Vol. 90 • No. 3 November 1, 2014 8 Heshvan 5775 Aaronion The TEMPLE OF AARON’S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd St. Paul, MN 55116-1099 (651) 698-8874 • www.TempleofAaron.org From the Rabbi’s Desk . . . Shir Chadash Continues All Year Long Sometimes it is the voice of the cantor. Sometimes it is the rhythm of the service. And sometimes it is the music that touches our heart. Every one of us finds a different connection to prayer and maybe some of us have not found it at all. I know on Day 1 of Rosh Hashanah, when Nicholas David took the bimah, I felt the power of prayer. His soulful rendition of “Hallelujah” and our community’s participation in “Lean on Me,” set a tone for our new theme Shir Chadash, a New Song. Despite the lack of a full-time cantor, the Temple of Aaron staff felt strongly about using the open 8pm Friday Night service to welcome different voices to help us explore our spirituality. In October, Elijah Aaron Palnik will be our first Musician-inResidence of 5775. Eli is a graduate of Berklee College of Music in Boston. Besides creating and performing his own music he also teaches at The Ohio State University. Eli and I met at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin many years ago and I am excited for Temple of Aaron to experience the different sound he will share with our community. Continuing every month we will welcome new musicians to the bimah. In November, Ariella Fornstein, who played for us two years ago, will deliver a fresh take on tefillah while allowing us to explore our own instrument use. We will welcome two Cantors: Randy Herman and Nancy Abramson. Both will lead Friday night and Saturday morning services and teach throughout the weekend. Cantor Abramson will also discuss the state of the Cantorate. Amanda and Berek Awend just released a short album of Jewish Americana music. They will lead a sing-along style Friday night service in March 2015. In April, for our Artist-in-Residence, we will welcome Naomi Less. Naomi is a tremendous name in the global Jewish community. She is always on tour and collaborating. She will not only lead services, but be with us for several days for workshops and concerts. Finally, in January we will have a traditional choir service directed by Tom Bartsch. As we move forward with new music, it is important to celebrate the classics we have in our own repertoire. Please check your Aaronians, Weekly Emails, and Annual Program Guide for more information on dates and times. I want to encourage everyone to attend these very special Friday night services. This year we will find what resonates with each of you and how music can greater impact your personal prayer experience. Musicians push us to feel more during our time in synagogue. Temple of Aaron strives to enrich each member’s life with a current and inspiring range of spiritual opportunities. Oh yeah… and I cannot wait to see you November 2nd at our 2nd annual fundraiser honoring Martin and Esther Capp with special guest Mel Brooks! Rabbi Jeremy Fine 651-698-8874 ext. 112 Email: RabbiJeremyFine@TempleofAaron.org Twitter: @RabbiJeremyFine Writings: www.jewishjournal.com/beyondthebimah tcjewfolk.com/tag/pop-parsha/ NOVEMBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES We display every 5 years and all anniversaries of more than 50 years מזל טוב 35 Susan & John Flynn 35 Dede & David Smith 54 Barbara & Steve Godes 56 Yekaterina & Alexander Suponitsky 60 Beverly & Marvin Edelstein 61 Marion & Gary Klein 62 Ethel and Norman Smith See you in shul! Rabbi Jeremy Fine Veterans Shabbat is Saturday November 8 2 Our guest speaker during services will be Peter Nickitas, Commander, Department of Minnesota Jewish War Veterans of the United States. Please join us as we honor the people who served our country. We will enjoy a lunch & learn with Rabbi David Wirtschafter speaking about gun violence. We will enjoy a free lunch courtesy of two endowment funds: Samuel I. Sloane Veterans Fund and Dr. Stanley and Nancy Skadron Family Fund. Lilmod U’lilamed — “To Teach and to Learn”- Pirkei Avot ללמד וללמד Thank you to everyone who came and participated in all of our programming to start off the year. As we ease into November please note that the fun has only begun and this month is all about family fun and giving. Parents of 2nd-6th graders are invited to join us on November 2nd at Mount Zion, please drop off students there, from 9:00 am-noon for a community family puppetry program. This community-wide event is sponsored by Federation as we partner