Introduction to Research Methods Supercourse Formulating Research Problems, Questions and Hypotheses Introduction to the course and to your assignment This project is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 2 Special thank you to workshop organizers and Nazarbayev University for hosting us 3 4 What is this course designed to achieve? Introduce the concept of research methods Describe basic biostatistical methods Introduce trainees to biostatistical software Introduce trainees to publication and research process Introduce steps needed in research development Introduce the Central Asian Journal of Global Health (CAJGH) 5 Course assignment: Develop a research project Learn the general steps in the research process from research idea to project implementation Identify a research problem Define research questions, directional and nondirectional hypotheses Identify the best possible research design for your hypotheses 6 Research Defined Research is an organized and systematic way to find answers to questions Research is a creative process 7 Why is research important to medicine and public health? Knowledge obtained from sound research is transformed into clinical practice, leading to medical practice that is evidence-based. 8 The Research Idea Professional experience Burning questions Literature Professional meetings Discussions 9 Criteria for developing a good research question Feasible Interesting Novel Ethical Relevant Cummings et al. 2001 10 Good research question? Feasible Subjects Resources Manageable Data available? Interesting Novel In relation to previous findings Ethical Social or scientific value Safe Relevant Advance scientific knowledge? Influence clinical practice? Impact health policy? Guide future research? Confirm or refute? New setting, new population 11 A Research Question Must Identify 1. The variables under study 2. The population being studied 3. The testability of the question 12 Variables in research Have 2 or more properties or qualities Age, sex, weight, height Is one variable related to another? “ Is X related to Y? What is the effect of X on Y?” etc. 13 Variables in research Independent variable: has a presumed effect on the dependent variable (outcome) May or may not be manipulated Dependent variable: Something that varies with a change in the independent variable Outcome variable 14 Hypothesis Statement about the relationship between 2 or more variables Converts the question into a statement that predicts an expected outcome A unit or subset of the research problem 15 Characteristics of hypotheses Declarative statement that identifies the predicted relationship between 2 or more variables Testability Based on sound scientific theory/rationale 16 Directional vs. Non-Directional Hypotheses Directional hypothesis Specifies the direction of the relationship between independent and dependent variables Non-directional hypothesis Shows the existence of a relationship between variables but no direction is specified 17 Finding appropriate research design Cohort Cross sectional Case control Clinical trial ? 18 Prepare PowerPoint presentaiton 10 minutes long ~10 slides Select 1 presenter from each group Present during the last day Each presentation should include research area, significance, hypothesis, and rough design of the experiment Practical applications of this project? Create your own research project Understand published research papers Understand presentations at scientific conferences Publish your research!! 20 Central Asian Journal of Global Health Welcome! What is CAJGH Biannual open access journal Focus area is Central Asian Region Peer reviewed Started in April 2012 as a part of USAID project Distinguished Editorial Advisory board Questions? 1/11/2017 24
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