Document 395014

All Sain†s
The Commemoration Of All The Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)
November 2, 2014
Area Faith Community
St. Andrew's
Fairfax, MN
St. Willibrord's
Father Jeffrey Horejsi
Residence: 426-7125
Gibbon, MN
Sister Mary Ann Kuhn
Parish Minister
Residence: 834-6461
Tanis Waibel, Secretary – 426-7739
E mail -
St. Francis de Sales
Winthrop, MN
Sacred Heart
Franklin, MN
Connie Serbus
Deacon Roger Osborne
Residence: 647-5894
Area Religious Education
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Parish Website:
Sacred Heart – Amy Koupal 507-557-2783
St. Willibrord - Genny Neyers 507-834-6659
St. Andrew - Karen Guggisberg 507-426-7348
St. Francis - Kellie Sloot 647-2103
contact Fr. Jeff at least six months ahead
of time to plan and prepare for your
wedding. No wedding date is final until
approved by Fr. Jeff.
BAPTISMS: Please make arrangements
for attending a baptism session with Sister
Mary Ann anywhere from one to two
months prior to the date of the baptism of
a child.
Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of New Ulm:
(Confidential Counseling Services
and Referral Information)
LITURGY SCHEDULE: In case of a funeral a regular scheduled morning Mass will be canceled that day.
Monday, November 3
Tuesday, November 4
10:15 AM
Fairfax Community Home
+ Deceased Members of Mary’s Legion
Wednesday, November 5
8:30 AM
+ Marcella Rubischko
Eucharistic Adoration following Mass in Gibbon
Thursday, November 6
8:30 AM
Sp. Int. for Christian Mothers
10:15 AM
Franklin Nursing Home
+ Ralph O’Brien
Friday, November 7
9:30 AM
Winthrop Healthcare Center
+ Lawrence Berle
Saturday, November 8
3:30 PM
Reconciliation before Mass in Franklin
4:00 PM
+ Mary Allen
5:45 PM
+ Frank & Marie Rubischko
Sunday, November 9
8:30 AM
People of the All Saints Area Faith Community
10:15 AM
+ Bonnie Lindquist
Reflection Questions for the Commemoration of all the
Faithful Departed
How have your thoughts about death and eternal life developed
over time?
Besides those I lovingly miss, for whom do I need to pray
precisely because they were difficult to love in life?
What helps you move from grief to greater hope in God?
Readings for the Week of November 2, 2014
Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/
Jn 6:37-40
Phil 2:1-4/Lk 14:12-14
Phil 2:5-11/Lk 14:15-24
Phil 2:12-18/Lk 14:25-33
Phil 3:3-8a/Lk 15:1-10
Phil 3:17--4:1/Lk 16:1-8
Phil 4:10-19/Lk 16:9-15
Next Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/
Jn 2:13-22
Since the feast of All Saints falls on a Saturday this year, there is no obligation to attend Mass. However, I hope that many
will still come to give God thanks for all the saints at our Saturday morning Mass, Nov. 1st. The weekend Masses that
evening and the next day are celebrating All Souls.
There is an extra page to the bulletin this weekend. Bishop LeVoir asked that his letter be included in every parish bulletin
where the accused priests had served. Fr. Harry Majerus served both at Sacred Heart and St. Patrick (Birch Coulee).
The Bishops’ document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” can be found at It
is a good resource to prepare for the Congressional elections Nov. 4. Another resource can be found on
Click on “Spotlight on Voting: The Issues”
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Fall Bazaar at St. Andrew’s Nov. 1, at St. Willibrord Nov. 8, and the KC Steak
Fry also Nov. 8.
All Saints Area Faith Community Distinguished Service Award. We are taking nominations for the award this year. If you
know of someone who has served in any of our four parishes in a significant way, over a long period of time (at least 15
years), please fill out the nomination form found in church or on our website, Please drop the form
in the collection basket, bring it to the Area office, mail, or email it in. The deadline is November 2, 2014.