with Mount Zion, JCC, Beth Jacob, and Talmud Torah of St. Paul. Joshua Fineblum Director of Education & Community Life JoshuaFineblum@TempleofAaron.org 651-698-8874 ext. 103 On November 16th we would love you to join us here at Temple of Aaron throughout the morning and learn about some worthwhile charities that our Teens and Social Justice committee have chosen and learned about. Members will be able to donate tzedakah through USY’s Tikun Olam program to these great causes. Look for more details about this program coming soon. Throughout the month we are also gathering things for the community B’yachad project in conjunction with Jewish Family Services of St. Paul and other partner organizations. Donations can be dropped in the bins at Temple of Aaron or you can contact me for more information. I look forward to seeing everyone at these events and helping out in any way you can to these great causes! Toda Raba! Midat Hachodesh: Tzedakah The value of tzedakah, giving charity, is a very important concept in Judaism. The word itself is derived from the Hebrew root Tzaddik-DaletKoof which means justice (doing the right thing), and refers to those who give money for the benefit of others. The root itself is the word Tzaddik, a righteous person who puts value in the needs of others. This value of giving tzedakah helps us define who we are as people and reminds us of Rabbi Hillel’s quote in Pirkei Avot, Chapter1:14: “If I am only for myself, what am I? But if I am not for myself. Who will be for me?” It is this important value and Mitzvah, commandment, that we do as a community here at Temple of Aaron through the B’yachad project and through this month’s Kinyon tzedakah as well. Please give to one of our worthy causes this month by donating money and items to those in need in our community. Have you given to a worthy cause this year here at Temple of Aaron? Education and Youth Calendar of Events Please look for the information about some of our upcoming programming including: • November 2nd: 2nd-6th grade community puppetry family program during school hours at Mount Zion. • November 9th Kadima Event– More info on the way! • November 16th Kinyon Tzedakah program during school hours for the entire school and Temple of Aaron community. • November 21st Prayers in PJs, Turkey Got Shabbat, USY Shabbat evening program & guest musician • November 26th-30th USY Regional Kinnus in the Twin Cities! We hope to see everyone at these fun events for our youth and families as we continue to provide quality program for all ages. For questions about any of theses programs or anything about our education or youth programming please contact Josh at extension 103 or joshuafineblum@templeofaaron.org or Engagement Director Sam Berenson at extension 115 or samberenson@templeofaaron.org. We look forward to seeing you at our next event! 3 Temple of Aaron and B’yachad joining forces to help those in need in our community! Be A Part Of The Solution. Help Now. B’YACHAD This community drive helps create gift baskets for those in need during the holiday season. Please refer to the list to find out how you can help. Donations of New, Unwrapped items needed! This project helps over 120 families and individuals in our community! Questions? Joshua Fineblum, Director of Education & Community Life JoshuaFineblum@TempleofAaron.org 651-698-8874 ext 103 Download any of Temple of Aaron’s calendars to your phone at TempleofAaron.org/calendars Fun for Temple of AaronYouth Meet Our New Engagement Director Sam Berenson Sam hails from South Carolina and came to cold Minnesota five short years ago as she attended college at the University of Minnesota. While there Sam was heavily involved in the Jewish Community at Hillel, including leadership positions of program committee member, programming VP, and intern. She attended and supported many community Jewish functions while getting her degree in family social science and leadership. While in School she also did work with youth through camping and youth departments in the area. Over the past year she has worked at the Sabes JCC as the assistant director in the Early Education center and then subsequently a lead teacher in an infant room. Sam comes to us with much experience and as excited as we are to have her she is ecstatic about being a member of the team and Temple of Aaron family. She looks forward to meeting you! You can reach Sam at samberenson@templeofaaron.org or call 651-698-8874 ext. 115 with any questions. 