(Please Patronize the Following Businesses in Appreciation for Their Support of the Muskego Storm Select Baseball Organization) Special Thanks to our DONORS AND SPONSORS: Alpine Lanes Area Rental Burghardt’s Spor ting Goods Chad and Torrie Zambon Cream City Skate Dominos Double Tree—Brookfield Dustin and Amanda Young Ed Sedar Baseball Edgewood Golf Course El Beso Firestone Tires Gander Mountain Glenn Kozicki Greg and Adrianne Busch Harley Davidson Hitter s Baseball Academy J.F. Cook Jackson’s Blue Ribbon Pub Jason Joers Jeff Zawicki Jeff’s Spor ts Jimmy John’s of Muskego Joan Giuffre Julie Sperber Junior Bridgeman Foods Kenosha Kingfish King Family Kohl’s KONE Inc. Kwik Trip Lakeshore Chinooks Legend’s Country Club Macht Plumbing Mark & Caleb Brautigram Mickey’s of Muskego Midwest Twisters Miller/Coors Milwaukee Admirals Milwaukee Brewers Milwaukee Bucks Milwaukee Coach and Carriage Muskego Lakes CC Muskego T ire Papa Murphy’s of Muskego Princeton Club Red Robin Rivermoor Golf Course Road America Roots Salon Sheraton - Brookfield Suburban Bourbon Subway of Muskego Tim Har ty Tony Just Photography Wern Valley Club Wisconsin Hospitality Group Wohler Family Zaffiros ...and a Great Big Thank You to all of the STORM Families and Friends that have vol unteered their ti me and contri buted to this organization in ways too numerous to mention. We sincerely apologize if we have overlooked anyone!!! 4th 4th Annual Annual Muskego Muskego Storm Storm Select Select Baseball Baseball BEERFEST Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014 Muskego Lakes Country Club 6:00—10:00 pm Kick Kick off off your your Holiday Holiday Season Season at at the the best best event event of of the the year!! year!! **ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE MUSKEGO STORM SELECT BASEBALL PROGRAM, a 501C3 Organization. Schedule of Events 6:00 PM Doors Open Silent Auctions Begins All Raffles Open Baskets, 50/50, Wine/Booze Tables “What’s For Dinner” 6:30 PM Hor D’oeuvres Served Auction Rules 7:30 PM Raffles & Silent Auction Tables Close Teal (7:30), Yellow (7:45), Green (8:00) Purple (8:15) and Blue (8:30) Listen for announcements on table closings! 8:45 PM Raffle Winners Drawn (need not be present to win) 9:00 PM Live Oral Auction Begins 9:45 PM Check-Out Begins 10:00 PM 2014 BeerFest Closes *Items are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.* 1. All sales are final. No cash value will be given for any item. 2. Each bid sheet for silent auction items will have a minimum bid requirement. Please do not remove bid sheets from the tables. 3. Dates and times are to be arranged at the mutual convenience of the donor and buyer. Please note any restrictions and dates. 4. Every effor t has been made to accurately describe each auction item. Values are thought to be accurate but are not guaranteed. 5. Please raise your catalogue, hand or make movement when bidding on Oral Auction items until identified by Auctioneer. 6. Cash, Checks and Credit Card payments are accepted. 7. At the end of bidding on an Oral Auction item you must check-in with the Auctioneer Marshall. 