T h e C ommemo ration O f A ll T h e F a i t h f u l D e p a r t e d ~ N o v emb er 2 N D , 2 0 1 4 LIGHT OF CHRIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 2176 Marilyn Street, Clearwater, Florida 33765 R EVEREND J ACOB M ONTELEONE , P ASTOR REVEREND DAVID ENGBARTH (IN RESIDENCE) Reverend Mr. James Gibson Reverend Mr. Fernando Quiñones Reverend Mr. Matthew Skulicz M ASSES : Saturday: 4:00 pm Vigil 6:30 pm Bi-Lingual Mass Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm Daily: Monday-Saturday - 8:30 am OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am-12:00 noon Phone: (727) 441-4545 Fax: (727) 441-8771 www.locchurch.org e-mail: hdf@locchurch.org HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULES: Consult the bulletin. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 -3:50 pm and by appointment. Monday-Friday: Immediately after 8:30am Mass. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements must be made at least four months in advance. Please call (727) 442-7081. Pre-Baptism class required / Baptisms second Sunday each month. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. Please call (727) 442-7081. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Anointing of the gravely ill, and need for a Priest, at any time. Please call (727) 441-4545. EXPOSITION & ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT First Saturday: Holy Hour after 8:30 am Mass. Third Friday: Exposition and Benediction from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, with Evening Prayer at 9:30 p.m., concluding with Benediction at 10 pm NOVENA: Devotion to Our Blessed Mother Wednesday after 8:30 am Mass FAITH FORMATION - PRE-K GRADE - 5 (727) 442-7081 YOUTH MINISTRY - GRADE 6 - 8 & HIGH SCHOOL (727) 442-3418 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (727) 442-4797 ST. CECELIA INTERPAROCHIAL SCHOOL (727) 461-1200 www.st-cecelia.org CLEARWATER CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (727) 531-1449 www.ccchs.org Light of Christ Catholic Church is a full stewardship faith community centered in Jesus Christ. The mission of the Parish is to use our God-given time, talent, and treasure to bring all people to a knowledge of love and service to God. We warmly welcome all new parishioners and visitors to our Light of Christ community. First Reading — The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them (Wisdom 3:1-9). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts (Romans 5:5-11) or Romans 6:39. Gospel — This is the will of the Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes may have eternal life (John 6:37-40). H O L Y Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:1214 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:1524 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 B I B L E TRUE VOCATION The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people. —Leo Tolstoy Are You Registered? Come join us!! Did you know that registering in a parish is a declaration of one’s desire to be part of a Catholic community and a commitment to the life of a parish family. Being a registered parishioner makes things much easier when it is time for infant Baptism, school registration, weddings, when asked to be a Baptismal or Confirmation sponsor, and even funerals. If you have attended our Parish for years but have not registered or are visiting us — consider joining us, at our NEW PARISHIONER WELCOME ORIENTATION the Second Sunday of the month in the Monsignor Allman Hall, room 7 from 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Come Join Us Sunday November 9 th , 2014 Monday, November 3 ‐ St. Martin de Porres 8:30 am Eleanor Novarra Tuesday, November 4 ‐ St. Charles Borromeo 8:30 am Deceased Members of the LOC Council of Catholic Women Wednesday, November 5 8:30 am Deceased Members of the Hi-Liters Thursday, November 6 8:30 am Florence Koda Palmieri Friday, November 7 8:30 am Deceased Members of the Catholic Men’s Association Saturday, November 8 8:30 am Dorothy La Gattuta 4:00 pm Roland Davignon 6:30 pm The People Of Light Of Christ Sunday, November 9 8:00 am Andy and Flo Yager 55th Anniversary 9:30 am Joseph Piotrowski 