Labcut 250P & Labcut 350P The Labcut series of Manual Abrasive Applications

Labcut 250P & Labcut 350P
The Labcut series of Manual Abrasive
Cutting Machines for Production
The Labcut 250P is an abrasive/diamond cutting machine with a manually
operated cutting head and fixturing for production cutting stock lengths of
The machine is floor standing.
Cutting Head
The cutting wheel spindle is driven by a 2.2 kW / 3HP motor using a HTD high
strength belt. The maximum size of cutting wheel which can be fitted is
250mm/10in. A side lever is used to raise/lower the cutting head. A
hydrocheck is fitted to the cutting head to create a constant cutting pressure
and hence reproducible results. This pressure can be adjusted to suit the
cutting process.
Work table & Vice Assembly
The worktable is 275x200mm with a pattern of 4 T-slots. RH & LH Pneumatic
vices are fitted on the table on either side of the cutting wheel. The vices are
activated by a micro-switch located under the raise/lower cutting head lever.
In order to reduce cut length inaccuracies due to flexing when using rubber
bonded abrasive wheels, carbide wheel guides are fitted on the rear jaw of the
vice on either side of the cutting wheel. The wheel guides can be adjusted with
feeler gauges for a minimum gap.
An ejection chute is fitted under the right hand vice and allows cut pieces to roll
into a collector on the side of the machine. The length of the infeed depends
on the length of material stock to be cut. For longer lengths of material the
infeed can be supported on adjustable height supports.
A Canopy with timed safety interlock has large side and front viewing windows.
Side access ports are fitted for the infeed and ejection chute. Special guarding
can also be provided for applications where it is necessary to access the vice
area, for example in handling bent tubes.
Coolant circulation for wet cutting
A coolant tank with circulation pump is fitted in the base cabinet of the cutting
machine. The closed coolant circulation system pumps coolant to a pair of flexible jets
which can be directed towards the area of cutting. A weir is located below the coolant drain
to trap particles of cutting wheel and material.
Electrical information
The front control panel contains controls for cutting head motor, coolant circulation,
emergency stop and interior strip light. The mechanical and electrical build is in conformity
with CE Regulations.
For production applications which involve cutting larger diameter material with
increased power the larger Labcut 350P is preferred to the Labcut 250P.
Increased Cutting Power
The 32mm cutting wheel spindle is driven by a powerful 5.5kW / 7.5HP motor using a
polychain timing and timing pulleys. The maximum size of cutting wheel which can
be fitted is 350mm/14in diameter. A side lever is used to raise or lower the cutting
head during cutting. As with the Labcut 250P a hydrocheck is fitted on the cutting
head to give a constant but adjustable cutting pressure.
Adjusting the wheel speed can be important in assessing the optimum cutting
conditions for a particular material composition. To this end and inverter is available
as an option for wheel speed adjustment between 1500 and 4000 rpm.
Work Table & Vice Assembly
The T-slot work table is designed to accept independent right hand and left hand
pneumatic vices. These vices, although of a similar design to the smaller vices used
with the Labcut 250P, have a larger capacity for larger bar diameters. The vices are
activated by lowering the cutting head and making contact with a micro switch
located under the head. Carbide wheel guides can be incorporated to guide
abrasive cutting wheels during cutting. These guides are not required if diamond
bonded wheels or resin bonded wheels are being used.
Of a similar design but larger then that used on the Labcut 250P. Other features are
Coolant Circulation
High powered cutting of larger diameter bars requires a greater coolant flow to
prevent burning. For the Labcut 350F a large capacity coolant tank is provided,
pumping coolant to two 12.7mm/1/2in diameter flexible jets.
Electrical Information
The front control panel contains controls for cutting head motor, coolant circulation,
emergency stop and interior strip light. The mechanical and electrical build is in
conformity with CE Regulations.
Ordering Information
Abrasive/ Diamond Cutting Machine for industrial cutting
Applications comprising:
Cutting Head with 2.2 kW / 3HP motor
Wheel diameters up to 250mm / 10in
Manual Raise/Lower side lever
Work Table with 4 T-slots
Coolant Circulating System
L250P- 036 Base Cabinet
L250P-300 Hydrocheck for controlled pressure cutting
L250P-260 Independent pneumatic vices activated by cutting head lever
(includes regulator, lubricator, control valves, solenoid, microswitch)
L250P-540 Adjustable carbide wheel guides
L250P-630 Chute and Collector box
L250P-490 Inverter for wheel speed variation 2500 to 5000 rpm
L250P-280 Infeed
L250P-290 Outfeed
L250P-600 Standard End-Stop 1m/3ft
L250P-601 Precision End-Stop 1m/3ft
L250P-200/201 Manual quick lock vice Right Hand or Left Hand
Abrasive/ Diamond Cutting Machine
for industrial cutting application comprising:
Cutting Head with 5.5 kW / 7.5HP motor
Wheel diameters up to 350mm / 14in
Manual Raise/Lower side lever
T-Slot work table
Coolant Circulating System
Base Cabinet
L350P-300 Hydrocheck for controlled pressure cutting
L350P-260 independent pneumatic vices activated by cutting head lever
(includes regulator, lubricator, control valves, solenoid, microswitch)
L350P-540 Adjustable carbide wheel guides
L350P-630 Chute and Collector box
L350P-490 Inverter for wheel speed variation 1500 to 4000 rpm
L350P-280 Infeed
L350P-290 Outfeed
L350P-600 Standard End-Stop 1m/3ft
L350P-601 Precision End-Stop 1m/3ft
L350P-200/201 Manual quick lock vice Right Hand or Left Hand
Labcut 350P Manual Vice with interlocking
leaves for holding thin walled tubing
Labcut 250P Typical fixturing for production
cutting including pneumatic vices, wheel
guides, end stop and ejection chute
Labcut 350P Precision end stop with
micrometer adjustment. Material held in
2 independent pneumatic vices
Labcut 250P Fixturing for diamond cutting of
carbide rods. Photograph shows infeed, outfeed
Micrometer end stop, pneumatic vices, drip trays
Labcut 350P View with the canopy open showing
special fixturing for cutting car axle parts
Labcut 250P View with the canopy open,
showing 2 pneumatic vices for holding
material on both sides of the cut
105A Barkby Road,
LE4 9LG, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 116 276 6715
Fax: +44 (0) 116 246 0213