INVITATION LETTER KAI NATIONAL ALL STYLE OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP 16 TO 18 OF DECEMBER, 2014 AT TALKATORA INDOOR STADIUM, NEW DELHI ORGANISED BY KARATE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA RECOGNIZED BY GOVT. OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF YOUTH AFFAIRS & SPORTS) MEMBER WORLD KARATE FEDERATION (WKF) RECOGNIZED BY INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (IOC) MEMBER SPORTACCORD & INTERNATIONAL WORLD GAMES ASSOCIATION (IWGA) Message from Karate R. Thiagarajan President of Karate Association of India Dear Karatekas, I feel glad to inform you that KAI National All Style Open Karate Championship is being conducted To Provide Exposure & Opportunity for aspiring & upcoming Indian Karatekas to Gain International Level of Experience under WKF/AKF Qualified Referees/Judges and I hope all KAI member Style Chiefs/Organisations will take part in this event and make the same a grand success. Karate R. Thiagarajan Welcome Message from Bharat Sharma General Secretary of Karate Association of India Dear Friends, On behalf of Karate Association of India and Karate Do Association of Delhi, I welcome all of you and hope to have a great championship with your kind cooperation and valuable contribution. This is another step in our mission of building Indian Karate standards under the dynamic leadership of KAI President Sensei Karate R. Thiagarajan. Hope you all will witness a wonderful and successful championship and enjoy the winter season of Delhi. Bharat Sharma (Join hands in the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s mission of “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN” and please keep the stadium clean during the course of the championship and do not bring eatables inside the stadium) RULES & REGULATIONS/DETAILS OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP 1. COMPETITION VENUE & DATE Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi from 16th to 18th of December, 2014. 2. COMPETITION RULES • The participation in the championship is strictly only for the approved Style members of Karate Association of India. • Minimum 10 players Participation in this championship is mandatory for all the approved Style members of Karate Association of India. (No restriction of number of entries in all the events) • The championship will be conducted as per the new WKF Rules under the WKF/AKF/KAI qualified Referees & Judges. Matches will be on knock out basis. • An amount of INR 1000.00 only per player/per event will be charged towards the entry fees and for providing Lunch on the day of their event. INR 500.00 will be charged for the next event. • Last date for the submission of entry will be 01.12.2014 and the same may kindly be submitted at and registered online at • Each event will have 1 Gold, 1 Silver & 2 Bronze Medals. • All participants/officials/R/J will be awarded with beautiful participation Certificates & KAI T. Shirts. • Invited WKF/AKF qualified Referees/Judges will get Rs. 7,500.00 cash along with Lodging/Boarding. • Organizing Committee has the right to accept or refuse the entry of any team or individual without explaining any reasons. • Organizing Committee has the right to alter/cancel/merged any event in case of insufficient entries. • Organizing Committee/Player/Official or any individual will not be held responsible in case of any injury during the course of championship although the best possible First Aid will be provided. • No protest will be entertained in regard with the decision of Referees/Judges. • Players participating in Junior & above events must have KAI Dan Diploma. • Players must wear WKF/KAI approved protective guards. 3. AGE & WEIGHT CATEGORIES A Senior Age: +18 Individual Kumite Individual Kata B Junior Age: Age 16/17 year. Individual Kumite C Cadet Individual Kata Individual Kata Age: 14/15year. Individual Kumite : Female: -45kg, -50kg, -55kg, -61kg, -68kg, +68kg : Male: -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -67kg, -75kg, -84kg, +84kg : Female & Male : Female: -40kg, -48kg, -53kg, -59kg, +59kg : Male: -50kg, -55kg, -61kg, -68kg, -76kg, +76kg : Female & Male : Female: -40kg, -47kg, -54kg, +54kg : Male: -45kg, -52kg, -57kg, -63kg, -70kg, +70kg : Female & Male Note: Age will be calculated as on the date of Championship. Please must carry your DOB proof. (Join hands in the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s mission of “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN” and please keep the stadium clean during the course of the championship and do not bring eatables inside the stadium) 4. EVENTS PROGRAMME (Tentative) Date: DECEMBER 15, 2014 MONDAY Time 10.00 a.m. 17.00-19.00 Event Arrival of Officials, Registration of Athletes and delegation Draws/Coaches Meeting/Briefing Venue Stadium Stadium Date: DECEMBER 16, 2014 TUESDAY Time Event 08.30 a.m. Referees Briefing Stadium 09.30-11.00 11.00-13.00 Cadet Male/Female Individual Kata Stadium Cadet Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium 13.00-14.00 14.00-18.00 Lunch Stadium Cadet Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium 1800-1900 Award Ceremony Stadium Date: DECEMBER 17, 2014 WEDNESDAY Time 08.30 a.m. Event Referees Briefing Venue Stadium 09.30-11.00 11.00-13.00 Junior Male/Female Individual Kata Stadium Junior Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium 1300-1400 14.00-18.00 Lunch Stadium Junior Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium 1800-1900 Award Ceremony Stadium Date: DECEMBER 18, 2014 THURSDAY Time 08.30 a.m. Event Referees Briefing Venue Stadium 09.30-11.00 11.00-13.00 Senior Male/Female Individual Kata Stadium Senior Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium 1300-1400 14.00-18.00 Lunch Stadium 1800-1900 Closing/Award Ceremony Senior Male/Female Individual Kumite Stadium Date: DECEMBER 19, 2014 FRIDAY Departure Venue (Join hands in the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s mission of “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN” and please keep the stadium clean during the course of the championship and do not bring eatables inside the stadium)
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