2nd-6th grade Families Go to Mount Zion and Get Excited for November 2! Drop off and Mount Zion on November 2nd for an amazing partnership program. “Z Puppets knows how to combine puppets, music and yoga into a swashbuckling good time.” – Fox News Tap into the power of puppets, rock and yoga through Monkey Mind Pirates, a fun-filled, family-friendly musical mixing playfulness with mindfulness and pirates! Sail along with this epic tale of a sea captain as he discovers the secrets to navigating the stormy seas of stress. When Captain Fitz sets out for the Legendary Waters of Calm, the unruly Monkey Mind Pirates hijack his ship with anxiety, depression and distraction. The chaos turns his ship upside down and drives the Captain overboard where he meets the Wise Sea Monkey. Find out how the Captain learns to turn his “arrghs” into ‘Oms,” regain peace and tame the Monkey Mind Pirates. Turn your family’s “Arghs” into “Oms” with the award-winning, catchy, original songs and lovable puppets of the Monkey Mind Pirates. Thanks to the work of the Men’s Club and the David A. Berg family our beautiful Sukkah had over 90 people attend Pizza in the Hut. Students had the opportunity to come in to the sukkah, shake the lulav, and learn about Sukkot with help from our USY leaders. 4 Shir Chadash Erev Shabbat Live 8pm Service Featuring Ariella Forstein — November 21, 2014 by eded Prec s in PJs r Praye nd a at habb S t o G er Dinn Award-winning performer and International authority on Vocal Empowerment, Ariella Forstein guides people to uncover and rediscover their most AUTHENTIC voice. The Authentic Voice is not just the physical voice, but the ultimate expression of one’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual state. Save the Date! November 9th Kadima goes to the largest candy shop in MN! November 2: Read through the script with your fellow cast members! Play cost is $125. Please have payments to Sam Berenson by this date. November 16th Stay tuned for an exciting B’resheet program! November 16: Get ready for a backstage tour of the Orpheum Theatre! More information to follow. Production Dates: February 19, 21, 22! Shower In A New Season Shower in a New Season - Sisterhood’s opening program to support Minneapolis Crisis Nursery was a success! Many thanks to cochairs Amy Miller Stern and Margie Schneider. Two Women’s League national awards were given out: Linda Eisenstadt earned the Nashim BiK’dushah for outstanding liturgical skills which are used regularly leading services and Amy Miller Stern earned the Kolot BiK’dushah for demonstrating skills in Torah reading and/or prayer leadership. Mazel Tov! 5 Adult Education: Fundamentals of Judaism Beginning at 6:30 PM on Wednesday November 5, Temple of Aaron will present its sensational 15-session adult learning series: Fundamentals of Judaism. In our Fundamentals course you learn about the basics, and are granted the space to ask anything you ever wished to know about Jewish t e a c h i n g s , traditions, and history. Questions are at the root of a vital Jewish life. We do not necessarily seek ultimate answers, rather it is often how to better ask a question. Can a modern J e w i s h person cling to P r a d a, Apple, and Whole Foods, and still remain religiously observant? What does a Jew believe? How does a Jew think? Is there spirituality in Judaism? Does Judaism reckon an afterlife? Civics, ethics, and politics aren’t exempted. Need I affiliate as Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian to be a conscientious Jew? Is it a tradition of community or do we prize the individual? Can I argue with the actions of the Israeli government and still be a lover of the State of Israel? These are all great questions, and not one of them can be fairly addressed with a simple answer. Jews do not subscribe to a singular creed, and that means the Jewish faith cannot be summed up through one unqualified statement. Sure, people have tried to distill the basic ideas set forth by Judaism. For instance, a Jew believes in the one God of creation, the God of the Exodus, the God of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob and Leah. However being a Jew in the modern world doesn’t stop there. The m e d i e v a l philosopher Maimonides believed it most accurate to use deductive reasoning. That is to say we can infer certain truths about prophecy, and the nature of eternity. For example, “never has a prophet arisen in Israel whose intimacy with God was so unique as Moses,” or “God has no physical body.” In Jewish tradition, like many great religions, often it is a hint of something