Third International Conference on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives ICPEED’14 Oran, December 10-11, 2014 th Important Deadlines : September 30 , 2014 : th October 30 , 2014 : Honorary Presidents : President of the University of Sciences and Technology of Oran Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, USTO-MB President of the Conference : Paper submission Notification of acceptance M. Bourahla Scientific Committee : President: A. Taieb Brahimi Co-President: N. Benouza M. Abdellah, EMP, Bordj El Behri, Algeria S. Ajib, Univ. Applied Sciences, Germany A. Allali, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Aillerie, Univ. Metz, France F. Azzouz, USTO-MB, Algeria Z. Azzouz, USTO-MB, Algeria S. Bacha, G2ELAB, France G. Bachir, USTO-MB, Algeria F. Badacsonyi, kvk.uni-obuda, Hungary A.W. Belarbi, USTO-MB, Algeria C. Benachaiba, Univ. Béchar, Algeria A. Bendiabdellah, USTO-MB, Algeria M.Bendjebbar, USTO-MB, Algeria M.Benghanem, USTO-MB, Algeria N. Benouzza, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Bensetti, SUPELEC, France A. Berkouk, ENP, Algeria M. Boucherit, ENP, Algeria A.H Boudinar, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Bouhamida, USTO-MB, Algeria A. Bouhenna, ENPO, Algeria M. Bourahla, USTO-MB, Algeria I.K. Bousserhane, Univ, Bechar, Algeria H. Bouzeboudja, USTO-MB, Algeria B. Bouzekri, Univ. Skikda, Algeria H. Bulent Ertan, METU Ankara, TurKey J.P. Charles, Univ. Metz, France M. Chenafa, ENPO, Algeria K. Della, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Denai, Univ. Sheffield, England D. Dialo, LGEP, France M. Drif, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Feliachi, IREENA, France L. El Bakkali, Univ. Tétouan, Morocco K. Fellah, Univ. SBA, Algeria M. Gareth,Univ. Regenssburg, Germany B. Gasbaoui, Univ, Bechar, Algeria S. Haddad, Univ. Tizi Ouzou, Algeria A. Hamid, USTO-MB, Algeria K. Hartani, Univ. Saida, Algeria A. Kadous-Lebouc, G2ELAB, France A. Khezzar, Univ. Constantine, Algeria B. Kouadri, USTO-MB, Algeria F. Krim, Univ. Setif, Algeria F. Lakhdari, USTO-MB, Algeria M.E. Latreche, Univ. Constantine, Algeria M. Mansouri, ENPO, Algeria B. Maouche, Univ, Bejaïa, Algeria Y. Marchal, G2ELAB, France J. Marques Cardoso,ubi, Portugal A. Massoum, Univ. SBA, Algeria B. Mazari, USTO-MB, Algeria A. Meroufel, Univ. SBA, Algeria G. Meunier, G2ELAB, France A. Midoun, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Mikedeche, Univ. Jijel, Algeria Y. Miloud, Univ. Saida, Algeria A. Miloudi, Univ. Saida, Algeria S. Mimoune, Univ. Biskra, Algeria H. Mohellebi, Univ. Tizi Ouzou, Algeria A. Mostefai, Univ. Setif, Algeria D. Moussaoui, ENPO, Algeria D, Moussaoui, EMP, Bordj El Behri, Algeria I. Nagy, Univ. Budapest Hungary A. Nasri, Univ, Bechar, Algeria A. Omari, USTO-MB, Algeria P. Petit, Univ. Metz, France L. Pichon, CNRS, LGE-Paris, France S. Ramdani, Univ. Setif, Algeria T. Rekioua, Univ. Béjaia, Algeria A. Saad, ENSEM, Casablanca, Morocco A. Saker, Schneider Electric, France J.P. Sawicki, Univ. Metz, France Y. Soufi, Univ, Tébessa, Algeria A. Tahri, USTO-MB, Algeria A. Taieb Brahimi, USTO-MB, Algeria R. Turan, METU Ankara, TurKey A. Zaoui, EMP, Bordj El Behri, Algeria M. Zemalache, USTO-MB, Algeria M. Zerikat, ENPO, Algeria S. Zouzou, Univ, Skikda, Algeria Secrétariat : N. Bouchetata Organizing Committee : H. Benamar L. Ghaouti S.M. Remaoun M. Ferradj President: A.W. Belarbi B. Alshaqaqi K. Kendouci M. Messaad S. Badache Co-President: A.H Boudinar N. Naoui R. Dadi A. Ouali A. Ouis GENERAL INFORMATION: The Department of Electrical Engineering is pleased to announce the organisation of the second International Conference on Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ICPEED’14). The conference will be held on December 10-11, 2014 in Oran, Algeria and co-organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the research Laboratory of Development of Electrical Drives (LDEE), the Electrical Engineering laboratory (LGEO), the laboratory of Applied Power Electronics (LEPA), the laboratory of Electrical Networks Optimization (LORE) and the laboratory Development Sustainable of Electrical Energy (LDDEE). The first edition of this conference targets to be a forum for university researchers, engineers, researchers of the industry and the students. It will be an occasion for exchanging new ideas and discussions about research, development, applications and the latest advancements in the field of Power Electronics and Electrical drives. Oran El Bahia, second largest city of Algeria, is a coastal town situated around 400 km to the West of the capital and around 200 Km to the Moroccan frontier. First pole of Oil and Petrochemical plants, the region of Oran is a home to a cosmopolite population. It is a charming and joyous city with a moderate climate, its history is attached to its harbor, one of the most important in the Mediterranean sea. LANGUAGES : English is the main language of the conference, however Arabic and French contributions can be accepted if a short abstract in English is included. FIELD : The conference will welcome subjects related to Power Electronics and Electrical Drives used in Electrical Engineering th PAPER SUBMISSION: You are welcome to propose one or more papers of a six pages maximum before July 31 , 2014 (for Electronic submission, please use doc. or pdf. format). If you prefer a poster session, please mention it in your paper. The th scientific committee will announce its decisions before October 16 , 2014. TOPICS: I. POWER DEVICES I-1 Silicon power devices (GTO,IGBT, MOSFET, IPM) I-2 Simulation and modeling of power devices I-3 Passive components and integrated passive components I-4 Simulation and Modeling of Integrated Components II. STATIC CONVERTERS II-1 Power Converters Topology II-2 Soft and Hard Switching Converters, Modeling, Simulation and Control II-3 Multilevel and Matrix Converters II-4 Renewable Energies Conversion Systems II-5 Power Supplies III- ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND DRIVES III-1 Design and Optimization of Electrical Machines III-2 Special Electrical Machines III-3 Electrical Machines Condition Monitoring III-4 AC and DC Electrical Drives Control III-5 Electrical Vehicles CONTACT: Secretary of the Conference ICPEED’14 Electrical Department , Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology of Oran - MB U.S.T.O., B.P. 1505, 31000 Oran El M’naouar / ALGERIA Tel/Fax : +(213) 41 56 03 14/01 E-mail: ; Site web: SECTION ALGERIE
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