files and
comments without moderation.
Appearance: Change the colors and picture associated
with your group.
A neutral picture (flag, country map, etc) is best.
You may decide if you want students to post their
pictures. An animal or created avatar is best!
C. Categories: Schools and Universities
D. Advanced: DELETE GROUP! This is final. If you need
to delete a group, verify that you are the page of the
group that you wish to delete.
E. Edit my membership (tab above Group Settings)
1. What nickname do you want people in this group to
see? Choose the class name, nickname, or your
professional appellation.
Click on the picture to increase the size! It is best
viewed at 8.0
IV. Student accounts: Verify with your district that
students may use Google and accounts.
A. Students will need to make their own Google accounts
through This can be a lengthy process for
them as the instructions are at moderate level of
reading. They will need to use an alternative e-mail
address and possibly their cell phone. Students who do
not have texting will need to partner with a texting
1. Encourage students to NOT use their real names,
birthdates, or personal information. This is a security
2. Students should use short and appropriate screen
names. *Sexychica* is not appropriate.
3. Students should write their login information
down in their class notebooks or should
themselves an e-mail to an alternative
address. Password recovery is annoying and
frustrating at times!
4. Students will send you their e-mail. They could
send it to your school address or to your
Google group’s gmail account.
5. Add students directly or by invitation.
Students will need to check their gmail
account to accept the invitation or join the
Click on the picture to increase the size! It is best
viewed at 8.0
V. Understanding and using the right sides
A. Discussions: Use discussions for
thematic conversations, to post
important links, ideas, reminders, and
announcements. To post a new
discussion, click on the blue link “+new
post” on the right side of the panel.
1. Conversation possibilities: Grammatical usage
(tenses, adjectives, pronouns), Vocabulary
practice, cultural knowledge, web quests
(Students visit prearranged/suggested
websites and answer questions about the
material.), etc.
Click on the picture to increase the size! It is best
viewed at 8.0
2. Students can use Microsoft Word or
OpenOffice programs to insure correct
spelling and verb conjugations. Copy/paste
posts into the “Reply” box.
3. Replies go to author (you) or to another
student if you wish to have students dialogue
4. Grading can be variable. Choose your rubric
based on your objectives. I do not always
judge grammatical conventions when students
are communicating effectively
B. Example of a discussion about Quebec. My
initial post is on top. Students replied to my
message. Students and teacher will also
receive e-mails with the discussion and
subsequent replies. Remind students to clear
their inboxes periodically to avoid confusion.
C. Members: Confirm the members and their emails under this tab. The entire e-mail will not
be shown until a hidden word is typed in. This
protects the security of the members. If
students are not included in your member list,
try re-inviting them or add them directly
under “Members – add new member” to the
D. Files: IMPORTANT! GoogleGroups no longer
offers the “Files” option directly on Groups.
To upload a file, go to Google Documents
( and sign in with your
group’s log in information.
1. To upload a file: Click on “Upload a file” from
the left panel. “Documents” include Word,
Spreadsheets, Presentations, and
Audio/Visual clips. Browse your files and
choose the one that you wish to upload. To
select multiple files, use the “Control” button
and down arrow on your keyboard.
D. Google Documents continued:
2. You may also choose to make a “Google Doc” directly
through Google. Google docs allow any user on any
platform (Mac, PC, etc) view the pages. Look for the
“Sharing” tab to the right of the screen.
Google docs are easy to make. The environment of the
Google Docs resembles that of Microsoft Office
Word. Share the documents with your group members
or anyone you choose. Documents may be private or
public. Choose the level of privacy when you upload or
publish a document. You may also choose who is
allowed to edit the documents. For group
collaboration, be sure to choose “Anyone with the
link” access option.
2. If you have allowed students to upload
files under the “Group settings
Access” tabs, they may upload their
work (pictures, homework, documents,
PowerPoints) for your review. Students
may comment on each other’s work and
discuss corrections under the
“Discussions” tab or by e-mail to the
E. Pages:IMPORTANT! GoogleGroups no longer offers
the “Pages” option directly on Groups.
To create a “Page”, go to Google Documents
( and sign in with your group’s
log in information.
Creating a site with Google Sites will be demonstrated in
a later document. If this is your first Web page,
consider using a template offered by Google. They
are easy-to-use and can be edited by multiple users.