Four of our eight members on our Area Pastoral Council have completed their second terms, so we need a new person from
each of our four parishes to fill either a three or a two year term. If you want more information or would like to offer to
serve, contact one of the Pastoral Council members or Fr. Jeff.
Area Social Concerns Meeting, Monday, Nov. 3, 6:30 p.m., parish house in Gibbon
Area Liturgy Meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 11, 7:00 p.m., parish house in Gibbon
RCIA session: Thursday, Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m., St. Francis de Sales Church.
Anyone is welcomed to come for the session. Topic – “The Liturgical Year”
Nov. 2
Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Nov. 5
Nov 6
Nov. 7
Andrew Kiecker, Jolynn Sullivan, Joel Majeski, Stephanie Koep, Orren Rathke
Dorothy Borth, Kevin Fox, Lois Schmidt, Mary Ann Nelson
Colleen Schweiss, Tyler Liebl
Joni Nachreiner, Sue Fox, Arylis Schiltz, Sue Buntrock, John & Kim Klehr Anniv
Fran Meyer, Mandy Prigge, Keith Roche
Steve Schroeder, Leo & Doris Csukker Anniv., Dan Mikkelson, Mary Ellen Allen,
Tim Sandgren, Joey & Patricia Bastian Anniv.
Nov. 8 Macy Kaufenberg, Anita Weir, Roberto Gonzalez Jr, Katie Fox, Tim Serbus
Please Remember in Prayer
Peter Schweiss
St. Andrew’s
Lena Rathke
Delores (Ed) Kokesch
St. Willibrord’s
Kia Rathke
Linda Hanson
St. Willibrord’s
Gertrude “Gertie” Berle
Orren Rathke
St. Francis
AREA YOUTH CALENDAR RAFFLE: This week’s winner of $100 is Janet Nachreiner of
50th Birthday
It is time to celebrate!!! Fr. Jeff will turn “50” on Nov. 17! (Old Man!!!)
So let’s have a party. Here are the details for the celebration:
Sunday, Nov. 16
Mass – Nov. 16, 10:15 a.m., St. Andrew’s Church
Tribute – following Mass in the Church (about 11:30)
Lunch & Reception follow in the social hall
Come and go as you are able! Let’s have fun!!!
If any person/organization wants to offer a donation for this gathering, please put in an
envelope and drop it in the collection basket or send to the main office. Thank you so much!
Prayer for All Souls
God of the living and the dead, through the power of Christ’s resurrection you have
conquered sin and death forever. Each day is a step we take toward eternity. May we
continue, day to day, until we step into your eternal presence. Then we shall be reunited
with those we love and every tear shall be wiped away. We ask this through Jesus, our
Redeemer and brother. Amen.
LECTOR SESSION: Sister Mary Ann will meet with all lectors next weekend, November 8-9, after all
Masses. Please attend the session wherever you worship and receive your new lector workbook.
RITE OF WELCOME: Last weekend Lee Zollner from Winthrop was formally welcomed during the 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Francis
de Sales. Lee will spend these months preparing for reception into full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter time. We offer
Lee our prayers and support as she continues her journey of faith. It is also a good time for us to deepen our own commitment to our
faith. Lee, we welcome you!
PRAYER SERVICE FOR THE DECEASED: This weekend we celebrate the feast of All Souls. There will be a prayer of
remembrance for ALL deceased loved ones this Sunday afternoon, Nov. 2, 1:00 p.m., at St. Francis de Sales Church in Winthrop.
Everyone is invited to gather and pray with and for all loved ones who share in Christ’s everlasting love.
