B8 Wednesday, November 5, 2014ìeìì,632-'0)O<46)77@'31ììe The Chronicle-Express CLASSIFIED ADS 001 LOST & FOUND FOUND: 7’ X 9’ GRAY RAFT. Landed on our beach. To claim call 315-536-8542. RN61016 FOUND: CUSTOM MADE CANVAS Boat Cover. Floated to shore, East side, Keuka Lake near Morgan Marine. Call 315-406-7440. RN61042 LOST: APPROX 1-YR OLD CAT, Male, unneutered, completely orange, medium length fur. Comes to “Pumpkin” Lost on 10/17 in the 304 Clinton Street area of Penn Yan. If seen please call 315-531-9269. RN61015 003 ANNOUNCEMENTS *REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Get a 4-Room All-Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting UNDER $20.00 FREE Digital Video Recorders to new callers, SO CALL NOW. 1-866755-1965. RN60360 HERO MILES - TO FIND out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www. fisherhouse.org RN60610 PLAY WHERE THE WIN- NERS GO! LakeSide Entertainment, Route 90 Union Springs 13160. The friendliest electronic gaming in the Finger Lakes. Not the biggest but the best! Open daily 10AM. 1-315-889-5416. RN61031 READER NOTICE: THIS newspaper will never knowingly accept any advertisement that is illegal or considered fraudulent. If you have questions or doubts about any ads on these pages, we advise that before responding or sending money ahead of time, you check with the local Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud Line and/or the Better Business Bureau. Also be advised that some phone numbers published in these ads may require an extra charge. In all cases of questionable value, such as promises of guaranteed income from work-at-home programs, money to loan, etc., if it sounds too good to be true - it may in fact be exactly that. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for any negative consequences that occur as a result of doing business with these advertisers. Thank you. RN37928 004 PERSONAL CONCERNED ABOUT CHLAMYDIA? Call 866-9438858 to speak with a Care Advisor from STD Test Express. Open 7 days a week. 6am10pm CST. RN61040 DIVORCE $550* NO Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, property, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. 1-800522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor & Associates, Inc. Est. 1977. RN60364 FREE MEDICARE QUOTES! Get Covered and Save! Explore Top Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans For Free! It’s Open Enrollment, So Call Now! 855-978-2177. RN61041 HOT FLASHES? WOMEN 40-65 with frequent hot flashes, may qualify for the REPLENISH Trial - a free medical research study for post-menopausal women. Call 855-454-6722. RN60485 LOWEST PRICES ON HEALTH & Dental Insurance. We have the best rates from top companies! Call Now! 877339-5281. RN60820 MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-8854666. RN58671 VIAGRA 100MG AND CI- ALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4/ FREE for only $99! #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. 1-888-796-8878. RN61012 006 WHERE TO EAT CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER, at Yatesville Methodist Church, Saturday, Nov 8, 4pm-’til? $9.50. RN46230 ITALY VALLEY UNITED METHODIST Church, 925 Italy Valley Rd., Harvest Dinner (Scalloped Potatoes with Ham, et al) Saturday, November 8, 4:30-6:30pm. Takeouts available. RN61046 010 HELP WANTED FULL TIME HOUSEKEEP- ING POSITION. Weekends required. Penn Yan area. 315279-5206. RN53781 GREAT MONEY FROM HOME! With our free mailer program. Live operators on duty now. 1-800-707-1810 EX 301 or visit WWW.PACIFICBROCHURES.COM RN60549 LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION Wednesday, Nov. 12 @ 9:30 a.m. To Be Held in Our Yard at the Corner of Rt 38 & 38B, Newark Valley, NY Combines, tractors, construction, farm machinery, lawn & garden 2 Complete farm lines Your consignments welcome Watch website for info & pictures! Goodrich Auction Service, Inc. www.goodrichauctionservice.com TO PLACE AN AD call 315-536-4422, email MadelineVerdi@Chronicle-Express.com, ì36ì&6-2+ì-8ì83ìì%-2ì8@ì)22ì#%2ììeì32(%=ìOì6-(%=ìBì%@1@ìOìBì4@1@ 010 HELP WANTED 013 SERVICE DIRECTORY NOW HIRING! HOME AP- A CLEAN CHIMNEY IS A PLIANCE Repair Techs in the Albany & Plattsburgh, NY areas. Competitive pay & Benefits package. Call 1-631664-4794 email: maccime@ searshc.com. www.searsholdings.com/careers RN61032 TACO BELL, COMING TO PENN YAN! Looking for Assistant Manager and Shift Supervisors. We are looking for a management team with demonstrated leadership abilities. The ideal candidates will have a commitment to quality and exceptional guest service. Must be able & willing to commute to the Taco Bell in Bath, NY for training. To apply for one of the above management positions, please email your resume to hr@indusdevelopment.com RN61045 WEB DEVELOPER FOR Growing Norwich, NY Company. If you are a talented front end developer we have an excellent opportunity. Go to newmediaretailer.com/ careers for a complete job description. RN61033 WORK AND TRAVEL*** 6 openings now, $20+ per hour. Full-time travel, paid training, transportation provided, ages 18+. **BBB accredited/ apply online www.needajob1.com 1-812-841-1293. RN60387 012 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REACH AS MANY AS 2 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $349 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-315-536-4422 for details. RN56187 REPLACEMENT WAR- RANTY FOR All Electronic products in the home for one monthly fee of $29-97 with astonishing income opportunity... .MyWarrantyRewards. com/MICHAELJAYCA. 1-760895-4747. RN61030 RESTAURANT BOOTH AT THE Windmill for sale. Call 585-526-6860 for more information. RN61017 013 SERVICE DIRECTORY “ANDY’S MASONRY” Specializing in Fireplaces, Blockwork, Stonework, Flatwork, Pillars, Basements, Pavers, Restoration. Free estimates, 607-243-7681. RN37991 **BRAND NEW POR- 015 INSTRUCTION SAFER CHIMNEY Call Sir William Chimney Sweep. We clean, repair or replace your old chimney. Call 1-800216-9520 or 315-536-6080. RN17751 AUTO INSURANCE phone quotes. DOUGLAS B. MILES AGENCY, INC. 607243-7200. RN1139 FOOT CARE BY BRIDGET. Will provide basic foot & toenail service in your own home. Call 315-694-2962 for information. RN56293 GUARANTEED IN HOME Appliance Repair. Serving the area Since 1976. Universal Appliance 315-789-2788 or 1-800234-8277. RN53918 GUTTER CLEANING, Get Leaves and Debris out of your gutters before ICE, SNOW and RAIN bring them down. Call Dale at 607-684-7097. RN61047 LOCKSMITH SAFES opened, Combinations changed, Locks repinned, Locksets installed, Repairs made. 315-536-8595. RN38076 PORTABLE TOILETS FOR RENT: Call Affordable Portable 607-962-6725 or Toll Free 1-800-398-0095. RN59853 SMITH SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Pumping, repairs, locating of tanks and distribution boxes. Compact backhoe service. Call Fran at 607-243-5441. RN32288 TOWNLEY COAL - DOUBLE HUNG, double paned tilt-ins $199 installed, Energy Star Package add $20. Triple pane tilt-ins $249 Installed, Elite Energy Star Package add $50. Why pay more? 1-866-2727533. RN60478 014 FINANCIAL ARE YOU IN BIG TROU- BLE With The IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1-800-647-3031. RN60422 CREDIT CARD DEBT? FI- TABLE TOILETS FOR RENT**. Monthly, weekly or daily. Call VanDyke Septic. 607-535-2410. RN59835 *SEPTIC DO YOU OWE OVER TANK *VINEYARD HILLS* PAINTING & STAINING. Log Homes, Decks, Houses, Cottages. Senior citizen discount, references, free estimates. 