11:30 am Eileen McCaughan 5:00 pm Mrs. Shirley Roberti P A R I S H C O M M U N I T Y Weekly Calendar of Events 3rd of November to November 9th, 2014 LEGEND: ECC = Early Childhood Center // JF =John Francis Wing // MAH = Monsignor Allman Hall // YR = Youth Rm DAY TIME EVENT PLACE MON 3rd 8:30 am 7:00 pm MASS Centering Prayer Group CHURCH Church TUE 4th 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm MASS CCW Workshop Crafts CCW Board Meeting Bible Study ESOL Bible Study Youth Core Meeting CHURCH MAH MAH MAH MAH MAH MAH YR WED 5th 8:30 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm MASS EDGE BINGO CHURCH YR/JF MAH THURS 6th 8:30 am 7:30 pm MASS Spanish Rosary CHURCH Church FRI 7th 8:30 am 7:00 pm MASS LOC Prayer Group CHURCH Church ** HOLLY FESTIVAL FROM 3:00PM ‘TIL 8:00PM ** SAT 8th 8:30 am 4:00 pm 6:30 pm MASS MASS MASS (SPANISH) CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH ** HOLLY FESTIVAL FROM 3:00PM ‘TIL 8:00PM ** SUN 9th 8:00 am, 9:30 am 11:30 am, 5:00 pm 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:45 am 12:45 pm 3:00 pm 6:15 pm MASS MASS Coffee and Donuts Welcome New Parishioners Sunday School Grade: Pre-School Bible Study Baptisms Confirmation Class LifeNite CHURCH CHURCH MAH MAH ECC MAH Church YR/JF FA I T H F O R M AT I O N P R E S C H OO L Sundays 9:30 am - 10:30 pm ECC Building ST GRADES 1 - 5TH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sundays 11:00 am - 12:15 pm JF 1-3 and MAH 3 & 5 PLEASE CONTACT DEBBIE @ 442-7081 OR DJB@LOCCHURCH.ORG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ YO U T H M I N I S T RY High School Ministry – Life Teen Sunday, November 2nd from 6:15pm–8pm Jr. High Ministry – EDGE Wednesday, November 5th from 6:30pm–8pm Quote of the Week: “We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: 'I will pray, and then I will understand.’” –St. Charles Borromeo WWW.LOCLIFETEEN.ORG Youth Minister: Chris McBride CMM@LOCCHURCH.ORG or 727-442-3418 Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities YR/JF/MAH ** NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ~ GRADES 1-5 ONLY ** Calling All Singers! The Christmas Choir will hold its first rehearsal on Wednesday, November 5 at 6pm in the church. This choir will provide music for the 10pm Mass on Christmas Eve. All singers high school age and up are welcome. Come and offer the Lord the gift of YOUR voice for Christmas! [Note: always consult the Weekly calendar] Daily Mass — Monday through Saturday at 8:30 am Eucharistic Adoration—1st Saturday after 8:30am Mass and 3rd Friday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Centering Prayer — every Monday at 7:00 pm in Church for approximately one hour. Divine Mercy Chaplet— every third Tuesday following 8:30 am Mass. Divine Will Prayer Group — every Thursday at 7:00 pm in MAH 4. Reflecting on the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, Servant of God. Spanish Rosary / El Santo Rosario en Español every Thursday at 7:30 pm in Church / cada Juéves a la 7:30 pm en la Iglesia. PARISH NURSES OFFER RAFFLE FOR TICKETS TO THE DAVE KOZ AND FRIENDS CHRISTMAS TOUR 2014 Get your raffle tickets for this wonderful Christmas concert by attending events sponsored by LOC’s Parish Nurses like BP clinics the first Sunday of each month, Ageless Grace classes each Thursday morning at 9:30, CPR classes, etc. On November 29 at 8PM, Dave Koz will be joined by Christopher Cross and Maysa in this high-energy holiday show to capture the spirit of the season. Get a raffle ticket each time you attend until November 15 to increase your chances of winning! NURSE – BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC The Faith Community Nurses will hold their monthly blood pressure clinic TODAY from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in the MAH Hall, room 7. Ageless Grace Anti-Aging Exercise Program: Thursday Morning Classes starting at 9:30 AM in MAH 5 & 6 This is a wonderful free exercise program for anyone of any age or ability where you can sit in a chair or stand to move your body to great music! Get off the couch and join us to exercise your body, mind and spirit! If you have questions, please email