Hello to everyone, For those who don`t know me, I`m Robin Brooke

Fra: r.j.brooke.rb@gmail.com [mailto:r.j.brooke.rb@gmail.com]
Sendt: 14. december 2015 16:12
Til: Paul (Pablo) & Linda; naneguy@hotmail.fr; delandjune@gail.com; suesandersonis@msn.com; Irene
Tolson;daveandpam.es@googlemail.com; peter@pibsen.dk; davidriley1407@hotmail.com; patmperrin@hotm
ail.com;casatomas35@yahoo.co.uk; danjon1942@gmail.com; jls.chiq@gmail.com; ericlew15@yahoo.com; ja
ndkc51@gmail.com;salinas@lagunarosa.se; lesleymariblanca@gmail.com; Roger
Seymour; nancymcgrandles@gmail.com; crewe.brenda@yahoo.com;bb.kellway@hotmail.co.uk; bobthebandi
t@gmail.com; rolf.thurfors@bredband.net; gunbrittelmersund@gmail.com;jameswendyhollyrio@gmail.com;
Susan Ward
Emne: The 2016 summer season
Hello to everyone,
For those who don't know me, I'm Robin Brooke, and this year I'll be running the summer season
of the Las Salinas Petanque League.
The league will be again running for about 3 months (April, May and June), and then will close for
the hottest months.
There must be 8 player's per team (at least), playing 8 games (4 triples, and 4 doubles, one of
which must be a ladies doubles). You are not required to register, but we do expect you to only
play for one team for this year.
We play on Friday, starting at 10.30, and the rules are as for the Las Salinas Petanque League.
You will be playing for a cup and medals, and registration is 10 euros per team.
Please let me know how many teams you wish to register, and good luck to all.
Sent from Surface
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