more splendid—that delicious mystery— which intrigues us, engages our soul and prompts our hunger for knowledge and experience. Together we learn, we share in lifecycles, and worship in delight and trials. To join Temple of Aaron’s Fundamentals of Judaism course, please RSVP with Susan Tervola at: (651)698-8874 ext 107, or pop her an email at: susantervola@templeofaaron.org. 6 Rabbi Chaim Singer-Frankes 651-698-8874 ext. 111 Email: RabbiSingerFrankes@TempleofAaron.org Twitter: @Chaimster More: http://chaim86.wix.com/rebchaim Oh sure, there’s the story about the two ancient rabbinic sages: Hillel the tolerant and liberal, and Shammai the exacting and inflexible “strict constructionist.” A gentile provokes them with the demand to be taught the whole Torah while standing on one leg. Shammai’s outrage is kindled and gives the man an angry whack with a measuring rod. Hillel replies, “That which is hateful to you, do not unto another: This is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary — [and now] go study.” At Temple of Aaron’s Fundamentals of Judaism course, nobody will ever flog you, nor will they turn you away with pithy epigrams. There are wonderful, and engaging puzzles in Jewish life. An espoused Jew can live on the border between the surreal and the practical, the vhaunting and the self-reliant. So often the political is the personal, and yet matters of custom are rooted in logic. Thank You Todah Rabah תודה רבה Donations in memory of loved ones ($10 or more) . . . to High Holyday adult choir: Betty Agranoff Amy Miller-Stern Marsha Schwartz Jenni Schwartz Jerry Schwartz Hugh Gitlin Howard Bell George Bier David Baldinger Our deep and sincere sympathy to the family of the following member who has passed away Arlene Cardozo Roza Vinokur A Memorial Plaque Has Been Displayed For Sylvia Sloane HESHVAN BANNER: In memory of Ben Mirsky by wife, Rose Mirsky. Titled “Book” (Tony Lee Design). It honors Jewish Book Month and the book represents a person’s intellectual opportunity to fly. September 2014 Abramson, Rick Aleiner, Glaina Behr, Bev & Dick Berde, Doris Blumstein, Sterling Blyakher, Sima Bubar, Sanna & Dmitry Drucker, Harold Eisenstadt, Larry & Linda Fayngersh, Felix Fishman, Georgia Garbuz, Khaye Geller, Rosie & Loren Gochberg, Peter & Raisa Goldberg, Sharleen Goldberger, Geri Gordon, Frank & Cookie Greenberg, Richard Grin, Alexandra Grobovsky, Shirley Grobovsky, Richard Hirsekorn, Fred Kagan, Galina Kaminsky, Beverly Kanivetsky, Rozita Kaplan, Burleigh Kaplan, Sue & Harvey Elul & Tishri 5774/5775 Karasov, Shayne Brody Karon, Robert Khaskin, Iosif Kiges, Audrey Kislyuk, Alexandra Klein, E. Gary & Marion Kopilenko, Alexander & Bella Kushner, Susan Lane, Harriet Levey, Alan Levey, Annette Levinsohn, Mark Lewine, Michael Lubov-Ripps, Sherri Mack, Ellen & Tom Bates Makhlin, Boris Makhlina, Bella Miller, C Dennis Miller, Mildred Nemer, Helen Passon-McNally, Linda Pogoler, Andrew & Barbara Ringer, Jan Rosen, Fran Rubenstein, Bob Rubin, Paula Cemetery: Where Do You See Yourself in 75 Years? Savage, Edith Schenker, Shirley Scherzer, Margie Schwartz, Jerry & Sue & Jenni & Casey Sher, Cantor Steve Sher, Emery Shneur, Gigoriy Shneur, Revekha Simes, Josephine Smith, Richard Sokol, Mike & Stacy Swartz, Georgean Tilsen, Robert Toushin, Sally & David Tragar, C.A. Uchenik, Esfir Uchenik, Lev Udodovsky, Mira Usem, Arnold & Harriet Waldman, Jerry & family Ward, Allen Werthauser, Helen Winthrop, Sonia & Steve Wujek, Jerry & Shelly and family Help Those Who Need Food Shelf Every Week Make Advance Plans to Save Family Pressure Schedule a private 15-minute meeting with Executive Director Ken Agranoff (651-6988874, ext 106). Look at cemetery maps, review location options, Ken Agranoff and learn about payment choices. We designed a policy decades ago where members and non-members can make cemetery reservations. This policy enables families to reserve multiple graves and be together for eternity. Please note the current policy welcomes mixed faith members to select graves. 7 Help us make progress in the statewide fight against hunger. Support our food shelf! You can leave food at the synagogue. You can use our website and make an online donation. You can mail a check to chair person Harriet Levy and she will mail a card for a celebration, get well or condolence. Sisterhood News SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP 651-699-9192 Goodwill Shopping Spree – Sunday, Nov.9, join us at 1:30pm as we shop at the Goodwill Outlet, 2505 University Ave., St. Paul, for clothing to be donated for youth at Safe Zone and Dakota Woodlands Women’s Shelter. Come prepared to sort through tables of clothing shipped in from 32 Goodwill stores, purchase clothing at $1.49/lb., then launder at home and return to the Safe Zone bin inside Temple’s main entrance. What a wonderful way to help out in our community. Questions, contact Mary Maguire Lerman (magui011@umn.edu/651-644-7388). * * * * Gift Shop Sale – Nov. 15 – through Hanukkah. 