Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 1.Identifikation af stoffet/blandingen og af selskabet/virksomheden Produktidentifikation Handelsnavn: Beskrivelse: CAS Nummer: EINECS Nummerr: Registrerings nummer: Synonymers: ME-1090 METHYLESTER KO Decanoic acid, methyl ester 110-42-9 01-2119487998-07-0003 01-2119487998-07-0000 Decanoic acid, methyl ester Relevant identificerede anvendelser af stoffet eller blandingen, samt anvendelser der frarådes Identificerede anvendelser Brændstof for Lampe olie & Tændvæske Anvendelse dr frarådes: Ingen kendte Nærmere oplysninger om leverandøren af sikkerhedsdatabladet Producent/leverandør Fritz Schur Consumer Products A/S Esplanaden 40 1263 København K Denmark Yderligere information: Nød telefon: +(45) 82 12 12 12 Poison Hotline (DK), Bispebjerg Hospital (open 24 hours) 2 Fareidentifikation Klassificering af stoffet eller blandingen Stoffet er blevet vurderet og/eller testet for fysiske, sundhedsmæssige og miljømæssige farer, og følgende klassificering gælder. Klassificering I henhold til direktiv 67/548/EEC eller direktiv 1999/45/EC: Ikke klassificeret Klassificering I henhold til forordning (EF) No 1272/2008 Giftig for vandlevende organismer, med langvarig virkning. Miljøfare: Giftig for vandlevende organismer, med langvarig virkning. Kategori 2 Physical hazards: Ikke klassificeret Health hazards: Ikke klassificeret Specific hazards: Giftig for vandlevende organismer, med langvarig virkning. Main symptoms: Ingen kendte Mærknings elementer: Mærkning I henhold til (EF) No 1272/2008: Indeholder: Methyl Decanoate Identifikations nummer: 110-42-9 Fare piktogram: Side 1 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Signalord: Hazard statements: Sikkerhed sætninger: Forebyggelse: Reaktion: Opbevaring: Bortskaffelse: Yderligere oplysninger på etiketten: Andre fare: Revision date: 1.05.2014 ingen Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Undgå udledning til miljøet Udslip opsamles Ikke tilgængelig Bortskaf indholdet/beholderen I et passende renovationsanlæg I henhold til gældende love og regulativer og til produktets tilstand på bortskaffelsestidspunktet Ikke relevant Ikke relevant 3 Sammensætning af/oplysninger om indholdsstoffer Almen information: CAS Nummer: REACH identifikations nummer Stoffet 110-42-9 Methyl Decanoate Klassifisering: Yderligere information: 01-2119487998-07-0003 01-2119487998-07-0000 DSD: CLP: Aquatic Chronic 2;H411 CLP: Forordning nr. 1272/2008 DSD: Direktiv 67/548/EEC PBT: persistent, bio akkumulerende og toksisk stof vPvB: meget persistent og meget bioakkumulerende stof #: Der er EU-grænseværdier for dette stof 4 Førstehjælps foranstaltninger Beskrivelse af førstehjælps foranstaltninger Almen information: Ved Indånding Ved hudkontakt: Ved kontakt med øjne: Ved indtagelse: Information for doctor: Vigtigste symptomer og virkninger, både akutte og forsinkede Angivelse af om øjeblikkelig lægehjælp eller særlig behandling er nødvendig. Ikke tilgængelig Søg frisk luft. Ved åndedrætsstop gives kunstigt åndedræt. Ved åndedræts besvær, giv ilt. Søg straks lægehjælp. Vask straks huden med sæbe og vand. Fjern forurenet beklædning. Søg læge ved vedvarende irritation. Vask tøjet separat ved genbrug. Skyl øjne grundigt. Søg læge Giv aldrig en person, der er bevistløs eller som har krampe, noget at drikke eller spise. Fremkald ikke opkastninger. Kontakt læge. Ingen kendte Ikke tilgængelig Side 2 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 5 Brandbekæmpelse Gennerelle brandfarer: Egnede slukningsmidler: Ikke egnede slukningsmidler: Særlig fare I forbindelse med stoffet eller blandingen: Ikke tilgængelig Særlige beskyttelsesmidler for brandmandskab: Anvend friskluft tilført åndedrætsværn og beskyttelsesdragt. Særlige brandbekæmpelsesforanstaltninger: Afkøl beholder med rigeligt vand I lang ti defter branden er slukket. Skum, CO2, tørkemikalier Vandsprøjter kan være ineffektive Forbrænding kan forårsage giftige dampe, kulilte og kuldioxid. 