SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2014 9:30 am SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for all ages - all welcome! 10:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor Keven speaking SCHEDULE: TODAY: NEXT SUNDAY: Nursery (birth - 3) Elaine, Laureen Esther, Krista LPCKids (4 - 9s) Pastor Mary, Sarah Pastor Mary, Amelia, Jewel Welcome Team: Tim & Saralyn Brian & Rosemary Ushers: Taylor, Vernal, Gerald, Bill Murray, Guenther, Vernal, Jerry Sound: Walter, Robert Rick, Brydon Please make arrangements when absent or have a schedule conflict - thanks THIS WEEK GENERAL FUND LPC's 2014 budget calls for $3,750 in General Fund (GF) donations each week to care for all needed expenses including many programs and mission endeavours. Combined GF offering for Oct. 11 & 18 was $11,919.25. Thank you for your faithful giving. COMING EVENTS MOMENTUM Jr. High Convention Fri. - Sat., November 14 - 15 MAK "Spreading the Good News" Sun., November 16, 9:30 am Part 1 "A Helper Arrives" (Sunday School classes up to gr. 8) calling all moms and/or dads to join us for this event! parents, teachers and children in attendance for this special Missions presentation with birthdays (Sept. - Dec.) will be receiving a birthday treat! exciting details coming: MAK (Missions & Kids) offering! YFC DIRECTOR KEVIN NETHERCOTT SPEAKING Sunday, November 23 @ 10:30 am Don't miss it! TUESDAY 7 pm ReignForest @ LPC (JK - grade 4) "FIRESIDE" Sunday, November 23 follows service Jr. High Hype @ LPC (grades 5 - 8) COUNSELLING at LPC (Lorne Shepherd) Wed., November 26 Connect Group @ the Longman's home "What Are You Afraid Of" series by David Jeremiah please contact Russell or Sue (519-291-1009) to attend WEDNESDAY 7 pm Prayer Meeting (Prayer room) FRIDAY 7 pm Youth (see website for details) Connect Group @ the Cumming's home "God Loves You" new series by David Jeremiah please contact Vernal or Laureen to attend (519-887-6766) please bring a finger food item - join us for a visit & goodies! please contact Nancy at to book a confidential session (counselling rate: $50 per 1 hr) REIGNFOREST FLOAT (Town Parade) Sat., November 29 please see Mark, Ange or Betty to help with the float! ANNOUNCEMENTS BOARD NOMINATING RESULT FOR 2015 Russell Longman and Mark Weber have been acclaimed to the church board for 3 year terms. As a result, please note that the Nov. 2/14 congregational business meeting is cancelled. Russell and Mark join existing board members Sandy Bender, Rick Brubacher, David Ellison, and Tim Preston (as they serve the remainder of their unexpired terms). We thank all of LPC’s 2014 board for their excellent service. LPC GROCERY DONATIONS (located in foyer) Non-perishable grocery items appreciated (reminder: no expired items or dented cans). If you know of someone who could use a little help please see coordinators Robyn or Chris Raben. Thanks. LPC CHRISTMAS SEASON EVENTS!! Please watch for sign up dates & event details ReignForest Christmas Float (Town Parade): Saturday, Nov. 29 please see Mark, Ange or Betty to volunteer helping with the set up of the float - thank you Youth Christmas Event: Friday, December 5, time TBA to the Stewarts for a Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings! $5 each to cover travel etc. Christmas Home Parties (Adult event): Sunday, December 7, 6 pm Ben & Jen Stewart and Mark & Ange Weber warmly open their homes for this fun evening together! come & visit your LPC family & enjoy goodies that your hosts have prepared (maps provided on event day) Jr. High Christmas Event: Tuesday, December 9, 7 pm White Elephant Gift Exchange (see Pastors Mary or Steve for details) . . . also an Ugliest Sweater Contest!! Pastors/Board/spouse Christmas Event: Fri., December 12, 6:30 pm supper out (Fireside Cafe, Wingham) please bring a dessert to share at the Preston's home following Family Christmas Celebration: Sunday, December 14, 10:30 am Christmas goodies following! (please bring a finger food item) Annual Family Christmas Breakfast: Sunday, December 21, 9:30 am Christmas Worship Service follows breakfast @ 10:30 am hosts: Rejean & Sylvia C., Bill K., and Wilfried & Silvia W. NOTE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: - no Sunday School on Sundays Dec. 21 & 28 - no mid-week programs the week of Dec. 22 & 29th Pastors Keven & Nancy Rooney Youth & Worship Pastor Steve Carruthers Children's & Youth Creative Arts Pastor Mary Carruthers
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