20% off most merchandise; 10% off books; no discount on parchment. New items available from the Tervy Collection – hammered metal. Check out their products at www.classictouchdecor.com/tervycollection. Also now available for purchase are the following: New Cookbook - Cantor Mitch; The Singing Chef – Kosher Cuisine for a New Generation (www.cantormitch.com) and silk flower pins created by Sisterhood’s Mary Lerman. Support Sisterhood and Temple by finding all of your Judaica needs at The Temple of Aaron Sisterhood Gift Shop. There are items for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, graduations, confirmations and any other special occasion. Not sure what to purchase for that special someone? Gift Shop gift cards are always available. We also have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Bridal Registries to make your shopping easy. For more info, call the Gift Shop (651-699-9192). Regular Hours: Sunday 9–12 noon; Tuesday 10am–2pm; Wednesday 10am–1pm & 6pm–8pm or by appointment – call Marcia Taple (651-688-3030). * * * * Mahjong – Sunday, Dec. 7, 2pm at Temple of Aaron. All levels welcome and experienced players will teach the basics of this classic game. Seasoned players - come play for the afternoon! There is no charge for this event and light snacks will be available. RSVP by Dec. 4 to Margie Schneider (7381jbs@comcast.net/651-698-4358). * * * * Sisterhood Knits – Help to sew together 7½” by 8½” knitted squares into blankets to be donated and also donate more squares for these blankets. Questions, call Marjorie Daniels (612-724-3377) or Roxanne Portnoy (651-690-2232). Join other knitters at Temple in the Temple Library – watch for fall dates to come. All levels encouraged to attend; bring your own needles and yarn. Other crafters welcome – feel free to crochet, bead or cross-stitch and bring your own materials. * * * * Food Shelf – Sisterhood is donating to Francis Basket Food Shelf, under the umbrella of Neighborhood House, which is the only food shelf in Highland Park. Sisterhood, along with Temple of Aaron’s Social Justice Committee, are working to fill our bins at Temple with donated food. If you would prefer a monetary donation, send your check, payable to Temple of Aaron Food Shelf, to Harriet Levy, 1826 Merlot Curve, Eagan, MN 55122. Questions, call Harriet (651-454-6829). Feel free to check out this local food shelf at www.neighb.org/food_shelf. * * * * Women’s Shelter Donations – Needed: new, unopened toiletries and cosmetics to be donated to local women’s shelters and the homeless. Clean out your toiletry collections from hotel visits!! Drop off your donations in the Temple Gift Shop. Help out our local community and give someone a lift with these easy, inexpensive donations. Questions, call Gail Rosenberg (651-452-3383). * * * * Building Fund Cards – Send a beautiful card for any occasion and they are only a phone call away – no hassles. Pick up the phone and show someone you care by sending one of these lovely cards. All funds raised by the use of these cards go directly to benefit our beautiful building. To purchase our cards, call Sis Goren (651686-0425) or Susan Kushner (651-454-8336). For billing questions, call Betty Agranoff (651-698-8275). * * * * Torah Fund Cards - The Torah Fund campaign supports: The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and The Seminario 8 Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This Support Your Sisterhood Gift Shop Support Your Synagogue Hours: Sunday 9:00a - Noon Tuesday 10:00a - 2:00p Wednesday 10:00a - 1:00p Wednesday 6:00p – 8:00p By Appointment Call: Marcia Taple / 651-688-3030 is the future of Conservative Judaism. Donate at the $180 level to receive the beautiful Mishpachah: Family Tree of Life pin. Questions, contact Mary Lerman (651 -644-7388). * * * * Women’s League Regional Conference – April 25 – 28, 2015, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Planning is ongoing. Make sure your passport is valid through December 2015. Why do we attend? Because we care about our Sisterhood family and want it to be the best it can be. Our Sisterhood President, Roxanne Portnoy, will be attending. Contact Roxanne, if you are interested in attending – this event is open to all Sisterhood members (651-690-2232). Watch for more info. * * * * Membership Renewal – SECOND RENEWAL NOTICES COMING SOON. RENEW NOW!! You have received your Sisterhood Renewal letter. Save us added expenses of sending out reminders and send in your renewal asap to Linda Eisenstadt, 1077 Sibley Memorial Highway, #400, Lilydale, MN 55118. 