Priefert Ranch, Mt. Pleasant, Texas &

Priefert Ranch, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
100 Mile Ride Thursday October 30, 2014
50 Mile Ride Saturday November 1, 2014
50 Mile Distance – 300 Lifetime AERC Endurance Miles on Rider. 300 Lifetime AERC
Endurance Miles on Horse. 100 AERC Endurance Miles as a Team.
100 Mile Distance – 500 Lifetime AERC Endurance Miles on Rider. 500 AERC Endurance
Miles on Horse. One 100 Mile AERC Endurance Ride as a Team.
Alternate Qualification (either distance) – If the horse and rider team has completed 1,000
AERC Endurance Miles (rides 50 miles or more only) they are qualified to enter.
Camping: Camp will open Sunday October 26, 2014 & Camp will close Monday November 3, 2014. The
campsite is located among the rolling green hills on the outskirts of Mt. Pleasant, Texas. The Priefert Ranch is
a family-owned and operated 3,000 acre working ranch. The ranch runs a cow/calf operation and is also
involved in the commercial hay business. Priefert Ranch is also home to several horses. Two of these
magnificent horses are Goliath and Radar, both Guinness World Record holders for Tallest Living Horse. The
Priefert Percherons Texas Thunder draft horse hitch is also based on the ranch. It was on this ranch in 1964,
that Marvin Priefert built his first headgate. That single piece of ranch equipment became the foundation of one
of the largest and most respected ranch equipment manufacturing companies in the world. Although Priefert’s
manufacturing facilities have expanded over the years, the one room shop where Marvin invented his
revolutionary side-closing facilities are located adjacent to the ranch, allowing Priefert Ranch to be the first
proving ground for the vast majority of Priefert’s products. That’s why we say Priefert products are “built by
ranchers, for ranchers”.
National Championship Veterinarians: Ken Marcella, DVM (head vet), Mike Foss, DVM, Julie Bullock,
DVM, Val Bixler, DVM, and Dennis Seymore, DVM. (# of veterinarians will be dependent on pre-entries)
Event Photographer: John Nowell Website:http//
Trails: The Terrain is flat to gently rolling hills. Trails will go through cattle pastures, creek crossings, and
some ravines. Trails are very barefoot friendly!
Junior Riders and Junior Sponsors: AERC designates up to $500 to be reimbursed to Junior Riders entered
into the AERC National Championship. After the competition AERC will send out checks to the riders. The
number of riders will be added together in both distances and divided by $500. No one rider can be reimbursed
more than $50. Juniors may be sponsored by unqualified senior riders. The unqualified senior riders will pay
the same entry as the regularly entered riders. The unqualified senior riders will not be eligible for any
placement, weight division, or best condition awards. They will be eligible for completion awards, mileage
only, and the meal associated with the distance entered.
Official 2014 National Championship T-Shirt: T-Shirt’s can be purchased for $15 on the entry form. To
guarantee the T-Shirt size you want please pre-order your shirts. If you would like a free T-Shirt please check
out being an Official National Championship Volunteer.
Official National Championship Volunteer: Individuals wanting to be a volunteer need to contact Sue
Phillips Volunteers will receive a National Championship T-Shirt and meals. Meals will
be dependent on the day or days that are volunteered for. To guarantee a T-Shirt and meals please contact Sue
Phillips ahead of time so the T-Shirts and meals can be preplanned.
Route yourself with your own directions to arrive in Mt. Pleasant, Texas.
If you have a GPS – you can use the intersection of Hwy 271 and CR 2040, Mt. Pleasant, Texas. (The
turn will be South of Priefert Manufacturing Company.) Follow camp signs!
If traveling on I-30 exit# 160 onto Hwy 271 South. You will turn Right onto CR 2040. (The right hand
turn will be (South of Priefert Manufacturing Company). Follow camp signs!
From the North continue on Hwy 271 South through Mt Pleasant, Texas turn Right onto CR 2040. (The
right hand turn will be South of Priefert Manufacturing Company). Follow camp signs!
From the South continue on Hwy 271 North just into Mt Pleasant, Texas turn Left onto CR 2040. (The
left hand turn will be South of Priefert Manufacturing Company). Follow camp signs!
“Times are an approximation at this point”
Wednesday (10/29/14)
Registration Opens – 1:00PM
Vet-In – 5:00PM–6:00PM
Meet & Greet – 6:00PM
Rider Briefing - 7:00PM
Thursday (10/30/14) 100 Mile National Championship Ride
Trail Open – 6:00AM
Friday (10/31/14)
Best Condition Judging – 9:00AM
100 Mile Awards/Brunch – 10:00AM
Bombproof Horsemanship 12:00PM
Registration Opens – 2:00PM
Vet-In – 3:00PM-4:00PM
Halloween Party/Meet & Greet – 6:00PM
Rider Briefing – 7:00PM
Saturday (11/1/14) 50 Mile National Championship Ride
Trail Open – 7:00AM
Best Condition Judging – TBD
50 Mile Awards/Dinner – 7:00PM
Priefert Ranch, Mt. Pleasant, TX
100 Mile – Thursday October 30, 2014
50 Mile – Saturday November 1, 2014
Rider Name:____________________________________________________ Rider AERC#:______________________________
Phone:___________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact:_____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
Equine Name:______________________________________________ Equine AERC#:______________ Sex:______ Age:_____
Equine Owner Name:______________________________________________________ Equine Owner AERC#:____________
ONE ENTRY FORM PER DISTANCE (Please Circle Distance and Weight Division, Unqualified Jr. Sponsor circle Sr. fee)
AERC 100 Sr. $275
Weight Division Junior
AERC 100 Jr. $250
FW(up thru 160)
AERC 50 Sr. $200
AERC 50 Jr. $175
HW(210 and up)
Jr. Rider Birthdate:____________ Jr. Rider Sponsor Name:________________________________________________________
(Junior Rider AERC Discount (up to $50) will be refunded to Rider after completion from AERC Office)
ENTRY FEE (includes all camping and ranch user fees)
EXTRA FEES (please include with above rider fees this helps in planning)
Friday October 31, 2014 Brunch (free to 100 mile riders) #_________ X $15.00=
Saturday November 1, 2014 Dinner (free to 50 mile riders) #________X $20.00=
Official 2014 National Championship T-Shirts(unisex size________)#_______X$15.00=
Make Check or Money Order out to Khristin Seymore
TOTAL $____________
TERA (Texas Endurance Riders Association) and OCER (Ozark Country Endurance Riders) will be hosting a meet and
greet on Wednesday Evening Oct. 29, 2014, and a Halloween Party Friday Evening Oct. 31, 2014. Please give a number
of attendees from your group so we can have enough food and drinks.