8. Payments will be taken for all items at the end of the evening. NOTICE: If at the closing of a table, an auction item is being contested by two or more par ties, an oral auction will be conducted by the table captain with the par ties involved. Thank you for your full cooperation Live Oral Auction Raffle Baskets Item Item & Description 16 Hallmar k Holiday 17 Star bucks 18 Baby Storm 19 Dining Room T ou ch -u p Item No. 1 A few things for a Holiday Party. Item & Description Brautigram Ice Fishing Trip Spend the Day where the fish are biting. Enjoy the warmth of a shanty on the outside while your eating, drinking and staying merry on the inside. Start your day off right, or a break later in the day. 2 Even the littlest of our fans need to stay warm. 2 Nights @ Blue Harbor Resort Enjoy 2 nights at condo that sleeps up to 14. (Holidays excluded) 3 Enjoy this Centerpiece and Table Runner Brewers Tailgating Package Ride to the game in style with 9 of you r closest fr iends in the U ltimate Par ty Bu s, tailgate with 5 cases of bever age to quench your th ir st and tailgate with f ood sponsor ed 4 Enjoy a few rounds of golf at local Country Clubs with a member. Legends, Westmoor and Wisconsin CC’s are just a few. “What’s For Dinner” Tickets: $5 ea/200 max Aldi’s Alpine Lanes Applebee’s Champps Chili’s Chumleys Cousins Dominos El Beso Jimmy Johns Mickey’s Outback Panera Papa Murphy’s Country Club Golf Packages 5 Pizza Hut Red Robin Suburban Bourbon Subway Wendy’s Zaffiros Derek Jeter Baseball Fu tur e Hall of Fame SS, 20 yr s with NY Yankees. 14-time All Star 6 Brewers in St Louis 4 tickets to ANY home game in St. Louis for the 2015 season. Includes access to the Cardinals Club and all-inclusive eating and dining in seat. Includes 2 nights in local hotel to enjoy your stay. Large Raf fle Items 1 “Extreme” Golf Foursomes from several local Golf Courses, Golf Balls and 3 Golf Lessons by a Local PGA Golf Pro 2 Spend the Day on Broad Street Enjoy your time with a friend in Downtown Greendale. Spoil yourselves at Roots Salon, do a little shopping and finish the day with a nice Dinner at Joey Girard’s Teal Tables Item No. Item & Description Raffle Baskets Opening Bid 1 Javier Baez Baseball 2 Jor ge Soler Baseball 3 Khr is Davis Baseball $25 4 K-Rod Baseball $40 5 Au togr aph ed Ch ein -Wein Wang 8x10 $20 6 Jimmy Joh n’s Lu nch f or a Year $100 7 Har ley Davidson Swag 8 Item No. Item & Description $20 1 Packer Fun $20 2 Spa Day 3 Solid Gold 4 Barkaliciou s 5 Game Day. $100 6 I Wor k Ou t! Get the sweat dripping and the Blood pumping. Cu stom Scr eened T -sh ir ts $50 7 9 Gift Basket of Beau ty Pr odu cts Dad’s time ou t. Sit back, relax and do what we do best. $50 8 10 Home Ch eck-u p Fr ee Ser vice Call—M ach t Plumbing Gar age Door Service—JF Cook Fu rnace and A/C Check-u p $150 T ool T ime Turn a screw, pound a nail, take a wrench to it. 9 Wine f or Hu manity Wine Party Hosted at your Home. 11 JOY Chr istmas Yar d Sign $40 10 Spr ing Tr aining Storm Style Feel the Storm brewing. 12 T ony Just Photogr aph y $100 11 13 Fir estone— Set of 4 T ires Oil Ch ange $150 Scentsational Bring these scents into your home to warm things up from Boston Store. 