AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT Den Levende Krop Jeg har den store glæde at invitere min kollega Jane Okondo til at give et weekendkursus i Authentic Movement, som jeg selv synes er meget spændende! Workshoppen finder sted den 28.-30.-august her i København. JEANNE JENSEN Jeanne Jensen is an educated Advanced Rolfer® and Rolf Movement Practitioner®, and has been in practice since 1990. After being introduced to Continuum Movement in 1998, she developed the combined movement method, Fascial Flow. The exercises consist of gentle slow movements. You gain the best results by taking your time to sense, experience and feel how the different exercises change your body and mind. Refining your senses strengthens your resources and increases creativity and the flow of your body. Guided by Jeanne Jensen you will open the body’s capacity to heal itself. You will learn how new movements help you bring new vitality to your life, improve your energy levels and capacity to handle a busy life. Jane er med sin sensitivitet og sanselighed, en unik underviser, og hun vil åbne op til en anderledes måde, at få kontakt med sig selv og andre på. Hendes base er i London, hvor hun har sin private klink Somatic Movement. På kurset vil jeg assistere hendes undervisning. Der et begrænset antal pladser, så vær hurtig hvis du vi sikre dig, at komme med. WORKSHOP - AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT FREDAG D.28. AUGUST KL.19.00 - 21.30 LØRDAG D.29. AUGUST KL.09.00 - 17.00 SØNDAG D.30. AUGUST KL.09.00 - 13.30 Authentic Movement is a movement practice that was developed by Janet Adler and allows for a deepening of presence, awareness and healing through the experience of moving, being witnessed and contemplative speaking of the moving experience. The practice has a few different forms from working in pairs to moving together in a larger group. This is a profound movement practice that allows: “Being seen, seeing oneself, seeing another, movers and witnesses move closer to their true nature because of the development of witness consciousness. With increasing trust in themselves and in the discipline, through this mysterious developmental but non-linear process of enduring commitment, individuals can journey from the experience of duality to unity consciousness.” Janet Adler. THIS IS A PROFOUND MOVEMENT PRACTICE THAT ALLOWS: • Connecting to our own inner landscape of movement • Connecting to our own inner sensation, feelings and images • Cultivating presence and acceptance • Creating connections to the sacred, through movement Spørgsmål er velkomne og vi glæder os til at møde jer! Jeanne Jensen and Jane Okondo JANE OKONDO Jane Okondo, is an Authorized Continuum Movement teacher, and has an MA in Dance and Somatic Wellbeing - Connections to the Living Body. She is based in London and has a private practice in Somatic Movement therapy, which includes Authentic Movement, Integrative Breath and Body Movement and Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy. She is a registered Somatic Movement Therapist RSMT and Educator RSME with ISMETA (International Somatic Movement Education Therapy Association) and co-founded the annual event Somatic Movement Gathering in London, where many somatic movement practitioner meet to share, develop and network their work. PRIS: 2600,- kr. TILMELDING TIL TILMELDING ER BINDENDE! STED: Fascial Flow Studio Struensegade 15 A, 2200 København N BETALING: Betaling skal ske senest en måned før kursusstart Reg.nummer: 9889 Kontonummer: 152956 LÆS MERE PÅ NETTET:
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