315-694-8260 or 607-5692135. RN60249 5-HOUR COURSE RE- quired for Driver’s Test: Offered approximately every two weeks at Penn Yan Middle School. For Dates and Details: www.driverdon.com, 1-607566-8507 Driver Don’s Driving School, Avoca. RN44795 FAA CERTIFICATION - Get approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM for free information 1-866-296-7093. RN60978 $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! The nation’s full service tax solution firm. Call 855-8208878. RN60816 GET CASH NOW FOR DEAL HELP PREVENT FORE- CLOSURE & Save Your Home! Get FREE Relief! Learn about your legal option to possibly lower your rate and modify your mortgage. Call 855-5487317. RN60969 KILL BED BUGS! BUY LIVING WITH KNEE OWNER” snow plow. Like new with mount for 2003 Toyota Tundra. Asking: $950. Quilting fame, used once...will take any size quilt. $95. Call 607-725-0046 (Bath area). RN61035 PAIN? Medicare recipients that suffer with knee pain may qualify for a low or no cost knee brace. Free Shipping. Call now! 866-631-5172. RN60734 *REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Get a 4-Room All-Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW! 1-800945-6395. RN60256 TURED locally. Buy direct from manufacturer, SAVE! Send for free brochure or enclose $5 for catalog. Finger Lakes Log Homes, 4452 Manning Ridge Road, Painted Post, NY 14870. 607-936-6636. RN1009 A FREE $50 WAL-MART MATTRESS OUTLET ALL STAIRLIFTS. The AFFORDABLE solution to your stairs! **Limited time - $250. Off Your Stairlift Purchase!** Buy Direct & SAVE. Please call 1-800-618-2630 for FREE DVD and brochure. RN60979 CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-4131940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. RN58652 CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call Today 1-800-3497281 for $25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. RN60730 DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-826-4464 RN59849 DISH TV STARTING AT INJURED? IN A LAW- DO YOU HAVE PROD- UCTS or Services to promote, Reach as many as 3.3 million households and 4.5 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively. Only $489 for a 15 word ad. Call The Chronicle Express at 1-315-536-4422. RN56190 Apartment Living on the Keuka Outlet BIG “SNOW BEAR HOME- $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE!! Regular Price $32.99 Call Today and Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-855-996-6363. RN60787 THE from DirecTV! Act Now $19.99/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE GENIE HD/ DVR Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with select Packages. New Customers Only. IV Support Holdings LLC - An authorized DirecTV Dealer. Some exclusions apply. - Call for details 1-800931-4807. RN61025 016 MISC FOR SALE your Annuity or Lottery Payments or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! Call 1-855419-3824 RN60399 SUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments and No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Call Now 1-888-888-5152 www. lawcapital.com. RN60535 GET Harris Bed Bug Kit. Complete Treatment Solution. Buy On-Line: homedepot.com. RN60412 ACORN nancially Stressed Out? Stop the harassment! Make one monthly payment YOU can AFFORD! Get Help Now and Save! Call Toll Free 888-9255404. RN60655 CLEANING*, We are available weekdays, nights & weekends. Call VanDyke Septic @ 607-535-2410. RN58862 LES- SONS,** Trudy Moon, 122 Keuka St., Penn Yan, 315-5363129. Celtic harp and bagpipes for weddings, receptions. RN1012 Gift Card & 3 FREE issues of your favorite magazines! Rolling Stone, Ebony, Maxim, ESPN, Shape & more! CALL NOW! 855-990-1155. RN60817 WHERE QUALITY COMES FIRST. Stoves, coal & wood pellets. 4155 State Route 14A, Geneva. 315789-2938. www.townleycoal.com. RN59350 WINDOWS, **PIANO/HARP 016 MISC FOR SALE LOG HOMES MANUFAC- new twins, full, queens in stock. Kings & odd sizes available. Wood & steel headboards & bed frames. 2-1/2 miles north of Penn Yan along Rte. 14A. 315-536-8206. RN40754 PROTECT YOUR IDEN- TITY today! Get $5 off our identity protection services. Call now! 855-972-8099. RN60925 REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-492-1952. RN60498 REPLACEMENT WIN- DOWS $199.00 Installed. Double hung tilt-ins. **Lifetime Warranty**. ENGERY STAR add $20, includes insulated glass. Low E Glaze, Argon Gas, Warm Edge Intercept Spacer System. Why pay more!! Call Rich 1-866-2727533. RN60702 SAVE ON CAR INSUR- ANCE. How much an you save? $300? $500? Call for quote! 888-320-7567. RN60736 SMALL NEW AND USED electronic or combination lock safes, reasonable. 315-5368595. RN61027 VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 877403-5954. RN60926 017 APPLIANCES REFURBISHED APPLIANCES. 90 Day warranty! Trade in credit available. Call (315) 789-2788. RN59733 Chronicle-Express.com e The Chronicle-Express e Wednesday, November 5, 2014 CLASSIFIED ADS 018 YARD & GARAGE SALES 021 PETS ‘SHED SALE’ RT. 54 OUT GERMAN INSIDE SALES AT THE PHIL-MAR of PY. Twin sleigh bed with matching dresser and mirror, bicycles, lamps, cedar chest, etc. By Appt only. Text/call 585-259-7564. RN61019 former “Merry-go-Round” hundreds of Christmas items - all must go. Come and make an offer. (2966 RT. 54A) Friday: Nov 7, 9-4, Saturday: Nov 8, 9-12. RN61049 019 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES CASH, CASH, CASH LOOKING TO BUY. Complete estates & households, attics, basements. Old furniture in any condition, old bottles, old guns, Indian artifacts, beds, dressers, tables, china cabinets, book cases, duck decoys, jewelry, crocks, picture frames, lamps, trucks, tools, depression glass, china, other glasssware, clocks, dolls, fishing items, old coin operating machines, coins, sterling silver. Turn those items into cash. Call Ted Siri, 25-years in business! 607-228-7039. RN58429 020 MISC WANTED COINS: BUYING ALL COLLECTIONS I travel to you and pay top prices. No nonsense, honest appraisals. My 50th year. Tom Gleason. 315536-4141. RN54304 WANTED TO BUY: Complete Estate/ Household Contents & Antique Shop Closeouts: Visit: www.swstoday.com Call Mike: 607-356-3380. RN60866 WANTED: ALL MOTOR- CYCLES Before 1980, running or not! Japanese, British, European, American. TOP $CASH$ PAID! Free Appraisals! Call 1-315-569-8094. 1stKickcycles70@gmail.com RN57932 SHEPPARD PUPPIES, purbred, vet checked, 1st shots, dewormed. Ready Nov. 5th. 4-Males, 5-Females. $425/ea. 585-526-4536. RN61050 KENNELS. Professional all breed grooming and boarding. Under New Management! www.philmarkennels.com 585-5546344. RN5135 024 HAY, GRAIN, ETC. HAY FOR SALE, FIRST cutting Timothy and Alfalfa mix, small square bales. 585554-3799. RN26303 026 FARM EQUIPMENT 036 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT *HOBSON ROAD STOR- KEUKA LAKE EAST SIDE AGE, INC. Mini storage. 3 sizes, call for availability. Next to The Windmill. Phone 315536-2068. RN52789 BETWEEN THE LAKES MINI-STORAGE: Small/ large units available. Easy access, in Dundee/Wayne. Affordable rates. 607-292-3397. RN12255 KICKER RACKS, BALE CARRIERS, low-profile bale carriers, slant bar feeders, headlock feeders. B&E Mfg., Penn Yan, NY. 315-536-9513. RN47173 SKID STEER ATTACH- MENTS, buckets, pallet forks, bale spears, rock forks, grapples. Burkholders Repair, LLC. 315-5368446. RN51474 031 FIREWOOD COUNTRY MINI STORAGE run by the Simmons Bunch. Call us and we’ll SQUEEZE out a grape price for you. 315-536-4795. RN1017 WINTER STORAGE VE- HICLE/RV/BOAT: Spaces sized to your requirements in dry, secure building w/concrete floor, Penn Yan area. Outdoor covered spaces also available. 315-536-2394. RN59284 FENCES BUILT BY STEVE CATLIN. Hightensile, vinyl horse fence, board, woven wire. Free estimates. 