Somatic Movement Institute 5 Pillars Somatics “Answers to questions on health and wellbeing often lay in the body itself. Somatic Movement’s body oriented experiential approach, helps us learn how to acknowledge and understand the body’s signals. By allowing these signals to have their place and function, we increase our ability to translate them into health, wellbeing and effective action.” Jacques van Eijden About Somatic Movement Somatic Movement is used worldwide as a body oriented and experiential method in counselling, coaching and caring of people. The Somatic Movement Practitioner Training at the Somatic Movement Institute consists of five Courses (five days each) that are offered every year. All Courses can be taken separately and in any combination. Together the five different Courses constitute the Training to become a Certified Somatic Movement Practitioner. For whom? • Are you working in healthcare, education, the arts, sports & fitness, counselling, and/or human resources? • Are you ready for a change? With a desire to deepen and broaden your work and/or start a new profession? • Would you like to work with movement, dance, manual techniques, breath and voice, embodied awareness, as well as verbal techniques and the creative process? • Do you have an affinity with experiential, intuitive as well as academic learning? • Would you like to work with the physical, emotional and cognitive self of your clients or students? • Are you interested in working with a clear method? • Do you learn from participating in short intensives periods with a constructive • professional group of people? • Do you want to become part of a professional community with continuous support? In that case Somatic Movement Course might just be something for you. Method The ‘5 Pillars Somatics’ method is an approach where physical and psychological aspects are considered to be closely interlinked and inseparable. The five ‘Pillars’ are the five competencies taught in the Training and applied by a Somatic Movement Practitioner. Themes The 5 Pillars Somatics method focuses on Balance and Integration themes. Each individual course focuses on a specific theme: • • • • • Externe Balans (Cursus 1) Interne Balans (Cursus 2) Groei en Ontwikkeling (Cursus 3) Zelfsturing (Cursus 4) Organisatie (Cursus 5) More Information For more information on content, costs and dates go to Somatic Movement Institute Vossenlaan 7 9751 GD Haren (GN) T: 050 535 22 46 M: 06 385 07 450 The Somatic Movement Institute is ISMETA en KTNO accredited and registered at the Dutch Register for Short Professional Education CRKBO. Somatic Movement Institute 5 Pillars Somatics SOMATIC MOVEMENT COURSE - INTERNAL BALANCE VITALITY AND SELFCARE THEME Internal Balance is about vitality and health. Understanding the need to take care of ourselves, of each other and the environment; to feel connected. Taking the time to process, to assimilate and digest. To rest, recuperate and/or heal in an ongoing and balanced way. PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES Internal Balance covers the principle of Homeo-dynamics, a dynamic form of homeostasis. The body systems involved with Homeo-dynamics create inner balance. Inner balance is intimately related to the functioning of the eco-system of which we all are an integral part. BODY SYSTEMS The focus will be on the embodiment of the digestive system, the circulatory (i.e. cardiovascular, lymphatic and cerebrospinal systems), and the respiratory system. APPLICATION Internal Balance supports working with vitality and self-care. Improving a balanced metabolism (nutrition and energy management) and temperature regulation. Optimal cardiovascular circulation as well as the flow of tissue fluid and lymph are addressed. Internal Balance applications have a positive effect on the digestive process and breathing patterns. DURATION AND LOCATION The Course is held over 5 days, from Wednesday afternoon through to Sunday afternoon. Meals and overnight stay are at the Course location: Hof van Axen, Bosweg 4, 9439 TL Witteveen, Drenthe ( COSTS AND APPLICATION The Tuition Fee for the Course is € 600. The costs for room and board at the Hof van Axen are not included. With registration for more than one Course and payment in advance, a 10% discount will be offered. Apply at or send an email to DATES November 19 – 23, 2014 November 25 -29, 2015 Somatic Movement Institute | Vossenlaan 7| 9751 GD | Haren | T 050-5352246 | M 06-38507450 |
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