2014 – 2015 Annual Memberships: $30 for Patron Membership; $36 for Double Chai Membership. Questions, contact Alexandria Ganzel (651-490-7684). * * * * Guest Speaker Mugs – Your membership makes this possible! Sisterhood recently began a new tradition by donating mugs filled with fun stuffers to all guest speakers on the bimah. Many thanks to all of our many volunteer mug stuffers! * * * * Happenings/Entertainment Books Fundraiser – Books are available in the Sisterhood Gift shop for $30. Get discounts on food, hotels, films, shops and more. Call Marcia Taple (651-688-3030). Social Justice - Opinions from aVolunteer Committee This page provides room for updates and views from a committee within the Temple community. Gun Violence Prevention Lunch and Learn — November 8 Please join us following morning services to participate in a discussion on gun violence prevention. Rabbi David Wirtschafter, currently a visiting scholar at the Jay Phillips Center, the Rabbi for the Ames, Iowa Jewish Congregation and an instructor at St. John’s University, will provide a Jewish commentary on this timely topic. Francis Basket/Neighbor House Food Shelf As we give thanks this month for all our blessings, let us help bless others with food. Did you know that 11% of MN households are food insecure? Hungry Minnesota families miss 100 million meals each year. This equates to 1 in 10 households in Minnesota, almost 50% having children. We can help by donating non-perishable food items to our local food shelfFrancis Basket or making a financial donation to the food shelf for the purchase of foods at way below cost. On an average, for every $1 donated, 3.7 meals can be distributed to hungry Minnesotan children, families and seniors in need. Each week, drop off your nonperishable food items in the food bins located at the front entrance to the temple or make your check payable to Temple of Aaron Food Shelf and mail to Harriet Levy at 1826 Merlot Curve, Eagan, Minnesota 55122. If you have questions, please call Harriet at 651-454-6829. Information on the Francis Basket Food Shelf can be seen online at www.neighb.org/ food_shelf. Safe Zone Young Adults Need Winter Clothing! Come join Sisterhood as they shop at the special Goodwill Outlet! SafeZone is a unique drop-in center for homeless youth (ages 11-21) that provides medical care, counseling and case management to support education, job placement, permanent housing and healing selfsufficiency. Please help these young people and bring clean, gently used or new clothing and place in the bin at the Temple’s main entrance. ALSO- please join TOA Sisterhood on Sunday, November 9th at 1:30 p.m. as we shop at the Goodwill Outlet, 2505 University Avenue in Saint Paul for clothing for these young people. Shopping at the Goodwill Outlet is a totally different experience from shopping at regular Goodwill stores. The Outlet is a clearance store for clothing, shoes, purses, bedding and other non-breakable items that comes from 32 Goodwill stores around the state. Clothing is unpacked from large bins onto tables and customers search for the items they want at a cost of $1.49 per pound! The Goodwill Outlet is located at the intersection of University Avenue and Cromwell (adjacent to Hwy. 280) with the parking lot entrance on Cromwell Avenue. For further information about this event, contact Mary Maguire Lerman at magui011@umn.edu or call her at 651-334-0986. Put Social Justice Shabbat on your Calendar — February 15! 