585-554-5549. RN60476 TO PLACE AN AD call 315-536-4422, email MadelineVerdi@Chronicle-Express.com, ì36ì&6-2+ì-8ì83ìì%-2ì8@ì)22ì#%2ììeì32(%=ìOì6-(%=ìBì%@1@ìOìBì4@1@ 033 RENTALS CONCORD 035 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTS- MENTS available in Dundee. Call 607-243-5142 for more information or email corina@ lappgroup.net RN58360 1 AND 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent in Dundee. Security Deposit required. Call 607-243-8663. RN1026 2ND FLOOR, 1 BED- ROOM. Lease, security, no pets, totally electric. Village of PY. $550/mo. 315-536-7947. RN61043 LARGE BEDROOM, UP- FIREWOOD FOR SALE, $65 a face cord, you pick-up. Delivery extra. Wayne Baker, 607-243-5496. RN56518 STAIRS APT available soon. New windows, new appliances, quiet country setting. $700 plus utilities. 315-6941581. RN61048 FIREWOOD FOR SALE, PY, 1-BEDROOM, 1ST $70 per face cord. Delivery extra. Call Ken Zimmerman at 315-536-3977. RN59044 FLOOR. Private entrance, off-street parking, no pets. $550 plus utilities, references and, security. 585-526-5928. RN56124 PY RANCH FOR RENT- No maintenance 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, All Appliances, W/D, Garage, NO PETS/NO SMOKING, $1,200 Mo. (315-5360157). RN61044 037 COTTAGES/ VACATION RENTALS DO YOU HAVE VACA- TION PROPERTY for sale or rent? With promotion to nearly 3.4 million households and over 4.6 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $489 for a 15word ad. Place your ad by calling 1-315-536-4422.. RN56191 041 FARMS AND ACREAGE ABANDONED FARM- LAND! 5 acres - $12,900. Adj to State Land! Southwest valley views, meadows, twn rd! E. Finger Lakes! Rare Deal! EZ terms! 1-888-650-8166. NewYorkLandandLakes.com RN61039 BANK REPO’D LAND! 5 acres - $10,900! Great view, woods, fields, utils, yr round rd! Just off the NY State Thruway! Clear title, 100% G’teed! Terms avail! Call 1-888-7011864 NOW! RN61034 CATSKILLS FARM CUSTOM DEER PRO- CESSING. Call Matt at (315) 694-8402 or Terri at (607) 244-4830. We also buy deer hides. RN59182 043 CARS & TRUCKS *CASH TODAY* WE’LL Buy Any Car (Any Condition) + Free Same-Day Removal. Best Cash Offer Guaranteed! Call for FREE Quote: 1-888989-6212. RN61005 CA$H FOR CARS AND TRUCKS: Get a top dollar INSTANT offer! Running or not. 1-888-416-2208. RN57154 YOUR GENEROUS CAR, Boat Or Motorcycle Donation to Rawhide brings needed resources to families in crisis. Donate with confidence while helping change a life. Donate today! 877-626-1146 RN60821 050 SPORTING GOODS KNIGHT MUZZLELA- ODER stainless barrel, camo stock, Bushnell 3x9 scope, $300, w/out scope, $200. excellent codition. 585-5546856. RN61029 Put the Chronicle Classifieds to work For you … Buy, Sell, Rent, Trade Phone : (315)536-4422 - County Area. Please call 352804-4135 for more information. RN59446 Teaching Assistant Anticipated full-time opening at the elementary school as either a teacher or teaching assistant preferred. PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF TORREY The Town Board of the Town of Torrey is seeking resumes for Position of Highway Superintendent (Interim) Must have CDL, Mechanic experience, CPR Road and culvert construction experience Mandatory NYS DOT Drug/Alcohol Testing Applications accepted to December 1st 2014 Submit resume to Torrey Town Clerk 56 Geneva Street Dresden During regular business hours By order of the Town of Torrey Board on 11/1/14 Torrey Town Clerk Career Opportunity at Lakeland Equipment as a Commercial Sales Representative Commercial Sales Representative 315-536-4422 COOPER- STOWN LAKE REGION! 6 acres - $24,900. Stream, spruce plantation, apple trees, hardwoods, beautiful views, gated driveway! Incredible bldg site! Fin is avail! 1-888775-8114 NewYorkLandandLakes.com RN61037 FARM FOR SALE, YATES To apply, submit an online application at http://secure.myschooljobs.org/PennYan. 138 Main Street Penn Yan, NY 14527 WESTERN 051 HUNTING SHORT SALE! 58 acres $95,000. Mtn views, woods, Spring, twn rd, utils, survey, G’teed buildable! Priced 60% below Market! Terms! Hurry! 1-888-431-6404 www. NewYorkLandandLakes.com RN61038 THE FOLLOWING POSITION IS AVAILABLE AT PENN YAN CENTRAL SCHOOL The Chronicle-Express 041 FARMS AND ACREAGE LAKESIDE (5-mi south of PY) 2-BR, 1-1/2BA. Furnished with appliances, includes water. $700/mo plus electricity and gas. Nov-May, references, deposit. 315-871-8499. RN60181 SECRETARY - PART TIME Penn Yan United Methodist Church is seeking enthusiastic, efficient secretary to staff the church office Monday - Friday, 9-3. Qualified candidates will possess strong organizational, interpersonal & communication skills and demonstrated computer efficiency in Word, Excel and Publisher. Previous secretarial experience preferred. EOE. Applications are available at the church office: 166 Main St., Penn Yan or online at pyumcd.org and are due by Fri., Nov. 7. Sniff Out a Great Deal in the Classifieds. B9 This individual will work in an assigned area, maintaining contacts with established customers and developing new prospects for the purpose of selling commercial and lawn & garden equipment. They will also back up our Inside Residential Sales Representatives as required. The ideal candidate would have 3+ years experience in selling a tangible product. The individual should have a working knowledge of commercial and lawn equipment. They should be computer literate and customer service orientated. We offer a professional work environment, competitive salaries and benefits. Please stop in and fill out an application or fax, e-mail or mail your resume to (no phone calls please): Lakeland Equipment Attn: Tom Beaty PO Box 248, Avon, NY 14414 Fax - 585-226-9633 email - tombeaty@lakelandequipment.com For Complete Details Visit Us At www.lakelandequipment.com MOTOR EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: The Yates County Highway Department is seeking applicants for this full-time union position. This work involves responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of various types of light motor equipment and the performance of manual duties related to the operation of the equipment. Minimum qualifications are: graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND one year of full-time or equivalent experience in the operation of light road maintenance equipment. Must possess a valid New York State license, Class B or higher at the time of appointment. Interested candidates may obtain applications online at www.yatescounty.org or from the Yates County Personnel Department at 417 Liberty St., Penn Yan, NY 14527 or call tel: (315) 5365112 for more information. Deadline to apply is close of business on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. EOE Help Wanted: A local establishment is looking for a full time food and bar Steward. The expected start date for this position would be January 1, 2015. The following qualifications are needed for this position. Three years of experience as a food and bar Steward this would include but not limited to food prep, cooking for large parties, party planning, pricing of goods, ordering supplies, kitchen management and bartending. Must be detailed oriented and knowledgeable in the use of quick books, account practices and record keeping. This is a salaried position. To apply for this position please send your resume to Club Manager, Post Office Box 271, Penn Yan, NY 14527. Please do not apply in person. Applications to be received by Nov. 15, 2014. I Am Updating My List For MOTOR & WALK ROUTE ADULT CARRIERS TO DELIVER THE CHRONICLE AD-VISER s/.#%!7%%+s./#/,,%#4).' s%8#%,,%.4%!2.).'3 s-534(!6%$%0%.