susanolds@msn.com Did you invite anyone to Mass today? ¿Invitó a alguien a la Misa hoy? Give thanks to the Lord through worshipping at the Eucharist On Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 27, 2013 Masses: 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Each year, we at Light of Christ, gather together to celebrate Mass on Thanksgiving Day. During the Offertory, non-perishable gifts of food for the needy are brought to the altar. One of the Corporal Works of Mercy is to “Feed the Hungry.” There is a great need in the community for food for those less fortunate. Immediately following Mass, on Thanksgiving Day, volunteers of the parish sort and personally deliver the food. What better way to give thanks to God for our blessings than through worshipping at the Eucharist and sharing the bounty with those less fortunate. If you could help us on Tuesday, November 25, or Thanksgiving day, please fill out and return the form at the bottom of this page. Please bring your gifts of food to the church and place them in the barrels around our altar on Thanksgiving Day or bring the food to the rectory during the week. Tuesday, November 25th and Thursday, November 27th, Thanksgiving Day Volunteers are needed to sort, package and distribute food to those in need. Please drop this form into the offertory basket or at the rectory. I can help Tuesday, November 25 I can help on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day ______ Name________________________________________________________________________________________ Adress_________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________ As the saying goes “Many hands make light work”. Well in this case, “Many wallets make light work”. As we continue our Forward in Faith campaign, we have about $60,000.00 left to go. Scenario The breakdown: If we can be blessed with 200 donations of $75 per year for 4 years, we will be able to reach our goal. 200 X $75 X 4 = $60,000 That is only $6.25 per month or just $1.44 per week. Surely these are manageable “sacrifices” individuals and families can make. Please consider a pledge; your gift could really make the difference. Pledge forms are available in the Church, ask any Usher or at the Rectory, or it could be mailed to your home, just call the church office at (727) 441-4545. Military Ministry The LOC Council of Catholic Women board meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4th at 9:30am in MAH 6. All members are urged to attend the 8:30am Mass and pray the rosary led by Mother Seton Circle following the Mass Time to think of Christmas for our troops overseas. Small Christmas decorations that can be packed and travel easily, energy bars, zipfizz and small personal items would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to shop, donations can be made, and we will shop for you. Your Christmas gift can be dropped off at the rectory and time until December 1. Thank you for supporting our men and women serving overseas. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen CMA Sign Sale The CMA will be selling Christmas signs this holiday season. The cost is $8.00 for a window sign or $10.00 for a yard sign (with stand). There are two styles to choose from and the signs will be available at the Holly Fair, in the Resource Center and after all Masses. Thank you for your support Council of Catholic Women iaper ound D Year R KIMBERLY or Drive f OME H DIAPERS, SIZES 3 OR 4 can be dropped off at the Rectory Office Mondays through Thursdays 9am -4pm or Friday 9am-Noon THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! .In the Gospel today, we hear the good news that when we keep our focus on God and serve one another, God exalts us! As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, please say a special prayer for the poor who have no one to pray for them. W ELCOME V ISITORS ONE AND ALL B E SURE TO PICK UP OUR W ELCOME BROCHURE WHICH IS FULL OF INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PARISH AND THE VARIOUS MINISTRIES . n of t h o i t a r Ado d Blesse nt me S a cr a Coffee & donuts are available on Sunday in Monsignor Allman Hall at 