14 Hitters Gift Car d w/PS3 Baseball Game $50 12 Booble Head Basket Head Bobbling Collectibles every fan must have. 15 M iller Lite Baggo game $40 13 16 Af ternoon Lunch eon on Little Mu skego $75 Shape It U p!!!! Get out ther e early and often to become a healthier you. 17 Birth day at M idwest Twister s $100 14 All For M om Moms’ need love, so here it is!!! 18 Sheraton Hotel and Wine T asting $50 15 It’s Camping T ime From cooking brats to making smores. Enjoy while watching your favorite team. Take care of yourself with these products. Feeling Lucky? You never know what you might win. Fido needs some love too. All the essentials you’ll need while spending the day at the park. Blue Tables Item No. Item & Description Yellow Tables Opening Bid Item No. Item & Description Opening Bid 72 Clayton Ker sh aw Baseball $125 19 Ryan Zimmer man Baseball $40 73 Br ewer s All-time Greats Plaqu e $35 20 Jay Bruce Baseball $50 74 2014 Packer s Plaque $35 21 Jonath on Lu cr oy M ini Helmet $50 75 2014 Br ewer s Plaqu e $35 22 Nori Aoki M ini Helmet $30 76 Jor dy Nelson Plaqu e $35 23 Au togr aph ed Santana Dotson Fr amed 8x10 $40 77 Green Bay Packers Logo on Gloves Canvas $100 24 Jackson’s Pu b Basket 78 Aaron Rodgers Canvas $100 25 Fish ing Pr int Smallmouth Bass 79 Au togr aph ed Eddie Lacy Rookie of Year Fr amed 8x10 $180 26 Weber Q200 Gr ill w/por table stand 80 Au togr aph ed Car los Gomez Fr amed 8x10 $150 27 Certif icate for Wall Mur al $50 81 Au togr aph ed Jerr y Kr amer T hrowback Jersey $125 28 Pr of essional Ph oto Shoot $100 82 Hank th e Dog Framed 17x21 $70 29 Caldwell Shooting Rest $25 83 Green Bay Packers Fr amed Helmet ph oto w/Su perbowl T itle $150 30 Spinning Rod and Reel $25 84 3 Gr eats—Starr -Favre-Rodgers 16x24 Canvas $100 31 M iller Lite Over sized Neon Sign $75 85 Au togr aph ed Robin Yount Fr amed 8x10 $175 32 Catcher’s Gear —Ages 7-9 $50 86 Au togr aph ed Aar on Rodger s Fr amed 8x10 $250 33 Catcher’s Gear —Ages 9-11 $50 87 Au togr aph ed “Bloodied” Nolan Ryan 8x10 w/Ball $250 34 Waterskiing Lessons $75 88 Au togr aph ed Car los G omez 11x17 $50 35 11 Week T ennis session at Pr inceton Club $75 89 Au togr aph ed Jean Segur a 11x17 $50 36 WM AA T aekwondo Bir th day Package $75 $100 $25 $125 Green Tables Item No. Item & Description Purple Tables Opening Bid 37 Pr ince Fielder Baseball $40 38 Cole Hamels Baseball $40 39 Scooter Gennett Baseball $30 40 Jean Segu ra Baseball $20 41 Billy Hamilton Baseball 42 Item No. Item & Description Opening Bid 55 Hall Famer Pau l Hor nung Au togr aph ed Jer sey $125 56 Au togr aph ed Hall Famer Gale Sayers Jer sey $100 57 Ar oldis Chapman Baseball $30 $25 58 Bu ster Posey Baseball $125 Au togr aph ed Ger ar do Parr a 8x10 $20 59 Au togr aph ed Aramis Ramir ez All-Star hat $50 43 Jean Segu ra M ini Helmet $40 60 Au togr aph ed Jonathon Lucroy All-Star h at $50 44 Joer s Sports Photogr aph y $50 61 Au togr aph ed K -Rod Shoes $50 45 Pr of essional Catch er’s M itt $100 Pr of essional Easton Glove $50 62 Au togr aph ed Br ett Favr e—Gator ade T owel 46 $100 47 Adu lt Only—Kickball Party $30/cpl 63 Au togr aph ed Jonathon Lucroy Jer sey $75 48 Fish ing T our with Zawicki $125 64 Au togr aph ed Jonathon Lucroy Off icial Bat $150 49 Ed Sedar Baseball Camp $75 50 2 Tickets—Badger s vs Minn (Nov 29th ) $50 65 Auto gra phe d Re ggi e Whi te Fra me d $200 51 4 Tickets—Badger s vs Minn (Nov 29th ) $100 66 All-Star Ph oto Session $50 52 2 Tickets—Packer s vs Bear s (Nov 9th ) $100 67 Kenosh a Kingf ish Party for 8 $150 53 Milwaukee Admirals Birthday Party $100 68 Perf or mance Dr iving at Road Amer ica $100 54 Bucks Tickets for Dec 13th $125 69 Cr eam City Indoor Skate $75 70 6 Bir d Ph easant Hu nt w/Clay Sh ooting $100 71 Lakesh or e Chinooks Package $150
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