$!",% ).352%$6%()#,% EITHER SATURDAY or SUNDAY If interested, please fill out the form below and mail to: #HRONICLE!D6ISER -AIN3T 0ENN9AN.9 I am interested in delivering the Chronicle Ad-Viser: q Walk Route q Motor Route What Area? _________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ B10 Wednesday, November 5, 2014ìeìì,632-'0)O<46)77@'31ììeìì,)ì,632-'0)O<46)77ì LEGAL NOTICES TO PLACE A NOTICE email KarenMorris@Chronicle-Express.com, fax 315-536-0682, or bring it to 138 Main St. Penn Yan • THE DEADLINE IS 10 AM MONDAY PETITION AND NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE INDEX NO. 13-999, 12-999, 11-999, 10-999 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY COURT, YATES COUNTY In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens by Proceeding In Rem pursuant to Article Eleven of the Real Property Tax Law by Yates County PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 1st of October, 2014, the Yates County Treasurer, hereinafter, the “Enforcing Officer”, of Yates County, hereinafter, the “Tax District”, pursuant to law filed with the Clerk of Yates County, a petition of foreclosure against various parcels of real property for the payment of delinquent taxes or other lawful charges which have accumulated and become liens. The Petition, which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof, pertains to the following parcels to which this proceeding applies are identified on Schedule A (all by Town and then Tax Map Number consecutively). This document serves both as a Petition of Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure for purposes of this proceeding. Effect of Filing: All persons having or claiming to have an interest in the real property described in this petition are hereby notified that the filing of this petition constitutes the commencement by the Tax District of a proceeding in the court specified in the caption above to foreclose each of the tax liens therein described by a foreclosure proceeding in rem. Nature of proceeding: This proceeding is brought against the real property only and is to foreclose the tax liens described in this petition. No personal judgment will be entered herein for such taxes or other legal charges or any part thereof. Persons affected: This notice is directed to all persons owning or having or claiming to have an interest in the real property described in this petition. Such persons are hereby notified further that a duplicate of this petition has been filed in the office of the Enforcing Officer of the Tax District and will remain open for public inspection up to and including the date specified below as the last day for redemption. Right of redemption: Any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such real property and the legal right thereto may on or before said date redeem the same by paying the amount of all such unpaid tax liens thereon, including all interest and penalties and other legal charges which are included in the lien against such real property, computed to and including the date of redemption. Such payments shall be made to Yates County Treasurer, 417 Liberty Street, Suite 1081, Penn Yan, New York 14527. In the event that such taxes are paid by a person other than the record owner of such real property, the person so paying shall be entitled to have the tax liens affected thereby satisfied of record. Last day for redemption: The last day for redemption is hereby fixed as the 30th day of January, 2015. Service of answer: Every person having any right, title or interest in or lien upon any parcel of real property described in this petition may serve a duly verified answer upon the attorney for the Tax District setting forth in detail the nature and amount of his or her interest and any defense or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer must be filed in the Office of the County Clerk and served upon the attorney for the Tax District on or before the date above mentioned as the last day for redemption. Failure to redeem or answer: In the event of failure to redeem or answer by any person having the right to redeem or answer, such person shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all his or her right, title and interest and equity or redemption in and to the parcel described in this petition and a judgment in foreclosure may be taken by default. Dated: October 1, 2014 Enforcing Officer: Winona B. Flynn Yates County Treasurer Attorney for Tax District: Scott Falvey 415 Liberty St., Ste. 204 Penn Yan, NY 14527 Schedule A 2013 Taxes Unpaid as of September 30, 2014 Tax Map Number Name-1 Town of BARRINGTON 97.03-1-16 VANHOUTEN, CHRISTOPHER 103.75-1-13 WHEELER, CHRISTOPHER 104.01-1-5 RIDER, LELAND F 104.02-1-17 HALL, JUDITH A 105.01-1-11 HADLEY, ROBERT L 110.74-1-7 CARLSON ESTATE 117.02-1-2 KNAPP LARRY W 126.01-1-22 CLEVELAND DAVID W 126.03-1-9 CLEVELAND DAVE W Town of BENTON 8.04-1-1 FORDON WILLIAM JR 8.50-1-10 KRIEGAR, RICKY E Town of ITALY 44.01-1-8 HILTS, MICHAEL E 44.03-1-8 KING CHARLES F 45.03-1-13 CAREY, ROBERT M 45.03-1-15 HARRIS LINDA J 69.03-1-26 CURTICE, CALVIN 69.03-1-48 PALERMO JAY J 79.02-1-4 MCHALE PATRICK J 79.04-1-12.1 Unknown 79.04-1-40 Unknown 79.51-1-6 PARSELL KIM 79.51-1-11 Unknown 80.32-1-5 WESTERMANN HARVEY 80.32-1-1 YOTHERS PATRICIA A 80.38-1-6.2 CLOYD, WILLIAM 80.39-1-1.1 BERTCH STEPHEN 80.39-1-15.1 EAST DANIEL R 81.03-1-15 TUCKER CINDY Town of JERUSALEM 47.04-1-24 SMITH MILFORD JR 48.02-1-9./14 MOON/BRUNSKILL 48.03-1-7 PETERSON IVA 48.03-1-14 HEY, JAMES 49.80-1-14 HERRICK, LESLIE 58.01-1-3 LAFLER ANN MARI 58.02-1-8 LOGAN, JAMES 58.03-1-14 INGRAM GARY 58.03-1-15 INGRAM GARY J NOTICE OF AUTHORITY OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the application for authority of Family Vantage LLC, a foreign limited liability company, was filed with the New York State Secretary of State and that (1) the name of the LLC is “Family Vantage LLC”, (2) the application for authority was filed 9/12/14 with the NYS Secretary of State, (3) the jurisdiction of organization of the LLC is Delaware, the date of its organization is 2/5/14; (4) the county within this state in which the office of the foreign LLC is located is Yates, with a principal business address of 3306 Flint Hill Road, Naples, NY 14512; (5) the Secretary of State is designated as the agent for service Name-2 Location of Property VANHOUTEN, PATRICIA WHEELER, KELLY RIDER, CHRISTINE HALL, ENOCH HADLEY, LINDA CARLSON, PAUL 2654 Fred Taylor HI 820 East Lake Rd 4100 Fred Taylor HI 4244 Old Bath Rd 4264 John Green Rd 973 East Lake Rd 2840 Knapp Rd Gravel Run Rd 5669 Gravel Run Rd KRIEGAR, SUZANNE HILTS, MERLE HARRIS, LINDA J CURTICE, JOSI CLOYD, MARY NORTON, ELLEN HEY, CHERYL LOGAN, GLORIA of process against it and shall forward service to 3306 Flint Hill Road, Naples, NY 14512; (6) the address of the office required to be maintained in the jurisdiction of its formation is 1521 Concord Pike #303, Wilmington, DE 19803; (7) the name of the authorized officer in its jurisdiction of its formation where a copy of its articles of organization is filed is the Delaware Secretary of State with an address of John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal Street, Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901, and (8) the purpose of the LLC is to run a bed and breakfast and for any other lawful purpose. LE08193-40PN6 Put the Chronicle Classifieds to work For you … 1530 Earls Hill Rd 148 Pre Emption Rd 1937-1945 Route 245 2071 Route 245 1515 Italy Valley Rd 1525 Italy Valley Rd 2595 Pulver Rd 2872 Dunn-Pulver Crossroad 295 Bassett Rd 152 Prattsburgh Rd Italy Valley Rd 6081 Italy Valley Rd 6086 Italy Valley Rd 155 Martin Rd 134 Granite Cir 655 Italy Valley Rd 685 Italy Valley Rd 175 Wetherby Rd 2051 Italy Hill Rd 3655 East Sherman Hollow Rd Lot 14 Brunskill Trailer PK East Sherman Hollow Rd 3343 East Sherman Hollow Rd 2487 Sand Hill Rd East Lightening Cors Rd Shanty Plains Rd 2606 Keech Rd Keech Rd 58.03-1-20 58.04-1-7 59.02-1-11 61.69-1-7 70.04-1-34 71.01-1-18 71.47-1-5 71.47-1-6 72.03-1-4 72.73-1-1 72.75-1-3 72.83-1-5 81.02-1-2 82.04-1-1 82.04-1-14 83.76-1-3 83.76-1-5 84.01-1-5 84.03-1-1.32 94.01-1-19 94.02-1-3.114 Town of MIDDLESEX 13.03-1-8 22.02-1-16 22.76-1-6 31.01-1-9 32.03-1-25 43.38-1-7 Town of MILO Village of PENN YAN 49.59-1-27 49.66-1-7 49.66-1-32 49.67-1-23 49.67-2-20 49.67-2-47 49.67-2-48 49.75-1-32 49.82-1-14 49.82-1-15.1 49.83-1-68 