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. e If you knew Jesus would be in the Church at a certain time, wouldn’t you want to be there to meet Him? Well, He is always in the Church. He invites you to a special visit with Him at His Open House. Every first Saturday morning and every third Friday evening. Come, visit Our Lord here at Lig ht Of Christ. CATHOLIC RESOURCE CENTER 727-298-8785 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every 1st Saturday and 3rd Friday here in the Church. Let us keep the Lord, Jesus Christ, alive in our hearts all during the year! Visit Room 8 of the Parish hall for a great selection of Catholic books in both English and Spanish. Come see our beautiful religious articles and gifts for all occasions, including Graduations and Weddings. 1st Saturday Holy Hour begins after 8:30 am Mass, and 3rd Friday Adoration & Benediction begins at 7:00 pm, with Evening Prayer starting at 9:30pm, concluding with Benediction at 10:00 pm. Tues./Wed./Thurs. - 9:00 - 11:00 am Saturdays - 9:00 - 11:00am & 3:30 - 5:30 pm Sundays - 9:00 am - 12:45 pm WE ARE IN GREAT NEED OF VOLUNTEERS! Two Year Old Openings Available! Light of Christ Early Childhood Center has a few openings in our Two Year old program! For more information, please call the preschool office at (727) 442-4797. COME AND SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD The next dates to visit our Lord’s Open House are: 3rd Friday, November 21st & 1st Saturday, December 6th Please sign up using the sheets in the back of the Church indicating what time you will be coming. You are invited to write the names of deceased loved ones, whom you wish to have remembered by our parish community, in our parish “Book of the Names of the Dead”. The book will be to the right of the Sanctuary from All Saints Day until Thanksgiving Day. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM NEEDS YOUR HELP! We need volunteers to assist with the Child Care Program while the parents are in the ESL class on Tuesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.. Volunteers for child care do not need to speak Spanish although if you do that is great! Even if you can only help one Tuesday a month we can use your help! Child care volunteers will need to pass a Level II screening. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Debbie Barry at (727) 442-7081 or email djb@locchurch.org . PARISH OFFERTORY 10/27/2013 $ 15,814.95 $ 225,576.52 Every first Sunday of the month the second collection is held for our Parish Capital Improvements. Our sincere thanks to all those who have supported the Annual Pastoral Appeal PARISH The next collection will be: TODAY We thank all those who have Improvements continued to contribute for these improvements. Your generosity continues to be a blessing for which we are all grateful. ANNUAL PARISH FAMILY CAMPOUT From November 14th - 16th, 2014 A picnic dinner and Mass will be held Saturday afternoon. Pinellas County residents can make reservations in advance at the Ft. Desoto Campground Office, located at 12520 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL, phone reservations at (727) 582-2100, or online at www.pinellascounty.org/park/camping.htm For more information contact Mr. Jack McMahon at (727) 733-4585 We'll be doing sign ups in the courtyard after all masses on Oct 25th, 26th, Nov 1st,2nd and Nov 8th,9th for families to do sign up for a side dish and pay for the meals. $5.00 for adults, $3.00 12 and younger. Please kindly pay at that time to assist with purchasing what will be needed. ALT R A ES B EL GRAV H A H C MIC TORIA UMBA SE U A VIC EN B E HO Y N R KA HERI CEEL N O T CA EGINA OHNS I R ID J ON V RT CI AN JR A D G BE RO S MOR E JAM Summary of 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal Parish Assessment: $ 177,533.00 Balance due: $ 96,744.00 Number of Households Contributing: 302 Participation: 22% 10/26/2014 Week $ 13,179.60 YTD $ 227,953.63 Week YTD One Faith, Guided in Prayer, Strengthened in Service HI-LITERS On November 13th @ 12:30 pm Seniors Men and Women, Join us for Cards and Games of your choice. Get to meet your fellow parishioners Bring a dish or sweets to share For