DECEASED PARISHIONERS (November 2013 – October 2014) from All Saints Area Faith Community
Marcella Rubischko
Mark Brunner
Blanche Bushard
Agnes Gitter
Ellsworth Pockrandt
Marschall Bushard
Martha Helget
Mae Stubbs
Rose MacMasters
Rollie McGraw
Dennis Schweiss
Mathias Ludewig
Bernard Simonsen
Ted Domeier
Regina Jandl
Mary Murphy
Jerry Cuff
John Farrell
Lawrence Brandel
Verna Rein
Jerome Hacker
Billy Ayer
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Please take time to write the names of deceased loved ones you’d like to remember during the
month of November in the Book of Remembrance
ADVOCACY ON BEHALF OF IMMIGRANTS: The Catholic Church opposes the use of family detention, which detains women
and children who are fleeing persecution and violence and demeans the God-given human dignity of these vulnerable people. Please
go to and send electronic postcards to the President, your U.S. Senators, and U.S. Representatives
asking that they oppose any expansion to the family detention system. The USCCB – Justice for Immigration Office is promoting
national call-in days to the White House Nov. 5 through Nov. 13, commencing on the day after the national general elections, and
ending on the Feast of St. Frances of Cabrini, the patroness of immigrants (Nov. 13). The toll-free number to use to call the White
House is 1-855-589-5698 and our message is simple: Protect as many immigrants and their families as possible from deportation.
Please ask your advocacy networks and supporters of immigrants to call the White House every day during the call-in period and
convey our message.
EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR–Sunday, November 2nd at St. Willibrord’s, from 7 to 8 p.m. – will be praying the Patriotic Rosary
for our nation as we approach the elections. There will also be scripture readings, prayer, and time for silent meditation before the
Blessed Sacrament. Afterward, there will be a short time of sharing by some members that attended the Miracle Healing Service at St.
John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Brighton, testifying to the many miracles of healing they witnessed which included restoring
sight to the blind, healing of severe injuries, and restoration of hearing, use of limbs, and more. Everyone welcome!
The Good Shepherd SERRA club meets the first Thursday of every month at Divine Providence Community Home in Sleepy Eye,
starting with Rosary and Mass in the chapel, at 6:30 p.m. Come early for Eucharistic Adoration time. Thursday, November 6th, our
speaker will be Fr. Phil Schotzko, from St. Raphael’s in Springfield, sharing the experience of his years of service in the San Lucas
Toliman Mission in Guatemala. Everyone welcome! Please consider joining SERRA – our vocation is PRAYING for vocations – we
would like more members! Contact Tom or JoAnn Green at 507-249-3418, for more information.
YOUTH CHOIR (Elementary/Middle School) will sing for the 4 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart in Franklin, on Saturday, November
8th, meeting to practice that day at 3:30 p.m. in the church social hall. Practices will be as follows:
Gibbon/Winthrop - Wednesday, November 5th, at 4:30 p.m., for ½ hour, at the end of religious education class
Franklin - November 5th, at 6:00 p.m. for ½ hour, before religious education class
New members are encouraged to join! The music is easy and fun. Contact Berny Berger with any questions – or (507) 834-6321
UPCOMING ELECTION: “The voices and votes of Catholics are needed to shape a society with greater respect for human life,
economic and environmental justice, cultural diversity and global solidarity.” (U.S. Bishops) We have to weigh the various goods
and consider what’s best for our people, and then decide who is going to best represent the many concerns we have.” A few
resources that may be helpful as we prepare to vote this Tuesday:
Project Vote Smart – NETWORK –
Fact Check – Please take your responsibility seriously.
A Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders
O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord,
Not only of individuals, but of nations and governments.
We thank you for the privilege of being able to organize ourselves
And of knowing that political loyalty does not have to mean disloyalty
to you.
We thank you for your law, which our Founding Fathers acknowledged
And recognized as higher than any human law.
We thank you for the opportunity that this election year puts before us,
To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote,
But to influence countless others to vote, and to vote correctly.
Lord, we pray that your people may be awakened.
Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation,
Their response to you requires that they be politically active.
Awaken your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing
the world,
But rather a community of faith renewing the world.
Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to you in prayer
Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth;
That the same eyes that read your Word, are the eyes that read the
names on the ballot,
And that they do not cease to be Christians when they enter the voting
Awaken your people to a commitment to justice
To the sanctity of marriage and the family,
To the dignity of each individual human life,
And to the truth that human rights begin when human lives begin,
And not one moment later.
Lord, we rejoice today that we are citizens of your kingdom.
May that make us all the more committed to being faithful citizens on
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
More than 8,000 people have benefited from
Catholic United Financial scholarships, with
over $3 million in scholarship dollars awarded
since the program began in 1955. We want to
help our members achieve their educational and
career goals. For members of any age seeking to
learn a trade, earn a certification or complete a
college degree, Catholic United wants to help.
Our Post-High School Tuition Scholarship
program gives our members tuition assistance
for their educational goals.
Scholarship awards are one-time benefits for:
 $500 for those attending a Catholic
college, university or institution
 $300 for those attending a nonCatholic college, university,
community college or technical school
While the average scholarship recipient is a
recent high school graduate, Catholic United
members of any age pursuing a degree can
apply for a scholarship. If you have questions
about scholarship eligibility, deadlines or other
issues, contact your Catholic United Financial
Representative Curtis W Wangen at 866-9427710 or email to
KNOW A SAINT: St. Willibrord, Nov. 7
Apostle of Frisia, Netherlands, a missionary
archbishop. Willibrord was born in Northumbria,
He studied at Ripon monastery under St. Wilfrid and
spent twelve years studying in Ireland at the abbey of
Rathmelsigi under Sts. Egbert and Wigbert. After
receiving ordination and extensive training in the field
of the missions, he set out about 690 with a dozen
companions for Frisia. In 693, he went to Rome to
seek papal approval for his labors. Pope Sergius I
gave his full approbation and, during Willibrord's
second Roman visit, the pontiff consecrated him
archbishop to the Frisians in 696, with his see at
Utrecht. In his work, Willibrord also received much
support and encouragement from the Frankish leader;
Pepin of Heristal. Willibrord founded the monastery
of Echternach, Luxembourg, to serve as a center of
missionary endeavors, and extended the efforts of
missionaries into Denmark and Upper Friesland. He
faced chronic dangers from outraged pagans,
including one who nearly murdered him after he tore
down a pagan idol. In 714 Duke Radbod reclaimed the
extensive territories acquired by Pepin, and
Willilbrord watched all of the progress he had made
be virtually undone. After Radbod's death, Willibrord
started over with great enthusiasm, receiving
invaluable assistance, from St. Boniface. Willibrord
died on retreat at Echternach on November 7, 739. For
his efforts, he is called the Apostle of the Frisians.
Fairfax, Franklin, Gibbon, Lafayette
Council 1625
Saturday, November 8, 2014
5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Squirrel’s Bar and Grill, Fairfax, MN
T-Bone 14 oz. $15.00
Rib Eye 10 oz. $14.00
All entrees include: Salad Bar, Baked Potato, Garlic Bread,
and dessert.
Hamburger 1/2 lb. $ 7.00
Cheeseburger 1/2 lb. $ 7.50
w/salad bar $11.50
Everyone Welcome!
Proceeds will be used to fund the
“Coats for Kids” Program
at GFW Elementary and Cedar Mountain Elementary.
Saturday and Sunday, November 1st and 2nd: 3rd and 4th Grade Mass
Wednesday, November 5th: Religion Class/High School Senior Class at St. Andrew’s at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12th: Religion Class for Grades 7-10 (6:30 Supper/7:00 class)
Advent Activity Night for Grades 1-6 (6:30 Supper / Activities will follow)
Monday November 17th: DRE Meeting @ FX @ 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 19th : Religion Class/9th-10th grade Mass practice
Sat.,/Sun., November 22nd & 23rd: 9th & 10th Grade Mass
Wednesday, November 26th: No Religious Education Classes- Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 2nd & Wednesday, December 3rd: SH Reconciliation stations
( Informational letters will be sent the 2nd week of Nov.)