49.84-1-25 50.54-1-1 61.35-1-8 Town of MILO 61.43-1-3 61.65-1-10.6 62.03-1-12 87.76-1-5 88.35-1-19.1 88.77-1-15 99.28-1-14 99.28-1-15 100.01-1-21.1 Town of POTTER Village of RUSHVILLE 3.36-1-20 3.36-1-36.1 3.36-1-56 3.44-1-24 Town of POTTER 14.02-1-2 25.02-1-9.1 35.01-1-15 35.02-1-11 35.03-1-5 35.03-1-16 46.02-1-6 Town of STARKEY Village of DUNDEE 120.24-1-40 120.25-2-48 120.25-2-67 120.39-1-8.2 Town of STARKEY 100.04-1-11 107.52-1-3 107.52-1-5 120.04-1-7 121.02-1-34 121.04-1-13 127.01-1-8.1 131.01-1-1 Town of TORREY Village of DRESDEN 40.61-1-24.1 40.61-1-40 40.61-1-43 Town of TORREY 51.01-1-3 51.41-1-2 52.48-1-15.1 64.02-1-4 WATKINS GARY W LOGAN, JAMES TYLER KEVIN NOTEBAERT EDMUND JR KING JOAN MOSS, ROBERT JR CARSON GEORGE CARSON GEORGE ANDERSEN, JOHN ANDERSEN, JOHN Yates County Treasurer LARRABEE MARSHAL III SHOOK DEAN G RYAN THOMAS F COLEMAN JAMES Unknown Unknown ANDERSEN, JOHN SANFORD MARY ZAVAGLIA LORRAINE KANE MAUD L III 4456 Champlin Rd 2473 Shanty Plains Rd Yatesville Rd 2739 Rte 54A 4445 Belknap Hill Rd 3796 County House Rd 3874 Sid White Rd 3874 Sid White Rd 2998 Coates Rd Coates Rd 548 Assembly Ave 549 Assembly Ave 3176 Italy Friend Rd 4352 Italy Hill Rd Italy Hill Rd Esperanza Dr Esperanza Dr Rte 54A Bluff Pt Esperanza Rd 3823 Prosser Rd Stever Hill Rd LOGAN, GLORIA MOSS, MIKE ANDERSEN, DONNA ANDERSEN, DONNA COLEMAN TERRI ANDERSEN, DONNA CULL JEFFERY GYSEL JULIE DEFEO ARTHUR LINDSAY R BRUCE MARVIN MARY I Unknown CULL WENDY G Bagley Rd 979 Hadsell Rd 1253 Main St South Hill Rd 1648 West Ave Sunnyside Rd WARREN JEFFREY TEARS ETHEL KANE MAUD L WARREN JEFFREY DINEHART MARTHA CHISOM CRAIG CHISOM CRAIG L RONDAXE PROPERTIES LLC GADI GRANTH, LLC PATEL RASIKBHAI P GADI GRANTH, LLC BROOKS AMY LAMPSON BARRY SUTHERLAND HARRY WARREN ELIZABETH TEARS EARL E 217 Main St 322 Keuka St 100 Davis St 132 Main St 124 Benham St 34 Champlin Ave 32 Champlin Ave 2-4-6 Main St 207 Lake St 211-213 Lake St 205 Lake St 105 South Ave 155 Cornwell St Brown Street Ext HOBAN DORA L PATEL MANISH R LANE MALCOLM A SHOEMAKER ARTHUR YOUNG SCOTT D SWARTS SHARON E GATES COMMUNITY CHAPE EGBURTSON GAIL K WOODWORTH DEBORAH L FULLER PEGGY E MARTIN RALPH TIRES BOLTON SHEILA YADDOW JOEL G SMITH ROSE M HEY JAMES G DIMON RICHARD E JR DECKER JOHN P FREELAND PAUL DOUGLAS LOCKNER CARISSA M MEZER FAMILY TRUST POLLACK JR. PAUL MAC RAE DAVID DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL OLEVNIK RODNEY G WARREN ELIZABETH LINEHAN ELVIRA LAMPSON GARY L SUTHERLAND HELEN MITCHELL WAYNE Kimball Gully Rd 2406 Country Estates 2675 Route 14A Harrison Rd 3267 N Plum Point Rd 3597 Himrod-Lakemont Rd 711 South St 3654 Himrod-Lakemont Rd 435 Severne Rd YADDOW KIMBERLY A 20 Gilbert St 3 N Main St 17 Gilbert St 40 S Main St DONNA YOUNG L FREEDOM VILLAGE USA HEY CHERYL ANN DECKER SARAH E FREELAND CARLA LOCKNER VINCENT T Sr 497 Fitch Rd 3545 Hammond Rd 4082 Sr 364 3733 Sr 364 1631 Ingram Rd 1747 Ingram Rd 1772 Lane Development 24 Union St 41 Seneca St 15 Hollister St 36 Chambers St MAC RAE DIANE THERESA MOLLY WHITE MELISSA S WINE TRAIL VACATIONS LLC 3927 NYS Rte 14 NAGY LARRY A NAGY WILLIAM B Locust Rd NAGY WILLIAM B NAGY LARRY A 2464 Locust Rd RAUB JAMES E 5315 Jessop Rd O’SHAUGHNESSY JOHN F O’SHAUGHNESSY LOUISE B 5091 Lakemont-Himrod Rd SHULTS WILLIAM SHULTS MARSHA S 5390 Lakemont-Himrod Rd LEDERMAN TRACY J 1240 Bossard Rd BROTHERS FLETCHER 572 Rock Stream Rd HOKE PATRICK J JR RADDER CARL E ALKSMANT SCOTT A GUERERRI VIOLET GUERERRI VIOLET LINKHORN JERRY E SAGE RICHARD H NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY which limited liability companies may be formed under the law. LE08196-41PN6 Name: Veraison International, LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on September 5, 2014. Office Location: Ontario County, SSNY designated as agent of Veraison International, LLC, upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to Veraison International, LLC at 61 Howell Street, Canandaigua, New York 14424 Purpose: Any lawful activity. Attorney: Scott P. Falvey, 66 North Main Street, Canandaigua, New York 14424. LE08194-40PN6 ME ME ENTERPRISES, LLC (“LLC”), has filed Articles of Organization with the NY Secretary of State (“NYSS”) on September 9, 2014 pursuant to Section 203 of the NY Limited Liability Company Law. The office of the LLC shall be located in Ontario County, NY. The NYSS is designated as the agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served, and the address to which the NYSS shall mail a copy of any process served on him against the LLC is 6330 Watercrest Way, #202, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202. The purpose of the LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity for NOTICE OF FORMATION OF WESLEY XAVIER, LLC WESLEY XAVIER, LLC (the “LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NY Department of State on September 26, 2014. The office of the LLC is located in Yates County, NY. The NY Secretary of State is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process may be served and is directed to forward service of process to The LLC, PO Box 608, Penn Yan, NY 14527, which is the principal business location. The purpose of the LLC is any lawful activity. LE08197-41PN6 57 Seneca St 58 Charles St 59 Charles St RADDER ELLEN R ALKSMANT INEZ L 1133 Hopeton Rd Hopeton Rd 2009 Perry Pt Rd 231 Long Pt Rd LE08209-41PN1EOW SAGE REBA K LEGAL NOTICE Notice of formation of P&L trucking LLC. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 9/08/14 Off-loc.: Ontario County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: C/O The LLC 6349 Murphy Drive Victor, NY 14564 Purpose any lawful activity. LE08198-41PN6 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF RAINA PHARMACY LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/26/14. Office location: Ontario County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207, regd. agent upon whom and at which process may be served. Purpose: Any lawful activity. LE08199-41PN6 LEGAL NOTICE: Notice of formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC): Name: 3567 COUNTY ROAD 37, LLC, Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 9/30/2014. Office Location: Ontario County. SSNY has been designated as Agent of the LLC upon whom Process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 3567 COUNTY ROAD 37, LLC, 3567 County Road 37, Bloomfield, Buy, Sell, Rent, Trade Phone : (315)536-4422 See all the great deals... when you shop the classifieds! The Chronicle-Express Chronicle Ad-Viser Call Today 315-536-4422 Chronicle-Express.com e The Chronicle-Express e Wednesday, November 5, 2014 NY 14469. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: No specific date. LE08200-41PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Starr Property Solutions LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/23/14. Office in Ontario Co. SSNY desig. agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served & shall mail process to C/O Jesica Starr Jerome, 7597 Baptist Hill Rd, Bloomfield, NY 14469. Purpose: General. LE08202-41PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Pasta Classics, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/7/14. Office location: Ontario County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 3837 Route 64, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Purpose: any lawful activity. LE08220R-44PN6 NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING OF THE VOTERS OF THE PENN YAN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE PENN YAN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Board of Education of the District on the 15th day of October, 2014, a special meeting of the qualified voters of said School District Counties of Yates, Ontario and Steuben, State of New York, will be held at the High School Gymnasium, Penn Yan