6 Forholdsregler over for udslip ved uheld Personlige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, personlige værnemidler og nødprocedure: Miljøbeskyttelses foranstaltninger: Metoder og udstyr til inddæmning og oprensning: Henvisning til andre punkter : Brug særligt arbejdstøj, egnede beskyttelseshandsker og briller ansigtsskærm. Bær pasende beskyttelsesudstyr under rengøring. Hvis der opstår dampe, anvend egnede åndedrætsværn. Brug jord eller sandsække for at minimere forurening af afløb, overflade og grundvand. Udluft området. Fjern antændelseskilder. Absorber med jord, sand eller andet ikke nantændeligt materiale og overfør til beholdere til senere bortskaffelse. Personlige værnemidler se pkt.8 Bortskaffelse se pkt. 13 7 Håndtering og opbevaring Forholdsregler for sikker håndtering: Betingelser for sikker opbevaring, herunder eventuel uforenlighed: Særlig anvendelse Da tomme beholdere kan indeholde restprodukter skal advarslerne på etiketterne stadig følges, også når beholderen er tom. Vask omhyggeligt efter håndtering. Skal håndteres i overensstemmelse med god erhvervshygiejne og sikkerhedsforanstaltninger. Undgå kontakt med øjne, hud og tøj. Holdes væk fra antændelseskilder. Kan opbevares i de fleste almindelige lagertanke, herunder kulstof stål, aluminium, glasfiber og rustfrit stål. Opbevares køligt og tørt med tilstrækkelig udluftning. Hold produktet på afstand af uforenlige materialer, åben ild og høje temperaturer. Ikke tilgængelig. Side 3 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 8 Eksponeringskontrol/personlige værnemidler Additional information about design of technical facilities: No further data; see item 7. Control parameters Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace: Not required. Predicted no effect concentration (PNECs) Components Type Route Value Form Not applicable Fresh water 0,0011 mg/l Fresh water 0,0469 mg/kg dw sediment Intermittent 0,011 mg/l release Marine 0,0047 mg/kg dw sediments Marine water 0,00011 mg/l Exposure controls Personal protective equipment: General protective and hygienic measures: Immediately remove all soiled and contaminated clothing. Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed. Be sure to clean skin thoroughly after work and before breaks. Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. Respiratory protection: In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device. In case of intensive or longer exposure use self-contained respiratory protective device. Protection of hands: The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the producU the substancel the preparation Material of gloves: Butyl rubber, BR Nitrile rubber, NBR The selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material, but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Penetration time of glove material: The exact break through time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be observed. Eye protection: Safety glasses Face protection Goggles recommended during refiIling Side 4 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 9 Physical and chemical properties Information on basic physical and chemical properties General Information Appearance: Form: Colour: Odour: Odour threshold: pH-value: Changes in conditions Melting point : Boiling Point/Boiling range: Flash point: Flammability (solid, gaseous): Ignition temperature: Decomposition temperature: Self-ignition: Danger of explosion: Explosion limits: Lower: Upper: Vapor pressure: Density: 0 Relative density at 40 C: Vapor density: Evaporation rate: Solubility in/ Miscibility with water: Segregation coefficient ( n-octanol/water): Viscosity: 0 Dynamic at 25 C: Kinematic: Other information: Liquid According to specification Characteristic Not determined Not applicable undetermined 0 ca. – 18 C 0 ca. 224 C 0 ca. 110 C (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) Not applicable Not determined Not determined Not determined Product does not present an explosive hazard Not determined Not determined Not determined Not determined ca. 0,873 Not determined Not determined Insoluble Not determined 0 ca. 2,4 mm2/s at 20 C Not determined No further relevant information available 10 Stability and reactivity Reactivity Chemical stability: Thermal decomposition I conditions to be avoided: Possibility of hazardous reactions Conditions to avoid: Incompatible materials: Hazardous decomposition products: Stable at environment temperature. No decomposition if used according to specifications. Reacts with oxidizing agents. Reacts with strong alkali. See Section 7 for information on safe handling. See Section 7 for information on safe handling. Poisonous gases/vapours Irritant gases/vapours Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide Side 5 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 11 Toxicological information Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity: Fatty acids, palm-kernel oll, Me esters LD/LCSO values relevant for classification: Primary irritant effect: on the skin: on the eye: Sensitization: Additional toxicological information: Oral LD50 >2000 mg/kg bw (rat) No irritant effect. No irritating effect. No sensitizing effects known. When used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects to our experience and the information provided to us. The substance is not subject to classification according to the latest version of the EU lists. CMR effects (carcinogenity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction) Mutagenicity: No further relevant information available. Carcinogenity No further relevant information available. Toxicity for reproduction: No further relevant information available. 