Wednesday, December 3rd Religion classes
World Youth Day with Pope Francis will be held in Krakow, Poland, July 25-August 1, 2016. It is a very exciting and spiritual
experience with millions of Catholic youth from around the world, and is primarily for young adults (18-39), although minors 16 years
or older can attend if accompanied by a parent/guardian. If there is an interest in going to Krakow for World Youth Day in July and
August 2016, contact Berny Berger, for connection to the Diocesan group that is being organized. Costs are not known at this time,
but if interested we will let you know as soon as information is out.
TEEN SINGERS/MUSICIANS NEEDED - Our AFC Teen Choir (age 7th grade and older) will be singing at St. Francis in Winthrop
at the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 16 th. We will meet to practice that morning at 8:00 a.m. in the social hall. We will have
two practices ahead of that date, that everyone should attend:
Sunday, November 2nd, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in Winthrop (approximately 9:30 a.m.) for one hour.
Sunday, November 9th, after the 10:15 a.m. Mass in Fairfax until noon.
Practices, and places we sing at, will move from parish to parish, depending on members. If we have not heard from you yet, and you
are interested in joining – please contact Berny Berger at , Becky Busse or Mike Burns. Come and enjoy,
and share your talents!
DRE Meeting: We will be meeting on Nov. 10th in Fairfax at St. Andrew's School at 5:00 p.m.
YOUTH CHOIR (Elementary/Middle School) will sing for the 4 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart in Franklin on Saturday, November 8 th.
We will meet to practice that day at 3:30 p.m. in the church social hall. Practices will be as follows:
Gibbon/Winthrop - Wed., Oct. 22nd and Nov. 5th, at 4:30 p.m., for ½ hour at the end of religious education class.
Franklin - Wed., Oct. 26th and Nov. 5th, at 6:00 p.m. for ½ hour before religious education class.
New members are encouraged to join! The music is easy and fun. Contact Berny Berger with any questions – or (507) 834-6321
Parents: Please work on the "Our Father" prayer.
In the book we sent home "Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families"
Talk to your child about Jesus preparing a place for us so that we can go be with him after we die.
Note: with the following announcement there will be no after school religious education classes for St. Andrew, St. Francis de
Sales and St. Willibrord. Everyone is asked to come at 6:30 p.m.
Advent Activity Night: Last spring at our "end of the year" DRE Meeting we discussed some changes we felt needed to be made to
help improve your child's religious education. In the past we have promoted that Advent Activity night is for all grades. In grades 7-10
there appears to be little interest. For the 2014/2015 school year we will have your child in Religious Education classes for 26 hours.
(That is providing that there are no snow days!) So we will now be offering Religious Education classes on Advent Activity Night
(Nov. 12th) for grades 7-10. These classes will start at 6:30 p.m. with a supper for all students including the 7-10 grade students.
( They will just take their meal to class so all students should be done about the same time that night.) We have picked 6:30 p.m. out
of respect for the parents that have students in both grades 1-6 and 7-10. Please keep in mind that with this being a special night
students and parents should be able to complete everything in a little over an hour. We feel every hour helps and want to thank-you for
your support in this decision.
Confirmation students will be assigned stations to help with younger students.
Sacred Heart and St. Andrew Advent Activity Night will be at Sacred Heart, Franklin
St. Willibrord and St. Francis de Sales Advent Activity Night will be at St. Willibrord, Gibbon.
Any questions please give me a call. Connie Serbus
Loose Plate
All Saints
World Mission Sunday
Religious Education
Fall Collection
continue to pray for the following military
personnel who are members of our parish
families and are serving full time or active
duty in the military: SSG William R. Schmidt,
SSG Jeff Ziegler, Kyler J. Rieke, Ryan E.