information please call Fran (727) 531-8229 D e Bridg Up s Word 50/50 DRAWING omi noe s Ru mm y AND MUCH MORE!! “Compassion is preferable to cleanliness. Reflect that with a little soap I can easily clean my bed covers. But even with a torrent of tears I would never wash from my soul the stain that my harshness toward the unfortunate would create. St. Martín de Porres (1579 ~ 1639) Blood Donor Honor Roll Sunday, October 12th, 2014 Thank You! The Catholic Men's Association SARA H DE DOU L G LAS A CRUZ STAS O R NICH IA DRAC NE JR HOW OLAS S S RON ALD CALAMO KY G A LV GNA MAR IO TO AGNI SR RRES KRIS PAGE T GATES WRIG HT L O C BINGO EVERY Early Bird 7:00 PM All Paper Format Top and Bottom Game $200 Jackpot Game Ga b a T l l ** Pu m in e s —W $$$ tly Instan ** Air Conditioned Large Screen Display Smoke Free Hall Free Donuts and Coffee Hot Dogs, chips and candy available. Plenty of Parking - Easy Access Bring a Friend! Everyone 18 and older welcome! Friendly Staff All proceeds benefit Light of Christ Parish Community 48TH ANNUAL HOLY FESTIVAL LIGHT OF CHRIST CHURCH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th 3:00 PM TO 8:00 PM . DONATIONS of HOUSEHOLD ITEMS for the WHITE ELEPHANT, books, CD's, games, jewelry, plants & flowers are NEEDED and very APPRECIATED. (NO TV’S. COMPUTERS, FURNITURE OR CLOTHING) Collection begins Monday Nov. 3rd through Thurs Nov. 6th from . 9a.m.-1 p.m. TICKETS for hourly $100. CASH PRIZE DRAWINGS may be purchased after Masses in the courtyard, at the coffee & donut tables, rectory and during the FESTIVAL. No need to be present to win. ITALIAN DINNER on SATURDAY NOV. 8th 4 - 7 p.m. TICKETS are $7. ADULTS and $3. for children under 12. Salad, rolls, pasta with meat sauce, drinks and dessert will be served. Please join us! EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND. Bring a friend. You are guaranteed to have fun and find all kinds of treasures! The event features unique HANDMADE ITEMS and HOLIDAY CRAFTS, beautiful NEEDLE WORK, delicious BAKED GOODS, a variety of BOOKS, CD's and GAMES, an assortment of PLANTS, a room filled with JEWELRY and WHITE ELEPHANT SALE that bargain hunters are sure to love. FACE PAINTING, GAMES AND CRAFTS FOR KIDS on Saturday Nov. 8th. All proceeds benefit Light of Christ Church. THANK YOU for your support. We hope to see YOU there! Those who have Holly Festival tickets They will be collected after Mass this weekend. Thank you. Mass of the Angels Catholic Charities and the Diocese of St. Petersburg invite you to attend a special Mass and remembrance of children (born or unborn) who have gone to be with the Lord. This Mass will be on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Bethany Retreat Center, St. James Chapel (18150 Bethany Center Drive Lutz, Florida 33558). Our celebrant is Rev. Lipscomb. Families are invited to bring a picture of their lost child/ren to be displayed at the reception following Mass. For RSVP's, information, or to have a child's name added to the program, please call Barbara Hertz at Catholic Charities: 727-893-1314 Ext. 210 or email: bhertz@ccdosp.org A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 503100 Light of Christ Church (C) www.jspaluch.com 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 SINCE 1951 $10.00 OFF ANY SERVICE Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 446-8355 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER Susan S. Roper, M.D. Countryside Dermatology & Laser Center Lic. #CFC033850 An ideal companion for personal prayer. 409 N. FT. HARRISON Curlew Hills 727-791-1411 Skin Disease & Acne, Skin Cancer, Skin Surgery, In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Skin Rejuvenation, Laser, Thermage®, Actice Fx™, CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Botox®, Restylane®, Mohs Micrographic Surgery www.countrysidedermatology.com 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com MEMORY GARDENS AND PET CEMETERY Funeral Home • Cemetery • Crematory 727-789-2000 “I am a donated vehicle.” “I am hope for my community.” SUPPORT THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL All proceeds from your donation stay locally to aid those in need and are tax deductible. 