9 TUESDAY 17 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 24 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 16 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am School 2nd-12th 23 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am School 2nd-12th 10 am Infinity Adult Ed 25 6 pm Minyan 18 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm ToA Book Club 11 6 pm Minyan 10 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 9 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am School 2nd-12th 26 NO SCHOOL 6 pm Minyan 19 4 pm 2nd-7th grade 6 pm School 8th-12th grade 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Fundamentals of Judaism 12 4 pm 2nd-7th grade 6 pm School 8th-12th grade 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Fundamentals of Judaism 5 4 pm 2nd-7th grade 6 pm School 8th-12th grade 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Fundamentals of Judaism templeofaaron.org 4 6 pm Minyan 30 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Thanksgiving 27 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm NO Talmud Class 7:30 pm NO Bible Class 20 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 6:30 pm Sisterhood Knits 7:30 pm Bible Class 13 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 7:30 pm Bible Class 6 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm NO Talmud Class 7:30 pm NO Bible Class For more information on these and other events and programs, please visit our website MONDAY 2 3 9 am Minyan Office Closed Men’s Club Breakfast 6 pm Minyan 9 am School 2nd-12th 10 am Infinity Adult Ed 7pm Tribute honoring Martin & Esther Capp with Mel Brooks SUNDAY Temple of Aaron Calendar of Events 28 6:30 pm Service 21 5:45 Prayers in PJ’s 6:30 pm Got Shabbat Dinner 8pm Service with Ariella Forstein, Musician in Residence 14 6:30 pm Service 7 6:30 pm Service FRIDAY 29 8 am Mi Ka Mocha 9 am Service — College Kesher Shabbat NO SCHOOL 22 8 am Mi Ka Mocha 9 am Service 9 am Shabbat School 11:30 am Lunch & Learn 15 8 am Mi Ka Mocha 9 am Service — Visions Speaker Sally Abrams 9 am Shabbat School 8 8 am Mi Ka Mocha 9 am Service—Veterans Shabbat 9 am Shabbat School 11:30 am Lunch & Learn 1 8 am Mi Ka Mocha 9 am Service 9 am Shabbat School SATURDAY November 2014 5775 HODROFF-EPSTEIN MEMORIAL CHAPELS Minnesota’s Jewish Funeral Home Proudly owned and operated by the Epstein family St. Paul Chapel 671 South Snelling Avenue • 651-698-8311 Minneapolis Chapel 126 East Franklin Avenue • 612-871-1234 Advertising Brings Results! Place an Ad Today! Call Tim Browne at 952-852-4050 (651) 554-0200 GENUINE WATER BOILED BAGEL NO PRESERVATIVES 60 S. 6th Street • Suite 2530 • Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.SeekandFind.com (612) 376-9765 Miller’s IRV’S FLOOR COVERINGS DELICATESSEN • BAKERY • RESTAURANT Home & Office Catering 651 S. Cleveland, St. Paul, MN www.cecilsdeli.com Delicatessen Phone: 651-698-6276 Restaurant Phone: 651-698-0334 See Samples in Your Home! Lowest Prices! Free Estimates! Irving Rosenblum 651-698-2919 • cell 612-396-8234 Call For Appointment Services 651-698-6427 483 Griggs St. S. • St. Paul, MN 55116 TWIN CITY MONUMENT CO. 1133 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 651-646-1542 Enriching Lives Every Day! 4827 Minnetonka Blvd. Mpls., MN 55416 952-920-4738 651-698-8859 www.stpaulcornerdrug.com $5 OFF with purchase of $25 or more With this ad, not valid with other offers 2401 W 7th St, St Paul 651-698-5050 champpsstpaul.com valid for all Temple of Aaron Members 740 River Drive Apartments 740 Mississippi River Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55116 www.740riverdrive.com 651-698-8866 leasing@740riverdrive.com 740 River Drive features stunning views of the Call today or stop in for a private tour. Additions Kitchens & Baths Mention this ad and receive 10% off!"#$%!&%'(!)#*(+,'!%-*(. Since 1969 Mississippi River and Highland Park. (651) 699-6863 Enjoy Community at Temple of Aaron Prayer, Education, Socialization, Programs Tracey and Ken Agranoff FOR AD INFO CALL Tim Browne at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM TEMPLE OF AARON, ST. PAUL A 2C 32-0762 09-16-2014 14:01:28 Adult Education Series Last year we began this new and exciting Adult Education Series with a wide variety of classes that participants found interesting, engaging and intellectually stimulating. Learning on Sundays is not just for kids! This year we have six new courses. Sign up for one or all and join us for learning, debating, and a good time. Fall Semester: November 2, 9, 23, December 7, 14 10AM - Rabbi Jeremy Fine — Talmud 102: 5 More Lessons That Will Change Your Life 11AM - Ernie Gulner — The Book of Job Joshua Fineblum — The 72 Names of God Cost: $10 for one or $15 for both per semester RSVP Required to Susan Tervola, SusanTervola@TempleofAaron.org Permit No. 1328 Twin Cities MN ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAID 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55116-1099 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE Temple of Aaron Congregation
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