Academy, 305 Court Street, in Penn Yan, New York, in said District, on December 9, 2014, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. prevailing time, for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition: PROPOSITION Shall the Board of Education construct renovations and improvements to the Penn Yan Elementary School, Penn Yan Middle School and Penn Yan Academy, including for all of the foregoing, site improvements, original furnishings, fixtures and equipment, architectural fees, and all other necessary costs incidental to such work and expend therefore a total sum not to exceed $3,165,950, which is estimated to be the total maximum cost thereof, and pay for the project by the levy of a tax which is hereby voted for the project in the amount of $3,165,950, subject to available State Aid, which tax shall be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education and in anticipation of the collection of such tax, bonds and notes of the District are hereby authorized to be issued at one time, or from time to time, in the principal amount not to exceed $3,165,950, and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said obligations when due. NOTICE IS GIVEN that voting upon the foregoing Proposition will be by voting machine and will take place on December 9, 2014 at High School Gymnasium, Penn Yan Academy, 305 Court Street,, in Penn Yan, New York, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. prevailing time. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that qualified voters may obtain applications for absentee ballots from the office of the Clerk of the School District. Completed applications for absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk of the School District no later than 4:30 p.m. prevailing time, December 3, 2014, if the absentee ballot is to be mailed to the voter. Completed applications received after 4:30 p.m. on December 3, 2014, will require the voter to personally appear at the Office of the Clerk of the School District to receive an absentee ballot. A listing of all persons to whom an absentee ballot is issued will be available for inspection by any qualified voter in the Office of the Clerk of the School District between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on December 4, 5, 8 & 9, 2014, as well as Saturday, December 6, 2014 (by appointment only at 315-536-3371). Pursuant to the provisions of Education Law, a District voter is eligible to vote by absentee ballot under the following conditions: a. Illness or physical disability; b. Business responsibilities or studies which require travel outside of the county or area of residence on the day of the election; c. Vacation outside of the county or area of residence; or d. Detention or confinement to jail after conviction for an offense other than a felony. An absentee ballot must reach the office of the District Clerk/designee not later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the aforementioned special meeting. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Education, all qualified individuals who wish to vote at Special District Meetings must register personally to vote. That is, to be eligible to vote, all qualified voters must pre-register and be listed on the District’s voter register at the time of the vote. However, individuals who have already registered to vote in general, county-wide elections and whose name appears on the voter registration rolls of the county in which they reside or at the recent annual school district election, will be automatically placed on the District voter register and need not preregister to vote at the upcoming special vote. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the Board of Registration shall meet to prepare the register of the school district and any person shall be entitled to have his/her name placed upon such register provided that at such meeting of the Board of Registration he/she is known or proven to the satisfaction of such Board of Registration, to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at the school meeting or election for which such register is prepared. Pre-Registration of voters will be held at the District Office, Penn Yan Central School District, One School Drive, Penn Yan, New York, on the following dates: November 18-21, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. November 24-25, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. December 1-3, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. December 3, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the proposition set forth on the voting machine labels shall appear as follows: PROPOSITION Shall the Board of Education construct renovations and improvements to the Penn Yan Elementary School, Penn Yan Middle School and Penn Yan Academy, including for all of the foregoing, site improvements, original furnishings, fixtures and equipment, architectural fees, and all other necessary costs incidental to such work and expend therefore a total sum not to exceed $3,165,950, which is estimated to be the total maximum cost thereof, and pay for the project by the levy of a tax which is hereby voted for the project in the amount of $3,165,950, subject to available State Aid, which tax shall be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education and in anticipation of the collection of such tax, bonds and notes of the District are hereby authorized to be issued at one time, or from time to time, in the principal amount not to exceed $3,165,950, and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said obligations when due. DATED: October 15, 2014 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION LE08231-43PN4EOW LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF YATES PHH Mortgage Corporation, Plaintiff, against Bruce L. Ridley a/k/a Bruce Ridley; et al., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated August 21, 2014 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction in the Yates County Courthouse, 415 Liberty Street, Penn Yan, New York on November 20, 2014 at 10:00AM, premises known as 245 East Lake Road, Penn Yan, NY 14527. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Milo, County of Yates and State of NY, Section 73.01 Block 1 Lot 9. Approximate amount of judgment $63,524.76 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index# 2012-0124. Tiffany M. Sorgen, Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: September 10, 2014 1111537 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12/2014 LE08234-43PN4 LEGAL NOTICE Pete’s Paradise LLC arts. of org.filed with the SSNY on 9/24/2014. Office loc.Ontario County.SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to : 230 North Bloomfield Rd. Canandaigua N. Y. 14424. Pupose: Any lawful purpose. LE08235-43PN6 NOTICE OF FORMATION Sheppard St, LLC Arts of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/14/2014. Office located in Yates County on 140 Sheppard St, Penn Yan, NY 14527. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to the LLC at the address of its principal office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. LE08236-43PN6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KDC Construction, LLC filed Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State on September 11, 2014. Its office is to be located in Ontario County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent of the Company upon whom process against it may be served, and a copy of any process shall be mailed to c/o 9663 Larned Road, Lima, NY 14485. The purpose of Company is any lawful business. LE08237-43PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Qualification of Gogo Business Aviation LLC. Authority filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/10/14. Office location: Ontario County. Princ. bus. addr.: 1250 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Ste. 500, Itasca, IL 60143. LLC formed in DE on 6/3/08. NY Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. DE addr. of LLC: 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of Form. filed with DE Sec. of State, 401 Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: all lawful purposes. LE08238-43PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of SpaceVinyl LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 8/25/14. Office location: Ontario County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: 423 Exchange St., Geneva, NY 14456. Purpose: all lawful purposes. LE08239-43PN6 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF 1777 ESTATE PROPERTIES, LLC 1777 ESTATE PROPERTIES, LLC filed Articles of Organization with NYS on 10/17/2014. (1) Its principal office is in Ontario County, NY. (2) The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to The LLC, 1777 Estate Drive, Farmington, NY 14425. (3) Purpose: Any lawful purpose. LE08240-43PN6 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTIONS OF THE DUNDEE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT AS SET FORTH HEREIN LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York, the said Board of Education will hold four public hearings at the Public Meeting Room of the Dundee Central School District on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time, to hear all interested parties and citizens regarding the adoption of: Proposed Board Resolution titled ‘Resolution of the Dundee Central School District Board of Education in Relation to the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption from Real Property Taxa- tion Under Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.’ This proposed resolution concerns the authorization of an exemption on school taxes for veterans who have served during a time of war, their spouses, and the un-remarried surviving spouses of deceased war-time veterans. Proposed Board Resolution titled ‘Resolution of the Dundee Central School District Board of Education in Relation to the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption from Real Property Taxation under Section 458-a, Subdivision 2 (d)(ii) of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.’ This proposed resolution concerns an increase or decrease in an exemption on school taxes for veterans who have served during a time of war, their spouses, and the unremarried surviving spouses of deceased war-time veterans. Proposed Board Resolution titled ‘Resolution of the Dundee Central School District Board of Education in Relation to the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption from Real Property Taxation under Section 458-a, Subdivision 7 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.’ This proposed resolution concerns Gold Star Parents Provision of the exemption on school taxes for veterans who have served during a time of war, their spouses, and the unremarried surviving spouses of deceased war-time veterans. Proposed Board Resolution titled ‘Resolution of the Dundee Central School District Board of Education in Relation to the Alternative Veterans’ Exemption from Real Property Taxation under Section 458-a, Subdivision 8 of the Real Property Tax Law of the State of New York.’ This proposed resolution concerns relocation of an exemptee under an exemption on school taxes for veterans who have served during a time of war, their spouses, and the un-remarried surviving spouses of deceased war-time veterans. Further information, including access to a copy of said Board Resolutions, may be obtained at the District Clerk’s Office, 55 Water Street, Dundee NY 14837. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE DUNDEE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Melody Clark, District Clerk Dundee Central School 55 Water Street Dundee, NY 14837 LE08249-44PN2 PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE: CONTENTS OF UNIT #4 previously rented by Katherine Gilmartin. Sale to be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 9:00 am, at Mustang Mini Storage, 5 Commercial Ave., Penn Yan, NY 14527 LE08247-44PN2 PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE: CONTENTS OF UNIT #25 previously rented by Jolene Vazquez. Sale to be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 9:00 am, at Mustang Mini Storage, 5 Commercial Ave., Penn Yan, NY 14527 LE08248-44PN2 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF MILO PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2014 Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Milo, Yates County, New York for the fiscal year 2015 has been completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk, 137 Main Street, Penn Yan, New York where it is available for inspection by any interested person during the hours of 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Milo will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon at the Milo Town Office, 137 Main St., Penn Yan New York on Monday, November 17 at 7:15 PM and that at such hearing any person may be heard for or against any item or items herein contained. Pursuant to Section 108 of Town Law, the proposed salaries of the Elected Town Officials are: Supervisor $16,900 Councilpersons (4) $ 3,330.00 each Town Justice (1) $13,903.00 Highway Superintendent $ 53,060.00 Town Clerk $ 37,283.00 By order of the Milo Town Board Dated – October 7, 2014 Patricia L. Christensen Town Clerk Town of Milo LE08250-44PN2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF MILO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Milo, County of Yates, New York at 7:00 P.M. on November 17, 2014 at the Milo Town Office, 137 Main Street, Penn Yan, New York for the purpose of considering a new contract with the Penn Yan Fire Protection District which said contract shall be for fire protection to Town of Milo upon the following general terms to wit: (a) The said Penn Yan Fire Protection District shall answer and attend upon all fire calls in said district. (b) For such services, said fire Department shall be paid $133,294.00 (c) Said fire Department shall maintain and operate a fire station containing suitable apparatus and appliances for the purpose of furnishing fire protection to said district. (d) Said fire Department shall insure all of its equipment against all liability and protect the Town of Milo from liability for any accident in which any vehicle of such Department may be involved. (e) Said contract shall continue until December 31, 2015. (f) Such other incidentals as may be necessary or proper in connection with such contracting period. All persons interested in the matter will be heard at such time and place. Patricia L. Christensen Milo Town Clerk DATED: October 7, 2014 LE08251-44PN2 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF MILO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the Town of Milo, County of Yates, New York at 7:00 P.M. on November 17, 2014 at the Milo Town Office, 137 Main Street, Penn Yan, New York for the purpose of considering a new contract with the Himrod Fire Department, which said contract shall be for fire protection to Town of Milo upon the following general terms to wit: (a) The said Himrod Fire Department District shall answer and attend upon all fire calls in said district. (b) For such services, said fire Department shall be paid $85,200.00. (c) Said fire Department shall maintain and operate a fire station containing suitable apparatus and appliances for the purpose of furnishing fire protection to said district. (d) Said fire Department shall insure all of its equipment against all liability and protect the Town of Milo from liability for any accident in which any vehicle