10/29/14 #__________
What day will you be arriving?______________ What day will you be leaving?_______________________
DO NOT MAIL ENTRIES POSTMARKED AFTER October 21, 2014(this way they don’t get missed in the mail)
ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT RIDE SITE.(Please email name and distance if you will be an onsite entry)
(onsite entry riders completion awards can be ordered after the ride and mailed at participants expense)
Please Mail Entry Form, Liability Release, Check/Money Order, and Copy of Current Negative Coggins to:
Monica Chapman, 2014 AERC NC Ride Secretary, 8270 Wood Rd, Pleasanton, Ks 66075
Entry and qualification related questions 913 530-6913 or
All other questions go to NC Ride Manager Khristin Seymore
903 563-6639 or
Refund Policy: Full Refund by Oct. 7, 2014. All but $50 refunded by Oct. 21, 2014. All but $50 and Meal
Fees if notified after Oct. 21, 2014. Must be in writing(refunds issued after competition)
2014 AERC National Championship
100 Mile – Oct. 30, 2014
50 Mile – Nov. 1, 2014
I, _______________________________________ wish to enter and participate in the 2014 AERC National Championship Ride, to be
held on Oct. 30, 2014 through Nov. 1, 2014. I have read the rules, conditions, and regulations of the event and will comply with
them. As a participant in the ride, I agree to abide by the rules of all applicable sanctioning organizations, including Ame rican
Endurance Ride Conference (AERC).
I hereby knowingly execute this waiver of the right to sue and do hereby agree to assume all risks associated with participating in
the ride located on the premises of the Priefert Ranch, Mt. Pleasant, Texas. I agree that my participation in the ride invol ves certain
inherent risks, which include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) horseback riding involves being in remote areas for extended
periods of time, far from communications, transportation, and medical facilities; that these areas can have many natural and manmade hazard which ride management cannot anticipate, identify, modify, or eliminate, these hazardous surfaces/subsurface
conditions including such things as rocks, trees, puddles, streams, fences, jumps and/or other hard objects and/or holes, divots,
ledges which could cause an equine to trip and/or fall and/or strike a participant who falls from or is thrown from an equine; (2)
that horses can behave in unpredictable ways which can result in accidents to anyone at any time, resulting in injury, severe injury,
or death; (3) that an equine’s reactions to sound, movements, objects, vehicles, persons, animals, scents or insects cannot be
predicted. I agree to take full responsibility for myself/my child, and the animal I/my child is riding. I will hold harmless the
AERC its officers and all individual members thereof. Priefert Ranch and all property owners over whose land the ride crosses,
their representatives, successors, and assigns, for any accident, injury or loss that might occur due to my participation in this ride,
and free from all liability for such injury or loss, including that due to negligence not caused by wanton or willful misconduct of
Priefert Ranch or ride personnel. This release extends to all claims of every kind and nature whatsoever, whether known or
unknown, and I expressly waive any benefits that I may otherwise have under provisions of the law of Texas relating to the release
of known claims. I understand that this release constitutes a limitation on my legal rights. Any action instituted against Priefert
Ranch must be filed in the State of Texas. Under Texas Law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an
injury or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting exclusively from the inherent risks of equine activities (Chapter 87
of the Texas General Statues).
I hereby certify that my horse is not under the influence of medication and will not be treated with or given any medications
prohibited by AERC rules. I also hereby give permission to AERC or its duly appointed agent to take any appropriate action
deemed necessary to check for possible administration of drugs to my horse. The undersigned verifies acceptance of risks and
responsibilities for rider’s and horses’ conditions and certifies that all information on this form is correct to the best of his/her
I have read the above, understand it, and agree to abide by this.
Rider’s Signature:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian of Junior Rider’s Signature:____________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian of Junior Rider (Please Print):___________________________________________________________________________
Horse Owner’s Signature (if not rider):__________________________________________________________________________________
Horse Owner’s Name (Please Print):_______________________________________________________________________ _____________
Consent for Junior Riders: I accept for AERC rules that apply to my entry and recognize the ability of this junior to substitute a
sponsor during the ride as allowed and, in my absence, consent to emergency medical treatment or aid to said Junior rider.
Name of Junior Rider:_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed (Parent/Guardian):_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian (print):___________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________