1-800-322-8284 • www.svdpusacars.com SUNSET POINT FUNERAL HOME FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1990 www.InternationalFuneralHome.com 2689 Sunset Point Road, Clearwater 723-3020 www.curlewhills.com 1750 CURLEW RD. PALM HARBOR, FL 34683 TALK ........... CREMATION BURIAL $995.00 $1,995.00 Following Jesus Every Day: PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Parish Member for 10 years, Our Lady of Lourdes 24/7 HELP GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING ........... Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm *First Three Months For life insurance, call a good neighbor. Katherine Jones, Agent 575 South Hercules Ave., Ste 604 Clearwater, FL 33764 Bus: 727-447-8989 www.kjonesagency.com 131100 State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI), State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI), Bloomington, IL MOSS FEASTER FUNERAL HOMES & C R E M AT I O N S E RV I C E S www.mossfeasterclearwater.com 503100 Light of Christ Church (B) Call me and I’ll help you choose the right life insurance for you and your family. We put the life back in life insurance.™ Serenity Gardens 562-2070 693 S. Belcher Rd. Clearwater, FL 33764 www.jspaluch.com Memorial Park “Sturgeon Memorial Rose Garden” For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 JOSEPH J. SOROTA, JR. Attorney and Counselor at Law Parish Member of St. Michael’s Church Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning • Taxation & Probate Located ¼ mile south of Curlew Road in the Flagship Bank Building 29750 US Hwy. 19 N. Suite 200, Clearwater, FL 813.855.2439 112 Bayview Blvd. Oldsmar, FL 34677 727-785-9994 NOTARY PUBLIC Family Owned & Operated Contact Austin Murphy Serving Clearwater Since 1973 Tel: 727-631-7393 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Burial ~ Cremation ~ Pre-payment Plans David G. Meyer, LFD ASE CERTIFIED MECHANICS PICK-UP & DROP-OFF SERVICE Available by Appointment Only ST. VINCENT de PAUL THRIFT STORE Open 5 Days 7:30am-5:00pm 461-9572 Scott T. Hickey, LFD Se Habla Español Now Open Til 6pm www.hollowayfuneralhomefl.com Now Open 23399 US HWY 19N CLEARWATER Dr. Frank Averill and Associates Sleep • Allergy • Lung • Weight Loss (North of NE Coachman Road East of US 19) Quality used clothing, jewelry, furniture, housewares and more SHOP OR DONATE! 10 am - 6 pm Monday-Saturday 727-442-5306 A Christian Medical Practice “We Help People” 727.447.3000 StFrancisMed.com Auto Clinic General Auto Repairs 935 Douglas Ave. Dunedin 733-3348 $15 of f SERVICE for first time customers Debbie Barry Independent Beauty Consultant 727-532-9766 SERVING CLEARWATER AND ALL OF PINELLAS COUNTY dbarry@marykay.com www.marykay.com/dbarry THOMAS R. O’MALLEY located right around the corner at: 802 N. Belcher Road, Clearwater Gary & Mike’s 1225 Court Street Clearwater DAVID C. GROSS Funerals - Cremations (Next to Light of Christ) Catholic Staff Funeral Directors 446-2222 830 N. Belcher, Clearwater BILL & MIKE BARALT PARISHIONERS MCCAUGHAN HOME LENDING A DIVISION OF HAMILTON GROUP FUNDING, INC. 221 NORTH BELCHER RD. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33765 BUS. (727) 797-0600 FAX (727) 796-5355 Attorney at Law PLUMBING PERSONAL INJURY WRONGFUL DEATH 530-1391 O’MALLEY & WOLFE, P.A. Lic#CFC1426510 Since 1988 906 N. Belcher Rd. Clearwater, FL 33765 Just east of Light of Christ At the corner of Belcher & Palmetto 727-442-1965 • Residential • Commercial (727) 443-0790 Sheila Kynion, Community Relations Director 2155 Montclair Road • Clearwater, FL 33763 Ph: (727) 797-7257 • www.emeritus.com • ALF Lic # 10143 License # CMC057007 OPEN AIR FLORIST 449-1244 GLENN RISOLO DREW STREET BARBER & STYLING Parish Florist 607 N. Myrtle Ave. Clearwater 443-1963 1891 B Drew Street Clearwater, FL 33765 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! www.jspaluch.com email: simonsr@jspaluch.com Call Ronna Simons 585-2052 111 N. Missouri, Largo, FL 503100 Light of Christ Church (A) www.sylvanabbey.com www.jspaluch.com 800.432.3240 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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