of such Department may be involved. (e) Said contract shall continue until December 31, 2015. (f) Such other incidentals as may be necessary or proper in connection with such contracting period. All persons interested in the matter will be heard at such time and place. Patricia L. Christensen Milo Town Clerk DATED: October 7, 2014 LE08252-44PN2 TOWN OF MILO NOTICE OF HEARING TO HEAR COMMENTS/OBJECTIONS ON ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TOWN OF MILO WATER DISTRICTS #1, #2, #3, MILO SEWER DISTRICT 1-2, AND HIMROD WATER DISTRICT #1, HIMROD WATER DISTRICT #1A PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Milo, Yates County, New York, has completed its assessment roll for and in connection with the improvements, facilities and equipment serving Town of Milo Water Districts No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Sewer District 1-2 and Himrod Water District No. 1 Himrod Water District No. 1A and operation and maintenance of the same for 2015; that the same was filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Milo. That the Town Board of the Town of Milo will meet at the Town of Milo Office, 137 Main Street, Penn Yan, New York on November 17, 2014, at 7:05 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the proposed 2015 budget for these districts and hearing and considering any objections which may be made to the said B11 assessment roll. Dated: October 7, 2014 Patricia L. Christensen Town Clerk Town of Milo LE08253-44PN2 served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 225 Buffalo Street, Canandaigua, New York 14424. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. LE08260-45PN6 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF TORREY PUBLIC HEARING OVERRIDING TAX EXEMPTION ON SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Torrey will hold on the 11th day of November 2014 at 7:30 PM, at the Torrey meeting room, 56 Geneva Street, Dresden, New York, a proposed Local Law to Override the Tax Exemption on Solar or Wind Energy System in Real Property Law Section 487 At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter thereof will be heard concerning the same. The full text of the proposed Local Law is available for inspection by the public at the Town of Torrey Clerk’s Office at 56 Geneva Street, Dresden, New York 14441 By order of the Town of Torrey Board on October 14, 2014 Betty M. Daggett Torrey Town Clerk LE08254-44PN2 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Highway Superintendent of the Town of Jerusalem, Yates County, New York, under Section 205-A of the Highway Law of the State of New York, that the following Town Highways be listed under a “DESIGNATION OF SEASONAL MINIMUM MAINTENANCE HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF JERUSALEM”: BROWN HILL CHAPEL HILL CULVER HILL EAST LIGHTENING ROAD ISAAC WALTON LEAGUE ROAD LITTLE CHURCH ROAD NORTHRUP ROAD POTTS ROAD STATE PARK HILL ROAD WEST LIGHTENING ROAD and, FURTHER, the effective dates are from November 1, 2014 to April 1, 2015. DATED: OCTOBER 29, 2014 NOVEMBER 5, 2014 Sheila McMichael Jerusalem Town Clerk LE08255-44PN2 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Parachute Executive Solutions LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the New York Department of State on February 21, 2014. Its office is located in Ontario County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: Parachute Executive Solutions LLC, P.O. Box 867, Honeoye, New York 14471. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity. LE08257-44PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of B. Alfredo LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State: 9/2/14. Office location: Ontario County. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: Corporate Creations Network Inc., 15 N. Mill St., Nyack, NY 10960, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: all lawful purposes. LE08258-45PN6 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Carmel Trucking, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/3/14. Office location: Ontario County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 2502 Canaan Road, Bloomfield, NY 14469. Purpose: any lawful activity. LE08259-45PN6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: JH DRYWALL & FINISHING, LLC. Articles of organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on September 30, 2014. Office location: 225 Buffalo Street, Canandaigua, New York 14424; County of Ontario. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be Notice is hereby given that the articles of organization of Empire Flooring & Linings, LLC, a domestic limited liability company, filed with the New York State Secretary of State on October 17, 2014, and entitled “Empire Flooring & Linings, LLC, under Section 203 of the Limited Liability Company Law”, included provisions stating (1) the name of the limited liability company as “Empire Flooring & Linings, LLC”, (2) the county in which its office is to be located is Yates County, (3) the principal business location as 1421 Second Milo Road, Penn Yan, New York 14527 (4) the Secretary of State is designated as the agent for service of process against it and showing 1421 Second Milo Road, Penn Yan, New York 14527, as the address to which the Secretary of State shall mail a copy of any process against it served upon him or her and (5) the character or purpose of the business of such limited liability company is the application of concrete floor restoration and pit coatings and to engage in any activities incidental to that activity and to engage in any business purpose permitted under the New York Limited Liability Company Law. LE08261-45PN6 LEGAL NOTICE GALINASIM PHOTO, LLC, filed Articles of Organization with NY Dept of State on July 21, 2014. Office of LLC located in Ontario County. NYSS is designated agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. NYSS may mail copy of process to LLC at 6959 Morgan Circle, Victor, NY 14564. Purpose of LLC is any lawful purpose permitted for LLCs under the law. LE08262-45PN6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NAME: PHILLIPS DESIGN BUILD, LLC. Articles of organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on October 14, 2014. Office location: 4538 County Road 16, Canandaigua, County of Ontario. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to the LLC, 4538 County Road 16, Canandaigua, New York 14424. Purpose: For any lawful purpose. LE08263-45PN6 NOTICE OF FORMATION OF PHILLIPS VICTOR LLC PHILLIPS VICTOR LLC filed Articles of Organization with NYS on 10/31/2014. (1) Its principal office is in Ontario County, NY. (2) The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served and a copy of any process will be mailed to The LLC, 820 Phillips Road, Victor, NY 14564. (3) Purpose: Any lawful purpose. LE08264-45PN6 IN THE MATTER OF THE DESIGNATION OF SEASONAL LIMITED USE HIGHWAYS IN THE TOWN OF ITALY, YATES COUNTY I, Jeffrey Hicks, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Italy, Yates County, New York, pursuant to Section 205-a of the Highway Law of the State of New York, do designate the following Highways or portions thereof as described, within the Town of Italy, To be seasonal limited use highways for the period December 1, 2014 to April 1, 2015: 1. Lower Rd. 1.5 miles 2. Burke Hill Rd. From Cty Rd 18 to Townline Rd. 3. Clute Rd. from Lane Clute’s to Prattsburgh Line 4. Wood Hill Rd. from Dennis North’s to Richard Ott’s 5. Danboy Rd. from Prattsburgh Rd. to the end 6. Charles Emerson Rd. from Pulteney Rd to the end Dated: November 5, 2014 Town of Italy, New York Jeffrey Hicks Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Italy, County of Yates, New York LE08267-45PN1
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