Lawrenz, SGT, Sgt. Chris Levinske, Amber
Lindberg, Captain Martha Serbus, Sgt
Kenneth Coleman, SFC Timothy R. Green,
Spc Adam Nosbush, Major Steven Weber and
Jackie Rieke.
Sunday, November 9th – 8:30 AM
Lector: Mary Nelson Dist: Karen Weitzenkamp, Tom Witucki, Dennis Dording Servers: Alex Burns, Derek Steele
Gifts: Matt & Kristin McCue Ushers: Tom & Sam Langhoff, Joel & Lynn Majeski
Sunday, November 16th – 8:30 AM
Lector: Yvonne O’Brien Dist: Brent Lang, Kevin & Sue Lauwagie Servers: Halley Busse, Logan Felska
Gifts: Lyle & Sheri Muth Ushers: Tom & Sam Langhoff, Joel & Lynn Majeski
Sunday, November 23rd – 8:30 AM
Lector: Alex Burns Dist: Deacon Roger, Pete & Marianne Machaiek Servers: Carter Burns, Casey Wersal
Gifts: Gary & Vickie Neid Ushers: Tom & Sam Langhoff, Joel & Lynn Majeski
Sunday, Nov. 9 -10:15 am
Lector: Mike Beranek Commentator: Agnes Kiecker Dist: Manuel & Maria Muñoz, Maria Davila Servers: Angela Kiecker,
Megan Ziegler, Michelle Davila Ushers: Gene Nachreiner, Dave Borth, Paul Liebl, Francis Schweiss Gifts: Gilbert & Carolyn
Borth Visit the Sick: Jean Fairchild
Sunday, Nov. 16th -10:15 am
Lector: Jolene Palmer Commentator: Jennifer Palmer Dist: Karen Bastian, Paul Simonsen, Kristi Marquardt Servers: Megan
Palmer, Carter & Jaedan Nachreiner Ushers: John Palmer, Jim Prax, Mark Huiras, Tom Brandel Gifts: Leonard & Lucille Borth
Visit the Sick: Mary Liebl
Sunday, Nov. 23rd -10:15 am
Lector: Jody Busch Commentator: Kennedy Pelzel Dist: Deacon Roger, Margaret Liebl, George Wendinger Servers: Grace
Weldy, Emily Liebl, Brianna Ahlbrecht Ushers: Gerald Jandl, Myron Schweiss, Jerry Pelzel, Tom P. Borth Gifts: Craig & Alissa
Buboltz Visit the Sick: Adeline Roiger
ST. ANN’S FUNERAL GROUP 4: Katherine McClain 426-7873, Mary Eckstein 426-8123
Maintenance Committee meeting Thurs., Nov. 13 at 6:45 pm
Administrative Council meeting to follow at 7:30 pm
BINGO: Fairfax American Legion Auxiliary Turkey Bingo, Sunday, November 9th at 2:00 p.m., Our Saviors Lutheran Church.
BBQ lunch available. All ages welcome.
CUF meeting: November 11 at 7:00 p.m. Pat Buboltz and Connie Domeier will be serving.
SONG LEADERS: We are in need of additional song leaders. Anyone who would be interested – this could be small groups, pairs of
people, etc. – please give Ann a call at 426-8333or Carmin at 426-7736. Practice is usually before Mass, but we can work with your
Saturday, November 8 – 4:00 PM
Lector: Donna Hanlon Dist: Patti Scharfencamp, Angela Sandgren Deb Dummer Ushers: Kevin Fox, Pat Sullivan
Gifts: Jared Weber Servers: Vincent Ochs, Sam Sullivan Cross: Thomas Ochs Rosary: CCW
Saturday, November 15th – 4:00 PM
Lector: Julie Serbus Dist: Larry & Julie Serbus, Jane Sullivan Ushers: Mike and Joe Sullivan
Gifts: TBD Servers: Parker and Spencer Sullivan Cross: Keegan Lorang Rosary: CCW
Saturday, November 22nd – 4:00 PM
Lector: Joel Harmoning Dist: Linda Harmoning, Deacon Roger, Katie Joehnck Ushers: Jared Weber, Tom Ochs
Gifts: TBD Servers: Blake Harmoning, Isabella Harmoning Cross: Maverick Weber Rosary: CCW
CALENDAR RAFFLE: This week's winner of $100.00 is Eddie & Shirley Frank of Fairfax.