12 Ecological information Toxicity Aquatic toxicity: Fatty acids, palm-kernel oil, Me esters Persistence and degradability: Behaviour in environmental systems: Bioaccumulative potential: Mobility in soil: Additional ecological informafion: General notes: LC50 (96h) >100 mg/L (fish) Easily biodegradable No further relevant information available. No further relevant information available. Water hazard class 1 (German Regulation) (Selfassessment): slightly hazardous for water Do not allow undiluted product or large quantities of it to reach ground water, water course or sewage system. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment PBT: vPvB: Other adverse effects: Not applicable. Not applicable. No further relevant information available. Side 6 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 13 Disposal considerations Waste treatment methods Recommendation: Uncleaned packaging: Recommendation: Must be specially treated adhering to official regulations. Packagings that may not be cleansed are to be disposed of in the same manner as the product. 14 Transport information DOT Regulations: Hazard Class: Land transport ADR/RID (cross-border) ADR/RID class: Maritime transport IMDG: IMDG Class: Marine pollutant: No Air transport ICAO-TI and IATA-DGR: ICAO/IATAClass: UN "Model Regulation": Special precautions for user: Not applicable. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73178 and the IBC Code: Name: Fatty Acid Methyl Esters(m) Pollution category: Y Ship type: 2 15 Regulatory information Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008: GHS label elements National regulations: Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations Country Substance Positive Usting: Europe (EINECS), China (IECSC), Korea (ECL) Alternate CAS No.: US (TSCA) Canada (NDSL) New Zealand (NZIOC) Europe (EINECS) Korea (ECL) China (IECSC) Note: The substance name and CAS numbers which are used for this product in the stated inventories may deviate from the information listed in Section 3. Chemical safety assessment: A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out. Side 7 af 8 Trade name: ME-1090 Methylester ME-400-070 Safety Data Sheet according to 190712006lEC, Article 31 Version number 3 Revision date: 1.05.2014 16 Other information This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. Department issuing MSDS: Contact: Abbreviations and acronyms: ADR: Accord europeen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) RID: Reglement international concernant le transport des marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer (Regulations Concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail) IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods DOT: US Department of Transportation IATA: International Air Transport Association IATA-DGR: Dangerous Goods Regulations by the "International Air Transport Association" (IATA) ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization ICAG- TI: Technicallnstructions by!he "International Civil Aviation Organization" (ICAO) GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substanees CAS: Chemical Abstracls Serviee (division of the Amerlcan Chemical Society) LC50: Lethal concentration, 50 pereent LD5O: Lethal dose, 50 pereent Sources: Official Journal of the European Union Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Third Revised Edition. Official Journal of the European Union Regulation (EG) No 1272/2008 Official Journal of the European Union Com mission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 IMO (2008). IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. Incorporating Amendment 3408. 2008 Edition, Volume 1 & 2. IMO (2007). ISC Code 2007 Edition. * Data compared to the previous version altered. Rev. 1 new issuance in GHS/CLP format (13 May 2011) Side 8 af 8
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