CCW NEWS: A big thank you to Joyce H. for getting two baby quilts made and for starting the baptismal pinafore.
“Seasons of a Woman’s Life” held on November 3rd at St. Aloysius, Olivia. Mass is at 5:00 p.m., Supper at 6:00 p.m. and
guest speaker Mary Pauluk starts at 6:30 p.m.
SONG LEADERS: We are in need of additional song leaders. Anyone who would be interested – this could be small groups, pairs of
people, etc. – please give Ann a call at 426-8333or Carmin at 426-7736. Practice is usually before Mass, but we can work with your
Saturday, November 8 – 5:45 PM
Lector: Alan Neyers, Stacy Helget Dist: Melvin Neyers, Pat & Lynn Guggisberg Servers Alex Howe, Nathan Meyer Jonathan
Koening Ushers: Jay Howe, Jerry Howe, Don Forst Gifts: Tim & Tina Lauwagie
Saturday, November 15th – 5:45 PM
Lector: Amy Weber, Gail Herschman Dist: Vickie Dreier, Grace Rubischko, Connie Tautges Servers Travis & Harlie Rubischko,
Nathan Serbus Ushers: Jay Howe, Jerry Howe, Don Forst Gifts: Brian & Jennifer Kretsch
Saturday, November 22nd – 5:45 PM
Lector: Melvin Neyers, Jacob Unger Dist: Mavis Lindmeyer, Geneva Klover, Genny Neyers Servers Seth Kaploczynski, Jordan &
Lexi Rettig Ushers: Jay Howe, Jerry Howe, Don Forst Gifts: Jim & Cheryl Dingels
LEAF BLOWER: A number of times a leaf blower would come in handy for uses around the church and parish house. Would
someone like to donate a leaf blower to the parish for this need? Thanks for considering!
Thank you to Karen (Brad) Spaude, Berny Berger and the ladies of Circle 3, some ladies of Circle 2, and Kathy Bruns for cleaning the
upstairs of church. Your help and hard work is very much appreciated and the cleaning was much needed after 2 years. The
altar, floors and pews gleam! It is a very big and important job to clean the upstairs and basement of church and it takes everyone who
is called upon to help. Some of the cleaning jobs needed a coordinated effort and extra calling, so a special thank you to all who
responded to our call! Thanks again so much!
HEAVEN IS FOR REAL – check out the newest books in our Parish Library, including the popular book, Heaven is For Real. There
are lots of children’s books and family videos, inspirational books, books about Mary and Mother Theresa, and books about the saints,
among many others. Be sure to write down your name and the date you checked it out and be sure to return it in a timely basis! Our
library is there for our parish – go ahead and USE IT!
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Preschool – 2nd grade are welcome to come to Sunday School during Mass. Please come to the social hall
before Mass and we will them up to church to join their parents after the homily.
Mark your Calendars! CCW Annual Fall Bazaar is Saturday, November 8th from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. All women (A-Z) please
pick up your information and work sheets with your Quilt Raffle Tickets attached, on the table in the entrance of the church. We
hope all ladies of the parish will support this annual event with your attendance, donations & help.
Copies of the Minnesota Catholic Conference’s informative document on voting in the upcoming elections are available on the large
table in the church entryway for you to take home and read! Or you can go online at and click on “Spotlight on
Voting: The Issues”. The document covers Religious Liberty, Immigration, Human Life, Labor and Economy, Health Care,
Restorative Justice.